Community See All. Die Mauer hier, ja die Mauer nicht Berliner Mauer, wurde durch bedeutende Künstler nach der Öffnung der Grenze als längste Gallery der Welt bemalt. In 1990, more than 100 artists from over 20 countries decorated this stretch of the hinterland wall with their art works. The East Side Gallery is an open-air gallery in Berlin. The East Side Gallery is the longest surviving section of the Berlin Wall. Located on the bank on the River Spree, the east side of the Wall was is covered with 105 murals, which were painted in 1990, only a short time after the fall of the wall. East Side Gallery Berlin - die offizielle Webseite : Restoration in 2009 First jackhammers are used to free the steel reinforcements in the wall from the concrete segments. Seit dem nennt sie sich East- Side- Gallery. The East Side Gallery is one of Berlin’s most historic landmarks that has also been turned into an artistic landmark. The Wall Museum at the East Side Gallery Museums and Institutions Berlin, Berlin 176 followers HELDEN UND OPFER DER MAUER UND DER FALL DER MAUER DAS MULTIMEDIA ERLEBNIS Chronik der Mauer Stiftung Berliner Mauer Die Berliner Mauer Berliner Mauer Bei der East Side Gallery fehlt die Geschichte dahinter. Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1989-1111-009, Berlin, Brandenburger Tor, Polizeiabsperrung.jpg ... Berlin, Abriss der Mauer … The most famous is undoubtedly the work known as the “Fraternal Kiss”, depicting a kiss between Russian leader Leonid Brezhnev and East Germany’s SED Party Chairman Erich Honecker. In der Zeit von Februar bis September 1990 wurden auf 1316 Metern der Berliner Mauer in der Ostberliner Mühlenstraße Bilder gemalt. It's located on the longest preserved rest of the Berlin Wall along the river Spree. Kulturprojekte Berlin. Birgit Kinder had repainted her work (again!) Along the Mühlenstraße in Friedrichshain (close to the East Station) there is a work known as “Hinterlandmauer“ which was painted in 1990 by 118 artists, both men and women, from 21 countries. 78-80 Berlin. Upvote 19 Downvote Issy M August 12, 2013 4 . LandesschülerInnenvertretung NRW (LSV NRW) Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. The gallery has official status as a Denkmal, or heritage-protected landmark. Write a review. Stefan Teetz - Hauptvertretung Alt-Friedrichsfelde 6 a 10315 Berlin Telefon: +49 30 5252810 Telefax: +49 30 52279739 Mobil: +49 173 3736392 . The East Side Gallery is a 1.3 km long open air gallery on parts of the former Berlin Wall. Start your review of Berliner Mauer Kunst: Mit East Side Gallery = Berlin's Wall Art = Arte En El Muro De Berlin. ... EAST SIDE GALLERY MÜHLENSPEICHER. 3,363 people like this. Die East Side Gallery ist die größte Open Air Gallery der Welt. Mühlenstraße 73, 10243 Berlin, Deutschland Heute präsentieren wir euch unser neues Logo und Corporate Design der Stiftung, das ab sofort auf allen Druckprodukten eingesetzt wird. The website was maked by friends from US. ... East Side Gallery. It consists of a series of murals painted directly on a 1,316 m (4,318 ft) long remnant of the Berlin Wall, located near the centre of Berlin, on Mühlenstraße in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Die East Side Gallery an der Spree lockt jährlich Millionen Touristen, sie gilt als längste Galerie unter freiem Himmel. The East Side Gallery in September 2018 with tourists gathered by the Trabi section. Zum Tag des offenen Denkmals in Berlin habt ihr am Sonntag, den 13. The Berlin Wall, (Berliner Mauer), was the barrier that surrounded West Berlin and prevented access to it from East Berlin and adjacent areas of East Germany during the period from 1961 to 1989. Shelves: travel, know-your-world, history. East Side Gallery -- część muru znajdująca się przy Mühlenstraße została po jego zburzeniu przeznaczona pod galerię obrazów i graffiti najróżniejszych artystów. The actual border ran along the Kreuzberg Bank opposite. Datenschutzerklärung. Bis zum Samstag, den 17.10. ist in der Galerie oqbo noch die Ausstellung WHAT'S LOVE GONNA DO WITH IT zu sehen, die eine Auswahl der Blätter aus unserem Archiv präsentiert, auf denen BesucherInnen ihre Eindrücke nach dem Besuch der Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer gezeichnet haben! Mühlenstr. The Berlin Wall Foundation offers public guided tours on the history of the East Side Gallery (1 h) and on art at the East Side Gallery (1.5 h) every Saturday in different languages. She has been one of the most stubborn East Side Gallery artists, repainting her Trabi section many times over the years. ... A graffiti mural of The Brandenburg Gate on the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall (2008) And down. After the Wall fell, 118 artists from 21 countries redesigned 1.3 kilometers of the former border into the longest open-air gallery in the world. Tel: +49 (0)30-94512900 Fax: +49 (0)30-204567 – 51. East Side Gallery. The Berlin Wall came to symbolize the Cold War’s division of East from West Germany and of … In focus was stand the first big rstoration of 33 pictures in 2000. The images express the joy that greeted the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the spring of 1990, after the opening of the Berlin Wall, this section was painted over a length of 1316 meters. East Side Gallery is a 1.3km long section of the Berlin Wall that still stands today. The gallery is located on Muehlenstrasse and is accessible from both Warschauer Strasse and Ostbanhoff. Die Bereiche wurde 2000 und 2008 teilsaniert. Zur Stiftung Berliner Mauer gehören die Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer, die Erinnerungsstätte Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde, die Gedenkstätte Günter Litfin und die East Side Gallery. 118 Künstler aus 21 Ländern hatten die Mauer im Frühjahr 1990 umgestaltet. visitBerlin. The longest preserved piece of the Berlin Wall, standing between Ostbahnhof and Oberbaumbrücke, is known worldwide as the East Side Gallery. A world symbol of freedom, it’s also the world’s biggest open-air gallery. The 1.3 kilometre part of the Berlin Wall is the longest part that is still largely intact. Zur Stiftung Berliner Mauer gehören die Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer, die Erinnerungsstätte Notaufnah... See More. The "East-Side-Gallery" in Berlin-Friedrichshain is the world's longest lasting open-air-gallery. Actually the painted wall is an interior wall (Hinterlandmauer) on eastern side, the real Wall to the […] Have a look at 2000 Look at the website from 1999-2002. 1. The Brandenburg Gate in 1982 viewed from the East Berlin side. Newsletter. The Berlin Wall East Side Gallery showcases the work of 106 international artists on a 1.3km section of the original wall. in July 2018. Berlin Story. It is located in Berlin Friedrichshain along the Muehlenstrasse between Oberbaumbruecke and Berlin Ostbahnhof parallel to the river Spree. East Side Gallery, Mühlenstraße 47 - 80, +49 030 467 9866-23, The Topography of Terror While this museum focuses on … Sep 19, 2014 Soham Chakraborty rated it really liked it.