21. Officially there is no option exist and application doesn’t allow users to keep there WhatsApp status blank. 20. 1. I didn't change, and I just grew up. It only means that you are 'Above them.'. LATEST ENGLISH HINDI PUNJABI. The essence of romantic love is that lovely beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule. Status saver for Whatsapp is used to save & download status, a single click to save all statuses. A bad attitude is like a flat tire, and you can't go anywhere until you change it. This trick works fantabulous So you can chat with them &/or send messages to them⦠because the way you are getting notification about them, they also see you online in their Wapp. 4. Migrate and Sync Files between Different Clouds. 29. 4. Now tap on Profile Name and then Tap on âAboutâ Status and click on edit. 1. Thanks this trick was immposible i though this trick devloper lives infinity. Don’t Copy only Second Symbol else It Will Not Work For empty WhatsApp status trick. I wish dreams were like wishes, and wishes came true, cause in my thoughts I'm always with you. 27. Dp and status video for WhatsApp Android . But as our name suggest we are providing you the solution to have empty status. Here are some of the romantic WhatsApp online status. 8. This website is is Fully Copyright Protected by DMCA. I'm tired of answering them for you. Hello Solution Exist readers, After a long time, we are posting WhatsApp trick or a article on how to Set blank WhatsApp status (now it is changed to about).This empty WhatsApp status trick is on of the popular tricks for which peoples are keep on searching.. Officially there is no option exist and application doesnât allow users to keep there WhatsApp status blank. 17. I love buying new things, but I ⦠The only disability in life is a bad attitude. Both methods works on android and iOs devices. Delete currently set about and Paste those Copied Symbol in the status (copied from 1st step). I don't have an attitude problem, and I just have a personality that you can't handle. You are the reason why I smile, and I love, I breathe, I live. G.F. is the Reason... 5. 2010: August: Product: WhatsApp support for Android OS is added. When you care for someone, his happiness matters more than yours!! WhatsApp 2.0 is released on the App Store for the iPhone. 14. 28. You can find any video status of your choice with a simple search tool in a small size. If you use WhatsApp regularly, it's always better to backup your WhatsApp messages from time to time to avoid any unexpected data loss. I hate math, but I love counting money. You can break it into pieces, but when you look closely, you're still in it. But still, you have to pay for it. Facebook-dotterbolaget Whatsapp har meddelat att stödet för appen på flera äldre mobiler har tagits bort, och kommer försvinna från ytterligare modeller framöver. Sometimes you need to maintain a distance to keep people close to you. 19. Is there any other special whatsapp tricks? This will help you for sure, I cannot post a blank text on my status…..(I don’t use GB WhatsApp). Open WhatsApp on your phone; Tap Menu or Settings and select WhatsApp Web; Point your phone to this screen to capture the code Excellence is not a skill; it is an attitude. The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Yes we had posted bunch of whatsapp tricks on SolutionExist. I speak my mind. 26. I didn't change, and I just grew up. I love you. 7 Whatsapp Settings to Customize Whatsapp as You Desire, Top 7 WhatsApp Problems with iOS 14/13.7 and Solutions, How to Access and Download Whatsapp Folder Contents. 10. 6. Besides this, updating status is thought-provoking and is fun, if you can manage it smartly and effectively. You can choose to share your status updates with all your contacts or selected contacts only. 5. Also, you can take a simple test on the right to see if you are addicted to WhatsApp and have an opportunity to win a Kindle Paperwhite e-Reader. These types of WhatsApp status are for the persons who want to exhibit a fresh side of their personality. 23. 9. 17. Sometimes a good cry in the shower is all you need, to release the pain that has build up inside. Can someone just send me some money so that I can buy the ingredients? One Tap To Save * Open WhatsApp. 14. Always remember you are unique, just like everyone else. It was just eight years ago, in February 2009, when we started writing the first lines of code for what would eventually become WhatsApp. There are different types of WhatsApp status that one can use, as per their convenience or mood. WhatsApp Status is a great way to express yourself. Dp and status video for WhatsApp app has stunning videos related to various categories, including popular video songs status, sad, funny, birthday, romantic, and many other HD videos in ten languages. I don't care what people think or say about me, and I was not born on this earth to please everybody. 