Only 6 books in so a great series to read over the holiday season. As with her previous work in projects like Secretary and The Honorable Woman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, doesn’t shy away from the raw underside of humanity in Netflix’s The Kindergarten Teacher. Please note that as an Amazon Associate, I earn money from qualifying purchases. They need it more than me. [Read our critics’ list of the year’s best TV including new series, streaming and foreign fare.]. Bine ai venit în punctul de întâlnire pentru iubitorii de cărti, ceai, muzică, dichis. They include the following novels: My Brilliant Friend (2012), The Story of a New Name (2013), Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay (2014), and The Story of the Lost Child (2015). en vain les clefs — et plus encore, les serrures. People always like to read stories which they can really relate to and Elena seems to encapsulate this perfectly in her books. Read 7 424 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Eleanor Stanford, Parul Sehgal and Joshua Barone – Dec 10, 2018, This conversation includes spoilers for the first season of “My Brilliant Friend.”, When Saverio Costanzo, the director of HBO’s “My Brilliant Friend,” wanted to cut the story’s final wedding scene, Elena Ferrante pushed back, saying it was the scene she initially imagined when she wrote her four-part series of Neapolitan novels, of which “My Brilliant Friend” is the first. I suspect that I reread it later in the summer and, in a fit of embarrassment, threw it away. Perhaps some of the appeal of her books is down to the fact that no one really knows how she is and could be a bit of clever marketing, rather than anything to do with the privacy of the author. Although the HBO series is a successful adaptation, it has not shaken my belief that great novelists, and I include Ferrante in this category, provide access to the interior lives of fictional characters in a way film cannot. The series focuses on the friendship of Elene Greco and Lila Cerullo, two girls who meet during 1950s primary school. You can read the conversation about the final two episodes here, and the rest here. “Elena Ferrante’s gutsy and compulsively readable new novel, the first of a quartet, is a terrific entry point for Americans unfamiliar with the famously reclusive writer, whose go-for-broke tales of women’s … It was first published during 2002 and was later published during 2005 by Europa … One of the best book series ever. Ihre vierbändige Neapolitanische Saga – bestehend aus Meine geniale Freundin, Die … qu’être auteure ? Das Nachrichtenmagazin Time zählte sie 2016 zu den 100 einflussreichsten Personen weltweit. My Brilliant Friend ends in the year 1960, midway through the Italian “economic miracle”—il boom—that helped modernize the then-rural South. It is fair to say that despite Elena being a true mystery and the fact that she has only really published a handful of novels, she has enjoyed huge success, both through awards and nominations and the fact that two of her novels have made it into movies. She is the author of The Neapolitan novels. The NYPD Red series, which he co-authors with Marshall Karp, is quietly becoming one of the most favoured by readers and the latest book hits bookshelves this month. This is just as well. The New York Times: You’ve Finished Watching ‘My Brilliant Friend.’ Here’s What to Do Next. Tetralogia Napolitana, scrisa de Elena Ferrante, contine 4 Volume:. Elena Ferrante, quelle qu’elle soit, est une amoureuse de la littérature : dans les multiples exemples que contient Frantumaglia — lettres, courriers aux lecteurs, à l’éditeur, interviews, etc. The film is faithful to the novel although (except for the occasional voiceover) we do not have Elena’s narrative voice, her complicated, often contradictory thoughts, or her deeply felt but sometimes barely understood emotions. HBO has confirmed it will air eight more episodes covering Ferrante’s second Neapolitan novel, “The Story of a New Name.”. Quel personnage-auteur se profile donc ? elle ne comptait alors que deux livres publiés, dont l’un, prix Elsa Morante, fut adapté au cinéma par Mario The film begins with Lila’s disappearance and Elena’s attempt to recapture her friend by recording everything she can remember. The company announced that the second novel in Elena Ferrante’s best-selling Neapolitan series, The Story of a New Name, will be adapted for TV, coming on the heels of HBO and RAI’s production of the saga’s first book, My Brilliant Friend, which will wrap up on Dec. 9. The Neapolitan Novels are a 4-part series by the Italian author Elena Ferrante, translated by Ann Goldstein and published by Europa Editions (New York). What only a novel … There is more than an air of mystery surrounding the true identity of Elena Ferrante, who has used this pen name on her novels to date, never revealing the true person behind the writing. January 2019. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The Story of a New Name book. My Brilliant Friend chronicles such an evolution in perspective, as Elena, or Lenù, as she’s affectionately called, and her best friend, Lila, grapple with either accepting their own assumed roles within the community or devising an improbable means of escape. Love her though I did, my best friend oftentimes baffled and vexed me, and I’m certain that she felt similarly about me. What we do know, however, is that ‘Elena’ is Italian and certain things she has written to journalists appear to signify that she is most probably female and perhaps even a mother. • Here at the Times we gathered a weekly group of Ferrante fans to discuss the show as it aired. But the effects of Northern industrialization seem to have barely trickled down to Ferrante’s Neapolitan suburb; the poverty, the miseria, is still everywhere. Another of Elena’s novels which made it onto the big screen was The Days of Abandonment or l giorni dell’abbandono. You’ve watched all eight episodes of HBO’s “My Brilliant Friend.” Maybe you’ve also gone back and rewatched some of the early episodes with the young actresses playing Lila and Lenù. Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels trace the lifelong friendship of Elena Greco and Lila Cerullo, born a month apart in a working-class neighborhood in Naples in 1944. Povestea fetitei disparute . Days of Abandonment Elena Ferrante The Days of Abandonment was written by bestselling author Elena Ferrante. The next evening, Elena, 60 years old, sits down at her laptop to write the story of a friendship. Elena Ferrante … With many stories having female characters who are perhaps more than a little introverted, the true spirit of the girls is what makes this such an inspirational read. The story was also co-written by the director, Mario Martone and was mainly situated in Naples. The Wall Street Journal: The eight-part HBO adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s novel about childhood friends is an irresistible achievement. Elena thought that Lila was still ahead of her in everything, “as if she were going to a secret school.”. The performances are convincing, the movement from scene to scene is pleasurable, the music is complementary but unobtrusive, and the set decoration is impeccable. Download it once and read it on your … à l’autre, et si elle livre des données biographiques, ces dernières sont encore romancées, et l’on cherchera The links beside each book title will take you to Amazon, who I feel are the best online retailer for books where you can read more about the book, or purchase it. The show opens on the blue glow of a vibrating phone in a darkened bedroom in the middle of the night. Elena Ferrante (* 1943 in Neapel[1]) ist das Pseudonym einer italienischen Schriftstellerin, die sich unter Wahrung ihrer Anonymität seit den 1990er Jahren als Romanautorin einen Namen gemacht hat. September 1, 2015 • Elena Ferrante is the pen name of an anonymous Italian author. If you see one missing just send me an e-mail below. Sadly, their different paths eventually lead to the demise of their relationship, which is a storyline that many people can relate to. And like My Brilliant Friend’s Elena—who, in despair, awaits letters from her own best friend, Lila—I grew increasingly agitated that my friend’s silence confirmed my fear. According to Variety, My Brilliant Friend’s first seasonis based on Elena Ferrante’s book, with which the series shares a name. Each novel takes you into a different time in the girls’ lives, with the first being children, the second in their early 20s and their third mid 20’s to early 30’s and so on as the story unravels. Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels (rumored to be at least in part semi-autobiographical) have turned this mysterious, pseudonymous Italian novelistwhose real identity is still unknown thirty years since … Elena Ferrante is a pseudonymous Italian novelist. Each month I pick a charity and ask that you support them instead. More Details / Buy. The Story of a New Name, Europa Editions, 2013 . My Brilliant Friend is an account, painstaking and digressive and emotionally devastating, of the friendship between Elena (Lenù) Greco and Raffaella (Lila) Cerullo between the ages of six and sixteen. Un travail de fourmi et de patience, mais qui ne fit que lui attirer les foudres des lecteurs. The Cerullo’s are the shoemakers; the Solara’s tend the café; the Carracci’s run the grocery; the Scanno’s sell fruits and vegetables, and so on, personal identities affixed through the symbiosis of small-town commerce, generations worth of friendship and rivalry. Thanks! The series is based around the characters of Elena and Lila who are two young girls trying to survive in an impecunious part of Naples after the war. The series has been characterized as a bildungsroman, or coming-of-age story. Deadline: Maggie Gyllenhaal on ‘The Kindergarten Teacher’, ‘The Deuce’ & Not Starring in Her Elena Ferrante Adaptation, Chestnut Hill Local: HBO’s ‘My Brilliant Friend’ adds to Ferrante original, Fast Company: HBO gives the world more Ferrante with “My Brilliant Friend” season 2. How else to prolong the mood and magic of Ferrante’s world? The movie brought with it a lot of success, winning 3 David di Donatello Awards and a nomination at the Cannes Film Festival. Lina is also an intelligent girl with a lot of drive and determination and the characters of the two are captivating. Elena is the narrator of the novel and appears to be a clever girl who is no stranger to a bit of