Aida Selmanagić, prevoditeljka u bazi Dačbata (holandskog bataljona u Srebrenici 1995), glavna je junakinja filma Jasmile Žbanić Quo vadis, Aida?, koju izuzetno tumači glumica Jasna Đuričić.Ona je ujedno i jedna od majki iz Srebrenice, a njena ženska perspektiva bitno će uticati na interpretaciju događaja neposredno pre i nakon genocida u Srebrenici. is an incredibly powerful and touching drama based on true events when 8,372 Bosniak men and boys were slaughtered in Srebrenica during the Bosnian genocide. Quo vadis, Aida? 16/11/2020 | Arras 2020 | Awards London Film Week is held in central London every year during the first week of December, with the aim of promoting international filmmaking. The film’s star, Jasna Duricic, also took home… Venecijanskog filmskog festivala. Važno je napomenuti, da je film ovogodišnji bh. Jasmila Žbanic’s “Quo Vadis, Aida?” won the El Gouna Star for best narrative film at the El Gouna Film Festival, carrying a $50,000 prize. N1 - 08.12.2020 "Quo vadis, Aida? Jasmila Žbanic's “Quo Vadis, Aida?” won the El Gouna Star for best narrative film at the El Gouna Film Festival, carrying a $50,000 prize. Independence Day marked by Laying Flowers at Kovaci Cemetery, Government calls Citizens to Visit the Rich Cultural Program for Independence Day. Do you want to report a spoiler, error or omission? Cinema. Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. kandidat za nagradu Oscar. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. Quo Vadis, Aida? Govori o posljednjim danima u UN-ovoj zaštićenoj enklavi i genocidu u kojem je ubijeno više od osam hiljada muškaraca i dječaka. Quo Vadis Aida is the latest film based on a true story that tackles the human side of the Bosnian genocide of the mid 1990s. It was selected as the Bosnian entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards. Pa, da počnemo. The movie “Quo Vadis, Aida?” directed by Jasmila Zbanic, in the production of Deblokada, at the newly held London Film Week Film Festival was awarded three prizes: for best film and best director, while Jasna Duricic was named best actress.. London Film Week is held in central London every year during the first week of December, with the aim of promoting international filmmaking. All copyrighted material (movie posters, DVD covers, stills, trailers) and trademarks belong to their respective producers and/or distributors. Directed by Jasmila Zbanic. 'Quo Vadis, Aida?' ", "A tense, compelling film (...) The energy and passion of Zbanic’s fresh, new, direct gaze at the conflict comes through in every frame", "There is no time to catch one’s breath in Jasmila Žbanić’s powerful film (...) Immersive and incredibly engaging. When the Bosnian Serb army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. Film “Quo Vadis, Aida” (Kuda ideš, Aida) dobitnik Glavne nagrade za najbolji film na 21. Original title: Quo Vadis, Aida?. Kuda ideš, Aida?, također poznat i kao Quo Vadis, Aida?, međunarodni je koprodukcijski ratni dramski film iz 2020. za kojeg je scenario napisala i režirala Jasmila Žbanić. »Quo vadis, Aida« je film nakon kojeg se dugo šuti, a onda nazove najmilije tek da ih se pita kako su. But this is a perilous balance director Jasmila Žbanić (“On the Path,” 2006’s Berlin-winning “Grbavica”) achieves strikingly well in her deeply compelling, harrowing and heartbreaking “Quo Vadis, Aida?,” which reminds us that each of those 8,372 deaths is an individual, exponential multiplication of horror. “Quo Vadis, Aida?” It is currently available at to viewers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia and Kosovo. How much Money will Political Parties receive from Canton Sarajevo Budget? Quo Vadis, Aida? Milorad Dodik: Republika Srpska is fully prepared for Secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina, High Representative comments on Initiative to review the Name of Republika Srpska, Fahrudin Radoncic met with Ambassador of UK to BiH Matthew Field, 77th anniversary of the “Igman March” will be organized on Saturday. In 2004, Jasmila has won Kairos Prize awarded to the European artists whose work is found to have outstanding cultural and social impact. The movie “Quo Vadis, Aida?” directed by Jasmila Zbanic, in the production of Deblokada, at the newly held London Film Week Film Festival was awarded three prizes: for best film and best director, while Jasna Duricic was named best actress. 03 September 2020. Izabran je za prikazivanje u glavnom takmičarskom programu 77. 2020 03 September 2020 . N/A. offers an unmistakably feminist take on the story of the Srebrenica genocide. Council of Ministers of BiH removed the Annual National Program from the Agenda! Movies. "Quo Vadis, Aida?" But in the end it is Serbian actress Jasna Djuricic whose presence, energy, and sheer dedication make this film take flight: A similarly fierce and spellbinding heroine will be hard to find anywhere else in Europe's contemporary art house cinema. Film bosanskohercegovačke redateljice, Jasmile Žbanić “Quo Vadis, Aida”, od 3. decembra možete pogledati online formi, na stranici sarajevskog kina Meeting Point. "A terrifically harrowing historical film that's impossible to forget. Gledajte novi film Jasmile Žbanić / Watch the new film by Jasmila Zbanic TMDb: 8/10 6 votes. Share; Tweet; Pin *Estimated Read Time: 3 mins. ‘Quo vadis, Aida?’, novi igrani film Jasmile Žbanić koji je protekli tjedan započeo online distribuciju u Hrvatskoj, osvojio je na Londonskom tjednu filma tri nagrade, za najbolji film, najbolju režiju i najbolju glumicu, za Jasnu Đuričić. Quo vadis, Aida? Bosnian