This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. Wegen ihrer langen Geschi… Brandenburg an der Havel ist mit rund 72.000 Einwohnern die drittgrößte und gemessen an der Fläche die größte kreisfreie Stadt sowie eines der vier Oberzentren des deutschen Bundeslandes Brandenburg. [2]Referências Population: 74,129 (December 31, 2005). Today it is a small town compared to nearby Berlin, but once it was the start of the countries of Brandenburg and Prussia. Population: 74,129 (December 31, 2005). It is on the banks of the Havel river. Brandemburgo no Havel (em alemão: Brandenburg an der Havel) é uma cidade do estado de Brandemburgo, na Alemanha.. Brandemburgo no Havel é uma cidade independente (Kreisfreie Städte) ou distrito urbano (Stadtkreis), ou seja, possui estatuto de distrito (kreis). Brandenburg (Brandenburg an der Havel) Die Brandenburg (auch Brennaburg und Brendanburg) war eine slawische Niederungsburg des 8. bis 12. In the 2017 election, it lost the Amt of Nennhausen. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Brandenburg an der Havel: Subcategories. Sjølv om byen Brandenburg er mindre kjend enn delstaten gav han namn til det gamle bispedømet Brandenburg, markgrevskapet Brandenburg og den noverande delstaten. Die Geschichte des Stadtmuseums Brandenburg beginnt 1868 mit der Gründung des Historischen Vereins zu Brandenburg an der Havel. Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I in 2017, "Constituency Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I", "Results for Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I", Results for Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I, Prignitz – Ostprignitz-Ruppin – Havelland I, Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I, Potsdam – Potsdam-Mittelmark II – Teltow-Fläming II, Dahme-Spreewald – Teltow-Fläming III – Oberspreewald-Lausitz I,–_Potsdam-Mittelmark_I_–_Havelland_III_–_Teltow-Fläming_I&oldid=987620328, Federal electoral districts in Brandenburg, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Brandenburg a.d. Havel – Rathenow – Belzig, This page was last edited on 8 November 2020, at 06:28. Volgens sy oppervlakte is Brandenburg die grootste selfregerende stad in die deelstaat. Brandenburg an der Havel is an urban district of the state of Brandenburg in Germany. Nahimutang ni sa estado pederal sa Brandenburg, sa sentro nga bahin sa nasod, 60 km sa kasadpan sa Berlin ang ulohan sa nasod. An ihrer Stelle befinden sich heute unter anderem die Kirche St. Petri und der Dom St… In the 2021 election, it gained the municipality of Werder (Havel). Brandenburg an der Havel là một thành phố của Đức. Yellow background denotes an electorate win by a list member, or other incumbent. Under the current constituency numbering system, it is designated as constituency 60. … Staden har 72124 invånare vilket gör den till förbundslandets tredje största stad, och ligger vid floden Havel ungefär 70 km väster om Berlin. Brandenburg an der Havel (Brandenburg við Havel) er þriðja stærsta borgin í þýska sambandslandinu Brandenborg með 72 þúsund íbúa. In 2017, Dietlind Tiemann was elected as representative. Leisure craft pass through the centre of the city, using the short Brandenburg City Canal, a smaller lock, and a stretch of the river. It acquired its current configuration in the 2002 election. Subcategories This category has the following 29 subcategories, out of 29 total. Future President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier served from 2009 to 2017. Under the current constituency numbering system, it is designated as constituency 60. Since the 2013 election, it has been number 60. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Brandenburg an der Havel tramway network (German: Straßenbahnnetz Brandenburg an der Havel) is a network of tramways forming the centrepiece of the public transport system in Brandenburg an der Havel, a city in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. St. Peter und Paul (Brandenburg an der Havel) Dom (rechts) mit angebauter Domklausur, Kloster und Nebengebäuden Der Dom Sankt Peter und Paul zu Brandenburg an der Havel ist das größte Kirchengebäude der Stadt Brandenburg und wird aufgrund seiner kulturhistorischen Bedeutung als „Wiege der Mark Brandenburg “ bezeichnet. Dezember 2016 (Fortgeschriebene amtliche Einwohnerzahlen auf Grundlage des Zensus 2011)",, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. är en kretsfri stad i förbundslandet Brandenburg i Tyskland. The town of Brandenburg is less known than the state of Brandenburg: But the state is named after the town, and so is the medieval Bishopric of Brandenburg, the Margravate of Brandenburg. In the 2002 and 2005 elections, it was number 60. Brandenburg an der