: +49 (0)201 183 6500 Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation können keine persönlichen Sprechstunden angeboten werden. Corona: Services of the computer center. All students who started studying prior to WS 18/19 and thus have to take IEC, SLC I and SLC II as part of their degree requirements are reminded that these courses have now been phased out. Search Site. Dies ist nicht korrekt! Due to the continuing pandemic conditions, the examination periods for the winter semester 2020/21 and the summer semester 2021 for the Bachelor's and Master's programmes had to be rescheduled differently from the previously announced periods. 1,034 people like this. We are strong in research and teaching, live diversity, promote potentials and are committed to educational justice that deserves its name. only in current section Advanced Search… Home. In case you received recognition for courses which you have done at another university, these courses are also listed in your transcript of records. At each language island a different languages is spoken. Es steht ab sofort wieder uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung. Im Campus-Management-System HISinOne wurden heute Fehlerbehebungen des Softwareherstellers eingespielt. Anyone interested should submit a work of 3,000 words or less to Dr Melissa Knox-Raab. Registration. University of Duisburg-Essen 47057 Duisburg, Tel. In einigen alten Studienbüchern steht fälschlicherweise als Modulprüfung eine Klausur. In this sense it is an extracurricular activity and Credit Points or marks do not play a role in the workshop. Monday - Friday Create New Account. ), Informationen zum Bafög für Studierende am Institut für Anglophone Studien, Auslandssemester an der Fort Hays State University, 1.000 USD-Reduzierung für ein Auslandssemester. The exam will be administered on an individual basis. 45141 Essen. The attendance of the event is free of charge and without registration. These workshops allow you to further develop your personal and academic skills remotely. : +49 (0)203 379 3776 Chang Liu received his M.A. Quick Access. Monday and Wednesday This test will not be graded and your answers will be anonymous. 32 check-ins. Tel. The participation in the workshop is entirely voluntary. will not be accepted without the following note: All papers must be handed in with this note - please also sign it! Die Modulprüfung (Hausarbeit) des Moduls C wird doppelt angemeldet: während der globalen Anmeldephase erfolgt die Anmeldung über das Prüfungsamt (HISInOne); die Ausgabe des Hausarbeitsthemas erfolgt ab Semesterbeginn direkt bei dem/der Lehrenden des jeweiligen Seminars (Themenvereinbarung). High. Winter 2020/21 Home Training Days. IEC is no longer offered as a class, but the IEC exam will still be offered until SS 2023. 41 Fax: +49 (0)203 379 4370 The transcript lists the name of the course unit, your passed results as well as local credits attached to the respective course unit. Due to the fact that the Assessment Test cannot take place this semester, we have had to come up with an alternative solution. Chair of Postcolonial Studies Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer. Talking is conducted under the guidance of a “language guide”, who helps to overcome initial inhibitions. from 09:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. College & University in Duisburg. Welcome to the Degree Program ISE. We will post an update here as soon as the issues have been resolved. The Campus Management System HISinOne (productive, demo and active test system) will be unavailable on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 from 4 pm for about 60 minutes due … Faculty of Engineering, SCIES The exam will be administered on an individual basis. Internationalization@home and across the Dutch border: in March 2021, the American Studies programs of the University of Duisburg-Essen and Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) are again co-hosting the annual RUDESA Spring Academy. Within the Home Training Days series, GCPlus offers compact online workshops for doctoral researchers of all disciplines at the UDE. Wenn Sie zwei Sprachen studieren und den Auslandsaufenthalt in Ihrem anderen Fach absolvieren, hilft die Übersicht Ihnen ebenfalls, Ihr Englischstudium entsprechend anzupassen. Sie stellt alle Prozesse und Strukturen einer Hochschule integriert dar und unterstützt dadurch alle Beteiligten bei ihren Aktivitäten. Hausarbeiten werden von den Lehrenden nur angenommen, nachdem eine Themenvereinbarung erfolgt ist. