When not in School, she works with organisations and their leaders, providing them with strategic advice, facilitation and executive development. In the same spirit of science and business collaboration, in 2001 Murray was one of the cofounders of the Biomedical Enterprise Program (MBS-MS), a joint program between the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) and the MIT Sloan School of Management. His research focuses on the areas of organizations, social networks, and race and gender stratification. The System Design & Management (SDM) Master’s program offers early and mid-career professionals an innovative and customizable curriculum of advanced engineering and management skills. He is married with three kids. Fiona has spoken at events worldwide about building entrepreneurial capacity based upon the engine of scientific research. Held on campus at MIT Sloan Azoulay teaches courses on strategy and technology strategy at MIT Sloan. Participants will also explore the many companies, labs and centers that make MIT and surrounding Kendall Square the epicenter of innovation worldwide. "And even if for entertainment value alone, I'd pay good money to hear Rigobon again," added Hartz with a laugh. For AMP participants, this includes everything from personal projects to management simulations to leadership exercises (on sailboats on the Charles River!) Cutting-edge research and business insights presented by MIT Sloan faculty. Ask Joe Hartz. Doug Ready is Senior Lecturer in Organization Effectiveness at the MIT Sloan School of Management. In line with the MIT Sloan mission, all participants have the ambition and desire to advance management practice and make a broader impact in their organizations and the world. Verdelhan’s work in international finance shows when and why exchange rates are risky, thus shedding light on the most well-known and puzzling currency trading strategy: the carry trade. Program components Courses. This senior executive program is selective and purposely limited to 25 He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. Current projects include the arbitrage opportunities in currency markets and the role of banking regulation, the measure of the share of systematic risk in bilateral exchange rates at high and low frequencies, the link between exchange rates and returns on long-term bonds, and the optimal size of international capital flows in a world with time-varying aggregate risk, as well as the quantity and price of currency risk in international equity markets. Find Advanced Management Program program details such as dates, duration, location and price with The Economist Executive Education Navigator. Find Us MIT Sloan School of Management 100 Main Street Cambridge, MA 02142 617-253-1000 He has led major change and leadership development initiatives for companies including: Continental AG, Ford Motor Company, Four Seasons, Hess Oil, HSBC, LG Group, PwC, Royal Bank of Canada, Samsung Group, and United Technologies Corporation. The MIT Sloan Advanced Management Program experience is also distinguished for its hands-on learning approach. He has extensive experience in business, government and journalism. His work focuses on understanding the factors that contribute to the successful implementation, execution, and improvement of business processes. Part of a rich tradition of real-world engagement at MIT, Mens et Manus ("mind and hand") refers to the pairing of learning with doing. He is an effective facilitator and coach for senior management teams.Prior to working for MIT’s Sloan School, Court was a senior vice president of The Forum Corporation, based in New York and Boston. Your request has been received successfully, Located in Cambridge, MA the Greater Boston Region of New England, Algorithmic Business Thinking: Hacking Code to Create Value (self-paced online), Breakthrough Customer Experience (CX) Strategy, Business Model Innovation for Organizational Transformation, Cybersecurity Leadership for Non-Technical Executives, Platform Strategy: Building and Thriving in a Vibrant Ecosystem, Questions Are the Answer: A Breakthrough Approach to Creative Problem Solving, Innovation, and Change, Technology, Operations and Value Chain Management, Digital Transformation and Emerging Technologies, Insights from the Senior Associate Dean for Executive Education, MIT Sloan Executive Education In The News, Technology, Operations, and Value Chain Management. Dr. Elsbeth Johnson is an expert in leadership, strategy and change. Adrien Verdelhan is the Class of 1956 Career Development Professor and an Associate Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Professor Marx previously worked as a software engineer and an executive at technology startups SpeechWorks and Tellme Networks, where he received six patents. The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice. In the past, he has investigated the outsourcing strategies of pharmaceutical firms, in particular the role played by contract research organizations in the clinical trials process. The program reinforced that business is all about people and relationships. From 2008 to 2011, Jake was the Dean of the MBA Program at INSEAD, directing strategy and operations for campuses in France, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi. Discount is valid on all MIT Sloan Executive Education open enrollment programs held in