5140 ist eine Hochschulgruppe der Universität Stuttgart. To welcome our new students and get to know each other, we’re hosting a games night on. Das Gewinnspiel steht in keiner Verbindung zu Instagram und wird in keiner Weise von Instagram gesponsert, unterstützt oder organisiert. … 24. title-results FG Information Technology (INFOTECH) Pfaffenwaldring 47 (Studienbüro), 70569 Stuttgart Tel. However, there are alternatives to spending the day not exclusively […] Please contact stuvus - LimeSurvey ( limesurvey@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de ) for further assistance. The student council stuvus has set up a pool of helpers. ... hg-5140-orga@lists.stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de . During the Corona pandemic this year, there were many days when we all stayed home when we would have preferred to add variety to our daily lives. Auch dieses Jahr findet wieder der Markt der Möglichkeiten statt. The games night takes place in the lecture rooms V5.01 and V5.02 in the IMS, Pfaffenwaldring 5b. Impressum Intern 3 talking about this. Es gibt aber auch Alternativen, um den Tag nicht ausschließlich mit dem eigenen Studium zu verbringen: Die Museen der Stadt Stuttgart hatten schon vor der Pandemie ein abwechslungsreiches Online-Angebot.… Read more, Du bist frustriert über den Ablauf des digitalen Semesters und willst,dass das Semester besser wird?Dann ist unsere aktuelle Umfrage zur digitalen Lehre im Wintersemestergenau das richtige für dich!Über diesen Link kannst du bis zum 21.12 an der Umfrage teilnehmen:https://stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de/umfrageWS2021In der Umfrage hast du die Möglichkeit anzugeben, was gut und wasnicht so gut läuft und was du benötigst um dein Studium zu verbessern,seien es mehr Lernräume, Bücher aus der Bib oder eineFreiversuchsregelung. Something went wrong and Element was unable to load. You are a FLINT student at the University of Stuttgart in STEM subjects? Vielen Dank an alle, die ihre Stimmen genutzt haben und gewählt haben! Allgemein 8. Stuvus is the abbreviation for "Studierendenvertretung Universität Stuttgart". Students help in quarantine station | University … Posted on August 3, 2020 August 5, 2020 Anti-Racism Statement Die Wahlergebnisse der Gremienwahlen der Uni Stuttgart sind hochschulöffentlich veröffentlicht. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der Studierendenvertretung der Universität Stuttgart Search for: Search. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der Studierendenvertretung der Universität Stuttgart We are Green Canteen, a student working group at the University of Stuttgart with the vision to make the diet of all more sustainable, animal-friendly and healthy. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der Studierendenvertretung der Universität Stuttgart Wir bedanken uns für das viele Lob und Feedback und freuen uns, dass wir iGEM an der Uni Stuttgart etwas bekannter machen konnten. All students of the IMS are welcome to come to our weekly student representatives meetings during the lecture period – we’re happy about every new member 3 talking about this. btn-mahlowat-show-start btn-mahlowat-show-qa. Letzten Freitag haben wir unser Projekt am Tag der technischen Biologie an der Uni Stuttgart vorgestellt. Impressum Intern 1. Hack your online profile with Bosch! – Einstieg in die Anti-Diskriminierungs- und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit“, https://stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de/umfrageWS2021, stuvus-Podcast Folge 5: Prof. Richard Powers- Schwäbisch international, stuvus-Podcast Folge 4: Dr. Jan Pfaff - Schwäbisch, stuvus-Podcast Folge 3: Matthias Herr - Uniwahlen. With our workshop series, we would like to give you the opportunity to start your anti-bias- and anti-racism work on a personal level.… Read more, The first weeks of our studies shape our entire course of study. Ihr könnt die Ergebnisse hier einsehen. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. Posted on November 17, 2018 March 21, 2019. Das Thema ist jetzt jedoch noch nicht vorüber, sondern kehrt mit den aktuellen Regulierungen im November wieder in den Vordergrund. We make friends for life, discover a new city, a new educational system and a wide range of offers. November 2020 11Minuten, Senatsausschuss für Lehre und Weiterbildung, Referat für Gleichstellung, Diversity und Soziales, Umfrage zur digitalen Lehre im Wintersemester 2020/21, Workshop-Reihe „Decolonize us! Something is wrong. September 2020 8. September 2020. We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. Meet other motivated students in cool learning groups at the spring academy in Stuttgart or Furtwangen for a week. btn-mahlowat-skip-remainng-theses. Recent tweets. The professional group INFOTECH of University Stuttgart is an organ of stuvus. Phone: +49 711 685 83055 E-mail: info@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de Responsible: The Student Representation of the Universität Stuttgart is a public corporation. Für die Inhalte sind die Gruppen selbstverantwortlich. Our student representatives meetings. Instagram Feed. 17. 