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday ​We would be very pleased to welcome every student to our department, yet we understand that studying English is not for everyone. Café-Lingua takes place online until further notice. Proceedings 29th and 30th Workshops on (Constraint) Logic Programming and 24th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming : Dresden and Leipzig, Germany, 22nd September 2015 and 12-14th September 2016 Workshops on (Constraint) Logic Programming ; International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming ; 22.09.2015, Dresden ; … Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning Kontaktdatenerfassung in Bezug zur Coronaschutzverordnung Organized by Prof. Dr. Barbara Buchenau, MA Juliane Borosch, and Dr. Maria Sulimma. Inhalt; Kommentar: Beschreibung: The lecture deals with the fundamentals of general chemistry (atomic models, periodic table, chemical bonds, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics) as well as with some aspects of the field of chemistry which are of special relevance for engineering applications (structural and functional materials). Postal Address Community See All. Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. The exams will be offered formally via HisInOne for two semesters after that, i.e. Contact Adam von Wald in order to arrange an individual appointment. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis in Bezug auf die notwendige Wartungspause. Additional Seminar: Module I, VI, VIII and Lit2 and Lit2BA, RUDESA 2021 will take place online from March 8-12, 2021, Kaffee trinken, Sprachen üben - ab 9. He is currently working on his PhD at Heidelberg University, investigating the reception of American pop icon Madonna in China. About See All. University of Duisburg-Essen Unidue hisinone. For questions, please contact Ms. Rusu at nicoleta.rusu[at]vwl.uni-freiburg.de. Die Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften vergibt über die Sektion Internationale Beziehungen: A) In Zusammenarbeit mit einer Uni werden Praktikumsplätze für Lehramtsstudierende in Minnesota, USA vergeben, die Betreuung erfolgt über die Uni in den USA. The language tables can arise spontaneously from the encounter of the participants. Faculty of Engineering, SCIES 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 01:00 - 04:00 p.m. Tuesday Die Modulprüfung des Modul VI im 2-Fach-Bachelor (Studienbeginn: 2012/13) ist eine 12-15seitige Hausarbeit. Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-plan Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. The EFL education team presents a new procedure for allocating remaining seminar seats to those students who did not get a spot. Help us keep you up-to-date on a wide range of extra-curricular activities and events that the department is organising or is involved in. Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen zu folgenden Studiengängen: - Bachelor of Science Maschinenbau - Master of Science Maschinenbau - Diplomstudiengang Maschinen- und Anlagenbau : 0201/ 183-3406 Fax: 0201/ 183-6507 patricia.plummer@uni-due.de Informationen zum BFP (außerschulischen Berufsfeldpraktikum) im SS 2020 (unter "Corona"-Bedingungen) finden Sie hier. Department of Anglophone Studies B. ein Bologna-Prozess mit sich bringt, einfacher begegnen und besser meistern. : +49 (0)203 379 3452 Inhalt; Kommentar: Beschreibung: This lecture course defines basic electric and magnetic quantities and their units. / für das zweite Halbjahr 01.07.-15.11. You can print out your transcript of records via HISinOne. Den Nachweis über das ordnungsgemäße Studium erbringen Sie künftig gegenüber dem Bafög-Amt, indem Sie dort einen Ausdruck Ihres Leistungskontos vorlegen. Users% Pageviews% Rank Germany 70. Bei Problemen und Anträgen auf Auslands-Bafög wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Pointner. The Poetic Writing Workshop is an open workshop for students interested in writing poetry in English. All students writing in English are eligible to submit. Not Now. ​If you have any questions, please contact one of the language instructors in the department. Office hours: We are proud to present the third issue, which can be found here. Zielgruppe: Studierende (auch Studienanfänger), die Literatur zu einem Thema für Bachelor-, Master-, Doktor-, Seminar- oder Prüfungsarbeiten zusammenstellen möchten. Helfen Sie uns, unsere Seite in Zukunft besser an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Geibelstr. Job-Portal on Facebook; Stellen, Praktika & Jobs ; Praktikumsordnung UDE; Career Service UDE; Stellenausschreibung / Vacancy; Career Portals for Industrial Internship; Info-Material des Career Service; News & Events: Facebook; Impressum / Imprint; … Lotharstraße 1 / MA125 (3,961.12 mi) Duisburg, Germany 47057 . Fachschaft Maschinenbau Uni-due. Before coming to Germany, he lived in Beijing, serving as the musical affairs officer at the French Embassy. Office hours (only during lecture period): Language Technology Lab | natural language processing at the University of Duisburg-Essen HISinOne ist eine ganzheitliche webbasierte IT-Lösung der HIS eG. Please mention more than one seminar if possible and make sure to prioritize them. SCIES Duisburg. HISinOne-Portal – direkt zu DuE Campus; Semestertermine UDE; Sprachkurse / Language Courses; Study plans ISE (PO15) Career and theses. It is