Brida then arrived and saw a ray of light shining on Aethelwold's body, saying that it was a bridge for Ragnar's spirit to head to Valhalla, and Uhtred and Brida briefly embraced before she broke off, remembering that they were on opposite sides of the battle. Uhtred then invited himself to attend the negotiations between Odda and Ubbe, whose army had landed near the Severn at Arx Cynuit. She then said that Uhtred would have to take Alfred's place and rule over both the Danes and the Saxons. Abteilung Radsport. Uhtred was raised by the Danish Viking leader Earl Ragnar after being orphaned and captured at the Siege of York as a child. Sigefrid, resolving to die in battle, led a cavalry charge, and Uhtred was trampled and badly wounded, as the shield wall was not formed in time to hold back the attack. "Young Uhtred" saw his father as a priest-killer and the Church as his family, and he had never heard of Bebbanburg, but he reluctantly joined his father on his quest. He ordered his men to arrest the party and threatened them with execution if they refused, but this caused his guards to aim their swords at him for threatening them. Uhtred and his men then rode to Aylesbury to meet up with Aethelflaed and her men, bringing Cnut's sons with him as captives. Aug 13, 2020 - 61 Likes, 3 Comments - The-last-kingdom (@thelastkingdom_worldwide) on Instagram: “You : Give me some Sihtric Me : I give you lots of him. When the two shield walls met, Leofric killed the traitor Wulfhere, only to himself by mortally wounded with an axe wound to the neck. In 866, Osbert's older brother Uhtred was beheaded by invading Vikings under Earl Ragnar, and Osbert was rebaptized as "Uhtred", continuing a family tradition of the oldest son being named Uhtred; he was made his father's new heir. When Aldhelm asked why he had crossed Watling Street and into the Danelaw, Uhtred revealed that he had been offered the throne of Mercia by the brothers, but that he had refused. Uhtred then returned to his estate, where he met with Aethelwold. Uhtred snuck into the Danish camp at night, and he waited until Ubbe and a few of his men were distracted and taken to their tents by prostitutes. Uhtred took the combined army to attack Dunholm, noting that he had seen a back door near a spring through which he could infiltrate the castle. Asser gave Uhtred a gift from King Peredur, saying that it was a token of peace, and he sough tto enlist Uhtred's help in fighting off the rival Cornish king Callyn, whose forces seized the fort guarding Peredur's land. Outside of the Witan, Edward demanded to know his son's location, but Uhtred refused to tell him unless he could guarantee Aethelflaed and Aelfwynn's safety. Ultimately, the peace talks resulted in Burghred becoming a Danish vassal, and Uhtred remained by Ragnar's side during his invasion of East Anglia. The party rode into Cumberland, where Eadred mistakenly greeted Uhtred as Eadred; this showed that he had made up the Saint Cuthbert vision, as he failed to recognize the same likeness shown to him in the dream. Eadith - now told to leave Aethelflaed's court to save Aethelflaed's reputation - decided to join Uhtred's party for safe passage. He advised her against forming dreams of a life with Erik, but she sought to make a family with him; when Uhtred warned her that she could die in fire or by the sword, she said that she would die happily. The four of them then dressed up as captors and hostages, and, before they reached the city walls, Uhtred again saw Brida. He then told his companions that he needed to find Skade, although Finan warned that she was guarded by 2,000 Danes or more. Brida said that he was a whore to the crown of Alred, and Ragnar felt betrayed that Uhtred was again betraying him. He then rode out with his men, including Osferth, who had recovered from his wounds. She also convinced a reluctant Uhtred to use Alfred's army to attack Beamfleot and end the curse. After returning to Guthred, Uhtred asked that he be treated the same as Sigefrid and Erik - as an ealdorman. Aethelwold then persuaded Uhtred to come with him to meet Eirik the Skald, saying that he and Uhtred were both ealdormen who should be kings, and that Aethelred of Mercia should not be king. Father Trew then found Guthred and freed him, and the party left the camp. With the Danish threat vanquished, a pregnant Aethelflaed (bearing Erik's posthumous child) asked Uhtred if she could call on him when she needed him, and he agreed. However, Hild said that she was everything he was called, especially the outlaw, and that he was a good man for being himself. At the last minute, Edward decided to make a kingly decision by leading a cavalry charge, assisting in the slaughter of Hastein's army. Uhtred then buried Beocca's cross on a hillside, grieving over his death; Finan again came to comfort him, and, when Uhtred told Finan of all that Beocca had done for him, Finan concluded that Beocca was like a father to Uhtred. A drunk Odda said that he would raise the Devonshire fyrd and march on Beamfleot to drive out the Vikings, and Uhtred had his men escort Odda to a bed so that he could sleep off his drunkenness; he also sent Father Pyrlig to ensure that he didn't do anything rash. Uhtred refused to let Aethelflaed hand herself over, so he threatened to kill Cnut's sons if Bjorgulf did not leave. Sigefrid then demanded 10,000 pounds' weight of silver and 1,000 pounds' weight of gold, but Uhtred insulted this as exceedingly irrational. 