17. Thanks bro..!! WhatsApp's "Status" feature is similar to Snapchat's "Story" feature in that you can post a message or a photo for all of your WhatsApp contacts to see for 24 hours. My biggest concern in life is actually how my online friends can be informed of my death..!! WhatsApp status displays how uniquely and ingeniously you can put your thoughts in words. 'Dream' as if you'll live forever. Some of the cool WhatsApp statutes stated herewith. Then, you need to open the chatbox and send the PNR number. I never dreamed about success. 4. Hello there your tricks are amazing but i want to use 1 sim whatsapp account on 2 devices without verifying problem as i want to use whatsapp application on both 2 device with 1 same number i have tried a lot but whatsapp only uses 1 number on one device thats it please if you guys can help thank you. Tap the Pencil icon in the upper-right corner to make colorful drawings on your Status update. Now and Forever. 21. It simply means that the person is using WhatsApp at present. I love my life because it gave me you; I love you because you are my life. Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true. 30. 20. 5. Light travels faster than sound…that's why people appear bright until they speak. I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes CLOSED. 25. Best new and latest video status for whatsapp facebook and instagram. Status krank whatsapp - Der absolute Favorit der Redaktion. Now next step is to, Go to WhatsApp click on three dot menu icon. Success is not easy and is certainly not for lazy. 9. Steps to Watch Whatsapp Status Anonymously: #1 There are two different ways of getting this done, firstly we will be telling you about the file explorer method.You know that each and everything that you see on the WhatsApp or any other app is saved to the storage of the device. 16. WhatsApp sometimes pre-downloads the photos posted in a status. There are couple of whatsapp tricks available to have no status on WhatsApp. 11. All rights reserved. For better understanding or incase you don’t like text to read, we had a video tutorial posted on solutionexist youtube channel which will guide you through process. In order to send and receive status updates to and from your contacts, you and your contacts must have each other's phone numbers saved in your phonesâ address books. It is perfectly working on every mod of whatsapp. The biggest slap to your enemies is your success. 3. I don't need a hairstylist, and my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning. 80% of boys have girlfriends. 7. But now I’m facing a serious issue with GB what’s app,at first it has blocked for 20 minutes,and then 40 minutes,later it has been blocked for 2hours and then 5 hours,so patiently I waited and suddenly it blocked for 10 hours and then after that it continued for 20 hours..Finally I uninstalled my beautiful GB wats app and now I’m using normal wats app..Can I use GB again ,I’m just waiting for ur prescious reply.plz help me to use GB wats app again. 8. Best large file transfer Apps for iPhone&Android. Caption WhatsApp Lucu, Keren, Bijak, dan Galau Terbaru 2020 Zaman sekarang WhatsApp sudah selayaknya seperti media sosial. 1. Use WhatsApp's tools to add text, emoji, and drawings on your Status update. 19. 13. God is creative; I mean, just look at me. Annoying, but they carry your blood. These types of WhatsApp status are for the persons who want to exhibit a fresh side of their personality. In the world, there are billions of people. - Open WhatsApp and visit the Status section. If you find this cool must share this post with your friends. Life can give us lots' of beautiful persons, but only one person is enough for a beautiful life…. hdstatusvid.com known for Best WhatsApp Status Videos. Write For Us Technology | Submit Guest Post, How To Do Video Calling on Whatsapp in Android and IOS, WhatsApp Tricks Tips Hacks For Android & iPhone, 100% working GbWhatsapp Apk Latest Version 8.60 Download, How to Set Blank WhatsApp Status | whatsapp blank status, Hide whatsapp chat without archive / Without Any App, Whatsapp antiban - WhatsApp Plus Apk Latest Version 8.60 Download, How To Remove Non Friends From Facebook Messenger, Two Whatsapp Account in One Android Phone [Dual Whatsapp] (AntiBan), How to Unbanned From WhatsApp Quickly- Updated 2020, Read Instagram messages without seen - Read Instagram message without notifying them, Remove WhatsApp about (Formerly known as WhatsApp status), Use Unsupported Characters/Emoji to have no status on WhatsApp. 