The arrival of Jorgos, a guest worker from Greece, leads to a growing curiosity on the part of the women and the antagonism among the men living in a suburban block of apartments in Munich. nécessaire]. Effi Briest was Fassbinder's dream film and the one in which he invested the most work. Fear Eats the Soul was loosely inspired by Sirk's All That Heaven Allows (1955). has always been considered among Fassbinder's films. In April 1968 he directed the premiere production of his play Katzelmacher, which tells the story of a foreign worker from Greece who becomes the object of intense racial, sexual, and political hatred among a group of Bavarian slackers. Martha's initially positive wish to be liked by her oppressive and abusive husband pushes her to such an extreme that she becomes deranged, leading to her own permanent physical paralysis. For the opera singer, see, harv error: no target: CITEREFVincendeau1995 (, Short film clip with Fassbinder's editor Julianne Lorenz, Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art, sexual relationships with both men and women, Deutsche Akademie der Darstellenden Künste, "Where to begin with Rainer Werner Fassbinder", "Fassbinder's Mothers Küsters Goes to Heaven in a Genealogy of the Arbeiterfilme", "A German Tragedy, Turned Absurd: Fassbinder's Satan's Brew", "In a Year of 13 Moons (1978) Film: Fassbinder's 'Year of 13 Moons': Unalterable Condition", "Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 36, Filmmaker, Dead", "An L.A. love letter to Rainer Werner Fassbinder", Overview of Fassbinder's cinematic and theatre careers, Fassbinder Bibliography (via UC Berkeley), Interview with Hanna Schygulla about Fassbinder,, 20th-century German dramatists and playwrights, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Articles with incomplete citations from April 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2019, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Filmmaker, actor, playwright, theatre director, composer, cinematographer, editor, essayist, Co-directed and written (improvisation instructions) with, Co-written with Pea Fröhlich and Peter Märthesheimer, This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 08:14. He ultimately destroys Fox's illusions, leaving him heartbroken and destitute. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Rainer Werner Fassbinder in höchster Qualität. Mai hätte Fassbinder seinen 70. C'est l'année suivante que Fassbinder présente ce qui deviendra son film le plus célèbre, Le Mariage de Maria Braun dans lequel Hanna Schygulla incarne une arriviste qui fera fortune dans l'Allemagne de l'après-guerre. Her professional achievements are not accompanied by personal happiness. He eventually kills them all and runs away to the desert with a prostitute from the local bar. Jailbait [de] (Wildwechsel, 1973), also known as Wild Game Crossing, is a bleak story of teenage angst, set in industrial northern Germany during the 1950s. Fassbinder bought him four Lamborghinis over the period of a year; Kauffmann wrecked one and sold the others if they failed to meet his expectations. Die BEST OF EDITION: Ils jouent une vingtaine de pièces de théâtre dont huit écrites par lui. Fassbinder meurt à Munich le 10 juin 1982 d’une rupture d'anévrisme à seulement trente-sept ans, alors qu’il travaille au montage de son dernier film, Querelle, adapté d’un roman de Jean Genet (1946), et qu’il prépare un film sur Rosa Luxemburg, finalement réalisé en 1987 par Margarethe von Trotta. [104] The playwright Franz Xaver Kroetz sued over Fassbinder's adaptation of his play Jail Bait, alleging that it was obscene. In Satan's Brew, a neurotic poet suffering from writer's block struggles to make ends meet while dealing with a frustrated long suffering wife, a half witted brother and various prostitutes and masochist women who drift in and out of his life. As a result, Whity was only seen as its premiere. En 1945, il est capturé par des soldats américains. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, der wohl größte deutsche Filmemacher, wäre am Sonntag, 31. All titles written and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder unless stated otherwise. [31] This kind of social criticism, featuring alienated characters unable to escape the forces of oppression, is a constant throughout Fassbinder's oeuvre. Lui et Hanna Schygulla collaborent une dernière fois en 1980 avec Lili Marleen, un film se déroulant durant la montée du nazisme et dans lequel Schygulla joue une jeune chanteuse. The title character is an ambitious and strong willed woman separated from her husband towards the end of World War II. Like in many other of his films, Fassbinder analyses lower middle class life with characters who, unable to articulate their feelings, bury them in inane phrases and violent acts. Fassbinder joined the Munich Action-Theater in 1967; there, he was active as actor, director and scriptwriter. Fassbinder's rapid working methods had begun by this stage. Das konnte wohl nur er. When she was working, she often sent her son to the cinema to pass time. [33], Similar in plot and characters to both Love is Colder than Death (1969) and The American Soldier (1970), Gods of the Plague's theme of homoerotic love would reappear repeatedly in the director's films. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . [citation needed], Returning to his explorations of German history, Fassbinder finally realized his dream of adapting Alfred Döblin's 1929 novel Berlin Alexanderplatz. The film served as a showpiece for Fassbinder's muse and favorite actress Hanna Schygulla, whose detached acting style fitted the roles the director created for her. Because he knew his actors and technicians so well, Fassbinder was able to complete as many as four or five films per year on extremely low budgets. He convinces himself to be the reincarnation of the gay romantic poet Stefan George (1868–1933) after he plagiarizes his poem The Albatros.[63]. [109] His remains were interred at Bogenhausener Friedhof in Munich. The political theme of the film aroused controversy. Frustrated in a homoerotic relationship with his own brother, Querelle betrays those who love him and pays them even with murder. His restricted ability to function leads him to ponder his own futility. Neben dem Schneidetisch bereitete er sich einige Linien von Schnee. His only science fiction film, World on a Wire (Welt am Draht, 1973), was a departure for Fassbinder. Fassbinder's parents were cultured members of the bourgeoisie. Following his mother's advice, he took acting lessons and from 1964 to 1966 attended the Fridl-Leonhard Studio for actors in Munich. It's that simple and that complex. Rainer Werner Fassbinder wurde am 31. When their relationship becomes known, they experience various forms of hostility and public rejection. Joanna informs the police of a bank robbery the two men have planned. However, his TV series Berlin Alexanderplatz was a naturalistic adaptation of the two-volume novel by Alfred Döblin, which Fassbinder had read many times. Set in 1876, Whity centers on the title character, a mulatto who works as the obsequious servant in the mansion of a dysfunctional family in the American South. Die Dritte Generation (La troisième génération), Rainer Werner Fassbinder Al… Set in the 1950s, the film depicts the twilight years of the title character, a faded Nazi starlet. Telefon: 089 - 233 - 43800 • Fax: 089 - 233 - 43803 • Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Fassbinder proposed to her and offered to adopt the child; she turned him down. Unable to reconcile his idealistic image of Lola with reality, the commissioner spirals into the very corruption he had sought to fight out. The film was neither picked up for theatrical release, nor was there interest for broadcasting it on television. Rainer Werner Fassbinder , sometimes credited as R. W. Fassbinder, was a West German filmmaker, actor, playwright, theatre director, composer, cinematographer, editor, and essayist. The film is notable for Fassbinder's performance as the unlucky Fox, in a self-directed starring role. She can be seen in a small role as the film producer's secretary in Veronika Voss. A whimsical comedy, Rio das Mortes follows two young men without prospects who try to raise money in order to realize their dream of finding a buried treasure in Peru using a map of the Rio das Mortes. [7] In his mother's absence, Fassbinder was looked after by his mother's tenants and friends. 1961-1963. Vincent Canby paid tribute to Fassbinder as "the most original talent since Godard". Influencé par les mélodrames de Douglas Sirk — auteur qu’il rencontre en 1971 et auquel il emprunte la rhétorique de l'excès, la flamboyance et l'éclat des couleurs —, il revendique également une filiation avec la Nouvelle Vague française : Jean-Pierre Melville pour la maîtrise plastique de sa réalisation et l'archétype du film de gangsters, Éric Rohmer pour sa dimension littéraire et sa peinture des sentiments dans les sociétés modernes ou encore Claude Chabrol pour son art de l'ambiance, son ironie et sa représentation à l'eau-forte de la vie provinciale[5]. Il fait tourner ses amants successifs, Günther Kauffmann (Nono, le tenancier du bar La Feria, dans Querelle), El Hedi ben Salem (le Ali de Tous les autres s'appellent Ali) et Armin Meier, dans nombre de ses films. Filme Inspiration und Inspirierter: Rainer Werner Fassbinder Vor 75 Jahren wurde Fassbinder geboren. Il évoque en effet l'intolérance, le racisme affiché ou refoulé, les illusions perdues, les bassesses, la vilenie et les compromissions d'un pays pressé d'enterrer un passé tragique pour s'adonner aux joies du libéralisme économique[2]. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. However, their married life becomes an exercise for her husband to express his sadism and for Martha to endure her masochism. német filmrendező, producer, színműíró, az anti-színház (Antitheater) megalapítója. In the following year, 1971, Fassbinder shot only one film: The Merchant of Four Seasons.[47][49][50][51]. Hän vaikutti myös teatterissa ja televisiossa. “So Much Tenderness.” In A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Shot in black and white, they were financed by Fassbinder's lover, Christoph Roser, an aspiring actor, in exchange for leading roles. Affiches ; Cinéma ; 69,90 € Très bon état. Bruno is killed in the shootout, but Franz and Joanna escape. Germany in Autumn (Deutschland im Herbst) is an omnibus film, a collective work of eight German filmmakers including Fassbinder, Alf Brustellin, Volker Schlöndorff, Bernhard Sinkel and Alexander Kluge, the main organizer behind the project. This allowed him to compete successfully for the government grants needed to continue making films. Rainer Werner Fassbinder heißt sein verschwitzter Protagonist mit Wampe, der in zu engen Pelzmänteln alle zugrunde richtet, die ihm zu nahe kommen. The title character is a fashion designer who lives in a self-created dreamland and the action is restricted mostly to her lavish bedroom. Pourquoi monsieur R. est-il atteint de folie meurtrière ? Il est l’un des représentants du nouveau cinéma allemand des années 1960-1970. It presented such an embittered and radical self-critique that his future films would have to be quite different from the ones made before. For us it certainly wasn't entirely successful. Il joue dans Le Fiancé, la Comédienne et le Maquereau de Jean-Marie Straub et Danièle Huillet en 1968, auxquels il rend hommage dans son premier long-métrage en 1969[4]. Love Is Colder Than Death was ill-received at its premiere at the Berlin Film Festival. Biografie. His life is recounted in a series of flashbacks. As he was often left alone, he became used to the independence and thus, became a juvenile delinquent. A story of realities within realities, World on a Wire follows a researcher, working at the institute of cybernetics and future science, who begins to investigate the mysterious death of his mentor. dina egna pins på Pinterest. Il a été également acteur, auteur et metteur en scène de théâtre. A sudden frenzied outburst of repressed passion, the revelation of desire and a need for love that has been thwarted and comes too late is central here. [54] Love turns into a power struggle of deception and betrayal. The American Soldier is the third and final installment of Fassbinder's loose trilogy of gangster pictures formed by Love is Colder Than Death and Gods of the Plague. His ten early films are characterized by a self-conscious and assertive formalism. It features a group of rootless and bored young couples who spend much of their time in idle chatter, empty boasting, drinking, playing cards, intriguing or simply sitting around. [95] He also appeared in several Fassbinder films in this period. [20][99] Although they were reported as drifting apart in his last year,[100] an accusation Lorenz has denied,[101] they were still living together at the time of his death. [9], As a teen, Fassbinder was sent to boarding school. Fassbinder first gained international success with Fear Eats the Soul (Angst essen Seele auf, 1974). A jacket for the heroically brave aunt or uncle to give to an outstandingly cool child who hopes of making a gazillion amazing films before burning up! Between songs, she drinks and talks about her husbands. The two began a turbulent affair which ultimately affected the production of Baal. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 2 décembre 2020 à 00:56. The players divide into two teams, which take it in turn to pick out one member of the other side and ask them question about people and objects. She leaves him, but after he suffers a heart attack they reunite, though he now has to employ other men. [112] The notes for Rosa L were found next to his body. [102], Media scandals and controversies ensured that in Germany itself Fassbinder was permanently in the news, making calculatedly provocative remarks in interviews. Fassbinder finally ended the relationship in 1974, due to Salem's chronic alcoholism and tendency to become violent when he drank. Producteur et scénariste de ses films, il en réduit le budget et le mode de production (jusqu'au Mariage de Maria Braun) puis écrit et tourne vite[4]. Aus dem Englischen von Ulrich Kriest. These films were largely written or adapted for the screen by Fassbinder. Despair is based upon the 1936 novel of the same name by Vladimir Nabokov, adapted by Tom Stoppard and featuring Dirk Bogarde. The film is a document about terrorism and its sociopolitical aftermath. Over scenes from groups such as the Squat Theatre and the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch Fassbinder spoke passages from Antonin Artaud as well as his own commentary.