From composition and recording to mixing and editing, you will go through the entire production chain of your music. Freiburg. In addition, we use some cookies that serve to obtain information about user behavior on this website and to continuously improve our website on the basis of this information. Your semester plan includes elementary music theory exercises in the areas of music notation, composition and aural training, reflection on the history of pop music and a first musical fire test at the freshmen's concert. Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik gGmbH. You will learn techniques to present your own artistic visions professionally and to interact with an audience. Hochschule für Musik. You can finance your Advertising studies through BAföG, student loans, education funds and scholarships. in Berlin (Priv. BEWERBUNG. Here you can find details about the cookies on our website. Your individual artistic and creative strengths, which are expressed in the music examples submitted, should relate to the following focal points: The result of the pre-selection will decide whether the candidate will take part in the practical entrance examination. What do you expect from studying? This is our application process: The entrance examination includes a 30-minute written exam with music theory, ear training and sound engineering content. your self-made artistic presentation with two titles, theoretical and practical tasks and questions and. They can be your own compositions or interpretations/arrangements of foreign works, lasting at least one and at most four minutes. In this way we ensure that you receive the best possible education under optimal study conditions. You will work on your performance live in front of an audience, in the studio or in the context of a video production. FH) 1981 Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg i. Br. Jetzt 1980 Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg i. Br. Laborbesichtigungen. Your are facing visa delays and travel restrictions? In addition, you will acquire knowledge in the handling of different instrument groups and gain routine in working with notation and production programs. We use cookies to make your visit to our website as pleasant as possible. Für Hochschulmitarbeiter. Sorry, we have not found any results for„“. thesis, which may also include artistic and creative parts. In addition, we use some cookies that serve to obtain information about user behavior on this website and to continuously improve our website on the basis of this information. Die Hochschule Macromedia, University of Applied Sciences, ist bekannt als Hochschule zur Gestaltung des Digitalen Wandels. We would be pleased to send you information material to your home. Audio Design and B.Mus. Since December 2020, the time has finally come: We put our old site in the cupboard with nice memories and are lifting the new one. All songs were either (co-)composed, interpreted, arranged and/or produced by our students! We are sorry, unfortunately something must have gone wrong. Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg Durchsuchen Auflistungen 100.000 bis 250.000 Einwohner 250.000 bis 500.000 Einwohner bis 100.000 Einwohner über 500.000 Einwohner Founded in 2010, Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg (School of Art, Design and Popular Music of Freiburg) is a private higher education institution located in the large town of Freiburg im Breisgau (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Baden-Wurttemberg. At the end of your studies you will write your B.A. ... Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (online Veranstaltung) D_ART online Workshop ... in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik & Wirtschaft inkl. Der Name ist Programm. Fakultät Musik. Ehemalige Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst. Join us and learn everything you need to know about SRH Berlin, our Music & Media programmes, the application process, financing your studies and more! 6. During an internship at home or abroad or study abroad you will expand your professional repertoire in a targeted manner and establish direct contact with the business world and the various music scenes. BACHELOR AND MORE: Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg (hKDM) in Freiburg - Übersicht der Bachelorstudiengänge und Infos zum Bachelor-Studium Das Studium. University website: If the computer is your instrument, study Audio Design! Explore Study Abroad programs in Freiburg, Germany such as Popular Music/ International Programm in Popular Music (hKDM) from Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg (hKDM) In the sixth semester you enter the field of music education, get to know different methods of individual and group lessons and move your own artistic work more strongly into the educational context. Ehem. With at least one title. 12435 Berlin : Design Akademie Berlin Prinzenstraße 84.1 10969 Berlin : Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Europa Dessauer Straße 3-5 10963 Berlin : Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft Ackerstraße 76 13355 Berlin : Hochschule Macromedia Mehringdamm 33 10961 Berlin In this way we ensure that you receive the best possible education under optimal study conditions. Berlin School of Popular Arts (SOPA) on Spotify. Etwas über 200 Studierende haben Weiterlesen… Where do you see yourself in the future? Bildende Kunst. Jobmesse Berlin. Hand in hand with industry and the creative economy, Confirmed quality in teaching and research, Berlin School of Design and Communication, Fill in your application and attach your documents. Topics related to artist development are now on the agenda, including building and maintaining your own portfolio, creating your press kit, CD and EP production, as well as concert and tour planning. The following are possible: Voice, piano, guitar, electric bass, double bass, drums, violin, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, flute. These revenues go towards equipping our campus, providing services for our students, and quality assurance. 