03.11.2020 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „The last Kingdom“ von Sarah Pankow. They were pelted with rotten fruit until Alfred ordered the crowd to stop, upon which Aethelwold whispered to Uhtred that he would go first, and that Uhtred owed him. 20.01.2016 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Alexander Dreymon“ von Pamela Ramos. Soon, Uhtred and Aethelflaed's men were joined by Aethelred and Edward's Mercian and West Saxon armies, respectively, and Uhtred saved Young Uhtred from being killed. Uhtred, Aethelflaed, and company escaped as Sigefrid killed Erik after an intense duel, and Uhtred and the others mounted horses and rode out of the area as Clapa, wounded in battle, nobly sacrificed himself to hold off the pursuers. Uhtred then told his retainers to prepare for battle, and he visited his pregnant wife, promising that he would return in time to see his wife give birth to their son, which she said would be their last child. Uhtred was born into status as son of Ealdorman Uhtred, Lord of Bebbanburg and raised to have hatred towards the surrounding kingdoms of Mercia, East Anglia, Wessex, Scotland and the Danes. After passing between the Britons and the Anglo-Saxons three times, the fort came under … However, upon hearing of Aethelflaed's victory over the Danes of York, Edward was determined to expedite his plan. Ragnar said that, by abandoning Alfred, he had made it possible to take Wessex. Steapa later released Uhtred from the dungeon, telling him that he was to be released at the Mercian border and watched as he left Wessex for good. Uhtred training soldiers in Danish tactics. They knew that they had to kill each other in order to be free, so they decided to prepare for battle. Ultimately, Alfred decided to wait for battle, saying that, without his seer, Bloodhair could not decide to do battle. He then threatened to kill Uhtred, and, although Beocca suggested that they could ally against the Scots and make a new beginning, Wihtgar said that there could only be one heir. Uhtred snuck into the palace with Beocca, dressed as a mkn, and he mused over illustrated pages on Alfred's desk. Uhtred pointed out that most of the young ealdormen had been slaughtered and that there were not many suitable candidates left, but Edward decided that he would find someone suitable. Brida overheard this as she approached the fight, so Uhtred stood up Cnut and shoved him towards Brida so that she could confront him. However, when Uhtred spoke with Stiorra, she said that she was willing to go, as she had developed feelings for Sihtric and wanted to live among her mother's people and rediscover her Danish heritage. That same night, Uhtred entered Gisela's tent and made love to her, and Brother Trew listened in until Hild caught him, upong which Trew awkwardly left. While Skorpa promised to spare Peredur if he gave up the silver's location, Skorpa stabbed him in the heart. The fight was interrupted when Tekil and a group of Vikings claiming to be loyal to Earl Brynjar arrived, offering their services to Guthred, which Guthred happily accepted. Uhtred (auch Uchtred, Utred; 1016) war unter König Æthelred II. Uhtred then told the priests that they could only take half of their grain with them, and he sent Finan to accompany the priests to Winchester. Uhtred agreed to pay the wergild, but said that he could not swear an oath to Edward. Skade, who was at Uhtred's house, told Hild that killing the monk was fate, but Hild told Uhtred to cut her throat. Shortly after the arrival of the troops, Uhtred and Leofric led a raid on Skorpa's fleet near Athelney, burning their ships and stranding Skorpa's army on English soil. Brida was indifferent to Uhtred, telling him not to come closer, and, when Uhtred told her to tell Ragnar (who was headed north to face Kjartan) that he was still his brother, Brida told him that she would say that he was there at Winchester and left. The first series of eight episodes premiered on 10 October 2015 on BBC America, and on BBC Two in the UK on 22 October 2015. Ultimately, Uhtred was given an estate at Coccham, where he raised his family, and Uhtred continued to serve the Anglo-Saxons even after Alfred's death, having become the lover and protector of Alfred's