[77]. Fassbinder did not clarify the time frame of the action, mixing medieval elements (including some costumes, settings, speech and music) with those from other time periods, like the Russian Revolution, the Rococo period, postwar Germany and the Third World. [17] The troupe lived and performed together. Other notable films include The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972), Fox and His Friends (1975), Satan's Brew (1976), In a Year with 13 Moons (1978), and Querelle (1982), all of which focused on gay and lesbian themes. Oskar Roehler hat über Rainer Werner Fassbinder einen Film gedreht. He also articulated his themes in the bourgeois milieu with his trilogy about women in post-fascist Germany: The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979), The Angst of Veronica Voss and Lola. Fassbinder did not live to see the premiere of his last film, Querelle, based on Jean Genet's novel Querelle de Brest. Partially based upon the life of Sybille Schmitz, WI found fame under the Nazi regime, but woods career was destroyed afterwards, Veronika Voss is a once prominent UFA actress, kept by her doctor, raises suspicion in a sports journalist. His father mainly concentrated on his career, which he saw as a means to indulge his passion for writing poetry. In A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The film stars Kurt Raab, Fassbinder's close friend whom the director usually cast as a pathetic man. His mother largely ignored him as well, spending the majority of her time with her husband working on his career. In 1977, the New Yorker Theater in Manhattan held a Fassbinder Festival. Rainer Werner Fassbinder bekommt keine Chance an der Filmhochschule. Franz wird wegen Verführung einer Minderjährigen zu neun Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt. Made for German television, Fear of Fear [de] (Angst vor der Angst) is a physiological drama about a middle-class housewife, locked into a dull life with a distracted husband, two small children, and openly hostile in-laws. The film climaxes with a truth-guessing game. Though published at the time, and quickly withdrawn, the play was not performed until five years after Fassbinder's death by Thieves Theatre in 1987 at ABC No Rio. In a Year of Thirteen Moons was explicitly personal, a reaction to his former lover Armin Meier's suicide. Städtischen Rainer-Werner-Fassbinder-Fachoberschule München . Fassbinder Für Kinder $ 250.00 “I’d like to be for cinema what Shakespeare was for theatre, Marx for politics and Freud for psychology: someone after whom nothing is as it used to be.” —Rainer Werner Fassbinder. "Ours was a love story in spite of the marriage", Caven explained in an interview, adding about her former husband's sexuality: "Rainer was a homosexual who also needed a woman. Wiley-Blackwell: UK, 2012. Working with a regular ensemble of actors and technicians, he was able to complete films ahead of schedule and often under budget and thus compete successfully for government subsidies. Nach der Scheidung der Eltern 1951 wächst Fassbinder zunächst bei seiner Mutter auf. Central to the story is the song that gives the film its title. The film was made for television and shot during a pause while making Satan's Brew. His best friend, Reinhold, makes him lose an arm and murders Franz' prostitute girlfriend, Mieze. "[69], With The Marriage of Maria Braun (Die Ehe der Maria Braun), his greatest success, Fassbinder finally attained the popular acceptance he sought with German audiences. [81] Fassbinder usually cast her in unglamorous roles, most notably as the unfaithful wife in The Merchant of Four Seasons and the silent abused assistant in The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant. Die 13 Jahre Des Rainer Werner Fassbinder book. The aftermath of World War II deeply marked his childhood and the lives of his family. Fassbinder wollte nicht einfach einen Roman adaptieren, eine Geschichte erzählen, sondern versuchen, sie so zu erzählen, dass Fontanes Sicht der damaligen Zeit - wir befinden uns im ausgehenden 19. Her story of manipulation and betrayal parallels Germany's spectacular postwar economic recovery in terms of its cost in human values.[71]. In the latter, his mother – under the name of Lilo Pempeit – played the first of many parts in her son's films.[16]. Toutes les informations de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France sur : Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945-1982)