Tatsächlich endet seine Flucht in Berlin, wo er von nun an ein ehrliches Leben führen will. Mieze wants to know more about Franz, and Reinhold reveals it is because of him that Franz lost his arm. In der modernen Adaption Berlin Alexanderplatz des gleichnamigen Romans von Alfred Döblin versucht ein afrikanischer Flüchtling sich in Deutschland auf anständigem Wege durchzuschlagen, wird aber immer wieder kriminell in Versuchung geführt. Am 12. Berlin-Alexanderplatz or The Story of Franz Biberkopf (German: Die Geschichte Franz Biberkopfs) is a 1931 German drama film directed by Phil Jutzi and starring Heinrich George, Maria Bard and Margarete Schlegel. Er lernt Lina kennen, die ihm zunächst Halt gibt. Mit Berlin Alexanderplatz widmete sich Burhan Qurbani (Wir sind jung. Susan Sontag wrote an appreciation in a September 1983 issue of Vanity Fair. Besetzung: Günter Lamprecht, Margit Carstensen, Hanna Schygulla, Barbara Sukowa. I send several purchased items in one letter, you don't have to pay additional postage. When buying multiple items, please do not use the ebay checkout, but wait for my invoice so that you only have to pay 1 x postage. Franz goes on an alcohol binge as a former medical orderly, Baumann, looks after him in rooms in a building opposite the one occupied by the prisoners' charity on which he depends for his liberty in Berlin. einer Neuadaption des Romans von Alfred Döblin, der bereits mehrfach verfilmt wurde, z.B. In a fantasy sequence, Franz walks along a street of the dead with two angels. Berlin – Alexanderplatz ist ein 1931 gedrehter Spielfilm von Piel Jutzi.Er basiert auf dem 1929 erschienenen gleichnamigen Roman von Alfred Döblin.Die … Franz gets involved in an illegal enterprise with Willy, whom he met at a cabaret. At Max's bar, Dreske and his friends sing "The Internationale” to provoke Franz, to which he responds by singing the 19th-century patriotic songs "The Watch on the Rhine and "Ich hatt' einen Kameraden". Reinhold is in prison for the crimes committed by a man whose identity he has acquired. Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1990-0329-028, Berlin, Alexanderplatz, Anti-Stasidemonstration.jpg 582 × 800; 76 KB Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1990-0429-010, … Time magazine's Richard Corliss named it one of the Top 10 DVDs of 2007, ranking it at #9. Kommentare zu Berlin Alexanderplatz werden geladen... Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, German Film Awards ★ Alle mit dem Deutschen Filmpreis prämierten bzw. (ES), Berlin Alexanderplatz - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Jetzt auf Maxdome Store und 2 weiteren Anbietern anschauen, Die besten Streaming-Tipps gibt's im Moviepilot-Podcast Streamgestöber, Besetzung & Crew von Berlin Alexanderplatz, Nolan-Fans brechen zusammen: Sci-Fi-Kracher Tenet erneut verschoben, Gangster-Epos Berlin Alexanderplatz: Der perfekte Film für den Kinohunger, Startet Tenet in Deutschland? Die beiden Hauptfiguren Francis und Reinhold besetzt er mit Welket Bungué und Albrecht Schuch, deren intensives Spiel virtuos zwischen Verbundenheit und Verrat, Vertrauen und Niedertracht oszilliert. He finds Mieze, but she disappears from his arms. Franz's being run over by the car is re-enacted with different characters taking on the roles of victim and driver. He also meets Reinhold, one of Pums's men. As Mieze cannot have children, Eva tells her she will have a child with Franz that Mieze can then raise. Besetzung und Stab von Berlin Alexanderplatz, Regisseur: Burhan Qurbani. At Max's, Meck introduces Franz to Pums, the ringleader of an illegal enterprise. The surreal imagery ceases suddenly and Franz is at Reinhold's trial testifying to his good character. The coin is in perfect condition and is in a capsule that is attached to a description card. Berlin Alexanderplatz. The film concludes with Franz as an assistant gatekeeper at a factory. An atom bomb goes off in the background and the angels clear the dead. Reinhold is disgusted by Franz's stump of an arm. Franz strikes up a conversation with the vendor who offered him the sex education manuals, and discovers Meck is now selling clothes on the street and apparently doing well. Reinhold is tired of his woman, Fränze, and wants