LMU is recognized as one of Europe's premier academic and research institutions. / doctoral students (MBR) Type: Lecture and Seminar: Cycle: Winter Term: Hours per week: 4 SWS blocked: Grading: Presentation and Seminar Thesis: Credits: 6 ECTS (Marketing & Strategy VI) Prerequisites-Registration: The number of participants is limited. SEA:lab provides interested master-level students an opportunity to learn about social entrepreneurship through active engagement with existing social enterprises seeking to scale their operations and impact internationally. Please be aware that only Master students are allowed to follow Master courses! Master Betriebswirtschaftslehre PstO 2008". Prof. Dr. Jörg Claussen. If you have problems to use the online course catalogue, please contact us via irc@bwl.lmu… The course “Competitive Strategy” provides answers to the question of how firms can implement strategies to create and sustain a competitive advantage. Wer also im Vorfeld schon auf eine möglichst gute Abinote geachtet hat, ist auch bei BWL auf der sichereren Seite. Eignungsverfahren 2020 (Beginn des Studiums: Wintersemester 2020/21) Bewerbungszeitraum für die Online-Bewerbung: ... melden Sie sich bitte unter master@edu.lmu.de. The application period is now open. At the time of my arrival, I had 3 papers, at different stages of completion, lots of ideas, but little tangible output. My desires are doing at least 2 internships during study, working for a while in germany after getting my master degree and probably will go back to china afterwards. If you want another person to review your exam, she needs an authorization form with your signature. Prior knowledge of risk management and insurance courses (e.g. Looking for a Master’s or PhD programme at a top university in the Netherlands? LMU is a unique and rewarding place to work. Ähnlich sieht es auch bei einigen anderen Hochschulen aus. Koordinationsstellen der Masterstudiengänge: Die Kontaktdaten der Studiengänge finden Sie auf den Studiengangs-Webseiten: alle Master- und Aufbaustudiengänge wipaedmaster@bwl.lmu.de nach obenZu 8: FAQs - Häufig gestellte Fragen. Die Online-Bewerbung lief bis zum 01.06.2020 und ist nun geschlossen. Current information for Business courses held in english is to be found here (pdf,358 kb). Auswahlverfahren auch beim Master. , Master student, Management & Technology, talking about her experience in the project studies module My project gave me detailed insights into the logistics operations at a leading brewery. It is also possible to suggest your own topic. in Management - European Triple Degree (ETD) Bachelor/ Master application at the Institute for Human Capital Management Topics M.Sc. Beilage zur Zulassung zum Masterstudium Betriebswirtschaft – Absolvierte Lehrveranstaltungen im abgeschlossenen Bachelorstudium . Registration via LSF: Time / Room: See LSF; tbc! In English. Lecturer: Martin Reinke Assistant: Mareike Worch Language: English Credits: PO 2008: 3 ECTS in Module BWL VII (ABWL); PO 2015: 3 ECTS in Module P14.2 as part of Module "Accounting & Finance" Cycle: Every winter semester Typical class size: Large (>100) Date & Place: Tuesday, 4 pm - 6 pm, online. As you consider your employment opportunities with our institution, we encourage you to take the time to learn about the university community and how it distinguishes us from other places of employment. Dient zum kennenlernen, austauschen und helfen. Research and Top master's programmes. Lecture: Fridays, 10:15-11:45, Schackstr. Ablauf des Eignungsverfahrens. Search for a programme. ... Das "Nachholen" fehlender Leistungen während des Master-Studiums ist also nicht möglich, da eine Zulassung zum Master-Studium mangels erfüllter Zulassungsvoraussetzungen nicht erfolgen kann. The examination consists of an analysis of an assigned paper from the behavioral finance field (credits: 4 SWS in module B/I). The MMT curriculum consists of five major building blocks:. You must apply for admission to this office directly. Exam registration (via LSF): 11.05.2020 – 18.06.2020 Cancellation of registration: 11.05.2020 – 25.06.2020. The Executive Master of Insurance (E.M. Insurance) is a business degree program for highly motivated young professionals, enabling them to obtain additional background, as well as to amplify and broaden existing knowledge. Please note that this lecture is open for LMU Master of Science students (Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsmathematik, Mathematik, Statistik). Master BWL LMU 2017 has 393 members. We offer ETD-students the possibility to write their master thesis at our institute. Contact Person LMU-Master of Science (M.Sc. This two year consecutive programme is taught in German and in English so you need a bachelor degree in an economic or business related subject as well as a good command of both languages. Specialization Innovation. Description. Currently offered topics for master theses can be found here. Since its founding in 1472, LMU has attracted inspired scholars and talented students from all over the world, keeping the University at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change our complex world. Former Topics. Administration – Completed Courses within the Framework of the Bachelor’s . By subject. Registration deadline: will be announced. Academic Director, E.M. Insurance Director of the Munich Risk