A master’s in international management opens the door to career advancement on a world-wide scale. Montag - Freitag Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences has obtained the system accreditation quality seal and can now independently accredit its own degree programs. Research expertise at Utrecht. The overall duration is approx. Im Bachelor-Studiengang International Management … Rather, after building a rigorous foundation on different fields, theories, and practices, real world challenges and issues will be critically investigated and discussed. The Karlshochschule International University is a state approved private owned University of Applied Sciences and Nonprofit organization in the City of Karlsruhe, Germany.It focuses on international markets and intercultural collaboration in Business. To explore your options, search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form. Target group. Frau Claudia Appelius They use baseline assessments of environmental resources and community … Master of Science. Study Program Politics, Philosophy and Economics B.A. Study Program International Relations B.A. Master in Management aan Karlshochschule International University , . Watch the video of the International Management Programme. Some international management programs allow you to focus on a certain industry, like tourism or finance, or on a … Study Program PPE - Social TransFormation M.A. Email Successful managerscontribute meaningfully to organizations only if they are equipped with specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that are honed through a comprehensive set of management education experiences. Speichern. The Master programme “International Management” is the ideal stepping stone for an international career. Oliver - International Marketing Management Coming from a multicultural background, I find studying, thinking and creating in an environment as diverse as Karlshochschule to be a real blessing. Michael Schopen Gebäude K, Raum 104B Moltkestr. Programme name and degree. The Masters of Arts in Management is an international and English-taught program … Das ist weiterbilden am IMC. Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences offers degree programs in the engineering, computer science, business, and media fields. Other options within this field of study: ... International Management. Es wird sowohl … Step up the ladder and change the air of the weather. As a well-rounded leader, you will motivate and engage people in business and civic society organizations. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. +49(0)721 925-1946 Since 2009, Karlshochschule is owned by a non-commercial foundation and the Karlsruhe … During the Master’s Programs at Karls you will learn how economic, social, and cultural sciences are connected and how you can transfer ideas from multiple perspectives and disciplines. You will have the opportunity to reflect and incorporate your experiences and knowledge in your Master’s Thesis. There is a need for responsible and active change in the globalized world, in which multiple crises, unethical practices and unsustainable development frame the current economic and social political systems. 54 / 172. 76133 Karlsruhe Absolvieren Sie jetzt am International Management College oder in Kooperation mit einem unserer Partner, wie z.B. Are you ethically engaged, open-minded and wish to contribute responsibly to the transformation of economy and society? Sekretariat Studiengang International Management degree in International Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide a broad foundation for analytical thinking and problem solving regarding international issues, … Darden has long been recognized as a leading MBA program in general management (ranked No. dem IMEC, der AFUM, der ESADE oder dem Manhattan Institute of Management Ihr perfektes Weiterbildungsprogramm. International Management . Der Masterstudiengang International Management umfasst eine Regelstudienzeit von zwei Semestern und schließt mit dem Master of Science ab. Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. The CEMS Master in International Management (CEMS MIM) Programme is jointly offered by all members of the Alliance and is only open to students enrolled at one of the CEMS member schools or universities in a Master’s programme in Business Administration, Management or Economics, or other specialized master programmes. At Karlshochschule, two paths for the Master Program are offered. View the best master degrees here! Globalization affects all areas of political, economic and social life. Here you have the choice to go according to your interests: Brand Creativity & InnovationCultural Change & SocietyHuman Resources & DiversityNew MediaSustainability. The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo Faculty) at the University of Cologne offers the CEMS Master's in International Management (CEMS MIM) as part of the 2-year MSc in International Management.A multi-faceted curriculum ensures a good balance between theoretical and experiential learning. Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in International Management The Sector of International Management Nowadays, we live in globalized world. Our English track B. Our modules are strategically designed to help you build the world you want to live in. International Management Program Director Massimo Magni This challenging study program gives students the tools required to understand the global world we live in, training prospective managers and entrepreneurs to make a major contribution to the performance of organizations of all types around the world, while applying the ideas of responsible and sustainable futures to business … Both documents achieve similar objectives. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium International Management an der HsKA Karlsruhe? Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder e.V. Making the difference in a company and affecting its success needs a mix of competences, both technical and personal. Since 2009, Karlshochschule is owned by a non-commercial foundation and the Karlsruhe Chamber of Industry and Commerce (6%). If you wish to make a difference through companies and corporations, our Master in Management … Successful completion of the Master's programme will equip you with extensive professional, social and communication skills for challenging tasks in the field of international management. The modules are followed by a Master Thesis written in the company (9 months) and often used as an innovation project for the company. The Master in International Management prepares you to work in a global corporate environment in which you will use your new knowledge and skills dealing with issues such as global marketing and finance, supply chain management, cross cultural management… The Master Programs will take your experience and knowledge to the next level, emphasizing the development of a sustainable leadership approach: based on trust, responsibility and engagement – qualities of the leaders of tomorrow. Study Program International Business B.A. Degree programs in international management are available at the bachelor's and master's degree levels, although graduate programs are far more common. The Karlshochschule International University is a state approved private owned University of Applied Sciences and Nonprofit organization in the City of Karlsruhe, Germany.It focuses on international markets and intercultural collaboration in Business. Pre-master voor Master International Management / CEMS RSM offers Pre-master programmes designed to prepare students for a MSc education at RSM, and to be a force for positive change. Degree programs in international management are available at the bachelor's and master's degree levels, although graduate programs are far more common. Mit jedem Modul im Studiengang Internationales Eventmanagement an der Karlshochschule öffnet sich mir eine neue spannende Welt.Betrachte ich die Modulübersicht, entdecke ich zugleich, wie meine … A. in Management in International Business will help you realise your dreams, teaching you recognised management techniques as well as essential intercultural skills. Study Program Citizenship and Civic Engagement B.A. WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany Edhec Business School, Lille – Nice – Paris – London – Singapore, France, UK, Singapore HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management… Goethe University's Master of Science in International Management is catering to ambitious bachelor’s graduates striving for an international career. +49(0)721 925-1947 E-Mail Michael.Schopen @hs-karlsruhe… and Communication. The economic markets, the societies and … The large variety of specialisations and the programme’s practical approach provide graduates with the best conditions to enter the job market upon graduation and to start a successful career. International Business. In cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Hector School of Engineering and Management offers part-time Master Programs and certificate courses for engineers, economists and … The Master's programme in International Management will train you to become an executive with management functions in four semesters – ideal preparation for your career: Your studies in International Management will be as practice-oriented as possible You will expand your knowledge … Some international management programs allow … Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft (HsKA) / HsKA Karlsruhe. Apply now for Summer Semester 2021 and Winter Semester 2021/22! Students with an accredited undergraduate degree (Bachelor or "Diplom") primarily in the field of business administration or economics. Master in Management, at Karlshochschule International University in , . Master International Management Hochschule Karlsruhe: Hallo zusammen, macht jemand gerade den Master in International Management an der Hochschule Karlsruhe ode … – Studis Online-Forum 133 open jobs for Master data management in Reston. The Master's program Energy Engineering and Management is divided into 5 Engineering and 5 Management modules of 2 weeks, each over a period of 15 months. Would you like to become really fluent in English, maybe because you eventually want to study for a Master’s degree that is taught in English? The Masters of Arts in Management is an international and English-taught program where we embrace diversity at all levels – whether it be nationality, age, … 3 - International Management - - Hauptsitz, International Business, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Organisation. The pre-master programmes are primarily designed for students with an Applied Science degree (HBO) obtained in the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The module description (pdf, 60 kB) gives an overview of the program curriculum. Ziel dieses Studiengangs ist die Vertiefung der … +49(0)721 925-1947 WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany Edhec Business School, Lille – Nice – Paris – London – Singapore, France, UK, Singapore HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, … Fax We learn to be critical about long-standing concepts. International Event Management. Unten stehende 3 Internationales Business Management Master Studiengänge werden in Karlsruhe angeboten: Master Internationales Business Management (Fachrichtung) | Das Management … Four schools are hosted under the umbrella of this private institution at the KIT, offering English-taught Bachelor, Master, Executive Master… ... • Karlsruhe ... two paths for the Master Program are offered. Zum Studienorientierungstest. 