daughter Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, and becoming the regent of Mercia in 911. Uhtred then again asked for the men to attack Beamfleot, but Alfred refused, and said that Uhtred remained an outlaw of Wessex. However, Young Odda said that there were several kings in Wessex, claimed that Alfred had betrayed Wessex, and ordered Leofric to execute Uhtred. Uhtred reunited with his wife and child before heading to Winchester to meet with King Alfred. He failed to convince Aethelflaed to hurry, and the Danes under Bjorgulf soon arrived and attacked the church with a ramn. Meanwhile, Eardwulf had Aethelflaed confined in a house to "mourn", taking her weapons from her and ensuring that she would not disturb the ealdormen with her lack of grief. Aethelflaed introduced Uhtred to her lady-in-waiting Sable, and she told him that Sable had overheard information that Uhtred might like to know. However, Sigefrid did not believe it to be a good price, and Sigefrid felt insulted and was angered by the offer. 15.05.2020 - Erkunde Henning Schönfeldts Pinnwand „the Last Kingdom“ auf Pinterest. Neither Uhtred nor the rest of his men could enter the city, as they were recognized, so Eadith volunteered to sneak into the city (despite having no way out) and locate the prisoners so that they could be freed once the walls were breached. Uhtred resolved to ride to Winchester and raise an army, seeing it as repayment for his service to Wessex. The next morning, Uhtred heard a messenger arrive at the castle, so he hid next to the church. The priests then related how they had come across supernatural horsemen earlier that day, and, just then, a masked Uhtred and the lepers charged into the camp on horseback, intimidating the Vikings. Uhtred later returned to Winchester for the week of Aethelflaed's wedding, and he gave Sihtric permission to marry an alehouse whore. Ragnar embraced a weak Uhtred, who wept after seeing his brother and his friends return for him. Uhtred and his men then returned to Winchester, telling Alfred that the Vikings demanded 3,000 pounds of silver and 500 pounds of gold. Uhtred said that it was none of Hastein's business, and Hastein guessed that he was on his way to save the Lady Aethelflaed. Uhtred and his brigands riding in Cornwall. Aug 24, 2019 - Explore Southern Charm Marketplace's board "Uhtred of bebbanburg", followed by 439 people on Pinterest. That night, Uhtred was told that he would have to be brought back to Winchester on Alfred's orders. That night, Uhtred discovered that Edward had ordered all of his troops to Aylesbury, and he feared that he might be expecting a fight. Iseult then guided Uhtred to another secred treasure, buried in a dungheap outside of the king's home; the men dug through it and found the large chest of silver. He called for the Mercians to unite and not attack each other, something which an observing Ealhswith advised Edward was a threat to his rule. After the battle, Uhtred reunited with Aethelflaed, but he took issue with King Edward walking amongst the fallen. Dieser Pinnwand folgen 107 Nutzer auf Pinterest. Uhtred said it again after Ragnar told him to mean it, and the brothers embraced. The next morning, on Saint Cedd's Day, Uhtred and Leofric duelled in an open area in front of the Palace; the King left early, unable to watch his two best warriors try to kill each other. Weitere Ideen zu Das letzte königreich, Filme, Uhtred von bebbanburg. Ealhswith them brought up that a "desecration" was seen, and she said that he willfully disturbed the peace of the dead. There, he and Brida secretly took part in the shield wall, and Uhtred killed a Mercian nobleman as he made the sign of the cross; Ragnar later identified the dead nobleman as Aethelwulf, and Uhtred realized that he had killed his own relative. Before Uhtred left, Ubbe told him that, one day, he would kill him. Callyn said that the fort was guarded by no more than 50 men, while the Cornish had 30 fighting men, to which Uhtred responded by saying that he had 20 men. Weitere Ideen zu Das letzte königreich, Filme, Uhtred von bebbanburg. Uhtred told Aethelflaed that he would be prepared to fight if Aethelred sent men to take Aethelflaed back to him, but Aethelflaed convinced him not to waste lives on their love, and she also told him that his men Finan and Osric would return from their spying mission in Bebbanburg soon. Uhtred and his men ambushed and killed 13 of Hastein's men inside the abbey, forcing Hastein and Dagfinn to leave and wait outside. However, she ran into Welsh soldiers, who proceeded to take her captive, and Uhtred refused to send her to Valhalla by killing her in a fight. While in the marshlands, the four of them saved a man dressed as a priest from some Vikings, and, when they began to row into the Severn on a boat, they discovered that the cloaked figure was Alfred, who had escaped from Winchester. In