Top of the Decks – Die besten Hearthstone Decks für den April 2020 Herzlich Willkommen zur achten Ausgabe “Top of the Decks – Die besten Hearthstone Decks”! 3. vS Data Reaper Report #189 (28.02.2021) Den kompletten vS Data Reaper Report #189 findet ihr bei Vicious Syndicate. Best Hearthstone Decks To Use In 2021. Ramp Paladin; Token Druid; Combo/Whirlkick Rogue; Secret Mage; Aggro Rogue; Libram Paladin; Burn Mage; Tier 2. Deck Type: Ranked Deck. Our Aggro Shaman deck list guide features the best Forged in the Barrens deck list for Season 85 of Hearthstone (April 2021). Best Hearthstone Decks for Returning Players [2021] Posted on February 18, 2021 February 23, 2021 by Marcus W K Wong One of the ways Hearthstone is enticing new and returning players back onto the board is the ability to choose a new, pre-made, meta-friendly deck … June 1, 2021 . 14 Spells. The Best Hearthstone Decks in June 2021. N’Zoth Deathrattle Demon Hunter #125 Legend – KingVenomStream June 15, 2021; Druid. I was literally talking to my brother about this whenever Darkmoon Faire launched. Our Rush Warrior deck list guide features the best Forged in the Barrens deck list for Season 85 of Hearthstone (April 2021). Meta Report vom 16.06.2021: Die besten Hearthstone-Decks der aktuellen Meta! Die zweite Hearthstone Masters Tour 2021 beginnt am Freitag um 15:00 Uhr MESZ nur auf YouTube! Demon Hunter. Secret Sapience Rogue (April 2021) Posted By: Feymild - Published: April 20, 2021 - Updated: 3 months ago - Dust Cost: 10,680. Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Forged in the Barrens Week 4 – April 2021. Seit rund einer Woche ist die neue Hearthstone-Erweiterung Geschmiedet im Brachland da, die 135 neue Karten ins Spiel brachte. The decks awarded to new and returning players will be updated with our next major patch! Hearthstone: Forged in the Barrens - 7 decks to play on Day 1. Hand Warlock #1 Legend – UbererHS July 1, 2021. With Hearthstone's Halloween track record, I'm going to take a huge risk in assuming we're going to see Hallow's End appear as our big event for this second phase. The Forged In The Barrens expansion brought some huge changes to the metagame. Patch 20.2 bringt einen neuen Dienertypen für den Schlachtfeldmodus und vollständige Decks im Shop! Finde die besten Decks über unserem Hearthstone Meta Report! Tier one Beste 15 Hearthstone basic decks verglichen [07/2021] • Die große Kaufberatung Cards Against Humanity: Spielern: 4+ Material: Anzahl von weiße und 90 Humanity ist ein. 22,49 €. 3 Bulwark of Azzinoth 1. Our Poison Rogue guide also contains Mulligan advice, card combos and strategy tips. Advertise Here. Rating 5.00/5 (6 Votes) Forged in the Barrens should be released in less than a month, and with that we may even receive more Duels goodies. Rating 5.00/5 (21 Votes) Welcome to another edition of the Standard Meta Report, this time covering the week between April 5th and April 12th. Soft Sleeves 50 japanischen Format, perfekt Spielunterlage Deutsche Yu-Gi-Oh! Last updated on Jun 08, 2021 at 10:00 by Kat. Hearthstone-Decks; Paladin-Decks; wieder einmal klein aber OHO. Home. Constantin Flemming. Rush Warrior Deck List & Guide – Forged in the Barrens – April 2021; No Minion (Spell) Mage Deck List & Guide – Forged in the Barrens – April 2021; Face Hunter Deck List Guide – Forged in the Barrens – April 2021; Token Druid Deck List & Guide – Darkmoon Faire – February 2021 Did you see a Streamer play a Deck in or reach yourself 500 Legend? Vereint in Sturmwind: Alle bekannten Karten im Überblick . :-) ... HEARTHSTONE. For example, Big Demon Hunter is in the meta, but it’s Tier 2 instead of Tier 1. NEXT UPDATE The next Hearthstone Standard Meta Snapshot will be published on or before June 15, 2021. Midrange Paladin #5 Legend – cartofu April 24, 2021. 3 War Cache 1. Neue Themen. Rush Warrior #1 Legend – qwe15641564 . 