and Insurance Center. Termine. Every semester, it gives you the opportunity to choose exactly the courses from our curriculum that match your individual career plans. Students who wish to write their bachelor or master thesis at our chair are requested to register via e-mail to Prof. Nikolaus Seitz (seitz@bwl.lmu.de) until the next scheduled application deadline announced below.Please refer to the respective examination office to confirm your eligibility beforehand. Welcome to the University of Munich! each year via our online tool. Please state the subject "Registration Investment Banking" and indicate your matriculation number as well as your course and semester of study in the summer term. Step 1: Applying for admission to the appropriate Master Studies Office You need to locate and contact the appropriate Master Studies Office of LMU. "Vertiefungskolloquium" We are proud of the programs, benefits and services we provide our community. Zulassung. Sprechzeiten der Internationalen Zulassung. Please bring your ID card and your student ID card. International Office der LMU München Besucheradresse: Ludwigstr. Re: Master BWL LMU München - Zulassung, Bachelor-Abschluss Wie gut muss denn der Bachelor-Abschluss sein, damit man an der LMU angenommen wird? Management: Courses address digital technologies from a business perspective. Oder ist das dann eher zweitrangig, wenn die Tests entsprechend sind? A prior registration by mail is necessary: koenig@bwl.lmu.de. Application. Master of Business Research (MBR) Students: Lectures as well as the tutorial sessions are optional for MBR students. Course Overview. Recently I have received the admission offer from LMU (BWL), Mannheim (MMM) and Cologne (Corporate development). Those three schools are all pretty good. Organizational Issues. The Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität offers great opportunities for prospective PhD students in numerous fields of management research. UMA - Hey everyone, I am a student from China. Since the start of Winter Term 2008/09, the Faculty of Business Administration at LMU has offered a new and unique Master’s programme. By faculty. 4/III, Room 307 (First lecture: 20.04.2012) Tutorial: Mondays, 14:15-15:45, Schackstr. Prof. Dr. Andreas Richter. You can either choose to write your thesis in cooperation with a company, you can contact the IMM for available topics or you can suggest us your own idea for a topic.. Cooperations with companies require a one-paged expose which shall be handed in per email to hirschvogel@bwl.lmu.de. For more information please contact Jan-Frederic Kuhlmann kuhlmann(at)bwl.lmu.de. “I joined LMU a few months before defending my Ph.D. at Bocconi University. In alphabetical order. It was the perfect opportunity to put my theoretical knowledge into practice, develop my own ideas and discuss possible solutions with the team. Former Topics can be found in the archive. The University is committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching in a wide diversity of fields—from the humanities and cultural Attachment to the Application for Admission to the Master’s Program Business . Der entsprechende Master ist an der LMU, um bei dem Beispiel zu bleiben, an eine ganze Latte von Bewerbungskriterien gebunden. Exam SS 2020 Please also send your grade record to Claudia Haimerl via email or hand it in personally during her office hours. I know it's been awhile since this forum has been posted and I hope that you guys all made it to the LMU's Master in Economics. 27, 80539 München Räume G 020 und G 024 zulassung.international@lmu.de. in BWL) Munich School of Management offers a Master of Science programme in business administration. The programme is designed for outstanding students who have, during the course of their Bachelor’s degree, developed a passion for continuing with research-focused and project-driven studies . Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München in the heart of Munich is recognized as one of Europe's premier academic and research institutions. After a review of essentials of decision theory the optimal design of insurance products … With over 100 different Master’s programmes, the University of Groningen is the place to be. To apply for a master thesis, please fill in the following registration form and attach your CV as well as your current transcript of records. Course formats are highly interactive and will be partly conducted as "project courses" in collaboration with industry partners. This course deals with core concepts of the theory of insurance demand. Application: You can apply for a master thesis at six dates (01.10., 01.12., 01.02., 01.06., and 01.08.) Please register until April 5th, 23:59 via ifb-info@bwl.lmu.de. Master students (M.Sc.) A two-year course program – the Master of Business Research (MBR) - trains students in methods and topics essential to modern management research. Management and Digital Technologies: Courses integrate contents from business and informatics. Die Facebook-Gruppe für alle Master BWL-Studenten des Jahrgangs 2017 / 2018 an der LMU München ! Degree . The Mannheim Master in Management - in short: MMM - is the most flexible Master's program in business administration in Germany. The course was formerly called “Strategy and Innovation”. The requirements for admission may vary for different master courses.