3. You are like a bright sun as your blazing love can even make the stars fade away. This is AWESOME !!! 15. Learn about iOS 14 updating problems and solution. If College has taught us anything, it's texting without looking :). Live as if tomorrow is the last one. You can watch a video tutorials for better guidance. Running away does not help you with your problems unless you are fat. I love my job only when I'm on vacation. You can never buy love. 10. 14. Whatsapp is Instant Chatting APP that Allow Users to Send & Receive Messages with Data Plan. 2. 4. I wish I had 'Google' in my mind and 'Anti-virus' in my heart... 28. My bed is always extra comfortable when I need to get out of it in the morning. 6. Nothing is perfect, but when I'm with you, everything is perfect. App to transfer data from iPhone/Android to Android. Here you can download Latest Love, Sad, motivational and devotional Status Video HD format. Tips and tricks for transferring data to new iPhone 12. 2. 29. I stuck on 6 no point. I like to hang out with people that make me forget to look at my phone. 2. 15. I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people. Watch our video tutorial. Keep visiting Solution Exist for more tricks..!! Whatsapp Mostly Works with All Platforms like iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows & etc. Tips and tricks for backing up data on iOS Android devices. How can I fix that? Activate the push notifications to be alerted instantly when someone is online. HINDI STATUS . C.L.A.S.S.- come late and start sleeping. 15. LATEST STATUS . ENGLISH STATUS . If you copy any of this website content then we can take DMCA action against you. If common sense is so common, why are there so many people without it?? Some People like Cool Whatsapp Status or Cool Quotes. Many tricks for no status on whatsapp are available but now the are not working, so Solutionexist in today’s post working WhatsApp trick to set blank WhatsApp status. I love my six-pack so much, I protect it with a layer of fat. Firstly you have to Copy Two Symbols that are given below. Your funny WhatsApp status adds happiness and positivity in other's life, who all connected with you WhatsApp. We are on the same side now. 8. Learn how to backup and transfer WhatsApp,Line,Viber,etc. Hello sir,I was using GB wats app from last 1 yr 2 months ago,it was just amazing to use that.. I worked for it. 6. Today morning when I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up. Thinking of you is easy; I do it every day. In Android, the users can view these photos in the .Statuses directory of WhatsApp. Last Updated on September 27, 2020 By Ronak Prajapati 22 Comments. friends to invest $250,000 in seed funding, and is granted co-founder status. 16. 6. 28. Now Hit The Ok Button and see the magic. 25. Som standard visar WhatsApp dina vänner om du är online nu eller när du var senast online. Yesterday I did nothing, and today I'm finishing what I did yesterday. People are like 'Music.' I've found the recipe for happiness. I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day that I find it is the day I'll stop loving you. 24. Kanske vill du hålla folk från att veta när du har läst deras meddelanden. I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends. 2009: December: Product: WhatsApp for the iPhone is updated to send photos. Your statuses reveal a lot about your emotions, thoughts, views, personality, mood and creativity. You should try it once. In this method, we instead of hiding, we remove about section which will reflect as no whatsapp status. Some of the cool WhatsApp statutes stated herewith. One second to say. Mosquitos are like family. 29. Every time I hear your voice, I fall in love all over again. 16. Unser Testerteam hat unterschiedlichste Marken getestet und wir zeigen Ihnen als Interessierte hier alle Ergebnisse des Tests. How to use status - Status allows you to share text, photo, video, and GIF updates that disappear after 24 hours. Funny WhatsApp status is a way to display an unusual side of your personality to others. Dr.Fone gives discounts and free phones,etc.Stay tuned. The quickest way to double your money is to FOLD it in half and put it back in your pocket. A book-store is only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking. 19. (Valid before 8th January 2018). 13. Latest Whatsapp Status Latest collection of awesome status to express your feelings and situation on Whatsapp. 6. WhatsApp last year introduced a Snapchat Stories spin-off, WhatsApp Status.A new tab in the application, WhatsApp Status allows users to share photos, videos, GIFs and even text.Just like Instagram Stories and Snapchat Stories, WhatsApp Status content disappears after 24 â¦