hard craft. Either way, there are bound to be more novels to look forward to in the future from Elena, particularly with the success she enjoyed in 2005. He has multiple series that all take place within the “Bosch Universe” and reading them within that order is imperative. The novels have proved to be a hit with readers from all over the globe and most of this is down to the fact that the stories involve human relationships and feelings. Only one leniency forestalled total cultural isolation: We were permitted to write and receive letters in English. It shows the challenges she has to overcome as she tried to life herself from the despair of the situation, so she can start to enjoy life again. — elle affirme une réflexion sur ce métier. The New York Times: Has HBO’s ‘My Brilliant Friend’ Finale Left You Wanting More? Copyright © Europa Editions 2020 | Privacy Policy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Every 2 weeks we send out an e-mail with 6-8 Book Recommendations. However, The Story of the Lost Child is based around the women reuniting and how they manage to get their friendship back on track. Her first novel, Troubling Love was also made into a movie, entitled ‘Nasty Love’ or L’amore Molesto and was released in 1995, also featuring in Cannes Film Festival the same year. Les deux, en réalité : quand elle cite Freud et Totem et Tabou , c’est pour The Story of … The Italian HBO Series Has Been Met With Serious Praise. The two have a strong friendship in the beginning, but go on to explore different paths in their lives, with Lila settling down and Elena continuing to find out more about herself and enjoying the journey as she does it. Elena Ferrante ist eine italienische Schriftstellerin, die seit dem Erscheinen ihres ersten Romans im Jahr 1992 unter diesem Pseudonym schreibt. I tracked evidence that pointed to her reciprocated affection—the number of weekends spent together, the fond remarks, the articulated assurance that I was her best friend. The story follows them throughout their entire lives, unraveling the secrets and intricacies of their friendship. wanted to cut the story’s final wedding scene. Din 2014, Elena Ferrante a fost tradusă în limba engleză și, de-atunci, neîncetat, cititorii caută să afle cine este. Bitchmedia: In “My brilliant friend,” companionship and survival are forever linked, Medium: MY BRILLIANT FRIEND: A Woman’s Place Is in the Resistance. • In his Times review of the show, James Poniewozik calls the series “as intimate as ‘Game of Thrones’ is sweeping,” noting that “My Brilliant Friend” “stands out in an HBO drama-series lineup that has been dominated by turbulent men.”. The film begins with Lila’s disappearance and Elena’s attempt to recapture her friend by recording everything she can remember. Perhaps the most influential of Ferrante’s novels is the 4 part series which consists of My Brilliant Friend (2012), The Story of a New Name (2013), Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay (2014) and The Story of the Lost Child (2015.). Elena is the narrator of the novel and appears to be a clever girl who is no stranger to a bit of hard craft. Začeli so jo prevajati leta 2005, za njen sloves – kaj sloves, pravo »ferrantemanijo« – izven matične Italije, kjer … Read on for what to read and watch now that we’ve left the neighborhood. À l’incarner. We may even see more of her books being turned into movies in the future and perhaps some more nominations and awards will be coming her way. I was her confidant, but I often worried that my disposition condemned me to need her more than she would ever need me. Elena Ferrante e un fenomen. I had forgotten to make note of my best friend’s home address, but assumed the issue would be resolved when she sent her first letter to me. I’ve been in the grip of Ferrante Fever since 2013, have read all Ferrante’s novels at least three times and have written a book, “In Search of Elena Ferrante,” to help me better understand why these books have had such a hold on my imagination and on the imaginations of millions of readers worldwide. I am often asked by readers of the site if I accept donations as a “thank you” for the work I put into the site. Lina is also an intelligent girl with a lot of drive and determination and the characters of the two are … Povestea noului nume. In the novel, Ferrante writes that Elena admitted that in some hidden part of herself she looked forward to attending a school where Lila would never enter, where without competition from Lila she would be the best student, and that she might sometimes tell Lila about her experiences, boasting about her success. Elena is an important novelist of the Italian generation and last year she even featured on the prestigious New York Times, top 10 Best Books of 2015 for The Story of the Lost Child, which is quite an accolade for any author. The book is the first in a series of four, and Season 2 will take on the next installment, “The Story of a New Name.” “We’re thrilled that Elena Ferrante’s epic story has resonated so powerfully with viewers and critics, and we look forward to the continuing journey of Elena and Lila,” Casey Bloys, president of HBO Programming, said, per Variety. All works by Elena Ferrante. Car elle est romancière d’un bout