advisable to check your transcript of records every semester in due time after your exam results have been released in order to make sure that all results are listed in the transcript. November 2020, Assessment Test Prerequisite & CLC I Exam Registration Winter Term 2020/21, Information on the registration for EFL seminars, Diamonds In The Rough: Third issue released, Important Notice Regarding Language Practice Courses for Old Degree Programs, LABG-Auslandsaufenthalte (Modul X/AE) und "Corona", Auslandsaufenthalt im Lehramtsstudium: Mobilitätsfenster, Bachelor Lehramt: Information zur Prüfungsanmeldung im Modul C, E-Mail-Richtlinien (nicht nur) für Studienanfänger. Advanced Macroeconomics II Information: Due to Prof. Schulze's research semester, Advanced Macroeconomics II will be taught by Dr. Hillebrand. Because of massive problems with plagiarism in recent years, seminar papers etc. It is advisable to check your transcript of records every semester in due time after your exam results have been released in order to make sure that all results are listed in the transcript. Sollten Ihnen etwas auffallen, wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Hotline-E-Mail-Adresse cm@rz.uni-freiburg.de. Einen ausführlichen Guide, welcher die wichtigsten Grundlagen der E-Mail-Korrespondenz aufführt, finden Sie hier. Chang Liu will teach an additional block seminar on “LGBTQIA in America” at UDE. Are you interested in the project and want to learn more? 1,084 people follow this. e-mail: scies@uni-due.de. Queries: ruth.girmes@uni-due.de Registration deadline: 15.11.2020. Vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre Mithilfe. It introduces the basic physical laws of static electric and magnetic fields as well as of stationary current fields. See more of Fachschaft Maschinenbau Uni-due on Facebook. Wenn Sie Lehramt Englisch studieren und aufgrund von SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19/"Corona" aus von Ihnen nicht zu vertretenden Gründen Ihren bereits angetretenen Auslandsaufenthalt verkürzen müssen oder einen in der nächsten Zeit bevorstehenden Auslandsaufenthalt nicht antreten können ... Eine neue Planungshilfe für den verpflichtenden Auslandsaufenthalt im Lehramtsstudium zeigt, welche Mobilitätsfenster Ihnen für Ihren Studiengang zur Verfügung stehen, und erleichtert so die Planung des Auslandsaufenthalts und die dazu notwendige Verschiebung von Lehrveranstaltungen in andere Fachsemester. ​The principle of Café-Lingua is simple: In a relaxing atmosphere native speakers and students who are interested in foreign languages can talk with each other at so-called language islands – regardless of their language skills. Room: R12 R05 B40 Tel. Log In. Universitaetsstr. 12​​ Forgot account? We have deliberately chosen an open and easy-going format to allow room for initiative and participation. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems. Humanities Hinweis zum Vorziehen von Leistungen aus dem M.Ed. or. in SS 2020 and WS 2020/21 and informally and by request until SS 2024. Die Vorlage eines vom Prüfungsamt oder dem Institut unterzeichneten Formulars ist nicht mehr erforderlich. e-mail: scies-essen@uni-due.de. Regularly, all students must participate in the Assessment Test. 45141 Essen In other words, please refrain from contacting instructors individually; instead send an email to this centrally controlled system. You can print out your transcript of records via HISinOne. Infos zur Zeitplanung im Hinblick auf BA-Arbeit, Übergang in den Master und Anmeldung zum Praxissemester (Lehramt), 2-Fach-Bachelor Anglophone Studies (KEIN Lehramt! Tel. Your study achievements are recorded in a transcript of records. Auf diese Weise können Hochschulen Herausforderungen, die z. Germany. Due to technical difficulties, the HISinOne DEMO system is currently not available. The magazine will appear regularly and feature essays, narrative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and the occasional recipe. Die Modulprüfung (Hausarbeit) des Moduls C wird doppelt angemeldet: während der globalen Anmeldephase erfolgt die Anmeldung über das Prüfungsamt (HISInOne); die Ausgabe des Hausarbeitsthemas erfolgt ab Semesterbeginn direkt bei dem/der Lehrenden des jeweiligen Seminars (Themenvereinbarung). Therefore, please make sure that you complete your Studien- and Prüfungsleistungen for these courses as soon as possible. In 2009 he joined the Cluster of Excellence Multimod… : +49 (0)203 379 3776 Fax: +49 (0)203 379 4370 e-mail: scies@uni-due .de. Job-Portal on Facebook; Stellen, Praktika & Jobs ; Praktikumsordnung UDE; Career Service UDE; Stellenausschreibung / Vacancy; Career Portals for Industrial Internship; Info-Material des Career Service; News & Events: Facebook; Impressum / Imprint; … Ab dem Sommersemester 2018 gelten neue Voraussetzungen für das Vorziehen von Leistungen aus den M.Ed.-Studiengängen.