Franz to take her off his hands. Burhan Qurbani is certainly a filmmaker to be on the lookout for and one I hope gets to helm more contemporary epics like this. He rambles about what has just happened; the men he has just met cannot understand life and do not know what it is like to be in prison. Franz now feels that neither God, Satan, angels or other people can help him. In 1983, it was released theatrically in the United States, where a theatre would show two or three parts per night. Mieze gets him to agree to stay out of politics. Franz has her come over and makes love with her. A robbery pulled off by Pums's gang goes wrong and Meck burns himself with a welding torch. Mieze is delighted. Eva explains to Franz that Mieze just wants to work to support him as Franz cannot do so due to his missing arm. Eigentlich sollte der Kinostart kurze Zeit später folgen. Together they work on cultural and social exchange between Berlin… The next day, Otto goes to the widow's home and expects the same, but she feels threatened and rejects him. Franz tells Eva that Mieze has left him. ", "A Hammer Blow to the Head Can Injure the Soul", "A Handful of People in the Depths of Silence", "The Sun Warms the Skin, but Burns it Sometimes Too", "About the Eternities Between the Many and the Few", "Loneliness Tears Cracks of Madness Even in Walls", "Knowledge is Power and the Early Bird Catches the Worm", "The Outside and the Inside and the Secret of Fear of the Secret", "My Dream of the Dream of Franz Biberkopf by Alfred Döblin, An Epilogue", "Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz Remastered", "BerlinAlexanderplatz – Remastered exklusiv in der SZ-Cinemathek", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Berlin_Alexanderplatz_(miniseries)&oldid=994389351, Films directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Theatrical poster (with prominent misspelling). Anchored on Holzmarkt (Berlin, Germany) and Dorcol Platz (Belgrade, Serbia), the Berlin Belgrade Connection is a growing network of artists, cultural entrepreneurs, activists, social initiatives, cooperations and urbanists. No VAT is shown. Als sein Boot bei der Überfahrt beinahe sinkt, schwört er, im Falle seiner Rettung ein guter, gesetzestreuer Mensch zu werden. Montage as Perceptual Experience: This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 13:33. After settling into his old apartment he visits Minna, Ida's sister. Reinhold still has his suspicions but Franz is allowed to assist the gang with a job. Reinhold takes her for a walk in the woods, where she resists his advances. Eva brings Franz a newspaper that relates Mieze's murder. Francis (Welket Bungué) gelangt als afrikanischer Flüchtling auf illegalem Wege nach Europa. Liste der Besetung: Welket Bungué, Jella Haase, Albrecht Schuch u.v.m. They wake Otto in the early morning, but Meck recognises that his account is full of lies and hits him. Franz vanishes. Please also note my other stamps on offer! Doch das ist … Franz goes to Reinhold's and tells him how he has become a pimp. It was a co-production between the German Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Bavaria Film GmbH and the Italian network RAI. berlin alexanderplatz Dies ist die Geschichte von FRANCIS (Welket Bungué), wie er nach Berlin kommt und hier versucht, ein anständiger Mensch zu sein. Berlin Alexanderplatz ist eine 14-teilige deutsche Fernsehverfilmung der Bavaria/RAI im Auftrag des WDR von 1980. Otto demands money and steals from her. He is alert to his job but not to what is going on in the world as war is on the horizon. Eva tells Franz she has lost the baby. Lina distraught, searches for him with Meck. Reinhold blackmails Meck to set up a meeting for him with Mieze. Franz only finds out then that she is going away with him for three days and weeps in despair. Francis (Welket Bungué) ist ein afrikanischer Flüchtling. Franz is angered and beats her cruelly, but Reinhold saves her and Franz throws Reinhold out. Berlin Alexanderplatz Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. Franz introduces Mieze to Meck. In 2005, the German Cultural Institute, having completed the reconstruction and restoration of Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, decided to