Tribes who still live in Central Africa found! Hoće li svijet, onaj naš i onaj ‘bijeli’, to htjeti shvatiti i … It was shown in the main competition section of the 77th Venice International Film Festival. Aida Selmanagić, prevoditeljka u bazi Dačbata (holandskog bataljona u Srebrenici 1995), glavna je junakinja filma Jasmile Žbanić Quo vadis, Aida?, koju izuzetno tumači glumica Jasna Đuričić. Synopsis: Bosnia, July 1995. Bosanskohercegovački kandidat za Oskara, film Quo vadis Aida, pratio sam još otkad su počeli izlaziti kratki isječci iz filma, a najposlije i zvanični trejler. Arras film festivalu u Parizu. u mislima glasnije nisu zazvonile poznate riječi Ive Andrića: 'Svi smo mi mrtvi, samo se redom sahranjujemo'.Tragedija rata i ratnih zločina, u kojima su mnogi pobijeni, ali su životi oduzeti i onima koji su čisto … U Hrvatskoj i regiji prikazuje se online na platformi gdje će biti dostupan svim gledateljima do kraja prosinca 2020. 8. Aida radi za UN kao prevoditeljica u Srebrenici. A passion for history and Bosnian influence created a blog that is sharing the country’s unique history and culture to the world, and bridging the gap in the diaspora. (2020) Published on : 20 November 2020 20 November 2020 by Paskalis Damar. Will BiH Council of Ministers discuss the National Program needed for activation of MAP in NATO? The movie follows Aida, a UN translator, who tries to save her family during the 1995 Bosnian war. Bosna i Hercegovina, juli 1995. All Employees of Parliament of BiH have to submit their Diplomas for Check! Quo vadis, Aida? Submissions for Best International Feature (Academy Awards 2021). Quo vadis, Aida? Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. Share this page on. ( Film ) Quo vadis, Aida? The closing ceremony saw ‘Quo Vadis, Aida?’, directed by Jasmila Zbanic claim the golden star award for best feature narrative. počeo je svjetskom premijerom na venecijanskoj Mostri u rujnu ove godine. © 2002-2020 Filmaffinity - Movieaffinity | Filmaffinity is a movie recommendation site based on the concept of Movie Soulmates. trenutno je dostupan na sajtu Kina Meeting point u Sarajevu, gledateljima u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Sloveniji, Sjevernoj Makedoniji i Kosovu.. Nakon svjetske premijere na 77. retells the moments leading up to the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre with sensitivity and demand to remember. is crowned the winner by the Arras Film Festival jury. Though the film wasn’t without its equally touching and brutal moments, it unfortunately loses steam and getting swept up within its own narrative all while failing to do the story of the genocide and its victims justice. Titolo originale: Quo vadis, Aida? Three helpless men, one fighting woman: QUO VADIS, AIDA? Quo vadis, Aida? Nikada mi kao pri kraju filma 'Quo vadis, Aida?' Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming … Quo Vadis Aida Film Completo Hd, Streaming cb01 ita altadefinizione. Venezia 77 Competition . Streaming The true story of a translator attempting to save the lives of her husband and sons during the Bosnian genocide. Quo Vadis, Aida? was founded in 2016, by Albinko Hasic, whose background in history coupled with an affinity for Bosnia sparked the idea to “create » read more, ‘Bosnian History’ Website: Sharing Culture and Past with the World, High Representative met with newly appointed Austrian Ambassador to BiH, Chairman of Council of Ministers attends World Economic Forum Meetings in Davos, Predrag Kojovic comments whether He will Support SNSD Candidate for Council of Ministers. progovara o genocidu u Srebrenici, a o procesu rada Jasmila Žbanić kaže: 'Osjećala sam … But this is a perilous balance director Jasmila Žbanić (“On the Path,” 2006’s Berlin-winning “Grbavica”) achieves strikingly well in her deeply compelling, harrowing and heartbreaking “Quo Vadis, Aida?,” which reminds us that each of those 8,372 deaths is an individual, exponential multiplication of horror. Please send us a. Već po tome se dalo zaključiti da će ovaj film samo dopuniti brojku na listi filmova koji obiluju dehumanizacijom srpskog naroda. is a 2020 internationally co-produced war drama film written and directed by Jasmila Žbanić. Menu. For how much has BiH Presidency purchased new Cars? Ona je ujedno i jedna od majki iz Srebrenice, a njena ženska perspektiva bitno će uticati na interpretaciju događaja neposredno pre i nakon genocida u Srebrenici. Nakon svjetske premijere na festivalu u Veneciji, film je izabran kao bosanskohercegovački kandidat za Oscara. Quo vadis, Aida? ", novi igrani film Jasmile Žbanić koji je protekli tjedan započeo online distribuciju u Hrvatskoj, osvojio je na Londonskom tjednu filma tri nagrade, za najbolji film, najbolju režiju i najbolju glumicu, za Jasnu Đuričić. Her project QUO VADIS AIDA was selected for the Venice Gap-financing Market 2019. Film "Quo vadis Aida" redateljice Jasmile Žbanić premijerno je prikazan u Srebrenici. With Jasna Djuricic, Izudin Bajrovic, Boris Ler, Dino Bajrovic. Jasmila Zbanic’s work is awarded the Golden Atlas, while Piotr Domalewski bags the Silver Atlas for I Never Cry, and a Special Mention is won by Stephan Komandarev courtesy of Rounds . ", Is the synopsis/plot summary missing? Jasmila Zbanic’s Quo Vadis, Aida?, which debuted at Venice this year, is Bosnia’s entry for the 2021 International Oscar race. ... Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. is a film directed by Jasmila Zbanic with Jasna Djuricic, Izudin Bajrovic, Boris Ler, Dino Bajrovic, Boris Isakovic .... Year: 2020.