1400 … Wir erk­lären Dir außer­dem, was die Top-Decks aus­macht, wie sie funk­tion­ieren und welche Karten Du benötigst. You can use the category and tag filters to further refine your selection. Find popular Hearthstone decks for every class, card and game mode. Discussion. April 2021. META DECKS. May 17, 2021; 0; Go! Klicke auch auf +1, wenn es dir gefällt! Trying out any new game for the first time can be … 6 Likes. In diesem umfangreichen Format möchten wir von NAT-Games die Hearthstone Puristen unter euch ansprechen und mit aktuellen Informationen rund um die Meta von Blizzards Sammelkartenspiel versorgen. Patchnotes vom 15.07.2021: Nerfs für Druide und Priester [Patch 20.8.2] Eva, vor 4 Tage, 18 Stunden . Here you can find our latest Druid decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Forged in the Barrens. Our Hearthstone meta tier list ranks the top decks for Forged in the Barrens meta (with Wailing Caverns mini-set). Mar 25 2021. Here are the best Hearthstone decks to play right now. (Spoiler Free) Published 1 month, 1 week ago by FrostyFeet. Hier zur Hearthstone! It’s almost a wonder that it took Hearthstone seven years to finally add that feature to the game. Standard Meta-Report vom 07.04.2021 – Erste Brachland-Ausgabe! Mar 25 2021. On this page, you will find all the decks that we currently have on Icy Veins. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and welcome to the best Hearthstone decks for beginners. Priest Decks for Hearthstone (Forged in the Barrens) Last updated on Apr 01, 2021 at 13:00 by Kat Here you can find our latest Priest decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Forged in the Barrens. Class: Rogue - Format: gryphon - Type: midrange - Season: season-85 - Style: ladder. Hearthstone Decks for Forged in the Barrens. May 31, 2021 . 12 Spells. May 29, 2021 . Kartenchaos vom 07.07.-14.07.2021: Regeln & Alle Infos zu „Raggi am Sonnenwendfest“ Eva, vor 5 Tage, 5 Stunden. One of the big complaints about Hearthstone is the price to play when you first start. June 1, 2021 . Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Simply comment below, or message us on Facebook, Twitter, or Discord, or use our Form. Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Forged in the Barrens Week 3 – April 2021. 4 Weapons. 6382 - Low. Created: 4/1/2021 (Forged in the Barrens) View in Deck Builder. 28 April 2021 18:35 #9. Rush Warrior #4 Legend – MadThanos_HS . Our Poison Rogue deck list guide features the best Forged in the Barrens deck list for Season 85 of Hearthstone (April 2021). Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! General Information. Crafting Cost: 4680. Only show decks I can create Control Warlock Deck 13 spells, 16 minions, 1 hero card control meta standard full-guide. Rush Warrior #56 Legend – lowseek . Midrange Paladin #16 Legend – meltcici April 24, 2021. June 1, 2021 . June 4, 2021 . In diesem umfangreichen Format möchten wir von NAT-Games die Hearthstone Puristen unter euch ansprechen und mit aktuellen Informationen rund um die Meta von Blizzards Sammelkartenspiel versorgen. It's the start of a new Standard year in Hearthstone. 1,440. Deck Type: Ranked Deck. Deck Archetype: Unknown. We always try to include one of the best deck lists for each archetype. 4 Spells. Control Priest #175 Legend – egrazHS June 20, 2021. Today is the Nozdormu Day! META DECKS. Wild. Classic Decks. News, Ergebnisse, Spielpläne, Hearthstone-Liveticker, Videos, Bilder & Tabellen. Hunter Decks for Hearthstone (Forged in the Barrens) Last updated on Jun 06, 2021 at 13:00 by Kat Here you can find our latest Hunter decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Forged in the Barrens. The reward is 1500 XP, so it's definitely worth finishing it. Top Hearthstone Decks, News & more! Tweet . meta and featured deck (2021.06.29) Currently, Elemental Shaman is so close to making it into the Tier 1 slot; but it’s going to be Tier 2 for now. Taking wins off upper-tier decks requires an intimate understanding of the role of every card in the deck. Deathrattle