Massachusetts and cannot be combined with any other discount. He is one of the two founding members of the Billion Prices Project, and a co-founder of PriceStats. His latest book, Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours, was #3 on Fast Company’s list of best business books for 2012. She is a founding senior editor and former editor in chief of MIS Quarterly Executive. Are you ready to grow your network and forge deep, lasting relationships you never thought possible in five short weeks? Roberto joined the business school in 1997 and has won both the "Teacher of the Year" award and the "Excellence in Teaching" award at MIT three times. Achieving Operational Excellence Through People: Delivering Superior Value to Customers, Employees, and Shareholders, Analytics Management: Business Lessons from the Sports Data Revolution, Applied Business Analytics (self-paced online), Applied Neuroscience: Unleashing Brain Power for You and Your People, Artificial Intelligence in Health Care (self-paced online), Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy (self-paced online), Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application (self-paced online), Building Game-Changing Organizations: Aligning Purpose, Performance, and People, Building, Leading, and Sustaining the Innovative Organization, Business Dynamics: MIT's Approach to Diagnosing and Solving Complex Business Problems, Business Process Design for Strategic Management (self-paced online), Closing the Gap Between Strategy and Execution, Communication and Persuasion in the Digital Age, Corporate Innovation: Strategies for Leveraging Ecosystems (self-paced online), Cybersecurity for Managers: A Playbook (online), Developing a Leading Edge Operations Strategy, Developing and Managing a Successful Technology Strategy, Digital Business Strategy: Harnessing Our Digital Future (self-paced online), Digital Marketing Analytics (self-paced online), Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics, Digital Strategies for Transforming Your Business, Disciplined Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Approach for Building Innovative Products and Ventures, Driving Strategic Innovation: Achieving High Performance Throughout the Value Chain, Economics for Business (self-paced online), Founder to Family: Sustaining Family Business Success, Fundamentals of Finance for the Technical Executive, Future Family Enterprise: Sustaining Multigenerational Success, Global Executive Academy (multi-language), Implementing Enterprise-Wide Transformation, Implementing Industry 4.0: Leading Change in Manufacturing and Operations, Innovating in Existing Markets: Reviving Mature Products and Services, Innovation Ecosystems: A New Approach to Accelerating Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Innovator's DNA: Mastering Five Skills for Innovative Disruption, Inquiry-Driven Leadership (self-paced online), Internet of Things: Business Implications and Opportunities (self-paced online), Interpersonal Communication: Strategies for Executives (self-paced online), Leadership by Design: Innovation Process and Culture, Leadership in an Exponentially Changing World (self-paced online), Leading People At Work: Strategies for Talent Analytics, Leading Successful Transitions in a Digitally Driven World, Machine Learning in Business (self-paced online), Management Analytics: Decision-Making Lessons from the Sports Industry (self-paced online), Managing Product Platforms: Delivering Variety and Realizing Synergies, Managing Technical Professionals and Organizations, Mastering Negotiation and Influence (self-paced online), Maximizing Your Personal Productivity: How to Become an Efficient and Effective Executive, Navigating Transitions During Disruptive Change, Neuroscience for Business (self-paced online), Organizational Design for Digital Transformation (self-paced online), Pricing: Using Data to Improve Pricing Performance (self-paced online), Reimagining Leadership: A Playbook for the Digital Economy, Social Media Strategy: Creating Engagement, Insight, and Action (self-paced online), Strategies for Career Development: Charting Your Path to the C-Suite, Systematic Innovation of Products, Processes, and Services, Transforming Family Businesses: Choosing Your Path, Understanding and Solving Complex Business Problems, Understanding Global Markets: Macroeconomics for Executives, Visual Management for Competitive Advantage: MIT’s Approach to Efficient and Agile Work. He moved the British Consulate to One Broadway (aka E70) to be closer to MIT Sloan, and the Cambridge Innovation Center. During his tenure as President of Fidelity Management and Research, from 1997 thru 2001, the assets of the Fidelity Funds rose from $500 billlion to $900 billion. MIT Sloan Executive Education P: +1-617-253-7166 • E: sloanexeced@mit.edu For more information, please contact Court Chilton by e-mailing cchilton@mit.edu or Colleen Berger at cberger@mit.edu. MIT Sloan Advanced Management Program Ideal Candidates for the Advanced Management Program AMP is an intense and demanding experience. Bob is an outside director of Medtronic, Nielsen, and AMC (a second-tier subsidiary of the World Bank). (Note: Hold down the control key while clicking to select multiple items.). Bob was executive chairman of MFS Investment Management from 2004 to 2011; during this period, the assets of MFS more than doubled