As Friderike Zweig she published a book on her former husband after his death. 21 November 2010. His work has been the basis for several film adaptations. He wrote biographies of Joseph Fouché (1929), Mary Stuart (1935) and Marie Antoinette (Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of an Average Woman, 1932), among others. Durch Übersetzungen und Übertragungen bedeutender Dichter wie Romain Rolland oder Emile Verhaeren machte Zweig sich ebenso einen Namen wie durch seine eigenen Werke. Studiensammlung über seine Werke und andere Beiträge. Stefan Zweig. Zitate, Texte von Stefan Zweig (1881 – 1942, Freitod) österreichischer Germanist, Novellist, Lyriker und Erzähler kostenlos auf Sprüche, Gedichte, Zitate – Sprüchesammlung "[8] According to Amos Elon, Zweig called Herzl's book Der Judenstaat an "obtuse text, [a] piece of nonsense". Giorgia Sogos, "Stefan Zweig, der Kosmopolit. The 2013 French film A Promise (Une promesse) is based on Zweig's novella Journey into the Past (Reise in die Vergangenheit). Casanova – Stendhal – Tolstoi Drei Meister. At least[31] one other work by Zweig received a musical setting: the pianist and composer Henry Jolles, who like Zweig had fled to Brazil to escape the Nazis, composed a song, "Último poema de Stefan Zweig",[32] based on "Letztes Gedicht", which Zweig wrote on the occasion of his 60th birthday in November 1941. Zweig is best known for his novellas (notably The Royal Game, Amok, and Letter from an Unknown Woman – which was filmed in 1948 by Max Ophüls), novels (Beware of Pity, Confusion of Feelings, and the posthumously published The Post Office Girl) and biographies (notably of Erasmus of Rotterdam, Ferdinand Magellan, and Mary, Queen of Scots, and also the posthumously published one on Balzac). Zweig's best-known fiction includes Letter from an Unknown Woman (1922), Amok (1922), Fear (1925), Confusion of Feelings (1927), Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman (1927), the psychological novel Ungeduld des Herzens (Beware of Pity, 1939), and The Royal Game (1941). "A Story Told In Twilight", 1911, short story (Original title: "Rachel Arraigns with God", 1930 (Original title: "Rahel rechtet mit Gott", "The Eyes of My Brother, Forever", 1922 (Original title: "Die Augen des ewigen Bruders"), "The Buried Candelabrum", 1936 (Original title: "Der begrabene Leuchter"), "The Legend of The Third Dove", year of writing unknown (Original title: "Die Legende der dritten Taube"), "The Dissimilar Doubles", year of writing unknown (Original title: "Kleine Legende von den gleich-ungleichen Schwestern"), Giorgia Sogos, "Le biografie di Stefan Zweig tra Geschichte e Psychologie. "My mother and father were Jewish only through accident of birth", Zweig said later in an interview. Es ist das Schicksal der Ungewöhnlichen, immer. It has been widely discussed as a record of "what it meant to be alive between 1881 and 1942" in central Europe; the book has attracted both critical praise[21] and hostile dismissal. Nachdem Gedichte von ihm schon seit 1897 in Zeitschriften veröffentlicht worden waren, erschien 1901 der Gedichtband Silberne Saiten und 1904 seine erste Novelle Die Liebe der Erika Ewald. Zweig married Friderike Maria von Winternitz (born Burger) in 1920; they divorced in 1938. Max Reger hat noch oft Gedichte von Stefan Zweig vertont, ihn sogar um neue dichterische Vorlagen gebeten. Lieber schrieb er für das Feuilleton der Neuen Freien PresseWiens Artikel und Poesie. … Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gedichte: Die Frühlingsnacht naht lind und lau (Verflogene Sehnsucht) Heut kann ich keine Ruhe finden (Das Mädchen) Rote Rosen in den Beeten (Lied) Allein, wir zwei. Jahrhunderts. Religion did not play a central role in his education. At the height of his literary career, in the 1920s and 1930s, he was one of the most widely translated and most popular writers in the world.