Die HFU gehört zum Verbund Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule. © Edarabia.com - All Rights Reserved 2020    | Current information from HFU about the Corona virus: www.hs-furtwangen.de/coronavirus, Initial review on studying in times of corona, HFU leads the rest of Germany in bilingual study programmes, Speech by Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker in the Auditorium, Furtwangen Campus, Furtwangen Universitycomputer science, technology, economics, media, health. Er bietet Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge in Kooperation mit Unternehmen an. Furtwangen University is one of the most active research universities in Baden-Württemberg. 20 students) Highly ranked business school; Internationally diverse student body In addition, we actively support work-life balance by creating a family-friendly culture for our employees and students. Web Design by Grafdom. Our international profile is further strengthened by our worldwide collaborations and partnerships: study modules abroad; joint-degree agreements; recruitment of international students, staff and professors; and international research cooperation agreements. Alles zur Hochschule Furtwangen University und ihren 61 Studiengängen. Die Hochschule bietet Studiengänge in drei Städten an, Hauptsitz ist Furtwangen im Schwarzwald. What’s in store for students after graduation? The university also offers master’s programs that cost 1,000 USD per year. Hochschule Furtwangen University | 14.975 Follower auf LinkedIn Die Hochschule Furtwangen mit über 5.000 Studierenden an den Standorten Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen sowie Tuttlingen, ist eine der führenden Hochschulen für qualitätsorientierte und unternehmensnahe, akademische Aus- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland. Small class size (ca. FELIX Anmeldung. Privacy Policy -Terms & Conditions - Additionally, through application-oriented research and academic professional development, our university supports the next generation of scientists contributing to innovation and improved skills in business and society. Your email address will not be published. 3,797 Followers, 2,633 Following, 625 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hochschule Furtwangen • HFU • (@hs.furtwangen) Research Furtwangen University is one of the most active research universities in Baden-Württemberg. Furtwangen University is among the top 90 best universities of Germany. Professor Bucher and his team are researching innovative coating technologies which can be used, for example, to extend the life of implants. Professor Ketterer demonstrated the university's work in the area of automation technology, simulation and robotics which are mainly used for industry 4.0 applications. The range of courses and programmes is constantly being extended to … The academic year is traditionally consists of semesters. Our aim is to offer forward-looking degree programmes to talented young people, awarding top-quality, accredited degrees which open up exceptional career opportunities. The Rottweil Study Centre of Furtwangen University (HFU) recently welcomed 35 national and international guests. Hochschule Furtwangen University HFU Business School Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1 78120 Furtwangen Website : www.hs-furtwangen.de Campuses: Furtwangen , Villingen-Schwenningen , Tuttlingen . Klicken Sie auf „Einverstanden“, um Cookies zu akzeptieren und direkt unsere Website besuchen zu können. Trade secrets or confidential information. r/hfu: Das Subreddit der Hochschule Furtwangen University. Der Studienbeginn ist meist im Wintersemester (54 Studiengänge), es gibt darüber hinaus Angebote mit Beginn im Sommersemester (34 Studiengänge). The school was founded in 1850 by the engineer Robert Gerwig. Our aim is to provide a top-notch, practice-oriented and professionally recognized academic education. We explore new approaches and develop innovative, customer-oriented programmes and courses for companies, organisations and graduates. Besides visiting the new Testing Tower in Rottweil, the Cross-BA Leadership Group of thyssenkrupp AG also visited the Study Centre as part of their thyssenkrupp Academy Leadership professional development programme. Photos of HFU Furtwangen. Social responsibility, sustainability and the safeguarding of our future are at the forefront of our goals. heer. 10K likes. Hochschule Furtwangen University Die Hochschule Furtwangen (HFU) ist eine Hochschule des Landes Baden-Württemberg mit Standort in Furtwangen sowie zwei Außenstellen in Villingen-Schwenningen und Tuttlingen. Studying at HFU provides students with an interdisciplinary, application-oriented education which prepares them well for their future careers. HFU is a leader in the specialist areas of engineering, computer science, information systems and management, business administration and engineering, media, international business and health. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Our visiting lecturers act as important links between the university and industry. Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-P007337, Furtwangen, Ingenieurschule für Feinwerktechnik.jpg 800 × 601; 72 KB Bewerben Sie sich daher bitte über diese Plattform für einen Studienplatz bei uns. Publication Server of Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences. Our university enthusiastically supports lifelong learning, offering continuing education courses for academic and professional qualifications. Dr. Niels Behrmann from the HFU Business School talked about the importance of innovation particularly in connection with the current technological and digital revolution. i-mation is one of the leaders in this field. Die Hochschule Furtwangen nimmt seit 2018 über die Bewerbungsplattform hochschulstart.de am Dialogorientierten Serviceverfahren (DoSV) für die zentrale, deutschlandweite Vergabe von Studienplätzen für Bachelorstudiengänge teil. Hochschule Furtwangen University listed as HFU. From our libraries to our central workshop. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Follow since 2020 . Anmelden. Motivation, personal aptitude and professional dedication, as well as research and development experience, all guarantee academic and technical expertise. Are there positive effects of posting students’ grades publicly? Traditional boundaries between subject fields are removed in interdisciplinary projects. HFU is a leader in the specialist areas of engineering, computer science, information systems and management, business administration and engineering, media, international business and health. Media in category "Hochschule Furtwangen University" The following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total. Furtwangen University emerged from the first German School of Clockmaking in Furtwangen in the Black Forest. Education Minister to open GCC Conference on Learning Disability and Inclusion, How to create a learning environment that engages and inspires, How to Write a Hardship Letter (Samples & Tips), 10 Things to Do in Seoul with Kids (2020), 6 Things to Consider when Searching for a Master’s Degree Program, Education Policy Reform in the UAE: Building Teacher Capacity. We are experts in crossing borders: in cooperative work between students, staff, and professors; in interdisciplinary projects bringing together different faculties and departments within the university; and between teaching, research and professional development. Alles zur Hochschule Furtwangen University und ihren 61 Studiengängen. Herzlich willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Hochschule Furtwangen. The teaching and research facilities of the university Study Centre were set up in the former workshops of the gunpowder factory in the Neckar Valley in March 2016. Followers (27) since 2015 - Enrolling . The CHE Ranking provides you with information on courses offered, the library, university sports and much more at Hochschule Furtwangen. Rate and review Hochschule Furtwangen University. There are no photos of Hochschule Furtwangen University. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. A focus on service, transparency and continuous improvement characterises all processes throughout our university. An den drei Standorten Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen und Tuttlingen genießen 6.200 Studierende eine erstklassige Ausbildung. Unsere Hochschule Die Hochschule Furtwangen ist eine staatliche Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (frühere Bezeichnung: Fachhochschule). At the same time, we support the journey our students make towards becoming responsible and competent individuals with the ability to identify and solve problems independently. Thank you once again for doing your part to keep Edarabia the most trusted education source. Please register if you'd like to upload a photo. We actively support cooperation between our university and partner companies in the area of applied research and technology transfer as it is an essential catalyst for innovation and the sustained relevance of our teaching. Find out more about the programmes we offer here. Find out here what the nine faculties of HFU have to offer. This service is for university members only and free of charge. Looking for abbreviations of HFU? The inclusion of international developments in our course content and the teaching of foreign languages and intercultural skills, as well as the provision of funding for travel abroad, all help to prepare graduates for work in an international environment. Sie werden zur Authentifizierung weitergeleitet. Hochschule Furtwangen University - How is Hochschule Furtwangen University abbreviated? We support international education, research and cultural exchange by working in collaboration with universities and companies around the world. Ongoing information exchange with our partners in companies and organisations guarantees a practical focus in teaching, research and professional development. Furtwangen