> hier. Es gibt einige Dinge, die Sie beachten sollten, wenn Sie Ihre Dozenten per E-Mail kontaktieren. Universitätsstr. Glossary. His research interests include the studies of waste and the environment, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, as well as popular culture and celebrities. In 2006 he finished his PhD at the Technische Universität München and after Post Doc positions in Munich and at the Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute he became a research assistant Professor at the University of Utah. Für etwaige Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an Herrn Dr. Torsten Caeners. The Campus Management System HISinOne (productive, demo and active test system) will be unavailable on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 from 4 pm for about 60 minutes due … If you would like to join, simply send an e-mail to lena.mattheis@uni-due.de. with HISinOne – a status report D. Biella, U. Blotevogel, M. Ney, S. Radermacher ... sven.malina@uni-due.de Tel: 0201 183 2212 Thanks for your attention . SG 119. If you have not been allocated a place in the seminar during the official registration period on LSF, send an email to platzvergabe.efl@uni-due.de containing the following information: your name, your matriculation number and the seminar(s) you would like to attend. If you are a Master student in Anglophone Studies/American Studies or related fields, and have a deep appreciation for knowledge and learning, and want to become involved in the latest research in American Studies, please apply for RUDESA 2021. HISinOne-Portal – direkt zu DuE Campus; Semestertermine UDE; Sprachkurse / Language Courses; Study plans ISE (PO15) Career and theses. The Campus Management System HISinOne (productive, demo and active test system) will be unavailable on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 from 4 pm for about 60 minutes due … an Ihre/n jeweilige/n Dozentin/en und vereinbaren Sie bei Bedarf eine Telefonsprechstunde. Tel. e-mail: scies@uni-due.de. In fact, students who plan on becoming teachers must pass the Assessment Test with 50 % or more in order to be able to register for the exam connected to the language course entitled Comprehensive Language Course I (CLC I). 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 01:00 - 03:00 p.m. Or would you like to contribute to the next issue of Diamonds in the Rough? University of Duisburg-Essen The Department of Anglophone Studies is located in entrance R12, 4th floor hallway A and H, 5th floor hallway A and B. Auf unserer Homepage bemühen wir uns ständig um die Verbesserung von Inhalten und Strukturen. There is a need for three-week examination periods. Let's together make the most of this challenging situation. Da eine Seite aber natürlich in erster Linie ihren Nutzern dienen soll, sind wir auf Ihre Mitarbeit angewiesen und würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie an dieser kurzen Umfrage teilnehmen könnten. Fax: +49 (0)203 379 4370 Hausarbeiten werden von den Lehrenden nur angenommen, nachdem eine … Apart from taking a closer look at our website and catalog of courses, we devised a test that should help you answer the question: "Is studying English for me?" Registration for this seminar in Modules VI, IX, Lit2, Lit2_BA, Y, and I is open until Nov 27. ​ SLC I and SLC II classes are no longer offered. Jens Krüger studied computer science at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen where he received his diploma in 2002. 09:00 - 11:00 a.m. and 01:00 - 03:00 p.m. Diamonds in the Rough is a joint effort at the University of Duisburg-Essen between students, tutors in the Academic Skills Program, and their faculty advisor, Dr. Melissa Knox-Raab. Herzlich willkommen beim HISinOne-Portal der Universität Duisburg-Essen - dem Hochschulportal für Studierende, Studieninteressierte, Lehrende und MitarbeiterInnen. in Intercultural Anglophone Studies from Bayreuth University, and then studied Sinology in Würzburg. Postal Address The test, however, will provide you with feedback about how well you would fit in one of our degree programs: the academic Bachelor in English or the teacher-training Bachelor in English. Bitte wenden Sie sich per E-Mail (von Ihrem UDE-Account!!) HISinOne-Portal – direkt zu DuE Campus; Semestertermine UDE; Sprachkurse / Language Courses; Study plans ISE (PO15) Career and theses. Bewerbungen bitte an Sektion Internationale Beziehungen, B) Ein Freisemester, also Erlass der Studiengebühren an der Macquarie-University in Sydney, Bewerbungsfristen für das erste Halbjahr 01.01.-15.05. Office hours: Wer die erforderlichen Noten nicht mitbringt, kann durch Persönlichkeit und Motivation durchaus überzeugen. 15 Job-Portal on Facebook; Stellen, Praktika & Jobs ; Praktikumsordnung UDE; Career Service UDE; Stellenausschreibung / Vacancy; Career Portals for Industrial Internship; Info-Material des Career Service; News & Events: Facebook; Impressum / Imprint; … The workshop has been founded by Torsten Caeners in 2008 and has been meeting regularly ever since.