Chemists at the University of Göttingen and Goethe University Frankfurt characterise key compound for catalytic nitrogen atom transfer. Depending on the specialisation in technology, the Master's programme in Management & Technology (TUM-BWL) can be studied up to 100% in English. Bioinformatik und Systembiologie * Master of Science (M.Sc.) Bachelor in Business Administration; Bachelor in Economic and Business Education; Mannheim Master in Management; Master in Economic and Business Education; Partner Schools; Summer/ Winter School; … We proudly present the following courses at Master level: Module Type ECTS Language; Asset Pricing Theory/Capital Market Theory . Suitable sources are econlit and google scholar. Im Master in Auditing werden neben langjährig praxis- und lehrerfahrenen Professorinnen und Professoren der HS Mainz und der Frankfurt School auch namhafte Praxisvertreter und Repetitoren eingebunden. Synthetic vesicles are mini-laboratories for customised molecules. For professions in the financial industry, whether commercial banking, investment banking, asset management or private equity, a specialization in Finance & Banking within the framework of the Mannheim Master in Management is of great advantage. English; Languages. Teaching takes place in two 12-day blocks per semester at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), a campus of the University of Applied Sciences, which is located close to the Frankfurt International Airport. since 03/2018 University of Mannheim, Germany … … Basic Literature ... Phone: +49 621 181-1550 Fax: +49 621 181-1556. On the Master's degree portal you will also find a list of which Master’s applications must be conducted via the Master portal (→uni-assist), and which must be sent to the respective department of the programme. Mannheim Master in Business Research; Master in Economic and Business Education; Doctoral Programs; Management Education; Organising Your Studies; Examination Committee; Foreign Languages in our Programs. The signed application and all required paper documents must reach uni-assist e.V. In alphabetical order. To apply for writing a master thesis at … General Engineering (M.Eng.) This process may take some time. Master of Science Weiterbildung Die Technische Universität Darmstadt bietet Master-Studiengänge zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an. Bildungswissenschaft - Lehren und Lernen Master of Arts (M.A.) BWL.POOL; Research Research in practice; Research focuses of the chairs; Centers, Institutions, Affiliates and Partners ; International Affairs Study in Mannheim - Incomings; Study abroad - Outgoings. European University Viadrina: Main areas of study and research: law, business administration, cultural sciences. For those teaching blocks in Frankfurt and at the partner universities abroad your attendance is required. Banking; Selected Problems; Lecture: 6: English: Master seminar Finance and Banking Seminar: 6: German or English: Graduate (Research) Project: … WiWiGast666 schrieb am 24.08.2020: Hello I want to know the chance I can get into Goethe Money and finance :) I got 8.62 on online calculation but wanna ask is it enough. The program offers promising students from all over the world an intellectually stimulating and challenging setting in which to prepare for their professional careers in central banking, commercial … direkt bei der jeweiligen Hochschule nachfragen. Für eine vollständige Fächerliste bitte auch in die Studiengangsübersicht schauen bzw. by the end of the application deadline. A Master's degree is comparable to today's … Welcome to Frankfurt UAS; Studies ; Application and enrollment; Master programs; NC-Master degree courses There is only a limited number of study places available in the degree courses with restricted admissions (NC-degree courses). Looking for brochures? By faculty. The Master programs of Frankfurt UAS Most of our Master programs are mainly taught in German. Urban Agglomerations (M.Sc.) 11507 Berlin Germany. Guidance for Master's degrees and doctorate. Faculty 3: Business and Law. Please note: It is currently not possible to reply to Microsoft emails (@live, @hotmail, @outlook, etc). Biologie Master of Education (M.Ed.) and Business QTEM Network Program Call for Applications for the academic year 2021/22 Master in BWL Master in International Management Master in Money and Finance (MMF) Master in International Economics and Economic Policy (MIEEP) The Faculty of Economics and Business calls for applications for the QTEM Program for the academic year 2021/22 … Ihr beruflicher Hintergrund gewährleistet einen hohen Anwendungsbezug ebenso wie wissenschaftliche Fundierung. Herausforderungen an das HR-Management, Frankfurt University Press, 111-132 Korff, J. Das Studium "Betriebswirtschaftslehre" an der staatlichen "Uni Frankfurt" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". My profile: GPA: 1.4 equivalent, 4-year Bachelor in BBA (Top 10 in Korea) Exchange: Double Degree in French Business … Aviation and Tourism Management (MBA) Global Logistics (M.Sc.) By subject. Alle Angaben (Stand aktuelles Jahr oder Vorjahr) ohne Gewähr. A Master’s degree provides in-depth education which will enable you either to enter the professional job market or to continue studying towards the next level of academic degree: a PhD. In addition, depending on the subject, proof of a minimum number of credit points in certain areas must be provided. 13:53. Close. Search for a programme. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Address: L 5, 1 - room 110 68131 Mannheim. … The deadline for master degree courses with restricted admissions for the summer semester is January 15, and for the winter semester July 15. General Engineering (M.Eng.) Offering degree programs in German or English. Accounting and Finance (M.Sc.) Under the heading “Course content and focus areas” you will find more detailed information on the course. A Master's programme is a postgraduate degree programme that can usually be completed after the successful completion of the Bachelor's programme, but also after other university degrees. The International Office’s consultation hours will provide guidance! From Urban Design to Building Construction. +++ We are now offering a digital consultation hour. Research and Top master's programmes. General Computer Science (M.Sc.) You’re considering Master’s studies or a doctoral programme at Goethe University? It is therefore advisable to undertake an intensive research on the intended topic already prior to your registration. print View this page in: Nederlands. In English. Please do not send any documents to Goethe University in Frankfurt but to uni-assist in Berlin (see above). Please send an email to make an appointment. Goethe-University Frankfurt Faculty of Econ. Advanced Architecture (M.Sc.) Your PDF is ready now. Faculty 1: Architecture • Civil Engineering • Geomatics. Conditions and Application … Zum Master-Studium werden unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen auch Absolventinnen und Absolventen von Fachhochschulen mit Auflagen zugelassen. The following admission … Master. or Master of Arts (M.A) degree. Die Studiengänge sind nicht-konsekutiv, kostenpflichtig und berufsbegleitend. Educational Background. Under the heading “Detailed … Study in Hessen Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst Rheinstraße 23-25 | 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany T +49 (0)611-32-0 | F +49 (0)611-32 35 50 | E Located at the German-Polish border. Mondays: 13:00 – 16:00 : E-Mail: io … Asset Pricing Theory; Capital Market Theory; Lecture: 6: English: Banking/Selected Problems in Banking and Finance. Consultation Hours: Tuesday 3 p.m.