6 talking about this. FG Information Technology (INFOTECH) Pfaffenwaldring 47 (Studienbüro), 70569 Stuttgart Tel. Since spring 2013 we have been your lobby here at the university and ensure the self-organization of the students. 11-11.45 AK MitMachGarten, AIAS e.V.… Read more, stuvus-Podcast Folge 5: Prof. Richard Powers- Schwäbisch international Während der Corona-Pandemie in diesem Jahr gab es viele Tage, an denen wir alle zu Hause geblieben sind, obwohl wir lieber Abwechslung in unseren Alltag gebracht hätten. Über diese Seite. 3 talking about this. The professional group INFOTECH of University Stuttgart is an organ of stuvus. Vielen Dank an alle, die ihre Stimmen genutzt haben und gewählt haben! However, the issue is not over now, but returns to the forefront with the current regulations in November. The IMS provides several facilities to its members, e.g. FLINT in STEM at Uni Stuttgart. As well as answering the many study-related questions with regard to the corona crisis, the students are also supporting a wide range of voluntary and medical organizations and institutions. Die Wahlbeteiligung hat sich im Vergleich zur letzten Wahl deutlich gesteigert. Stuvus is the abbreviation for “Studierendenvertretung Universität Stuttgart”. iGEM imparts diverse core competencies and skills in a wide variety of areas, including outside the lab such as public relations, design, sponsoring, presentation skills and most importantly how to sell your idea and yourself What did iGEM teach you for life? So if you have been studying for a while and still have some tips in store, share them with us and the new first-year students!… Read more, stuvus-Podcast Folge 5: Prof. Richard Powers- Schwäbisch international Wir hoffen, dass wir diese höhere Wahlbeteiligung auch in den nächsten Jahren beibehalten und vielleicht sogar verbessern können.… Read more. Find all the information you need about modules, exams software and other topics, a FAQ, tutorials and many useful links in our ultimate guide How to Bachelor … But after a short hype of showing solidarity, each individual’s commitment to “doing the work” has slowly fallen into oblivion. 5140 was founded in January 2019 when 5140 women were enrolled in Bachelor or Master of Science programms at the Uni Stuttgart – at least that’s what the statistics said. stuvus - the Student Union of the University of Stuttgart [de] Studierendenwerk Stuttgart ... University of Stuttgart is given the Henriette Herz Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. stuvus commits itself to the interests and concerns of the students in a … Tweets by 5140_unicorns. Impressum Intern. iGEM Stuttgart Subgroup: Team Vibrio What do you like about iGEM? We were founded in the spring of 2019, and since the summer of 2020 we have been a working group of the student representation of the University of Stuttgart (stuvus), part of the sustainability department . Dies ist die neue Website des Vereins der iranischen Studenten aus Stuttgart. Ihr könnt die Ergebnisse hier einsehen. 17. Die Wahlbeteiligung hat sich im Vergleich zur letzten Wahl deutlich gesteigert. Association of Iranian Students of Stuttgart ... (AIS Stuttgart) is a recognized university group of the stuvus. Thematically, it is always about other areas of student life. Create your own online professional brand on 27.07! The Student Council of the University of Stuttgart, or stuvus for short, has been safeguarding the autonomous organization of the students since 2013. : 0711/ 685 67820 Fax: 0711/ 685 67821 E-Mail: fs-infotech@faveve.uni-stuttgart.de. Dieses Mal stellen sich die Hochschulgruppen, Arbeitskreise und Referate am 12.12. und 13.12. digital vor. : 0711/ 685 67820 Fax: 0711/ 685 67821 E-Mail: fs-infotech@faveve.uni-stuttgart.de. Freshers’ Academy Stuttgart. The Code of Conduct happens to coincide with the official “Hausordnung” by the University of Stuttgart and German law in many points. Thus first year students are given practical tips for a successful study on the way. Element can't load. Studierendenvertetung Universität Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 5c 70569 Stuttgart Deutschland. November 2020 19Minuten, stuvus-Podcast Folge 3: Matthias Herr - Uniwahlen The student council stuvusrepresents all students of the University of Stuttgart and advocates the students' interests regarding university policy, technical and interdisciplinary issues as well as social, economic, and cultural aspects. Guten Start ins Wintersemester wünscht die Fachgruppe Anglistik/Amerikanistik der Universität Stuttgart! The tips are always collected on Instagram in the stuvus story. stuvus consists of volunteers that organize events like the UNO or the CampusBeach, get involved in university politics and, of course, help students and answer their requests. Stuvus represents all students of the University of Stuttgart and advocates the students' interests regarding university policy, technical and interdisciplinary issues as well as social, economic, and cultural aspects. However, there are alternatives to spending the day not exclusively on your own studies: The museums of the city of Stuttgart had a varied online offering even before the pandemic.