University's core focus is on employment-oriented education and training based on academic principles. Your email address will not be published. Der Hochschulcampus Tuttlingen der HFU ist Studien- und Forschungsstandort. Find the latest world rank for Hochschule Furtwangen University and key information for prospective students.. Forschung Die Hochschule Furtwangen ist eine der forschungsstärksten in Baden-Württemberg. Lecturers are actively involved in application-oriented research, development and project work ensuring the relevance and quality of course content. Application process and the cost of tuition. The library offers to publish electronically generated and qualified documents on its online publication system. Admitted - Enrolling (2015) Pakistan GMAT: 700 3 years. Professor Dr. Volker Bucher and Professor Dr. Gunter Ketterer showed visitors round the high-tech lab facilities. Learning Services Account HFU-Account Gastzugang. The German Clock Museum, the largest German watch collection (founded by Robert Gerwig as a display collection), is still a department of the University. The digital transformation is a particular challenge for businesses which affects not only the success of product development, but also the whole business organization. Offen für Beiträge jeder Art, solange sie mit der Hochschule zu tun haben. This was also the subject of the talk by i-mation, a Rottweil-based company which works closely with HFU and thyssenkrupp. Established in 1971, Hochuschule Furtwangen (Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the large town of Furtwangen (population range of 10,000-49,999 inhabitants), Baden-Wurttemberg. We also work with those partners to develop new study programme models and relevant funding programmes for our students. The company develops and produces intelligent industrial image recording and processing systems which are used for example for the control of specific gripping movements of robot arms. nach oben (966 Personen sind online) [Hochschule Furtwangen University: Aktuelles] Fachtagung für Sicherheitsingenieure Gemeinsam mit dem Verband Deutscher Sicherheitsingenieure VDSI richtete die Hochschule Furtwangen zum zweiten Mal eine Fachtagung für Sicherheitsingenieure der Region aus. Nähere Informationen dazu und zu Ihren Rechten als Benutzer finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung am Ende der Seite. Hochschule Furtwangen University - Studieren auf höchstem Niveau Sie ist nicht nur die höchst gelegene Hochschule in Deutschland, sie zählt auch nach Einschätzung ihrer Studierenden und der Wirtschaft in einschlägigen Rankings in vielen Bereichen zu … 10 good reasons to take our Master of International Management programme. Furtwangen; Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1; 78120 Furtwangen; Telefon 07723 920 0; E-Mail schreiben; Anfahrt; Villingen-Schwenningen; Jakob-Kienzle-Straße 17; 78054 VS-Schwenningen; Telefon 07720 307 0; E-Mail schreiben; Anfahrt; Tuttlingen; Kronenstraße 16; 78532 Tuttlingen; Telefon 07461 1502 0; E-Mail schreiben; Anfahrt We provide our students with the necessary skills for forward-looking, sustainable action in industry, the environment and in society as a whole. Both students and companies are also encouraged to take advantage of results. Read the results of the latest Global Master in Management Study Report in which the HFU Business School at Furtwangen University participated. We develop our degree programmes with a focus on international opportunities and demands, and guarantee that they will be recognised around the world. Required fields are marked *. This page is about the meanings of the acronym/abbreviation/shorthand HFU in the Academic & Science field in general and in the Universities terminology in particular. This institution also has a branch campus in Tuttlingen. Ihre drei Campus liegen im Süden von Baden-Württemberg in den Städten Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen und Tuttlingen. Overall rating: 5 / 5 - 1 vote. Hochschule Furtwangen University. Hochschule Furtwangen, Furtwangen, Germany. The range of courses and programmes is constantly being extended to take account of innovative developments. It is Hochschule Furtwangen University. Our university understands the importance of cooperation and strong partnerships with industry. Die Hochschule Furtwangen University bietet 61 Studiengänge an, darunter 33 Bachelor und 28 Master. We are continually extending our range of programmes and qualifications which include undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses as well as professional training at university level. HFU has affordable bachelor’s programs that cost less than 1,000 USD/year. HFU - Hochschule Furtwangen University. In our bachelor's and master's degree programmes, academic, technical and methodological skills are taught using innovative teaching methods in an attractive learning environment. Mit neun Fakultäten und 52 akkreditierten Studiengängen ist die HFU die führende Hochschule im Südwesten.