Havel is a town in the state of Brandenburg, Germany. de:Marienberg (Brandenburg an der Havel) en: Former war memorial / de: Ehemaliges Kriegerdenkmal (1879-1945) en: with observation tower Friedenswarte, built in 1974 Die slawische namensgebende Brandenburg wurde erstmals 928 oder 929 schriftlich erwähnt. In the 2009 election, it was number 61. Er ist mit Hafen und Haff etymologisch verwandt. The migration mainly affects the young people and thus the future of the city is uncertain. Stadtstrukturen entwickelten sich erst nach der deutschen Eroberung im 12. Since 2017, it has been represented by Dietlind Tiemann of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Byen ligger ved bredden af floden Havel. Brandenburg an der Havel es un cité in Germania.It es situat in li ost de Germania e in li west de Brandenburgia.. Li cité es con 71.574 habitantes li triesim max grand cité de Brandenburgia detra Potsdam e Cottbus.Li fluevie Havel flue tra li cité. It elects one member via first-past-the-post voting. Brandenburg an der Havel (česky Branibor nad Havolou) je německé město, jedno ze čtyř center Spolkové země Braniborsko. Brandenburg an der Havel zo ur gêr dizalc'h (kreisfreie Stadt) eus Brandenburg en Alamagn.Emañ war ribl ar stêr Havel, war-dro 70 km er c'hornôg da Verlin, etre Potsdam ha Magdeburg.. E 2010 e oa annezet gant 71 778 a dud. [2], Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I is located in western Brandenburg. Lungsod ang Brandenburg an der Havel sa Alemanya. [1], Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I was created for the inaugural 1990 federal election after German reunification. At Brandenburg an der Havel, the navigation again splits into two routes. Brandenburg an der Havel ye una ciudat de Brandemburgo, Alemanya. Je nejrozsáhlejším a třetím nejlidnatějším samostatným městem v Braniborsku. Potsdam became the new capital, and the Royal Court left the town of Brandenburg. Han ligg ved breidda til elva Havel. Er wurde aus Aufbewahrungsstätte der Sammlungen und als Ausstellungsort genutzt. +/- Brandenburg an der Havel Potsdam-Mittelmark District és Havelland District községekkel határos. Stadtstrukturen entwickelten sich erst nach der deutschen Eroberung im 12. Brandenburg an der Havel Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge Brandenburg an der Havel is a toun in the state o Brandenburg (which is why it is an aa cried Brandenburg Ceety in Inglis), Germany, wi a population o 71,778 (as o 2010). Brandenburg an der Hafelu (nem. As of the 2021 federal election, it comprises the independent city of Brandenburg an der Havel; the entirety of the Potsdam-Mittelmark district excluding the municipalities of Kleinmachnow, Michendorf, Nuthetal, Schwielowsee, Stahnsdorf, and Teltow; the municipalities of Milower Land, Premnitz, and Rathenow from the Havelland district; and the municipalities of Jüterbog and Niedergörsdorf from the Teltow-Fläming district.[1]. This page was last changed on 19 February 2020, at 22:21. Die slawische namensgebende Brandenburg wurde erstmals 928 oder 929 schriftlich erwähnt. It acquired its current name in the 2002 election. Brandenburg an der Havel is a town in the state of Brandenburg (which is why it is also called Brandenburg City in English), Germany, with a population of 71,778 (as of 2010). In the 1990 through 1998 elections, it was constituency 275 in the numbering system. Thành phố có diện tích km2, dân số thời điểm cuối năm 2006 là 73.475 người. The constituency was first represented by Hans-Hinrich Knaape of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) from 1990 to 1998, followed by Margrit Spielmann from 1998 to 2009. Pink background denotes a candidate elected from their party list. But even after that year the parts on either side of the river were regarded as two different towns (Old and New Brandenburg) for centuries. In the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) the towns were robbed and destroyed. Brandenburg an der Havel er ein by i Tyskland og i delstaten Brandenburg med om lag 75 000 innbyggjarar. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Brandenburg an der Havel is a town in the state of Brandenburg, Germany. Brandenburg an der Havel – Wikipedia Koordinaatit: 52°25′00″N, 12°34′00″E Brandenburg an der Havel Brandenburg an der Havel, lyhyemmin Brandenburg, on kaupunki … Upon the abolition of the Groß Kreutz Amt ahead of the 2005 election, the former municipality of Derwitz was transferred out of the constituency. It was populated first by Slavs, then conquered by the troops of German King Henry I in 928 or 929. Blue background denotes the winner of the electorate vote. Borgin er meðal allra elstu borga sambandslandsins og er nafngefandi fyrir Brandenborg sem sambandsland. Zároveň je se svou více jak tisíciletou historií jedno z nejstarobylejších měst této země. In 1715 the two halves of the town were merged to form a single town. Brandenburg an der Havel (förkortas ibland Brandenburg a.d.H.) 57 metros ibabaw sa dagat kahaboga ang nahimutangan sa Brandenburg an der Havel, ug adunay 59,826 ka molupyo.. Ang yuta palibot sa Brandenburg an der Havel kay kasagaran daghan kaayong patag. Thành phố này thuộc bang Brandenburg. Lakosainak száma 72 124 fő (2019. szeptember 30.). Brandenburg an der Havel (sometimes called Brandenburg City to distinguish it from the eponymous state) is considered the nucleus or cradle of the historical Margraviate and today's State of Brandenburg. A Y or N denotes status of any incumbent, win or lose respectively. Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Brandenburg an der Havel er en by i Tyskland som ligger i delstaten Brandenburg med omkring 73.000 indbyggere. It is located in western Brandenburg, comprising the city of Brandenburg an der Havel, most of the Potsdam-Mittelmark district, and parts of the Havelland and Teltow-Fläming districts. Jahrhunderts auf einer Havelinsel in der heutigen Stadt Brandenburg. It is on the banks of the Havel river. Commercial shipping descends through a lock into the Silo Canal that passes to the north of the city centre. Eine Urkunde aus dem Jahr 1170 nennt in Brandenburg erstmals die Altstadtals Stadt deutschen Rechts. Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I is an electoral constituency (German: Wahlkreis) represented in the Bundestag. Dieser unterhielt im Steintorturm in der Neustadt Brandenburg ein erstes Museum. Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I was created after German reunification in 1990, then known as Brandenburg a.d. Havel – Rathenow – Belzig. Daerich Brandenburg fliesst de Rewwer Havel – Pikder, Videos unn/odder … Brandenburg an der Havel – Potsdam-Mittelmark I – Havelland III – Teltow-Fläming I is an electoral constituency (German: Wahlkreis) represented in the Bundestag. Brandenburg was only on western bank of the Havel until 1196. Brandenburg atau lengkapnya Brandenburg an der Havel adalah sebuah kota otonom atau kotamadya (Kreisfreie Stadt) di Brandenburg, Jerman.Kota ini dibelah oleh sungai Havel.. Meskipun kota Brandenburg kurang dikenal daripada negara bagian Brandenburg, negara bagian ini dinamakan menurut kota ini dan bukan sebaliknya. It elects one member via first-past-the-post voting. Selv om byen Brandenburg er mindre kendt end delstaten har den givet navn til bispedømmet Brandenburg, markgrevskabet Brandenburg og den nuværende delstat. Brandenburg an der Havel) je grad u nemačkoj saveznoj državi Brandenburg.Nalazi se na reci Hafel.Ovaj grad je bio centar oko koga se razvila država Brandenburg (kasnije Pruska).Danas je ovaj istorijski grad u senci mnogo većeg Berlina.Prema procjeni iz 2010. u gradu je živelo 72.516 stanovnika. Brandenburg an der Havel iss en Schtadt in de Bunnesland Brandenburg vun Deitschland. Brandenburg an der Havel, uobyczńe skrocane do Brandenburg - mjasto na prowach krysu we Mjymcach, we landźe Brandynburgijo, nade rzykům Havel Ta strōna była ôstatni rŏz edytowanŏ 08:00, 9 siy 2018. Originally, the constituency comprised the independent city of Brandenburg an der Havel and the districts of Rathenow and Belzig. Brandenburg an der Havel ist mit rund 72.000 Einwohnern die drittgrößte und gemessen an der Fläche die größte kreisfreie Stadt sowie eines der vier Oberzentren des deutschen Bundeslandes Brandenburg. Jahrhundert. Quartal)", "Bevölkerung im Land Brandenburg nach amtsfreien Gemeinden, Ämtern und Gemeinden 31. After the fall of the Berlin Wall the population dropped from over 100,000 in 1989 down to roughly 75,000 in 2005 through emigration. Brandenburg an der Havel is die derde grootste stad in die Duitse deelstaat Brandenburg naas die hoofstad Potsdam en Cottbus.Die stad het 'n bevolking van 71 032 in 2013 gehad en 'n oppervlakte van 228,8 km². Brandenburg an der Havel A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából Brandenburg an der Havel település Németországban, azon belül Brandenburgban. In 1314 the two towns joined the Hanseatic League. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Alle politisch selbständigen Gemeinden mit ausgewählten Merkmalen am 31.12.2018 (4. Der Name der Havel (sorbisch Habola) soll noch aus der vorslawischen, germanischen Besiedlungsphase stammen und somit der ältesten Schicht von Territorialbezeichnungen auf dem Gebiet des Landes Brandenburg und der Stadt Berlin zugehören, abgeleitet vom germanischen Habula. Zwischen 1887 und 1923 war im spätgotischen Backsteinturm der Historische Verein beheimatet.