… Read more, Are you frustrated with the progress of the digital semester and want the semester to be better?Then our current survey on digital teaching in the winter semester is just right for you!You can participate in the survey until the 21st of December via this link: http://stuvus.de/surveyws2021In the survey you have the opportunity to indicate what is going well and what is not so well and what you need to improve your studies, be it more study rooms, books from the library or a free attempt at the exams.… Read more, With the rise of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, a long-needed public discussion of racism has finally taken place in white people’s spaces. Impressum Intern §1 Motivation. Be warned that those points might be enforced by authorities. – Introduction to anti-bias and anti-racism work”, stuvus-Podcast Folge 5: Prof. Richard Powers- Schwäbisch international, stuvus-Podcast Folge 4: Dr. Jan Pfaff - Schwäbisch, stuvus-Podcast Folge 3: Matthias Herr - Uniwahlen. Since 2013 stuvus has been representing student interests at Universität Stuttgart while also ensuring the self-organization of the students. However, the issue is not over now, but returns to the forefront with the current regulations in November. : 0711/ 685 67820 Fax: 0711/ 685 67821 E-Mail: fs-infotech@faveve.uni-stuttgart.de. It is legally represented by Christopher Behrmann, chairman of the board. 1. Search. ... We as stuvus wish you all the best for the upcoming exams! Wednesday, 16th October 2019, starting 6 p.m. November 2020 11 minutes, Department for Gender Equality, Diversity and Social Affairs, Schedule of the first semester introductory week, Survey on digital teaching in the winter term 2020/21, Workshop “Decolonize us! Sämtliche Fragen, Kommentare oder Beschwerden zum Gewinnspiel sind nicht an Instagram, sondern an die Studierendenschaft der Universität Stuttgart zu richten.Das Gewinnspiel „stuvus 2020″ bestehend aus: 1x ein 0711bilder-Kalender gesponsert von 0711bilder, 1x ein Lebensinsel Studyplanner gesponsert von Lebensinsel Studyplanner, 1x ein Exemplar von “Geschenk” von Sebastian Fitzek gesponsert von der Verlagsgruppe Droemer Knaur, 3x je ein Gutschein im Wert von 5€ für die Mensen des Studierendenwerk Stuttgarts gesponsert von dem Studierendenwerk Stuttgart. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der Studierendenvertretung der Universität Stuttgart July 2020 7. 1 talking about this. November 2020. Opening of the first RegioRad stations. 24. Die Wahlergebnisse der Gremienwahlen der Uni Stuttgart sind hochschulöffentlich veröffentlicht. The professional group INFOTECH of University Stuttgart is an organ of stuvus. Part of your semester contribution is given to stuvus. stuvus IT Team - Studierendenvertretung Universität Stuttgart - stuvus. The Uni has many groups and initiatives ... University A-Z. During the Corona pandemic this year, there were many days when we all stayed home when we would have preferred to add variety to our daily lives. Sounds good. November 2020 19 minutes, stuvus-Podcast Folge 3: Matthias Herr - Uniwahlen I mail you! So it’s the perfect time to get off to a flying start with the BaWü freshers’ academy (Erstsemesterakademie BaWü zukunftsfähig)!The First Semester Academy gives you the opportunity to network with other students and take a look behind the scenes of everyday university life even before the semester begins.… Read more, Under the title “Fresher-Tips for a successful study” we publish tips from students to students on this page. List of Studentorganisations; Fachgruppen Veranstalter und Verantwortlicher für die Durchführung des Gewinnspiels ist die Studierendenschaft der Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart. December 2020 19 minutes, stuvus-Podcast Folge 4: Dr. Jan Pfaff - Schwäbisch Hierfür gibt es für jede Vorstellung ein eigenes Meeting, das live zu der angegebenen Uhrzeit stattfinden wird. Allgemein 8. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der Studierendenvertretung der Universität Stuttgart Dezember 2020 19Minuten, stuvus-Podcast Folge 4: Dr. Jan Pfaff - Schwäbisch Analytics cookies. FG Information Technology (INFOTECH) Pfaffenwaldring 47 (Studienbüro), 70569 Stuttgart Tel. We are the Student’s Council of the University of Stuttgart (stuvus). … Read more. We support the interests of the students in many ways. Eileen, Laura and Carina missed a connection and community between the women in STEM and wanted to get to know them all.