[2]. Stefan Zweig. [9], Zweig served in the Archives of the Ministry of War and adopted a pacifist stance like his friend Romain Rolland, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1915. [20] His fame in America had diminished until the 1990s, when there began an effort on the part of several publishers (notably Pushkin Press, Hesperus Press, and The New York Review of Books) to get Zweig back into print in English. Zweig had a warm relationship with Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, whom he met when Herzl was still literary editor of the Neue Freie Presse, then Vienna's main newspaper; Herzl accepted for publication some of Zweig's early essays. [40], The 2012 Brazilian film The Invisible Collection, directed by Bernard Attal, is based on Zweig's short story of the same title.[41]. Gedichte. Der österreichische Schriftsteller Stefan Zweig … Stefan Zweig (28.11.1881 – 22.02.1942), österreichischer Schriftsteller. Anderson also said that the film's protagonist, the concierge Gustave H., played by Ralph Fiennes, was based on Zweig. On 22 August 1940, they moved again to Petrópolis, a German-colonized mountain town 68 kilometres north of Rio de Janeiro. Hofmann uses the term "vermicular dither” to refer to a passage attributed to Zweig and quoted in 1972, though the passage does not occur in Zweig's published work. Zweig later collaborated with Joseph Gregor, to provide Strauss with the libretto for one other opera, Daphne, in 1937. Finden Sie hier die 21 besten Stefan Zweig Sprüche. 88 S. Berlin: Leipzig: Schuster & Loeffler 1901; 2. Und sind sie doch seltsam süß, weil sie im Spiel gegeben Noch sanft und absichtslos und leise nur verwirrt, Wie Bäume, die dem Frühlingswind entgegenbeben,... Stefan Zweig - Stefan Zweig Poems - Poem Hunter. He's the Pepsi of Austrian writing." As a Jew, Zweig's high profile did not shield him from the threat of persecution. [6] Zweig, a committed cosmopolitan,[7]) believed in internationalism and in Europeanism, as The World of Yesterday, his autobiography, makes clear: "I was sure in my heart from the first of my identity as a citizen of the world. Vieles von Goethe ist fester Bestandteil der deutschen Sprache geworden. Biographien Balzac Maria Stuart Maria Antoinette Emil Verhairen Romain Rolland Drei Dichter. Stefan Zweig . November 1881 in Wien geboren und starb am 23. "Stefan Zweig, Austrian Novelist, Rises Again". Als berühmter Prosaautor schrieb Zweig später nur noch selten Gedichte. November 1881 in Wien, lebte in seiner Heimatstadt bis November 1917. Emile Adolphe Gustave Verhaeren (* 21. Autobiography, in particular, had become "more clear-sighted and audacious".[29]. [4] He was related to the Czech writer Egon Hostovský, who described him as "a very distant relative";[5] some sources describe them as cousins. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stefan Zweig was a prominent writer in the 1920s and 1930s. Ausgewahlte Gedichte [ZWEIG, Stefan] on Zweig's memoir, Die Welt von Gestern (The World of Yesterday, 1942), is noted for its description of life during the waning years of the Austro-Hungarian Empire under Franz Joseph I and has been called the most famous book on the Habsburg Empire. Februar 1942 in Petrópolis, Bundesstaat Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller. Ein Duft sind sie, des Blutes flüchtigste Berührung, Ein rascher Blick, ein Lächeln, eine leise Hand – Sie knistern schon wie rote Funken der Verführung Und stürzen Feuergraben in der Nächte Band. Graues Land. Hölderlin – Kleist – Nietzsche Joseph Fouché Heilung durch den Geist. [citation needed], Zweig studied philosophy at the University of Vienna and in 1904 earned a doctoral degree with a thesis on "The Philosophy of Hippolyte Taine". Ausgewahlte Gedichte [33] During his stay in Brazil, Zweig wrote Brasilien, Ein Land der Zukunft (Brazil, A Land of the Future) which consisted in a collection of essays on the history and culture of his newly adopted country. Anderson said that he had "stolen" from Zweig's novels Beware of Pity and The Post-Office Girl in writing the film, and it features actors Tom Wilkinson as The Author, a character based loosely on Zweig, and Jude Law as his younger, idealised