2 pages), Proof of English language proficiency - only if you want to study in English (lern more about the, Performer: Instrumental playing/vocals - at least one song was played with the main instrument/vocalist, Pearson English Test Academic (PTE-A): 59 points, TOEFL 79 - 86 ibt (with additional agreement), TOEIC 785 (Listening/Reading 785, Speaking 160, Writing 150), IELTS (academic) 6.5 in average. The possibilities vary according to nationality. Here you can find details about the cookies on our website. I would like to subscribe to the free newsletter. Hand in hand with industry and the creative economy, Confirmed quality in teaching and research, SRH Berlin Virtual Info Session - SPECIAL Music & Media programmes, Instrument Major I / Ensemble I / Instrument Minor I, Instrument major II/ Instrument minor II/ Ensemble II, Instrument major III/ Instrument minor III/ Ensemble III, Instrument major IV/ Instrument minor IV/ Ensemble IV, Elective III (Correpetition & Repertoire), Instrument major V/ Instrument minor V/ Ensemble V, Instrument major VI/ Instrument minor VI/ Ensemble VI, If you have any questions, our team is happy to help you, Berlin School of Design and Communication. This is followed by the 30-minute practical part consisting of, Presentation Your self-made presentation consists of two pieces. In accompanying courses such as aural training, harmony, setup and studio practice, pressing questions from the creative process are addressed and solved together. 792 Studis staatlich 33 Studiengänge. Here you find the English requirements that you should bring along: As a state-recognized, private university, the Berlin School of Popular Arts is financed by tuition fees. Die Universität der Künste Berlin mit ihren Fakultäten für Bildende Kunst, Gestaltung, Musik und Darstellende Kunst hat sich in ihrer 300-jährigen Geschichte als Akademie und Hochschule der Künste zu einer einzigartigen Begegnungsstätte für Kunst, Wissenschaft und Forschung entwickelt. in Popular Music will prepare you for a number of freelance careers: You want first-hand information? Qualification: BA. Bachelor of Arts. in Freiburg (Priv. Popular Music. ... der königlich-akademischen Hochschule für die Musik in Berlin 1869-1907 Es folgen die Inhalte der rechten Seitenspalte. Sorry, we have not found any results for„“. Zum Profil. A B.Mus. design akademie berlin berlin, SRH Hochschule für Kommunikation und Design) ist Teil der SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, einer privaten, staatlich anerkannten und akkreditierten Hochschule mitten in Berlin. should it be an original composition or a title arranged by yourself, you play or sing your main instrument live on site, You will take part in a step-by-step learning experience, You will study in practice-oriented tasks in small teams, You can concentrate on what's important in 5-week-blocks, You will receive individual support from your lecturers, Fill in your application and attach your documents. Die Berlin School of Design and Communication (ehem. For some time now, we have been working behind the scenes on a new joint website. Als Mitarbeiter der Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg können Sie dieses Profil selbst verwalten. In our SOPA Playlist we present current and former students from the study programmes B.A. We would be happy to help you personally. Die Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK Berlin, englisch Berlin University of the Arts, bis 2001 Hochschule der Künste Berlin) ist die größte Kunsthochschule Europas. You can find more information on this on our data protection site and imprint. Für Sie fortwährend erreichbar sind die Hochschulleitung, Ihr Studiengangsleiter, Ihre Professoren, die Lehrbeauftragten oder Ihr Verwaltungsmitarbeiter. ist eine Serviceseite für angehende Studierende, publiziert von 10117 Berlin : Hochschule für Musik „Hanns Eisler“ Berlin Charlottenstraße 55 10117 Berlin : Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ Berlin Zinnowitzer Straße 11 10115 Berlin : SRH Hochschule der populären Künste Potsdamer Straße 188 10585 Berlin (max. Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg Populäre Musik Modulnr. Hochschule der bildenden Künste Essen; Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg; Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig; Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg; Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg Sie geht auf die 1696 von Friedrich III. The fifth semester is all about practical work. Your presentation can be solo, with playback, through a DAW project or together with accompanying musicians you organize yourself. You are worried that Covid-19 might affect your academic future? Some of these cookies are technically essential to ensure certain functions of the website. Please upload two songs in mp3 format in which you present your musical instrument in the application form, which will be your main subject during your studies. Die staatlich anerkannte Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik ist eine private Hochschule in Freiburg, die die Studiengänge Bildende Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik/ International Program in Popular Music anbietet. 756 Studis staatlich 6 Studiengänge. Die hKDM bietet zehn Studiengänge im künstlerischen Bereich an. Zusätzlich werden die Studiengänge Medienmanagement und Culinary Arts und Food Management angeboten. Mit der Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik entstand inmitten der Universitätsstadt Freiburg, welche mit der 1457 gegründeten Albert-Ludwigs-Universität eine der ältesten Hochschulen Deutschlands beherbergt, ein Ort, an dem junge Menschen ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen können. Admission requirements vary according to the educational background and citizenship of all applicants. 1b 10623 Berlin. Die staatlich anerkannte Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik ist eine private Hochschule in Freiburg, die die Studiengänge Bildende Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik/ International Program in Popular Music anbietet. Our students are happy to share their experiences with you, tell you about their courses, their projects and student life in Berlin, Hamburg and Dresden. Explore Study Abroad programs in Freiburg, Germany such as Fine Arts (hKDM) from Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg (hKDM) Zusätzlich werden die Studiengänge Medienmanagement und Culinary Arts und Food Management angeboten. Here you will hone your musical craft, test yourself in interaction with others and sharpen your artistic profile. In the fourth semester you will practice arranging and writing texts for your own and other students' compositions. 3,8 mit HF Gesang) 15 Kontakt 45 - 57 Selbststudium 405 - 393 Workload 450 1 Semester Jedes Semester Prüfungen Modulprüfung Fachsemester 1 Die SRH Hochschule der populären Künste (hdpk) zeichnet sich durch ihre individuelle Betreuung aus. Überblick über You can find more information on this on our data protection site and imprint. Music Production, B.A. Der Bachelorstudiengang Bildende Kunst umfasst acht Semester. The promotion of your musical abilities and your own artistic identity are the first priority in the study programme Popular Music. In October 2019 we changed our name to SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts (SoPA). Die staatlich anerkannte Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik (hKDM) ging im Jahr 2011 aus der Fusion der Freien Hochschule für Grafik-Design und Bildene Kunst und … Deviations from this rule are governed by the current version of the Language Center's guidelines, €750 / month (Citizenship EU/EEA incl. A mix of individual major and minor lessons, ensemble lessons, repertoire and accompaniment coaching will form your musical basis throughout the entire course of studies. Order information material on our degree programmes free of charge and find out about them without any obligation: Du bist noch nicht sicher, welcher Studiengang zu dir passt oder hast andere Fragen zum Studium? a personal conversation about your motivation to study popular music at the Berlin School of Popular Arts. Die Fakultät steht in der Tradition ihrer renommierten Vorgängerinstitutionen, die in den vergangenen 200 Jahren die Musikausbildung in Berlin auf höchstem Niveau getragen haben. The chosen main music instrument must be presented for the entrance examination. Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. Welcome to the study programme B.Mus. Popular Music, the talent factory for musicians of all genres. author/composer, adapter/arranger/orchestrator, performer/musician, sound-engineer/sound technician for concerts, events, theatre, radio, TV, sound carriers, song-writers/composers, lyricists, speakers, bands/music groups, orchestras, producers, sound studios, clients from industry and business, production companies, ensembles, concert organisers, apprenticing companies, phono-industry, labels, publishers, distributors, TV and radio stations, PR and marketing agencies, General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or university of applied sciences entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife), Letter of motivation: Why do you want to study Music Production with us? ordered here. In addition, you will decide on the field of study of music pedagogy with the independent direction of a teaching sequence. FH) Die private, staatlich anerkannte Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik (hKDM) wurde im Jahr 2011 gegründet. More modern. The quality of the practical part of the entrance examination is decisive for the assessment of your aptitude for artistic-musical studies at the Berlin School of Popular Arts. Sie vertritt die Vielfalt der Musik und richtet dafür Orte der Spezialisierung sowie Orte der Begegnung ein. This is how you can reach us: Many people do not even know it. This is how you can reach us: Your music is a mixture of hip hop, gamelan and singer/songwriter. You take part in our introductory week and then it starts, a strong will to express yourself and create, very good knowledge of an instrument/vocals, basic theoretical and practical knowledge of popular music. Die Akademie für Musik Berlin ist eine private Musikhochschule, die international anerkannte Bachelor- und Master-Abschlüsse verleiht. Albania, North Macedonia, Switzerland, West Balkan), If you meet the admission requirements, we will invite you to an entrance examination*, If you pass entrance examination successful, you will receive the acceptance information and the study contract, You sign the study contract and send it back to us, You pay the registration fee (all students) and possibly the 3-month deposit (non-EU/EEA students only). As a popular musician you make sure that the music of tomorrow remains exciting. Musik und Eventmanagement. In the third semester the focus is on writing and producing own songs. Sie bietet an den vier Fakultäten sowie dem Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung/ Berlin Career College über 70 künstlerische, kunstwissenschaftliche un… Cookies are important for a website to function properly. Playing an instrument (or Vocals) is an admission requirement for the study programme Music Production. You are a recording artist, songwriter and working musician at the same time, creating musical experiences for an audience in changing environments. Describe the nature and scope of your own work and name the work of third parties. We look forward to getting to know you. Cookies are important for a website to function properly. In addition, write a one-page pdf file that provides information about these titles and their original authors and performers. Take advantage of our offer to start your studies in April 2021 in virtual format and receive a reward! Our admission requirements are in accordance with German legal stipulations. FH) Umbenennung: Früher 0821 H für Gesundheit & Sport, Technik & Kunst Berlin in Berlin (Priv. More us. Weekly workshops on colourful topics of music practice such as songwriting and sound engineering, live panels with experts from the music industry, as well as diverse practical projects in each semester offer plenty of opportunities to try out your skills in front of an audience and expand your network. More together. Fasanenstr. Information material on several degree programmes can be Teachers from all areas of the live and recording industry will support you on your career path. ... Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart. You choose these according to your individual wishes and focus. In the second semester you will concentrate on the quality of your own performance. Our student advisory service will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 30.09.2020 | Berlin. Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg In the first semester you will first of all work on the basics of recording, music theory and music theory. More beautiful and better to navigate. Integrierte Gestaltung. Musikhochschule Stuttgart. Here we want to get to know your course-specific expertise, your creativity, your willingness to create and express yourself and your motivation. Bachelor's. Die kleinste der vier Berliner Universitäten entstand im Lauf von mehr als 150 Jahren durch schrittweisen Zusammensc… After a successful pre-selection we will invite you to the practical entrance examination at the Berlin School of Popular Arts. Kind of studies: full-time studies. Ehemalige Hochschule für Musik, 28.11.2008, Foto: KHMM. Language: German. Subject area: arts. You can find more information under "Financing your Studies". We use cookies to make your visit to our website as pleasant as possible. Unsere Studienberater*innen helfen dir gerne weiter und beantworten dir alle Fragen rund um Studium, Studienwahl, Karriereoptionen, Bewerbung und Studienfinanzierung. Hochschule für Kunst, Design & Populäre Musik Freiburg Fakultät Populäre Musik Haslacher Straße 43 Tel. We would be happy to help you personally. Mit ihren vier Fakultäten Bildende Kunst, Gestaltung, Musik und Darstellende Kunst – ihren 4.000 Studierenden und einer 300-jährigen Geschichte ist die Universität der Künste Berlin nicht nur die größte künstlerische Hochschule Deutschlands, sondern auch eine der traditionsreichsten Europas. During the introduction to the DAWs you will learn the basics of music production step by step. As a state-recognized, private university, the SRH Berlin University is financed by tuition fees. Adresse. Haslacher Straße 15. Vorstellung der Fachbereiche und Informationen zu den Studiengängen, Design im Branchenbuch für Freiburg im Breisgau: Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik in der Kategorie Berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung. Visual and Interactive Media ... Falls Sie die Vorauswahl bestehen, laden wir Sie zur praktischen Zugangsprüfung nach Berlin ein. Akademie der Bildenden Künste München. Alle Informationen zum Bildungsanbieter Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg. Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg. gestiftete Kurfürstliche Academie der Mahler-, Bildhauer- und Architectur-Kunst (später Preußische Akademie der Künste) zurück und ist damit weltweit eine der ältesten Schulen dieser Art. 79115. Hochschule für … We will prepare your letter of admission for you. These revenues go towards equipping our campus, providing services for our students, and quality assurance. You will also deal with the rights and duties you have as a musical author. In Freiburg geht aus einer Fusion heraus eine neue Hochschule an den Start: Hochschule für Kunst, Design & Populäre Musik Freiburg. Unsere rund 100 Professorinnen und Professoren bereiten über 3.500 Studierende auf ihr zukünftiges Arbeitsleben und … You will also train performance techniques from the fields of acting, dance, movement and groove training and learn strategies for physical and mental preparation for specific situations on stage and in the studio (Alexander Technique, yoga, back training, etc.). You will learn all the basics, tools and the necessary routine in courses such as composition, songwriting, performance training, artist development, pedagogy and recording techniques. To be a top musician, that is your dream! At the same time, you will be immersed in the most important questions and methods of musicology and learn how to use technical terms correctly. We are now part of the newly founded SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and ring in a new era. Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik - University of Applied Sciences. Baden-Württemberg. Nimm gerne mit uns Kontakt auf! KKM1 Modul „Hauptfach I“ Modulbezeichnung SWS ECTS Workload Dauer Häufigkeit Hauptfach I 3 (bzw. Die staatlich anerkannte Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg (hKDM) entstand im Jahr 2011 aus dem Zusammenschluss der Freien Hochschule für Grafik-Design & Bildende Kunst Freiburg (FHF) sowie dem beruflichen Ausbildungsgang der Jazz & Rock Schulen Freiburg, dem International Music College Freiburg.