We want to make life easier for all the international students coming to Karlsruhe and ensure that they can make the best out of their time here. Check the website or ask the lecturer for what kind of exam will be held, In order to register for exams follow the procedure explained in the video, Click on the signpost icon next respective department, Click on the course for which you want to register, To register for the exam click on the symbol next to the status, If you write a Bachelor/Master thesis, follow the registration procedure as described above but select the 15/30 ECTS placeholder, Select a placeholder in the above process, Get a blue sheet (Prüfungszulassung) from the MPA for each exam, Ask the lecturer or his/her office how to register with a blue sheet, Make sure you are still in Karlsruhe for the exam, Dates for oral exams can sometimes be arranged with the lecturer, Remember to register for the exam in time, You can change your Learning Agreement at any time of your stay. In research and education, KIT assumes responsibility for contributing to the sustainable solution of the grand challenges that face the society, industry, and the environment. 50.20, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany erasmus aqreement@intl.kit.edu KIT — International Students Office Adenauerring 2, Geb. Furthermore they can brush up their French in language courses at the Langauge Center of KIT or at the Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand. Fachkoordinator: Prof. Dr. Olivier Eiff: Kontaktperson für Incomings/Outgoings: Angelika Fels. About the University. This website is intended for incoming students who plan to register or already have registered at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik). erasmus-civil∂bgu.kit.edu. The follwing section will give you some short introduction to prepare your stay at KIT. Patrick Langeveld from Eindhoven studied for one ERASMUS semester in Karlsruhe (Germany) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Opening hours Secretary Mo.-Fr. KIT. Status. This website is intended for incoming students who plan to register or already have registered at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik). Um einen allgemeinen Überblick über das ERASMUS+ -Programm zu erhalten und Ihre Bewerbung vorzubereiten, sollten Sie auf jeden Fall die Informationsveranstaltungen des International Students Office (IStO) besuchen und den AK ERASMUS kontaktieren. Erasmus / international cooperations / scholarships: Melanie Schillo. Laboratories / Seminars (Praktika / Seminare): You must register! Campus South Bldg. Hey you are planning on going abroad for your Erasmus? : +49 721 608-43800 (Make sure that‘s also ok with your home university! Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBT), Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ), Institute for Information Processing Technologies (ITIV), Institute of Micro- und Nanoelectronic Systems (IMS), Institut für Elektroenergiesysteme und Hochspannungstechnik (IEH), Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE), Institute of Industrial Information Technology (IIIT), Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme (IRS), Institute of Materials for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IAM), Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology (IHM), Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT), Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, letzte Änderung: Born in Marburg. The lecture period in Germany starts quite late compared to other european countries. Fakultät für Architektur. of English-taught Study Programs. 1. Erasmus: Bewerbung: ... Free Mover: Schreiben Sie eine kurze Email an overseas-in Ytu5 ∂intl kit edu anschließend erhalten Sie Informationen zum Bewerbungsablauf. Contact us digitally and we can try to help you or arrange an individual meeting: If you like our work and purpose, you can support us with a donation. Please be aware that you have to contact the supervisor named in the announcement of the Topics before you arrive in Germany. 7 76131 Karlsruhe Germany ), At least 50% of the courses you choose have to be from the department of electrical engineering and information technology (ETIT), You can only do one laboratory at most per semester, Pre-semester German langauge course (3 weeks, 4 ECTS, 75 €), German language course during the semester (during the semester, 4-8 ECTS, free of charge). Erasmus Jogging Karlsruhe. KIT - Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics - Erasmus Mundus PhD Program Mai für das kommende Wintersemester bzw. We organise a lot of events throughout the semester to bring international and local students together. Join us! Phone +49 721 608-44911 Fax +49 721 608-44907 Contact Form. 16 . Please also note the … Born in Dhaka. Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. 