A. pproximately half of the worldâs population is living in cities. IWI Discussion Paper Series, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Hannover People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution: Their publications The Genesis of Differential Games in Light of Isaacs Contributions Full Text Available We investigate related optimization models and solution methods to determine ⦠Februar, 2009. Since invoices are some of the most important documents exchanged between business partners, it makes sense that in- voices be sent and received electronically. Datenschutz-und Cookie-Richtlinie. Junior Professorships. 30167 Hannover (Germany) www.iwi.uni-hannover.de. 1, 31855 Aerzen, Germany, neumann.markus@bhn-services.com Hohler, Bernd, bhn Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG, Hans-Lenze-Str. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): null 1 Kopien oder eine PDF-Datei sind auf Anfrage erhältlich: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover (www.iwi.uni-hannover.de). Prior research describes the successful implementation as a ⦠To find confidential or unlisted lists, type in the list name in the search box to the right. Email: guhr@iwi.uniâhannover.de. Vacancies at Leibniz University Hannover. The survey is performed by the Leibniz University Hanover. Liste der Professorinnen und Professoren und anderer Personen der Fakultät hoppe@iwi.uni-hannover.de and breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de Discussion Paper No. Abstract. This paper presents a real world example of a business model for eLearning that is currently being implemented by a consortium of partners around a non-university research institution in Austria. The Institute for Legal Informatics (IRI) focuses on research and teaching on current issues in the field of information technologies, in particular on issues of data protection, intellectual property, electronic commerce and international law. Academic / Research Staff. Todayâs information and knowledge societies of the highly developed countries have to face various challenges: Information systems must be omnipresent, business processes must be adapted and optimized permanently, e. g. towards customer orientation and quality management, and employees must be kept well educated life-long. * Correspondence: leyerer@iwi.uni-hannover.de Received: 28 May 2020; Accepted: 19 June 2020; Published: 2 July 2020 Abstract: Urbanization, the corresponding road tra c, and increasing e-grocery markets require e cient and at the same time eco-friendly transport solutions. IWI Discussion Paper Series/Diskussionsbeiträge ISSN 1612-3646 Björn Semmelhaack, Jon Sprenger und Michael H. Breitner, Ein ganzheitliches Konzept für Informationssicherheit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schwachpunktes Mensch, 56 S., #39, 03. voigtlaender@iwi.uni-hannover.de and breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de Discussion Paper No. Dear Participant, I would like to invite you to attend the survey on "The Acceptance of Electronic Invoices". "Sustainable Business Models for E-Learning," IWI Discussion Paper Series 7, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Hannover.Prieß, Andreas & Hoppe, Gabriela, 2004. Practical Training. ); breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de (M.H.B.) André Koukal (koukal@iwi.uni-hannover.de) is a researcher at the Information Systems Institute, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. Continue Powered by . Germany, katolla@iwi.uni-hannover.de Breitner, Michael H., Leibniz Universität Hannover, Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany, breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de Abstract The role of information systems for environmental sustainability has received considerable attention over the last several years. To access a specific list, simply click on the name of the list in the table. Details Trainees. Es ist ganz einfach, eine Umfrage zu erstellen. Zur Website des IT-Sicherheitsbeuaftragten. Phone +49 511 762 4270. kammann@iwi.uni-hannover.de (T.K. * Correspondence: leyerer@iwi.uni-hannover.de Received: 30 August 2019; Accepted: 6 October 2019; Published: 9 October 2019 Abstract: The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in its manifold variants is widely discussed in scientiï¬c literature. iwi.uni-hannover.de 0.95% 0.38% 2 kalender.uni-hannover.de 0.93% 0.47% 3 tnt.uni-hannover.de 0.89% 0.63% 3.7 igps.uni-hannover.de 0.80% 0.69% 4 iag.uni-hannover.de 0.79% 0.15% 1 sim.uni-hannover.de 0.79% 1.10% 7 webmail.uni-hannover.de 0.71% 0.27% 2 dbs.uni-hannover.de 0.70% 0.23% 2 irt.uni-hannover.de 0.65% 0.32% 3 phil.uni-hannover.de 0.61% 0.40% 3 pci.uni-hannover.de 0.59% 0.52% 5 ipi.uni ⦠He received his Diploma in economics and management from the Leibniz Universität Hannover. guhr@iwi.uni-hannover.de Michael H. Breitner Leibniz Universität Hannover breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de Abstract The implementation of internal social collaboration technologies