self seen in flashbacks. Stefan Zweig wurde am 28. Hofmann adds that in his opinion "Zweig just tastes fake. Rohter, Larry. Stefan Zweig Zitate. It specialises in autograph music manuscripts, including works by Bach, Haydn, Wagner, and Mahler. In seinen vom Symbolismus ausgehenden, in freiem Versmaß verfassten Gedichten entwickelte er eine von sozialem Bewusstsein geprägte großstädtische Lyrik von großer Musikalität. November 1881 in Wien; † 23. Just a pedestrian stylist", "Stefan Zweig, Wes Anderson, and a Longing for the Past", Biographical sketch of Stefan Zweig at Casa Stefan Zweig, Mozart's "Verzeichnüß aller meiner Werke", "Shooting Stars: Ten Historical Miniatures", "Classic Serial: Stefan Zweig – Beware of Pity", "The Invisible Collection (A Coleção Invisível): Rio Review", "To Friends in Foreign Land" – Zweig's letter, which he published in the newspaper, Guide to the Correspondence of Stefan Zweig and Siegmund Georg Warburg, Zweig Music Collection at the British Library, Stefan Zweig Collection at the Daniel A. Reed Library, State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, New York, Stefan Zweig Online Bibliography, a wiki hosted by Daniel A. Reed Library, State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, New York, Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, Anthony Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel,, 20th-century German dramatists and playwrights, Jews who immigrated to the United Kingdom to escape Nazism, Austrian male writers who committed suicide, 20th-century Austrian dramatists and playwrights, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. Am Wiener Gymnasium Wasagasse legte er 1899 seine Matura ab. Er war finanziell unabhängig. At one time his works were published without his consent in English under the pseudonym "Stephen Branch" (a translation of his real name) when anti-German sentiment was running high. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. - In jedem unsrer Blicke (Gewährung) Fern Berge, die sich tief ins Blau verlieren (Im Feld) Stefan Zweig betrat die literarische Bühne als Lyriker. Gedichte der Jahre 1933-1945. [21] Plunkett Lake Press has reissued electronic versions of his non-fiction works. An den Wind geschrieben: Lyrik der Freiheit. The 2018 American short film Crepúsculo by Clemy Clarke is based on Zweig's short story "A Story Told in Twilight" and relocated to a quinceañera in 1980s New York. Die frühen Kränze. It has been described as "one of the world's greatest collections of autograph manuscripts". [10] She later also published a picture book on Zweig. Start Dichter Gedichte Gedichte für Kinder Sprüche Lesepfade Gedicht der Woche . Mai 1855 in Sint-Amands bei Antwerpen; 27. Though he is still well-known in many European countries, his work has become less familiar in the anglophone world. In a letter dated 8 September 1926, he wrote to Freud, "Psychology is the great business of my life". Für Stefan Zweig war Musik immer ein wichtiges Thema. The dates mentioned below are the dates of first publication in German. [19] He was extremely popular in the United States, South America and Europe, and remains so in continental Europe;[2] however, he was largely ignored by the British public. Wie entscheidend und wesentlich die Dichtung der Wiener Jugend für die gesamte europäische Dichtung wurde, braucht nicht literarhistorisch begründet zu werden. Wer einmal sich selbst gefunden hat, der kann nichts auf dieser Welt mehr verlieren. The dates mentioned below are the dates of first publication in German. Erbauend und schön ist es diese Gedichte zu lesen! Stefan Zweig, Graues Land. [34] One particularly precious item is Mozart's "Verzeichnüß aller meiner Werke"[35] – that is, the composer's own handwritten thematic catalogue of his works. Die Familie war nicht religiös, Zweig selbst bezeichnete sich später als „Jude aus Zufall“. Since the 1990s there has been an effort on the part of several publishers (notably Pushkin Press and New York Review of Books) to get Zweig back into print in English. Ein stimmungsvolles Herbstgedicht. 