from a starting point of $130 billion. I spent some time with him, reflected on the program, and worked with him on a plan for a different organizational layout that aligns our people with their responsibilities and their accountability. Bob has taught at Georgetown and NYU as well as Harvard and MIT. In the course of 14 years at Forum, he was responsible for the firm’s core leadership, teaming, and total quality offerings. His current research focuses on the organizational processes surrounding the hiring of new talent using data collected in 14 organizations. "We were 20 extremely different people," said Hartz. In terms of specific learning modules, Hartz felt the negotiation strategies and exercises, led by MIT Sloan Professor Jared Curhan, provided excellent takeaways that could be put into immediate practice. Jason Jay is a Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Director of the Sustainability Initiative at MIT Sloan. Are you an experienced executive at an inflection point in your career? You may edit or delete your review via your Completed Programs tab located in your account profile. Court Chilton is a Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management.He has helped large organizations produce business results from learning, coaching, and enterprise-wide change efforts for the last 20 years. These efforts help build a community of innovators for sustainability that includes MIT students and alumni, faculty and researchers, with partners in business, government, NGOs, and hybrid organizations. Jason engages students and alumni in hands-on projects with leading companies and organizations. She also spent three years as a Special Adviser to the first Blair Government in the UK, working in three different Departments of State, including the No. He has also served as part of a “coaching faculty” for MBA candidates. REAL combines academic and real-world perspectives on how different stakeholders (including policymakers) can contribute to building successful ecosystems. Program faculty also led discussions on disruption, disruptors, and how to think about competition differently that stood out to the now CEO. She is an international expert on the transformation of investments in scientific and technical innovation into innovation-based entrepreneurship that drives jobs, wealth creation, and regional prosperity. She has received the Fellowship of the George Stigler Center, 1997–1999, and the ERP Doctoral Scholarship of the German Ministry of Trade, 1995–1997. He received his PhD in economics from MIT in 1997, an MBA from IESA (Venezuela) in 1991, and his BS in Electrical Engineer from Universidad Simon Bolivar (Venezuela) in 1984. Additional details about the admissions process can be found in the Admissions section of the Master of Science in Management Studies website. In 2012, he spent his post-deanship sabbatical teaching financial management as a Judge Fellow in Cambridge University and as a Research Fellow studying CSR reporting at Oxford University’s Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. These include intellectual property issues as well as broader programs that enable technology transfer and commercialization. We will respond shortly. Prior to MIT, Jay ran an Internet startup, traveled around the world, taught kindergarten in a progressive preschool, and worked as a consultant with Dialogos International, where he consulted on leadership development and organizational change for major international corporations and NGO's including BP, the World Bank, and the Instituto Libertad y Democracia. His research into aligning purpose, performance, and principles has led to the popular concept of implementing a company's Collective Ambition. Then the MIT Sloan Advanced Management Program may be right for you. Some of her ongoing projects investigate whether the market for financial advice corrects or aggravates investor biases, how competition in credit card markets impacts financing contracts, the role of housing and other forms of collateral for firm and job creation, and applications of behavioral economics to small-business lending. Then the MIT Sloan Advanced Management Program may be right for you. A former professional basketball player, Bill lives in Belmont, Massachusetts with his wife and has four grown sons. His current interests include safety in high hazard production environments and the connection between efficient internal operations and effective strategic positions. MIT Sloan Executive Program in General Management (EPGM) Rice University: Global Energy Leadership Program; Wharton’s Advanced Management Program — India (AMP) Data Science & Technology Choose a program that empowers you with the tools needed to build and lead data science teams through data-driven decision making. Jeanne earned a BA at the University of Illinois, an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a PhD in Management Information Systems from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. That setting was an incredible experience for me.". This investigation includes deep case studies of cross-sectoral collaboration and hybrid organizations that combine social and business goals. The MIT Sloan School of Management (also known as MIT Sloan or Sloan) is the business school of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Disclaimer: When you click submit, we will send an email