restore Berlin Alexanderplatz, saying that the original 16mm film negative was in "catastrophic physical condition" and that it "must be restored". Meck takes Mieze on a drive to Freienwalde and delivers her to Reinhold. Franz brags to Reinhold about Mieze's devotion and decides to show him what a fine woman she is. It stars Günter Lamprecht, Hanna Schygulla, Barbara Sukowa, Elisabeth Trissenaar and Gottfried John. Suse Marquardt Besetzungsbüro, Berlin. Ihr Vater ist Straßenbahnschaff (…) Lina is now troubled by the dubious nature of the job Franz is fulfilling. He reconciles with Mieze. The two get drunk and are happy until Mieze's rich client arrives. Franz ends up as a lookout as Pums, Reinhold, and Meck pull a robbery. 26.02.2020, Berlin: 70. Otto offers him a share of the money Franz realises has been extorted from the widow, but wanting to go straight, he pours the contents of a chamber pot over Otto. Reinhold throws Franz out of the back of the truck. Frauen übernehmen Männerrollen, Schwarze und People of Color spielen Charaktere, die für Weiße erdacht wurden. Auf dem Weg nach Europa gerät das Boot in einen Sturm und Francis schwört, ein guter Mensch zu sein, wenn er gerettet wird. Berlin, 1928. In 1983, it was released theatrically in the United States, where a theatre would show two or t… Eva, for whom he used to pimp, feels a deep affection for him, and has paid the rent for his old rooms in his absence. Hier soll alles anders werden. The complete series is 15 hours long (NTSC and film releases expand the runtime by a half hour). She reveals she is in love with another man. für ihn nominierten Filme der 2010er Jahre, GoodFellas - Drei Jahrzehnte in der Mafia, 7 Minuten pures Star Wars-Glück: Nie vorhergesehenes Video enthüllt, Mega-Produktion Avatar 2: Neues Bild von Kampfschiff (und ein Mercedes?! A DVD set containing additional material was released in Germany on 10 February 2007,[3] and was released in America through The Criterion Collection in November 2007. Die ARD ließ sich auf das ehrgeizige Mammut-Projekt ein. Franz wanders the streets in a delirious state; outside a church he takes a coal delivery man for a pastor. Later, to Otto, he reports having sex with the widow. Berlinale, Premiere, Wettbewerb, "Berlin Alexanderplatz": Richard Fouofie Djimeli (r), Schauspieler und Burhan Qurbani, Regisseur zeigen ein Blatt auf dem steht "A dictator of 87 Years old is killing children and women in Cameroon. He receives notification from the Berlin police that he is barred from living in certain Berlin districts and surrounding municipalities, under the threat of a fine or imprisonment. Den Jahrhundert-Roman "Berlin Alexanderplatz" zu verfilmen: Das war ein Jugendtraum von Regisseur Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Franz takes Meck to his apartment to bandage his wound. After turning down the opportunity to sell sex education manuals, he is talked into selling the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter and wearing a swastika armband. Reinhold is given ten years for manslaughter. Doch die Lebensumstände als staatenloser Flüchtling machen es ihm nicht leicht. Dreske admires Lenin and the Soviet Union, but Franz responds by decrying revolution and 'their' Weimar Republic. In a flashback we see Franz kill Ida with a cream whip after correctly suspecting she was about to leave him. Please wait for my invoice to combine shipping. The entire series ran on 11 February 2007 in five instalments.[2]. Mieze goes out to Franz and the two reconcile, though she has been bloodied by him. Mit Berlin Alexanderplatz zeichnet Regisseur Burhan Qurbani ein Großstadt-porträt, das den Nerv der Zeit trifft. Differential taxation according to § 25a UstG. On a nativity set Franz is raised on a cross as the other characters watch. Berlin in den zwanziger Jahren: Nach vierjähriger Haftstrafe kommt der ehemalige Transportarbeiter Franz Biberkopf aus dem Gefängnis. It was adapted from the 1929 novel of the same … Biberkopf places himself under the supervision of a charity called Prisoners' Aid, to which he must report once a month while remaining in employment. Sebastian Hartmann zeigt Berlin Alexanderplatz am Deutschen Theater nun als eine existentielle Geschichte, als eine Art