2008. As a result, Goebbels refused to attend as planned, and the opera was banned after three performances. Das Vorwort schrieb Stefan Zweig, er übernahm auch die Auswahl der fast 200 Gedichte in der Reihenfolge ihrer Entstehung. "Stefan Zweig." April 1929), S. 104–106 Compact Memory diverse Zeitungsausschnitte ZBW Nonetheless, as the years passed Zweig became increasingly disillusioned and despairing at the future of Europe, and he and his wife Lotte were found dead of a barbiturate overdose in their house in Petrópolis on 23 February 1942; they had died the previous day. Yet he did not renounce his Jewish faith and wrote repeatedly on Jews and Jewish themes, as in his story Buchmendel. Mitübersetzung, ... (Adress by Mr. Stefan Zweig at the House of Mrs. Anthony de Rothschild, on Thursday, November 30, 1933 and to the Commitee for the Luncheon at the Savoy Hotel, December 20, 1933, in aid of German Jewish women and children.) In diese… "I think it better to conclude in good time and in erect bearing a life in which intellectual labour meant the purest joy and personal freedom the highest good on Earth", he wrote.[18]. Mesmer – Mary Baker-Eddy – Freud Magellan Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam Amerigo […] Erstaunlich wie viel Bekanntes ich in diesem Buch fand, obwohl ich fast nie Gedichte lese. Wolken in dämmernder Röte droh'n über dem einsamen Feld. Anschließend an der Wiener Universität als Student der Philosophie eingeschrieben, mied er den Vorlesungsbetrieb so weit wie möglich und schrieb lieber für das Feuilleton der Neuen Freien Presse, deren Redakteur Theodor Herzl war. Aufnahme 2020. Österreichischer Schriftsteller und Philosoph und Friedensaktivist seiner Zeit. Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam, Marie Antoinette, Maria Stuart", Firenze University Press, Firenze 2013, e-. Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller. Wie ein Mann mit trauriger Flöte geht der Herbst durch die Welt. Even the author's suicide note, Hofmann suggests, causes one to feel "the irritable rise of boredom halfway through it, and the sense that he doesn't mean it, his heart isn't in it (not even in his suicide)".[25]. Zweig was a prominent writer in the 1920s and 1930s, befriending Arthur Schnitzler and Sigmund Freud. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Beware of Pity was adapted into a 1946 film with the same title, directed by Maurice Elvey. Er versuchte jedoch, die Vorlesungen an der renommierten Bildungseinrichtung wann immer möglich, zu umgehen. [44], TV film La Ruelle au clair de lune by Édouard Molinaro is an adaptation of Zweig's short-story Moonbeam Alley.[45]. Teilen. Wir bieten einen Lebenslauf sowie eine Biografie und Übersicht der Werke von Stefan Zweig Stefan Zweigs Schachnovelle - Eine Geschichte aus dem Exil Ich gehöre nirgends mehr hin! 'Wolken in dämmernder Röte droh'n über dem einsamen Feld'. Balzac – Dickens – Dostojewski Der Kampf mit dem Dämon. The 2017 Austrian-German-French film Vor der Morgenröte (Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe) chronicles Stefan Zweig's travels in the North and South Americas, trying to come to terms with his exile from home. [25], Zweig acknowledged his debt to psychoanalysis. In 1934, as a result of the Nazi Party's rise in Germany, Zweig emigrated to England and then, in 1940, moved briefly to New York and then to Brazil, where he settled. Zweig was a passionate collector of manuscripts. [11] In the late summer of 1939, Zweig married his secretary Elisabet Charlotte "Lotte" Altmann in Bath, England. Im Jahr 1899 legte Stefan Zweig seine Matura ab, um anschließend an der Wiener Universität Philosophie zu studieren. Manfred Sturmann (1903–1989): Stefan Zweig, ein jüdischer Dichter, in: Bayerische israelitische Gemeindezeitung, Jg. [23], Critical opinion of his oeuvre is strongly divided between those who praise his humanism, simplicity and effective style,[21][24] and those who criticize his literary style as poor, lightweight and