on your behalf to MIT Sloan School of Management from which you are requesting information. MITx and MIT Sloan School of Management are developing a MicroMasters program in finance that will cover topics such as finance theory, financial accounting, mathematical methods for quantitative finance, derivatives markets: advanced modeling and strategies. Energy efficiency has proven a useful context to explore these questions; Jay has conducted an ethnographic study of the Cambridge Energy Alliance, and serves as a research partner and facilitator for the EDF Climate Corps program and its network of companies. It was a really good change and part of the outcome of AMP for me.". Before joining INSEAD in 2003, he was a Senior Teaching Fellow at Harvard Business School in the Accounting & Management Group. "The problem-solving exercises we did at AMP, as a very diverse group with unique views and experiences … I found them to be very successful," says Hartz. He was elected Teacher of the Year in 2011 and in 2018 by MIT Sloan students and received the Jamieson Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2016. Part of a rich tradition of real-world engagement at MIT, Mens et Manus ("mind and hand") refers to the pairing of learning with doing. Jake holds a JD in corporate law from Syracuse University, an MS in accounting from Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, and a BS in accounting from Lehigh University. Currently he studies properties of international pricing practices, trying to produce alternative measures of inflation. In 2003, he was recruited as chief financial officer to co-lead a turnaround of Viisage Technology, a security technology company with a dual focus in the areas of drivers’ licenses and facial recognition. She has been named one of the World’s Top 40 Professors under 40 by Poets and Quants, an MIT “Iron Professor,” and a scholar at the MIT Center for Digital Business.Her main interest is in how status-based bias and technology affect self-perceptions and behavior. She is also Six Sigma, Black Belt certified and works across many boundaries between the science, technology, process development and operations applying her expertise in Visual Management systems and Dynamic Work Design. All rights reserved, The Economist Executive Education Navigator, executive-education courses at your fingertips, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, US, Sloan Distinguished Associate Professor of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management, Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Master's Programs; Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Law, Senior Director, Genomics Platform Operations and Development, Broad Institute, General Motors Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management; Professor of Management Science and Engineering Systems; Co-Director, System Design and Management Program, William F. Pounds Professor in Management and a Professor of Organization Studies, Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the Boston University Questrom School of Business, William Porter (1967) Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship, the Faculty Director at both the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and the Legatum Center, Senior Lecturer in Organization Effectiveness, School of Management Distinguished Professor of System Dynamics and Organization Studies Faculty Director, Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist, MIT Sloan School of Management, Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management and a Professor of Applied Economics, Director and Principal Research Scientist; Center for Information Systems Research (CISR), Leading People At Work: Strategies for Talent Analytics (Live Online), Managing Technical Professionals and Organizations (Live Online), Strategic Cost Analysis for Managers (Live Online), Understanding and Solving Complex Business Problems (Live Online), Supply Chain Strategy and Management (Live Online), Seasoned executives with significant leadership roles in their companies as general managers, leaders of functions or business lines, and who have direct responsibility for profit/loss, Senior leaders with an advanced degree and 15–20 years of work experience, across several different functions and business lines, Global citizens with significant international exposure yet fluency in written and spoken English, Those with an urgent agenda for change with support from employer and family to step away for five committed weeks, A deepening ability to make significant and systemic changes in your company and the world, Access to faculty, coaches, business leaders, and alumni who can help you apply the latest management thinking and frameworks to your industry, company and professional challenges, The latest insights on cutting edge topics like Fintech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Cybersecurity, and Digital Transformation, Opportunities to deepen and hone your skills in the critical areas of Leadership and Change Management, Strategy, System Dynamics, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Information Management, Visits to companies, labs, and incubators within the MIT and Boston/Cambridge innovation ecosystem, A unique climate and sense of belonging to a profound network of participants and alumni from around the world.