Passionsgeschichte, die naturgemäß zum Tode des Menschen führt. Auf dem Weg nach Europa gerät das Boot in einen Sturm und Francis schwört, ein guter Mensch zu sein, wenn er gerettet wird. She introduces him to a family friend, Otto Lüders, who turns out to be an ex-con he knows from prison, but Franz thinks Otto is a good man. With him, Franz begins selling shoelaces door-to-door. Berlin Alexanderplatz: Burhan Qurbani versetzt Döblins „Berlin Alexanderplatz“ in die Moderne und erzählt eine Geschichte über Flucht, Armut und die Probleme, anständig zu bleiben. Eine zeitgenössische Adaption von Alfred Döblins gleichnamigem Roman von 1929: Auf der illegalen Überfahrt von Afrika nach Europa gerät das Boot, auf dem sich Francis befindet, in einen Sturm. Franz Biberkopf is released after serving four years in Tegel prison for killing his girlfriend Ida. She returns to him after she can't find Reinhold. The restoration was completed in early 2007, exactly 25 years after Fassbinder's death. Berlin Alexanderplatz: Produktionsland: Deutschland, Niederlande: Originalsprache: Deutsch: Erscheinungsjahr: 2020: Länge: 183 Minuten: Altersfreigabe: FSK 12: Stab; Regie: Burhan Qurbani: Drehbuch: Burhan Qurbani, Martin Behnke: Produktion: Leif Alexis, Jochen Laube, Fabian Maubach: Musik: Dascha Dauenhauer: Kamera: Yoshi Heimrath: Schnitt: Philipp Thomas: Besetzung By doing this, he is able to remain in Berlin. The complete series is 15 hours long (NTSCand film releases expand the runtime by a half hour). Franz lapses into demented laughter, claiming he is pleased that at least Mieze did not leave him as he had thought. Meck tells Franz that Reinhold is a bad guy, but Franz claims he has a good heart. Juni 1908 in Bernau geboren (S. 423). Castingdirector für Kino - TV - Reklame Counter-minting on an original 5 Mark coin XX years GDR. Franz goes to Reinhold and tells him he wants to get involved with Pums again. Doch das ist … Die Handlung spielt 1927 /1928 und zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist sie ungefähr 20 Jahre alt. Mieze is upset that Franz is earning money because she thinks Franz wants to be independent of her, but Franz reassures her. Während eines Streits hatte er volltrunken seine Freundin, eine Prostituierte, erschlagen. The film has made an impact on many distinguished filmmakers and critics. 5.8K likes. Meck admits to Franz that he had been living with Lina until she left him. Eva reassures him, though she is a bit concerned herself. 1931 als Kinofilm Berlin Alexanderplatz und 1980 als 14-teilige Serie (Berlin Alexanderplatz). Reinhold strangles her and leaves her in the woods. Slugan, Mario. He recuperates for a time with Eva and Eva's lover Herbert. Reinhold then employs the same plan with his current woman, Cilly, whom Franz accommodates after provoking a row with Fränze. NME and The Wire journalist Chris Bohn wrote under the pseudonym "Biba Kopf" from 1984 onwards in tribute to its central character. Wie seine literarische Vorlage handelt auch der zeitgenössische Berlin Alexanderplatz von Gesellschaft und Außenseitertum, Wunsch und Travestie. Babylon Berlin (TV Series 2017– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Franz goes to a red light district and encounters a pimp who offers him a woman he calls the whore of Babylon. Mieze is horrified at this revelation. Franz and the tender-hearted woman, whom he names Mieze, fall for each other. Wir sind stark.) At the top of his voice, Franz accuses them of being loudmouths and crooks, before almost collapsing. When he comes round after another binge, Baumann tells him he has been lying in a stupor for three days. Er schwört, dass er ein guter und anständiger Mensch sein will, wenn er gerettet wird, und seine Gebete If we don't save them today, tomorrow we will make films about genocide in Cameroon. Franz, after several fleeting encounters, has finally become reacquainted with Eva. When Franz goes back to the widow, happily expecting another tryst, she slams the door on him. The other men return to their table. Der junge Francis wird auf der Flucht von Guinea-Bissau allein ans südeuropäische Land gespült. Franz and Mieze take a trip outside Berlin, where he explains to her he simply wanted Reinhold to see a true