superficial. Teilen. Zweig is best known for his novellas (notably The Royal Game, Amok, Letter from an Unknown Woman - filmed in 1948 by Max Ophuls), novels ... more », Ich liebe jene ersten bangen Zärtlichkeiten, Die halb noch Frage sind und halb schon Anvertraun,... more ». [15] On 23 February 1942, the Zweigs were found dead of a barbiturate overdose in their house in the city of Petrópolis, holding hands. [39], An adaptation by Stephen Wyatt of Beware of Pity was broadcast by BBC Radio 4 in 2011. His 1932 biography of Queen Marie Antoinette was adapted by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer as a 1938 film starring Norma Shearer. "Der Sechzigjährige dankt" [Stefan Zweig's last poem, 4 February 1942] [If not indicated otherwise, the title of the poem printed below is "Letztes Gedicht: Der Sechzigjährige dankt"] Printed in: [1]. Er war in Sicherheit. Du kannst seine Nähe nicht fassen, The British Library's Stefan Zweig Collection was donated to the library by his heirs in May 1986. Im Jahr 1901 wurde sein Gedichtband Silberne Saiten veröffentlicht und nur drei Jahre später seine erste Novelle mit dem Titel Di… Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of an Average Woman, Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, "Meet the Austrian-Jewish novelist who inspired Wes Anderson's 'The Grand Budapest Hotel, "Index entry for marriage of Altmann, Elisabet C., Spouse:Zweig, Registration district: Bath Register volume & page nbr: 5c, 1914", "Wichtiges zu Stefan Zweig: Das Salzburger Literaturarchiv erhielt eine bedeutende Schenkung von Wilhelm Meingast", "Revivendo o país do futuro de Stefan Zweig", "When It's Too Late to Stop Fascism, According to Stefan Zweig", "Stefan Zweig? Stefan Zweig, geboren am 28. He went on explaining that Freud had considerable influence on a number of writers such as Marcel Proust, D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce giving them a lesson in "courage" and helping them overcome their inhibitions. Strauss famously defied the Nazi regime by refusing to sanction the removal of Zweig's name from the programme [30] for the work's première on 24 June 1935 in Dresden. Wie wenige Menschen, auch die tapfersten, haben jemals den Mut, klar einzugestehen, ihre Anschauung von gestern sei Irrtum und Unsinn gewesen. Petropolis, damals ein kleiner Ort, war die brasilianische Antwort auf Bad Ischl. The 1993–1994 academic year at the College of Europe was named in his honour. Ich liebe jene ersten bangen Zärtlichkeiten, Die halb noch Frage sind und halb schon Anvertraun, Weil hinter ihnen schon die anderen Stunden schreiten, Die sich wie Pfeile wuchtend in das Leben baun. Herbstgedichte, Stimmungslyrik von Stefan Zweig u.a. Lottmann sagt: Hitler … Bereits 1897 erschienen seine Gedichte in diversen Zeitschriften. [12] Zweig's secretary in Salzburg from November 1919 to March 1938 was Anna Meingast (13 May 1881, Vienna – 17 November 1953, Salzburg).[13]. 1929, Heft 7 (1. The Zweigs' house in Brazil was later turned into a cultural centre and is now known as Casa Stefan Zweig. 1901 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Buch, die Gedichtsammlung »Silberne Saiten«, ein zweiter Lyrikband folgte 1917. Thomas Mann gesteht zum zehnten Todestag, dass er „damals mit dem Verewigten gehadert habe, wegen seiner Tat, in der ich etwas wie eine Desertion von dem uns allen gemeinsamen Emigrantenschicksal und einen Triumph für den Beherrscher Deutschlands sah“. Eine kritische Analyse", Free Pen Verlag, Bonn 2017, This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 16:05. [3], Zweig was born in Vienna, the son of Moritz Zweig (1845–1926), a wealthy Jewish textile manufacturer, and Ida Brettauer (1854–1938), a daughter of a Jewish banking family. 44 Personen gefällt das. [14] Zweig, feeling increasingly depressed about the situation in Europe and the future for humanity, wrote in a letter to author Jules Romains, "My inner crisis consists in that I am not able to identify myself with the me of passport, the self of exile". Eigentlich alles da.