–5 p.m. PhD - Graduate Schools. Master's Thesis; Teaching Principles; Career Job Offers; Research Publications; Awards; Books . Der Standort des Studiums ist Frankfurt am Main. Visitors address: Goethe-Universität SSC Master & International Admissions PEG-building, 1st floor, room 1.G002 Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 60323 Frankfurt am … Dabei hat es im Durchschnitt 4.4 Sterne erhalten und liegt somit über dem … Advanced Architecture (M.Sc.) To qualify for … Three modules are held at the partner universities abroad. Die Liste oben enthält in der Regel keine Master-Studiengänge und kann auch sonst unvollständig sein! Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Master-Abteilung c/o uni -assist e.V. Online … Campus Riedberg Max-von-Laue-Straße 9 (Biozentrum, Building N100) Chemistry: How nitrogen is transferred by a catalyst. Researchers at Goethe University create artificial cell organelles for biotechnology Nov 3 2020. Professor Dr. Karl Friedrich Hagenmüller was a founding member of the bank academy, which later became Frankfurt School. Please book an appointment here+++ Open consultation hours at the Campus Westend PEG Building, 2 nd Floor. Looking for a Master’s or PhD programme at a top university in the Netherlands? The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is involved in international research related to finance & management. Biochemistry and Biophysics Master of Science (M.Sc.) Paper presented at the Conference: 5. Office hours: Mon and Wed 12.30 - 3.30 p.m. Tue and Thu 8.30 - 11.30 a.m. These programmes, composed in a module structure, allow students to complete and reinforce their basic knowledge acquired in the bachelor programme (in Fribourg or elsewhere) in one or more special … Frankfurt University offers six master programs taught exclusively in English. Master of Science (M.Sc.) High Integrity Systems (M.Sc.) In diesem Video bewerte ich mein WiWi-Studium an der Goethe Uni in Frankfurt. Master of Science in Management and Technology Teaching language. A Master’s degree programme – generally a two-year course, both at Goethe University and elsewhere in Germany – enables you to expand and deepen the knowledge you have gained at undergraduate level. These, on the one hand, serve solely technical functions and, on the other hand, also the … Biologie With over 100 different Master’s programmes, the University of Groningen is the place to be. Elective Chinese; Elective Japanese; Letters of Recommendation; Campus Life; BWL.POOL; Research Research in practice; Research focuses of the chairs; Centers, Institutions, … Master Our department offers actually 3 university master programmes in Management (90 ECTS), from automne semester 2021 on an additional master programme, the Master in Management, is offered. Please use a different email address. The choice of topic represents an important part of your master thesis as it demonstrates your ability to identify an interesting and relevant research question. Accounting and Finance (M.Sc.) First, click on the course of study you are interested in. 13:13. The Hagenmüller-Foundation is pleased to support one Master in Applied Data Science student a year through a partial scholarship of €5,000. Faculty 2: Computer Science and Engineering. Information Technology (M.Eng.) PDF Download Your PDF is currently being created. Programme duration Professional master’s … General Computer Science (M.Sc.) Alle Lehrenden bringen umfassende Erfahrungen aus der beruflichen … (2004): Facetten der Prognostik: Von der feinen Kunst, sich ein (Zukunfts-)Bild zu verschaffen. Advanced Architecture (M.Sc.) Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 (PEG Building) 60323 Frankfurt am Main +49-69-798-17193. How far the credits earned in a bachelor’s program correspond to the admission requirements of a master’s program, is decided by the individual departments. Frankfurt Laboratory for Experimental Economic Research (FLEX) Mainz Behavioral and Experimental Laboratory (MABELLA) Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations (CLBO) The Area “Banking, Finance & Insurance” of the Business School at the University of Mannheim offers a wide range of courses at Master's level, based … It is usually designed for four semesters, but may also comprise two or three semesters, and usually ends with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) Nov 12 2020. Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Postal address: 60629 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone: +49 (0)69/798-34601 Fax: +49 (0)69/798-35000 Goethe University Frankfurt, Master in Management or Master in Money and Finance - application / admission. Currently, only Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering are completely feasible in English. Close Open PDF The Frankfurt School respects your privacy Our websites use various cookies with different functions. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 13 Mal bewertet. Application for Advancement for a Higher Semester. Create your own brochure! The Master’s Program in Money and Finance (MMF) is an innovative joint venture of the Department of Money and Macroeconomics and of the Department of Finance, both located in the new House of Finance. Neanderthals … Mannheim Master in Management: Specialization in Marketing & Sales Marketing has a very high relevance for the success of a company and is becoming increasingly important in business practice in this day and age of data-based evaluation of marketing activities. 32 Master-Studiengänge werden an der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in vier Fachbereichen angeboten. Generally, a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent university degree is required for admission to a master’s program.