woman. Tatsächlich überlebt er und gelangt im Anschluss nach Deutschland. Doch das Schicksal meint es in Berlin, wo es ihn hin verschlägt, nicht gut mit ihm. Tatsächlich endet seine Flucht in Berlin, wo er von nun an ein ehrliches Leben führen will. Fassbinder imagined making a "parallel" film which he would make specifically for theatrical distribution after the completion of this series. In the apartment, Franz has Reinhold hide in the bed when Mieze arrives. In 1985 it was transmitted in the United Kingdom on Channel 4. After various thefts in the building become known, Baumann tells Franz he will not be with him for much longer, though the occupants of the neighbouring rooms are soon arrested. He is anguished that his cellmate and lover is being released. Doch die Beziehung hält nicht. Franz is self-employed hawking necktie holders on the street, but has trouble making enough money and does not consider himself an orator. Berlin Alexanderplatz: Remastered received its world premiere on 9 February 2007 at the Berlin International Film Festival where episodes 1 and 2 were shown. Beginning in 2006, the series underwent restoration and remastering to 35mm. Berlin Alexanderplatz (2020) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. In the getaway truck, Reinhold becomes suspicious of Franz because of a car that seems to be following them. Michael Mann and Francis Ford Coppola have cited the series as an influence. Meck gets Franz's location out of Otto, but Franz had left soon after the earlier incident. Fassbinders Version nicht unähnlich, ist Qurbanis Epos eine düstere Reise durch die „dunkle Nacht der Seele“ – und nicht zuletzt durch ein atmosphärisch authentisch eingefangenes Exil: Berlin. In a striking sequence, Franz and Mieze are treated like animals being slaughtered in an abattoir. Berlin Alexanderplatz (German: [bɛɐ̯ˈliːn ʔalɛˈksandɐˌplats]), originally broadcast in 1980, is a 14-part West German television miniseries, set in 1920s Berlin and adapted and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder from Alfred Döblin's 1929 novel of the same name. Minna succumbs to his forceful advances. In the subway, Franz is confronted by an old Jewish acquaintance selling hot sausages, but denies being antisemitic himself, and Dreske with two other men also known to him. Well preserved. Eva also tells Mieze she's concerned that Franz is concerting with Willy and Communists. Production of the film at the Bavaria Film Studios took nearly a year. Das große Kino-Problem im Sommer. Reinhold, after contact with the Salvation Army, has had enough of "broads" and is desperate to end his involvement with his current woman, Trude, but Cilly is angry when this is explained to her by Franz, and she briefly considers Franz worse in his treatment of women than Reinhold, possibly unaware of Ida's murder, but she persuades Franz to tell Trude about Reinhold's nature. 2017. There he meets Lina Przybilla, a young Polish woman, who moves in with him. ), Star Wars-Helme für jeden Fan: Darth Vader, Boba Fett und Luke Skywalker. Er trifft auf den Drogendealer Reinhold (Albrecht Schuch), der ihn in sein Geschäft hineinzieht und auszunutzen gedenkt. It stars Günter Lamprecht, Hanna Schygulla, Barbara Sukowa, Elisabeth Trissenaar and Gottfried John. Mieze pleads that she loves him. Besetzung: Welket Bungué, Jella Haase, Albrecht Schuch, Joachim Król. Berlin Alexanderplatz ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2020 von Burhan Qurbani mit Welket Bungué, Jella Haase und Albrecht Schuch. However, their spell of love is broken when Franz finds a love letter from another man. Francis (Welket Bungué) ist ein afrikanischer Flüchtling. Berlin Alexanderplatz von Burhan Qurbani, The Witcher auf Netflix und manches Theaterstück: Sie setzen auf Querbesetzung. The re-release was accompanied by a book that includes the original screenplay for Berlin Alexanderplatz, original drawings, selections from Döblin's novel, as well as selected reviews of the film. Franz is inspired by a Communist rally and spouts his newly learned rhetoric to Eva and Herbert, which upsets Eva. Schauspielerisch selbstverständlich, fehlt dazu in … In the first apartment, Franz spends time with a widow whose deceased husband he closely resembles. His fantasy cast included Gérard Depardieu as Franz Biberkopf and Isabelle Adjani as Mieze.