1 by Financial Times).The case study method and integrated core … Corona Crisis: The Virus in-between Article by Prof. Dr. Küpers on the Karls blog. +49(0)721 925-1957 Fax. Sprechzeiten: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Studiendekan International Management Master Prof. Dr.-Ing. If you are passionate about society, the Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics will qualify you for diplomatic, economic, political, and philosophical roles in local, national, and international communities. more, Let‘s Rethink Management and Society. The modules are taught in English and are aimed at students who have already completed a degree in a business-related or economic field and wish to prepare for a management … Focusing on an interactive and interdisciplinary style of teaching, in our small-size classes, the professors and classmates are a team which will support your personal development of responsibility, empathy, sustainability and expertise. I've never been one to fall when I can jump and at a place like the Karls you certainly learn how to jump high. More information about the specific Mater's programs and moduls on the following links: How do you imagine yourself impacting the world? International Sustainability Management. +49(0)721 925-0Fax +49(0)721 925-2000mailboxspam prevention@hs-karlsruhe.de, Business Administration & Engineering, Bachelor, Business Administration & Engineering, Master. ... • Karlsruhe ... two paths for the Master Program are offered. An IT start-up and a large corporate bank, or a big online retail firm and an international NGO. You must have a solid academic basis in the following areas in order to qualify for the Master's in International Management program: Marketing (6 ECTS) Management (6 ECTS) Finance (6 ECTS) Mathematics and Statistics (6 ECTS) Academic training (12 ECTS) Academic training means courses / experience in research skills and an academic way of working. Are you curious and want to learn about the world in an intercultural, flexible and collaborative context? The modules are taught in English and are aimed at students who have already completed a degree in a business-related or economic field and wish to prepare for a management position in an internationally active company. Businesses that on a first glance might not have a lot in common. Study Program Globalization, Governance and Law B.A. • Karlsruhe • ... Master Management (M.A.) The Master of Arts (M.A.) During the Master’s degree you won’t be taught a universal truth. Das Studium "International Management" an der staatlichen "Hochschule Karlsruhe" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 2 bis 3 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Our Master in International Management (MIM) provides you with a theoretical background as well as a rich set of analytical tools that will allow you to perform effectively i… If you are looking for English-taught degree programs with a high level of service in Germany, the International Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will meet your expectations. Search Master data management jobs in Reston, VA with company ratings & salaries. Der Studiengang International Management an der Hochschule Karlsruhe bereitet Sie auf eine betriebswirtschaftliche Karriere in der modernen, internationalen Wirtschaft vor. Master the hard knowledge, the soft skills and the adaptable mindset to manage cultural differences, mobilise diverse teams and do business in a complex international context. Bachelor of Science, Master … Laura Maria Breuer (MSc International Management/CEMS 2021) "This is one of the most challenging yet most rewarding times of my life. A Sustainable Management Plan is a stand-alone document. Abschluss. These programs are taught across the following six faculties: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Information Management … Afgestudeerden gingen bijvoorbeeld aan de slag als: International management trainee bij ABN-AMRO Hong Kong Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule … The International Tourism Management course is a good mix of theory and practice, which allows you to learn a great deal on both a professional and personal level. The Master's programme in International Management (MAIM) is a two-year programme accredited by FIBBA. We have designed a program that will ensure a unique learning experience and ideal job market opportunities. Fakten zu dem Masterstudiengang International Management auf Bildung.de. International Sustainability Management. Possible careers. Alle Informationen zu: Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft (Moltkestraße 30, 76133 Karlsruhe) in Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg) International Management - Master of Science - Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft - Karlsruhe … Since the start of the Master’s program, up to 70% of our students have had an international background (see map below). Für 2020 werden zwei Global Master Schools für den Masterstudiengang angeboten - in Finnland und den USA! IM/CEMS gives me the chance to follow my interest through electives while not losing sight of the bigger picture. Students learn methods and instruments for managing globally active corporations and are prepared to assume corresponding management … International Management . Als Master of Science in International Management ben je een internationaal georiënteerde management allrounder. This master's programme is linked to the research department of Global Economics and Management. Karlsruhe International Management, Tricontinental Master in... Vollzeit. Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics. They are supplemented by two of the following six elective modules. Tuesday 1 December. Goal. 7799 Leesburg Pike, Suite 300 North Falls Church, VA 22043-2408 1-888-526-5416 Ein sicheres Standbein für den Schritt in die internationale Berufspraxis verschaffen mögliche Studienaufenthalte an ausländischen Partnerhochschulen, das Erlernen von Fremdsprachen sowie das Auslandssemester. A Space to Think Before you can learn to act, you must first learn to think . The master's programs at the Faculty of Management … Masterstudium International Management an der Hochschule Wismar Hinweis zum Datenschutz Die Websites der Hochschule Wismar verwenden zur statistischen Webanalyse die Open-Source-Software … Für die Globel Master School in den USA werden in diesem Jahr an 10 Studierende des Masters Internatational Management Reisestipendien über unser International … Members of this department perform research on topics like internationalisation and the international organisation of firms, corporate governance systems, corporate social responsibility, and institutional and cultural contexts, using a comparative design or an international perspective. International Management For the key information about this program, please see the general description (pdf, 120 kB). more, Expired Bachelor programs taught until the summer semester of 2018, Intercultural Management Based on Utrecht University’s research expertise, this multidisciplinary Master gives you a deep theoretical understanding of the complex interactions at play in international business. Daarmee kun je zowel in het internationale zakenleven uit de voeten, als in de non-profit sector en bij overheden. Phone International Event Management. Informationen zum Master: International Management an der Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft in Karlsruhe. Finde heraus, ob das Fach wirklich zu Dir passt. Der Master International Management ist dabei eine gute Vorbereitung auf eine Rolle als Fach- oder Führungskraft, die in der internationalen Wirtschaft erfolgreich interagieren muss. 30, Ranking. VU Master's Event. Master of Science (M.Sc.) Bekijk hier de beste master programma's! Der … International Management. International Management in Baden-Württemberg. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Finding Your Focus at Darden. 20 months. International Management College Study and experience higher education at Germany’s most modern International Management College. For the key information about this program, please see the general description (pdf, 120 kB).The module description (pdf, 60 kB) gives an overview of the program curriculum.For further information, please see the German pages. If you wish to make a difference through companies and corporations, our Master in Management will help you deconstruct, re-think and transform traditional perceptions of business. Moltkestr. Areas of Specialization: Brand | Creativity & Innovation | Cultural Change & Society | Human Resources & Diversity | New Media | Sustainability, We discuss politics, economics, culture and science. The modules and specializations of the Master's programs, Faculty "Business Economics & Management". Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V. Master in International Management: International education in management skills, international internships and experience of real business projects. Master in Energy Engineering and Management (EEM) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, ranked n°50 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking 09:00 - 13:30 Uhr, Gebäude K, Raum 103B You will be able to reflect analytically and interconnectedly in order to develop practical-oriented strategies to tackle complex matters. International Management Master of Arts M. A., systemakkreditiert, staatlich und international anerkannt – zertifizierte Qualität seit 1980 Praxisbezug: Consulting Case oder Praxisprojekte ; Integriertes … Areas of Specialization: Marketing | Responsible Business | Intercultural Management, Areas of Specialization: Marketing | Event | Arts & Entertainment | Media Communication. Hochschule Landshut Landshut ... Lissabon International Masters in Management Vollzeit. The Master's programme in International Management (MAIM) is a two-year programme accredited by FIBBA. If you are looking for English-taught degree programs with a high level of service in Germany, the International Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will meet your expectations. The main (mandatory) are like a back-bone in your studies. Die besten Hochschulen für das Fach. Claudia.Appeliusspam prevention@hs-karlsruhe.de, Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und WirtschaftKarlsruhe University of Applied SciencesPostfach 244076012 KarlsruheTel. 30, 76133 Karlsruhe Tel. Weiterbilden am modernsten International Management College Deutschlands. ... then Business Administration is the Master’s programme for you. International Management . International Management - HS Karlsruhe - Master of Science. The Esade MSc in International Management is a space to stop, take a step back and contemplate. During your last semester, largely dedicated to research, meetings with fellow students and faculty members will assist and inspire you. The International Management College (IMC) is not only by its name but especially because of its core values and DNA a truly global and innovative institution. Since the start of the Master’s program, up to 70% of our students have had an international background (see map below).