confronts corporations with new challenges. guhr@iwi.uni-hannover.de Michael H. Breitner Leibniz Universität Hannover breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de Abstract FinTechs are attracting ongoing interest in both academia and practice. Fabian Rujanski Email rujanskiiwi.uni-hannover.de. 287 October 2003 ISSN 0949-9962 JEL-Classification: I29, O39 Keywords: E-learning, business models, economic aspects Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät 1 This paper is submitted to the subconference âE-Learning: Models, Instruments, Experiencesâ of the breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de (M.H.B.) LISTSERV.UNI-HANNOVER.DE. Germany, cuylen@iwi.uni-hannover.de Abstract The digitalization of business processes is a crucial method for cutting down administrative costs, improve productivity in business processes, and achieving process transparency. IWI Discussion Paper Series No. breitner[at]iwi.uni-hannover.de 0511-762-4901: Fachberatung: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Frank Ebeling ebeling[at]rz.tu-clausthal.de 05323-72-2084: Lokale Beratung: TU Clausthal Dr. Tim Ehlers tehlers[at]gwdg.de 0551-201-1520: Fachgebiet: Wirtschaftswissenschaften Betrieb: Systemadministration, WORK-Storage, Security Dr. Vanessa End vanessa.end[at]gwdg.de 0551-201 ⦠Abstract . The institute includes the professorships for Economics, in particular Applied Economic Policy and Economics with a focus on Innovation. Wirtschaftsinformatik der Leibniz Universitat Hannover (breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de). Traineeships. Abstract. 7, 25 p, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Hannover, submitted to Information Systems and e-Business Management Google Scholar Hoppe G, Breitner MH (2004b) Evaluation and Optimization of E-Learning Scenarios. Welcome to the website of the Institute of Economic Policy of Leibniz University Hanover. Address Königsworther Platz 1 30167 Hannover Building 1501. Room 453. Ansprechpartnerin für Korruptionsbekämpfung. Markus Neumann, Achim Plückebaum, Jörg Uffen und Michael H. Breitner, Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatikfor- Details Scholarship Holders. Laureen Funk Phone +49 511 762 4979. and it continues to grow. This LISTSERV server is located at LISTSERV.UNI-HANNOVER.DE. Michael Breitner, breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de, 1998-2006 Paolo Caravani, caravani@ing.univaq.it, 2002-2006 Harri Ehtamo, ehtamo@hut.fi, 2000-2008 Jerzy Filar, jerzy.filar@unisa.edu.au, 2004-2008 Stephane Lemenec, slemenec@matra-def.fr, 2002-2006 Guiomar Martin-Herrán, guiomar@eco.uva.es, 2004-2008 Arik Melikyan, melik@ipmnet.ru, 2004-2008 "Modellierung der Sicherheit von Informationssystemen mit DROPS," Hannover Economic Papers (HEP) dp-301, Leibniz Universität Hannover ⦠Leibniz University Hannover holds a leading position in quantum technology research and is an essential partner within the alliance Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS), which aims to develop a quantum computer by 2025. Academic / Research Assistants. M.Sc. Breitner, Michael H., University of Hannover, Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany, breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de . Search for more papers by this author Nadine Guhr, Information Systems and Management Institute, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Information Systems and Management Institute (ISMI), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany. Germany, gebhardt@iwi.uni-hannover.de . Start Search Type of Employment Professorships. Gabriela Hoppe & Michael H. Breitner, 2004. The wide range of subjects includes courses in natural sciences and engineering, humanities and social sciences, as well as law and economics. 1, 31855 Aerzen, Germany, hohler.bernd@bhn-services.com Abstract Employees are considered to be the weakest link in information systems (IS) ⦠Abstract. Below you will find all lists that have been configured for public archiving. weberiwi.uni-hannover.de. Germany, uffen@iwi.uni-hannover.de Neumann, Markus, bhn Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG, Hans-Lenze-Str. The notorious under-funding of some universities in Central Europe has triggered discussions about new revenue sources in order to cover expenses of e-learning projects [DoSi03]. Jump to: Working papers Working papers. Silke Zaepernick Phone +49 511 762 5576. Administration & Technical Services. breitneriwi.uni-hannover.de. Around 29,500 students in 84 degree programmes are currently registered at Leibniz University Hannover. Davinia Rodriguez Cardona Email rodrigueziwi.uni-hannover.de. Fax +49 511 762 4044. Former unidirectional information flows become multidirectional and user- content driven networks. Student Assistants. breitner@iwi.uni-hannover.de Abstract In recent years, gradual improvements in information, computing, communication and connectivity technologies have enabled new technical possibilities for the adoption of Chatbots across diverse sectors.