addition, they mentioned that Uhtred would be able to have his revenge on Kjartan, who ruled the village of Dunholm nearby, and who had enslaved Guthred. Uhtred and Brida decided not to go to prayers with Alfred, and Alfred entrusted Beocca with keeping them in Winchester. Edward decided that Aethelflaed's daughter Aelfwynn should be betrothed to the successor to seal the bond between Wessex and Mercia, and that, in return for the strength that their heir would bring to the successor's claim, they would give their loyalty to Wessex. Uhtred and his men returned to Coccham, where they found that Bishop Erkenwald had been stealing the village's food to supply the army and for his and the other priests' personal consumption. Uhtred left the roof and began to throw torches at the houses of the village, distracting Guthlac's men by burning the village. The two of them were ordered to crawl in the mud towards the palace steps, where they would apologize before Alfred, fall flat on their faces, and kiss the cross. Uhtred was then cut out of the decision-making process for the attack, so he headed to the Two Cranes Inn instead. He then rode out of town with his bandit gang, and, before entering Cornwall, Leofric realized that Aethelwold had secretly joined the gang; Leofric wanted to kill him to prevent him from being loud-mouthed, but Uhtred remembered that he owned Aethelwold for sparing him the humiliation of the grovelling. Uhtred arrived in Winchester with Iseult to attend the Witenagemot, and King Alfred had the Witan interrupt a priest's proposal to have a royal bridge-building official to move on to the more important case - Cornwall. Odda then had a second witness, Leofric, brought in as a prisoner. Secretly, Eadred grew suspicious of Uhtred, and he ordered Trew to have Uhtred watched. Alfred then shared Skade's prophecy with Uhtred, saying that he would die in a few months. Halig nearly lost his mind, but Uhtred calmed him down, and began plotting with Halig and fellow oarsman Finan the Agile to escape once their time came. Brother Godwin said that, by removing Gisela from the ground, Uhtred had done the cemetery a favor, saying that, as a pagan, she had poisoned the grounds, and that she was a whore and her children bastards. Kjartan initially believed that Uhtred was killed, but Uhtred later surfaced while attempting to regain the title "Ealdorman of Bebbanburg" from his uncle, a Danish puppet; he also killed his spymaster Scallion the morning after Ragnar's death. Brida surprised Ragnar by strangling Storri to death, saying that his curse on her had caused her to be barren, and had caused Ragnar's death. Meanwhile, a guard interrogated Young Uhtred, slitting Brother Iestyn's throat in an attempt to coerce Young Uhtred into confessing. Kjartan then framed Uhtred for Ragnar's murder, saying that he had led a Saxon uprising against the Danes and killed Ragnar in the process. Guthred instantly took a liking to Uhtred, having heard of his courage at Edington from recently-arrived slaves. He then ordered Finan to find him a cart and haul him to Brida at Dunholm. Brida, Ragnar, and Uhtred's reunion at Wareham. There, Sihtric decided to make a bargain with Uhtred, comparing their situations as landless men. Days later, they arrived by boat, and Uhtred awaited his son's signal from inside the castle. May 5, 2019 - Explore Fernando Colares's board "Haircut" on Pinterest. September 2020. As the Saxon armies began to defeat the Danes, Uhtred pursued Aethelwold, who began to flee. They celebrated the news that Bebbanburg was vulnerable, but, when Uhtred asked them to join him, Hild said that here fighting days were over, while Beocca said that he had devoted his life to Hild's nunnery and to writing the biography of Saint Cuthbert. Historica Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. When Uhtred and his men arrived at Aescengum, they met with Alfred, who decided that his men should remain in the fort and wait for Bloodhair's army. Uhtred has a penchant for defiant women who have "a spirit like an eagle", a characteristic he has attributed to many a woman. Brida, overhearing this, angrily threw Uhtred's sword from the walls, causing the Saxon army to believe that he was dead. His father was a powerful nobleman who ruled the lands south of the Tweed and north of the Tyne, and he played the role of kingmaker in the struggles between King Osberht and Aella. One of the tactics taught was the three-layer shield wall, which had been used by the Vikings for their victory at York. Pinterest. Uhtred parleyed with Skorpa and agreed to betray the Cornish in exchange for half of the silver, and Skorpa had Uhtred play along when he punched him in the face. Finan said that he had come to find a woman and to rest, but not to fight against Alfred, and he decided to go outside and drink ale, leaving Uhtred at a table with Brida.