[1]. Meck takes the police out into the woods and helps them find Mieze's strangled body, telling them he helped to bury her. Franz gets sucked into Pums's gang when he is drafted for a job as a last-minute replacement for Bruno, who gets beaten in the street. Meck persuades Lina that Franz wishes to be left alone, and suggests she live with him. Berlin Alexanderplatz , originally broadcast in 1980, is a 14-part West German television miniseries, set in 1920s Berlin and adapted and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder from Alfred Döblin's 1929 novel of the same name. Eva and Herbert drop by to see Franz and bring a young woman they offer as a new lover. They are reconciled. Berlin Alexanderplatz is a film that uses every second of its rather lengthy 183-minute runtime to craft a loud, wildly ambitious journey of a young, naive immigrant. Seine Uraufführung feierte der 3-stündige Film Berlin Alexanderplatz im Februar 2020 auf der Berlinale. Outside, Franz meets Lina. Franz explains to Reinhold that he wants Cilly to remain with him. No VAT is shown. The description card is punched on the edge. Mieze wird als eines von drei Kindern am 12. Eröffnung des U-Bahnhofes Alexanderplatz: 1919: Arbeiter- und Kommunistenaufstände im Januar (Besetzung des Polizeipräsidiums und des Georgenturmes im März); speziell vor dem Polizeipräsidium erhebliche Zerstörungen der Straßen und Häuser mit vielen Toten (Spartakusaufstand) 1927-30 In the 1990s, film director Todd Haynes appropriated imagery from the film's notorious phantasmagorical epilogue for a sequence in his Velvet Goldmine. Besetzung und Stab von Berlin Alexanderplatz, Regisseur: Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Jetzt will er sein Leben ändern. The film has also been mentioned in cult television series such as The Critic and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Seine Umwelt macht ihm das Leben als anständiger Bürger in Berlin allerdings nicht leicht. After Mieze describes the agreement made with Eva for Franz's baby, Franz is horrified as he thinks Mieze wants to be rid of him. Mit "Berlin Alexanderplatz" 1) veröffentlichte der Arzt und Schriftsteller Alfred Döblin 1) (1878 – 1957) im Jahre 1929 – zunächst als Fortsetzung in der "Frankfurter Zeitung", dann beim Verlag "S. Fischer" – einen gesellschaftskritischen, sprachgewaltigen "Großstadtroman", der zu den bekanntesten des 20.Jahrhunderts zählt. Differential taxation according to § 25 a UstG. Franz has survived the car accident, but his right arm has been amputated. Much of the rest of the episode takes place in his imagination. Franz later runs into his old friend Meck and has a drink with him in Max's bar, a local place. Herbert agitates against Pums's syndicate, so the boss decides to take up a collection to help with Franz's medical costs. Erst als Francis Mieze (Jella Haase) begegnet, brechen für ihn weniger düstere Zeiten an, doch so leicht kann er da seiner Vergangenheit schon nicht mehr entkommen. Wegen der Corona-Krise kam es jedoch immer wieder zu Verschiebungen, bis das Werk schließlich im Sommer doch noch auf die große Leinwand kam. Berlin Alexanderplatz (2019) Alexanderplatz In der modernen, ins Berlin der Gegenwart verlegten Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von Alfred Döblin versucht ein afrikanischer Immigrant auf legalem Wege ein normales Leben zu führen – gerät aber immer wieder auf die schiefe Bahn. When buying multiple items, please do not use the ebay checkout, but wait for my invoice so that you only have to pay 1 x postage. Die Geschichte über den entlassenen Häftling Franz Biberkopf wurde für Qurbanis Remake in die Neuzeit verlegt: Angesiedelt in der afrikanischen Gemeinschaft der deutschen Hauptstadt versucht ein nigerianischer Flüchtling, ein besserer Mensch zu werden. Franz is found in a flophouse by Otto, who is immediately threatened with a chair. [4], "How is One to Live if One Doesn’t Want to Die? Froh, am Leben zu sein, will er ein besserer Mensch werden. Franz is taken to an asylum. It garnered a cult following in the US and was eventually released on VHS and broadcast on PBS and then Bravo.