77 likes. None of this would be possible without the voluntary work of the ESN members, who are regular students just like you. Technical University. Department of Mathematics. Studied at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (KSOP) was founded in 2006 as the first graduate school at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). You have some questions or want to get to know ESN? public. Information for Erasmus students in KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany: blogs, experiences and photos. Welcome to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology! Alright, bad news first: The KIT (IStO) itself does not provide any accommodation for international students. We are happy to share our experiences and help you through the application process. Even though some of the pages are only listed in German, it is normally no problem to do your thesis in English. We are also dedicated to help local students going abroad. On our website we collected a lot of information for your stay abroad. All courses offered by the university can be found in the online University Calendar: Please make sure to select the right semester in the dropdown menu on the top right. The Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (KSOP) was founded in 2006 as the first graduate school at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). Here you can find an overview about the institutes together with a short introduction of each. Unfortunately the housing situation in Karlsruhe is quite tensed (as it is in most German cities). 16 English Study Program s at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) All important info for international students in Germany (2020/2021) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 23% . A room in a shared flat costs between 300 and 450 Euros. We want to make life easier for all the international students coming to Karlsruhe and ensure that they can make the best out of their time here. Simply follow these steps: In order to improve your German skills we recommend you to participate in a pre-semester German language course and/or in a course during the semester: If you are interested in doing a Bachelor- or Masterthesis as an Erasmus student you can look for open topics at the webpages of the institutes of our department. T +49 (0) 721 / 8203 2371 ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)eciffo-lanoitanretni Room 377. Kontakt: erasmus Dii9 ∂etit kit edu . Tutorials / Excercises (Tutorien / Übungen): Supplemental to the lectures, also facultative but recommended. Anders Kriependorf. Search. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology D-76128 Karlsruhe Germany Tel. The periods are normally, The exact dates for each year can be found here. 4 76131 Karlsruhe. Here on our website we have a lot of informations for you. Students. International students. KARLSRUHE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Chemistry and Biosciences Erasmus code CZ PRAHA07 D KARLSRUOI Contact detailsl (Name, E-mail, Phone) RNDr. How much does it cost to live in Karlsruhe? Don't hesitate to, You want to know how the application process works for your university course? Welcome to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology! After being nominated by your home university for an ERASMUS exchange with KIT ... Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Adenauerring 2 76131 Karlsruhe. For everyone - don't hesitate to join :)https://karlsruhe.esn-germany.de/digital. KIT: Facts and Figures Currently, about 24,000 students are enrolled at KIT. Both have a large campus and offer sport activities or other things. Here you will get the latest news about all the events during the Orientation-Week and about student life here in Karlsruhe.The O-Phase is one week that is planned and Join us for a little jogging tour in Karlsruhe, we will let you know where and when we will go running ;) Has a scholarship Rome 2020 / 2021 at university Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' Mahfuja -A- Khuda . 22 year old dude looking for accommodation in Karlsruhe. With approximately 9,200 employees and an annual budget of more than 780 million €, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the world's largest research and teaching facilities. Therefore, only one Laboratory per semester is allowed and we strongly recommend you to look for an alternative course in advance, in case you do not get a place in the lab. ESN Karlsruhe e.V.Adenauerring 4building 50.21, room 106/10776131 KarlsruheGermany, The ESN Satellite is made by the IT committee of ESN International, https://www.kit.edu/kit/english/25911.php#waiver%20of%20tuition%20fees, If you want to know more about accomodation, leisure activities and surviving in Karlsruhe, just browse through our, You want to join our orientation week to get to know us and other international students? This website is intended for incoming students who plan to register or already have registered at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik). What is the Erasmus O-Phase? Are you an international applicant interested in degree-seeking studies, PhD, internship, Erasmus or overseas exchange at KIT?. IESN (International Erasmus Student Network) Karlsruhe; International Student Center ; Akademische Ressourcen: Fachschaft Informatik. KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz … Welcome to the homepage of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Karlsruhe! Geb. Furthermore, there is the AK-Erasmus student group which provides a lot of information on their website too. Erasmus Karlsruhe. Please also note the office hours of our individual employees WS means winter term and SS is the summer term. Campus South Bldg. You will find all information and the registration, Your questions are still not answered? Currently only available via email or phone. Opening hours Secretary Mo.-Fr. Hey you are planning on coming to Karlsruhe? Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Student Center of Mechanical Engineering (SCM) and Internship Office Building 10.91 2nd floor, room 225 Engelbert-Arnold-Str. Edita Tylová Ph.D. edmunz@natur.cuni.cz +420 221951679 Andrea Morlock-Scherm, Institutional Coordinator Erasmus aqreement@intl.kit.edu Maren Daniell, Erasmus incoming coordinator erasmus-in@jntl.kit.edu +49 … Places are limited and cannot be guaranteed. A room in Karlsruhe is expensive (in my opinion). Institutional Information 1.1. Therefore, you will need to take care of that yourself. In his following report, he tries to answer the question: “Studying in a neighboring country, why should you do that?” From the moment that I had to decide where I wanted to go for my international semester, I was sure that this should be Germany. The follwing section will give you some short introduction to prepare your stay at KIT. SCHEDULEREGISTRATIONWelcome to Karlsruhe!Dear incoming students, Welcome to Karlsruhe!This is the official website of the Orientation-Week (O-Phase) for international students of the winter semester 2020/2021. B. den Verkauf von alten Klausuren und Prüfungsprotokollen oder die Vermietung von Schließfächern im Infobau. : +49 (0721) 608-44927, Fax: … : 50.20, Room 106. Each of them has its own research focus and together they cover almost the complete area of electrical engineering from electric energy systems and automation engineering to materials science and information and communication technology. However we hope that the following tips will help you to improve your chance to find a place to stay.First, check To obtain more information about the KIT in general and to make a good start here, you can find a lot of information on the website of the International Office. Welcome to the homepage of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Karlsruhe! We collected a lot of information throughout the last years, just have a look at our, You are about to leave or just came back? 9 am-12 am Closed on Tuesday. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology consists of 17 separate institutes. Studierende des Fachbereichs, die Sie bei Fragen zum Studium beraten, bieten verschiedenen Dienstleistungen an, wie z. November für das folgende Sommersemester. Selected KIT-students have the opportunity to participate in French language courses for double degree students organized by KIT-DeFI. 2. Students. Erasmus students Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Karlsruhe in 2020 / 2021 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Please be aware that a Bachelorthesis at KIT consists of 15 ETCS and lasts 3 month. 04.05.2020, KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Mechatronik und Informationstechnik (MIT), Corona: Informationen und Handlungsempfehlungen ETIT, University Calendar (Vorlesungsverzeichnis), Lecture Period: End of October - Middle of February, Exam Period: Middle of February - Middle of April, Lecture Period: Middle of April - End of July, Exam Period: End of July - Middle of October, You do not have to attend lectures, however, we recommend you to do, You do not have to register to attend the lectures. Information for foreign students . Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students. Welcome to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology! das gesamte akademische Jahr 1. KIT - Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics - Programs - MSc Program - International Cooperations - Erasmus Mundus EUROPHOTONICS Erasmus-Program: Who can apply for Erasmus? Here you will find information and services regarding study and funding opportunities, preparation, application and realization of a stay at KIT, and about student life in Germany and Karlsruhe. Sprachanforderungen: Überseeaustauschstudierende: Für Architektur mindestens … If you plan your stay, please make sure your are still in Kalrsruhe when exams take place. Open topics for Bachelor- or Mastertheses are listed at the following webpages for each institute. Check the lab's website or write an e-mail to the person in charge. : +49 (0721) 608-44918, Fax: +49 (0721) 608-44907 Email: erasmus-out@intl.kit.edu KIT — International Students Office Adenauerring 2, Geb. Rennes. A Masterthesis consist of 30 ECTS and last 6 month; it is not possible to attend lectures besides a Masterthesis. 0049 (0)721 608-42201. Currently lives in Port Charlotte. 50.20, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Tel. Register for your courses on Ilias - https://ilias.studium.kit.edu, More information are available in the VVZ and the websites of the lectures - https://campus.studium.kit.edu/, Information from KIT about Corona situation (and possible fee refunding): https://www.kit.edu/kit/english/25911.php#waiver%20of%20tuition%20fees, If you have any questions for your studies - just contact us at info@esn-karlsruhe.de ;), New: Our digital platform - digital events and possibilities we are offering. You have some questions or want to get to know us? I would like a room with other female roomates or an... one year ago . D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Web: www.kit.edu; www.intl.kit.edu KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association www.kit.edu Institutional Factsheet for KIT – Version 2018/19 1. : 50.20, Room 106. 24.000. This website is intended for incoming students who plan to register or already have registered at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik).