With the specializations, however, you can also obtain expert knowledge in special business areas. The Hohenheim Management Master (HMM) offers you the following business management specializations: Upon graduation, you will have an overview of how aspects of your chosen socialization interrelate and will be able to apply more in-depth scientific methods and findings in order to work as a manager or researcher in a wide range of professional fields. This is a great opportunity to get a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. Students can choose a wide range of elective modules from the corresponding faculties associated with MIP. Informationen zum Bachelorstudiengang Public Management (B.A.) The campus of the private University of Stuttgart with currently around 220 students is located within walking distance of the city center in the Heusteig quarter. Stuttgart Media University | 12,446 followers on LinkedIn | STUDY. zsb@uni-hohenheim.de, Research Institutions, State Institutes, & Competence Centers, Personnel Development for Scientific Areas, Habilitation (post-doctoral lecturing qualification), University administration & central institutions, University foundation & support associations, Notifications from the University Management (internal), Coronavirus: Information from the University of Hohenheim, List of abbreviations for persons, telephone list, Presentation: Information event Hohenheim Management Master (HMM), Recording of the information event on 28 Jan 2020 (in German), internships and has many job opportunities, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University’s Office of International Affairs, Double degree program Management with the HERMES network, Studying overseas, Dean's Office of the Faculty WISO, Studying overseas, Office of International Affairs, Internship abroad, Office of International Affairs, Overview: Application & admission to the Hohenheim Management Master (HMM), Legal notice / Data protection declaration, Choosing from a subject-specific selection of modules, Possibility to get an international double Master’s degree, Information Systems, Operations & Supply Chain Management. The programme is the foundation for all kinds of careers in management, whether in industrial or commercial enterprises, with banks or insurance companies, in tax consultancy or auditing. The University of Stuttgart consists of ten different faculties. Außerdem erlangst Du Kompetenzen und Methoden, die Dir bei der richtigen Arbeitsweise im späteren Beruf helfen. All Master's programs of the University of Stuttgart: Which study program suits me best? Management The Master’s program in Management is made up of a general, broad education in management. Mit dem berufsintegrierten Studium Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) When do I have to apply? in Management erlernen Sie das nötige Know-how, um eine verantwortliche Position in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung einzunehmen. CAMPUSonline was chosen in the scope of the project CUS as software solution for the University of Stuttgart and … Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Here you find the answers to all questions concerning your studies. Here you can find information about the MIP-program. The [email protected] portal of the University of Stuttgart will be open for MIP online-applications from August 1st of the year before the start of studies until February 15th of the year the studies start. TSC Stuttgart’s Visual Information section provides the Stuttgart military and civilian community with all official multimedia services and requests. +49 30 488124-66 Besides that, I like the parks and gardens on the campus, and especially in the summer they're the perfect place to relax.". more, for the winter semester: 15 Junefor the summer semester: 15 January. Wir machen Sie fit für Ihren Karriereaufstieg! nora.fricke@shb-sba.de. Health Care & Public Management; Information Systems, Operations & Supply Chain Management; Marketing & Management ; Upon graduation, you will have an overview of how aspects of your chosen socialization interrelate and will be able to apply more in-depth scientific methods and findings in order to work as a manager or researcher in a wide range of professional fields. Ability to complete independent scientific work, Experience through internships, work/study jobs, or professional activities. Bachelor of Arts in Sozialer Arbeit - Arbeit, Integration und soziale Sicherheit, Ausbildungsbereich JobCenter (m/w/d) Abitur / Fachhochschulreife. Each module consists of one or more courses (lecture, seminar, etc.). Public Management Bachelor of Science / B.Sc. more, Semester fees, rent, costs of living - How much will studying cost you and how can you finance it? Minimum of 30 ECTS credits in health science. Bei AZUBIYO findest du freie Studienplätze. Du erhältst verwaltungswirtschaftliches, betriebswirtschaftliches, sozialwissenschaftliches und juristisches Fachwissen. Project Management degrees are interdisciplinary studies that teach students to plan and organise the resources of a company or organisation, in order to achieve specific goals following a time-constrained schedule. Both offices can provide you with useful information and support regarding your stay abroad and help you with the organization. [email protected] (= Campus Management Portal of the University of Stuttgart) is based on a software called CAMPUSonline that was developed by the TU Graz. Als private Hochschule sind wir auch mit der Finanzierung der Semestergebühren vertraut und beraten Sie gerne. If you are interested in taking part in a study period abroad, you should visit either the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences or the University’s Office of International Affairs. In der branchennahen Vertiefung wird das Fachwissen zu rechtlichen Themengebieten, den Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder sozialwissenschaftlichen Belangen vermittelt. in Management erlernen Sie das nötige Know-how, um eine verantwortliche Position in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung einzunehmen. an der Hochschule Ludwigsburg The program is divided into three areas: the basic Master's area, the specialization area, and the Master's thesis. The management degree prepares you for various work areas. Beachten Sie auch die Weiterbildungsangebote If you choose to study in Hohenheim, you will have to look for a room or an apartment in the region. UNDERSTAND. +49 711 459 22064
Wir sind an Ihrer Seite - ab dem ersten Beratungsgespräch, über das persönliche Coaching bis zum Studienabschluss. In den Grundlagenmodulen erlernen Sie praxisnah und branchenbezogen die Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Requirements for the standard admission category M1: Final degree certificates can be submitted until 31 Dec of the year of admission. Further requirements for both admission categories: English B2 - Currently no separate proof necessary. Du besuchst unter anderem Kurse aus folgenden Themenbereichen: Nach einigen Semestern kannst … einem einmaligen Einschreibeentgelt von 540 Euro.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Studienstart: Bewerbung jeder Zeit, Nacheinstieg möglich, Allgemeine Anfragen und Infomaterial Requirements for the admission category M2: Note: An application in the admission category M2 is only possible if the requirements for the admission category M1 are not met. We have collected the most important information. in Management *, Studiengebühren: 14.200 Euro (zahlbar in 36 Monatsraten zzgl. Bachelor of Arts in Public Management, gehobener Verwaltungsdienst (m/w/d) Abitur / Fachhochschulreife. After starting the program, students must choose one of the following specializations: "Finance", "Accounting, Controlling & Taxation", "Health Care & Public Management", "Information Systems, Operations & Supply Management”, and "Marketing & Management". Located in the heart of Europe, Stuttgart is the center of one of the strongest economic regions and most innovative high-tech locations in Europe. Jetzt anmelden! +49 7225 68698-0 In der Regel befasst sich ein MBA Studium in Deutschland mit dem Bereich General Management. Management) Public Management Mit dem berufsintegrierten Studium Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) +49 (0)761 203 4246 Mo – Do: 9 – 16:30 Fr: 9 – 12 [email protected] service.uni-freiburg.de Sedanstraße 6 79098 Freiburg Lageplan Barrierefreiheit Treppenlift für … Das Duale Studium bei Airbus bereitet dich auf spannende Tätigkeitsfelder in der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie vor. Projektgeber (i. d. R. Arbeitgeber) Auch nach der Beendigung der Studienzeit profitieren Sie von unserem umfangreichen Netzwerk. Nächste Online-Infoveranstaltung: 14.01.2021 Das Public Management Studium vermittelt Dir sowohl theoretische als auch praktische Kenntnisse. On the one hand, the foundational part of the program gives you a general, broad management education. Currently, you do not need proof of English language skills. On the other hand, the available concentrations provide you with expert knowledge in specialized fields of management. We can help you with this. Top business schools offer Project Management degrees that share the science of organizing the elements of a project, usually supported by IT-based project management tools. Der Wahlpflichtbereich Öffentliche Verwaltung mit der Vertiefung Public Management vermittelt weiterführende Inhalte mit spezifischem Fokus auf Ihren individuellen Tätigkeitsbereich. Occupational fields. In deinem Studium wechseln sich Theorie- und Praxisphasen ab, sodass du dein Wissen aus Hochschule und Betrieb optimal miteinander verknüpfen kannst. Tipp: Teste kostenlos deine Eignung! + (Fach-)Abitur oder Fachgebundene Hochschulreife. SIMT - MBA in GermanyThe Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) is an international Business School and Further Education Institute of the Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin (SHB). Here, you can choose from a wide range of modules from the fields of business administration and economics as well as law and social sciences. Fax +49 711 459 23960
Social Management), Social, Healthcare and Education Management (MBA), wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium (Bachelor of Arts in Management), direkter Transfer von Theorie und Praxis u. a. durch das individuelle. Excellent Education at a Strong Business Location, A Firm Foundation for a Successful Management Career. Building on a basic university degree, ideally in the field of business and economics, it offers the opportunity for further specialization. Informationen zur Finanzierung, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Auf dem Stundenplan stehen die Grundlagenfächer Mathematik, Physik, Werkstoffkunde und Elektrotechnik. Kennzahl: 291A/2902/2021; … I like the fact that there is direct and personal contact with the professors and instructors. On February 15th the portal will be closed and only documents uploaded until then will be evaluated. Is aimed at applicants from the field of health sciences who cannot provide evidence of a degree in business and economics. Design your studies individually by choosing the program that best suits you from the subject-specific modules. Unsere Programme sind flexibel konzipiert, sodass Sie neben dem Studium einer Vollzeittätigkeit nachgehen können. Besides that, the University of Hohenheim has an excellent reputation with many successful companies. Beispielsweise lernst Du im Bereich Personal, wie Du Mitarbeiter richtig führst. Proof of a university degree in the area of business or economic science with a standard period of study of at least three years or an equivalent degree (the admission committee decides on equivalency). Search Duales studium jobs in Germany with company ratings & salaries. Public management concepts taught in such programs (e.g. Proof of a university degree in a program with a standard period of study of at least three years. The Management program (Hohenheim Management Master - HMM) offers an in-depth scientific education in management. "Since I already did my Bachelor's degree in Hohenheim, the Master's program is perfect for deepening the knowledge I have gained.The various elective possibilities within the concentrations and in the complementary subjects were the main reason I decided on the HMM. SBA Management School > Bachelor > Business Administration ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ > Public Management
(B.A. der Steinbeis Business Academy, Business Coaching and Counseling | Wirtschaftspsychologie | International Management | Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, Business Administration ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀, Hygienemanagement (B.A. Study Master of International Project Management in Stuttgart - Germany in English for 3 semesters at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences Dazu zählen zum Beispiel Healthcare-Management, Logistik oder International Management an. So durchlaufen Sie bereits während der Studienzeit eine berufliche sowie persönliche Entwicklung. 3,971 open jobs for Duales studium in Germany. In vielen Fällen bieten die Universitäten, Hochschulen und Business Schools jedoch spezielle Vertiefungsfächer an. Within the specialization, you will choose two specialization seminars. Innerhalb der Grundlagenmodule wird Ihr Managementwissen umfassend ausgebaut. Tel: +49 711 685-83170 Fax: +49 711 685-83151 Mail: Chair of Management Accounting and Control Business hours of chair's office (Room: 7.023): Mon to Fri, 9:30am to 11.30am; ", "With the Master's program, I want to continue to deepen what I learned in my Bachelor's program in order to be as prepared as possible for my later professional life.The large number of electives in the HMM and the University of Hohenheim's good relationships to many well-known companies in the area were important reasons for me to choose this degree program.In the HMM, several lectures from external instructors from the business world are offered. More information about the individual modules can be found in the module catalog. Finally, the individualized program also includes a free elective area. post@verwaltung.uni-hohenheim.de, Tel. Managerial positions in the following fields: The Master's program offers many opportunities for studying or doing an internship abroad. If more applications are submitted than there are places available, a selection of applicants will be made on the basis of the following criteria: PostcardPresentation: Information event Hohenheim Management Master (HMM), CurriculumAdmission regulationsStructure of studies, Tel. The first three semesters are dedicated to the mandatory and elective modules. Denn bei uns studieren Sie neben dem Beruf. + Ohne Abitur: Über die Berufliche Qualifikation (mehr erfahren). Important news, links, documents, and tips for students of the University of Stuttgart: This page offers information on your studies. Dabei immer im Fokus: Wohin möchten Sie sich in Zukunft beruflich weiterentwickeln? Typically, five modules must be completed successfully each semester. All in all, nearly 26,000 students are enrolled in around 150 institutes. Das Public Management Studium bereitet dich auf viele verschiedene Berufsfelder vor und bietet dir deshalb gute Berufsperspektiven. Ulm is located at a rail intersection between Stuttgart and Munich and is connected to the ICE network.After arriving at the main train station, continue your journey either by taxi or by bus.The Line 4 bus departs from the bus stop "Steinerne Brücke" (6 minutes' walk from the main train station), The Line 7 bus departs from the "Hauptbahnhof" bus stop at the main train station. Public Managment. Wissenschaftlicher Anspruch: Das Projekt-Kompetenz-Studium erfüllt umfänglich den wissenschaftlichen Anspruch eines Hochschulstudiums. DO. Since 2016, ISM has also had a base in the economic metropolis of Stuttgart. The general duration of the study program is four semesters (two years). Das technische Duale Studium dauert je nach … The University is located in an economically strong region, which is ideally suited for. This gives graduates the opportunity to develop the practical knowledge they need to excel at management or administrative positions in government or nonprofit organizations. Tätigkeitsfelder nach erfolgreichem Studienabschluss sind beispielsweise verwaltende oder leitende Aufgaben im Öffentlichen Dienst wie unter anderem einem Rathaus oder Ministerium. Business Administration), Educational Services (B.A. Kennzahl: 103A/1909/2021 ; Bewerbung aktuell möglich; 01.07.2020 Ausbildung - Soziales / Kinder / Jugend. You will receive personal attention and are able to choose from a broad range of courses. Program of Study. 17, 7 th floor 70174 Stuttgart Germany. Zudem erhalten Sie als Alumni der SBA Vergünstigungen, beispielsweise auf ein Masterstudium oder Weiterbildungen. Mit Studienabschluss qualifizieren Sie sich zur Übernahme einer leitenden Position in Ihrer Branche. Dein Duales Studium beginnt mit einem breiten Überblick über technische Systeme. Below are the services we provide. public human resource management or financial management in government) are often built into the curriculum for public administration. So können Sie in verantwortlicher Position Budgets verwalten, Mitarbeitende anleiten und im wirtschaftlichen und ethischen Sinne Ihrer Institution eigenverantwortlich Entscheidungen treffen. Master Program Infrastructure Planning University of Stuttgart. University of Stuttgart Institute of Business Administration Department V - Chair of Management Accounting and Control Keplerstr. Alles zur Universität Stuttgart und ihren 137 Studiengängen. +49 711 459 0
info@shb-sba.de, Nora Fricke | Berlin Unser Ziel ist es, dir ein hochwertiges Studium sowie einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz nach deinem erfolgreichen Abschluss anzubieten. Proof of German language proficiency if you did not receive your university entrance qualification at a German school. Social Management), Healthcare Services (B.A. Duales Studium Stuttgart Öffentliche Verwaltung / Public Management gesucht? Public administration, associations and the media also provide a wealth of employment opportunities for graduates in Economics and Business Administration. Studium in Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Freiburg: Wir verzeichnen hier alle privaten Unis und FHs und ihr Studienangebot in Baden-Württemberg. The program Management also offers the option of acquiring an international double Master’s degree. Service Center Studium Tel. Das Studium bereitet auf gehobene Führungstätigkeiten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung oder in Verwaltungen anderer … A group of cohesive institutes belong to each faculty. Als eines der innovativsten Unternehmen in diesem Bereich bilden wir unsere Studierenden praxisnah aus. Der Vorteil zu einem berufsbegleitenden Studium: Theorie und Praxis gehen bei uns verstärkt Hand in Hand, denn die theoretischen Inhalte werden direkt im Arbeitsalltag angewendet. You have a wide range of options within the focus you have chosen. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Note on language skills: A large part of HMM is taught in German, some of it also in English.