Demon Hunter deck. Best Hearthstone Decks – Standard Meta Tier List – Forged in the Barrens & Wailing Caverns (June 2021) By: Stonekeep - June 10, 2021 - Updated: 3 weeks ago. Deck Import Mit folgender Zeichenkette kannst du dieses Deck in deinem Hearthstone-Client übernehmen: ... Meta Report vom 16.06.2021: Die besten Hearthstone-Decks der aktuellen Meta! Zuschauerguide für die Hearthstone Masters Tour Orgrimmar . Autor: Losty74 11D+281: Aufrufe: 1.208: Stimmen: +42: Format: S Im Standardformat spielbar: Erstellt am: 23.04.2021 um 12:50 Uhr. 26 Minions. Here's a look at all you need to know if you plan on starting your adventure in 2021. June 4, 2021 . HEARTHSTONE. Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Forged in the Barrens Week 2 – April 2021. Reno Demon Hunter. Decks Hot Standard Decks Hot Wild Decks Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards Pack Opener Deckbuilder Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest The Druid class can be played in a variety of fashions, from mid-game Tempo and Aggression to late-game Control. Control Warrior. It has already started on all servers. Juni 2021. Karten-Preisvergleich » Hearthstone Karten kaufen. Face Hunter (July 2021) Guide Work in Progress. HEARTHSTONE. Zoo Warlock #239 Legend – SafetyBlade_HS June 29, 2021. 10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting Hearthstone In 2021. Forged in the Barrens launched just over a week ago, and a meta has already formed… however, it’s not a meta we (or most of the players for the matter) wanted to see. Hearthstone; The best Warrior decks in Hearthstone. Mage Decks (July 2021) - Forged in the Barrens - Standard Ladder - Hearthstone Meta Stats. 4 Min. 2680 Other Decks … Odd Warrior #4 Legend - Maxadona96 [Wild Decks | Patch 20.8 | July 2021] There are many avenues the Hearthstone developers could have explored with this nerf. Our Clown Druid deck list guide features the best Forged in the Barrens deck list for Season 85 of Hearthstone (April 2021). Hot Decks for Hearthstone's Duels Mode From China - March 2021. Classic Zoo Warlock Deck 4 spells, 26 minions full-guide aggro. Created a new Hearthstone account. Players will be gaining points based on their performance, and at the end of the seven-week period, top 8 point earners of each region will advance to Playoffs while the bottom 4 will be relegated from Grandmasters. Top Legend Decks. April 2021. 58.0% Winrate 0.6% Popularity Avg. Midrange Paladin #285 Legend – jambre April 23, 2021. Taking wins off upper-tier decks requires an intimate understanding of the role of every card in the deck. Tier 5 : Fun decks that should only be used if you play Hearthstone for the joy of the gameplay, rather than the joy of winning. Demon Hunter Decks; Druid Decks ; Hunter Decks; Mage Decks; Paladin Decks; Priest Decks; Rogue Decks; Shaman Decks; Warlock Decks; Warrior Decks; Basic Decks for Beginners; Trump’s Deck Teachings; Trump’s Arena Stats; Hearthstone FAQ; How to Purchase Packs at a Discount; Other … Shaman Decks for Hearthstone (Forged in the Barrens) Last updated on Jun 08, 2021 at 17:00 by Kat Here you can find our latest Shaman decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Forged in the Barrens. These tiers are based on win rate data gathered through the Hearthstone deck tracker offered by HSReplay, as well as additional information provided by sources like Vicious Syndicate and the competitive Hearthstone subreddit. The lower the tier number, the better the deck. This means tier one features the best decks. 42 Mitglieder geben diesem Deck ein +1. Home; Hearthstone. Außerdem startete das neue Standard-Jahr und das neue Kernset ersetzte das bisherige Basis- und Klassik-Set. By: Stonekeep - April 25, 2021 - Updated: 3 months ago. Rush Warrior #1 Legend – RoulianHs . Our Rush Warrior guide also contains Mulligan advice, card combos and strategy tips. Most card games have a starter deck at $20. Deck Archetype: Face DH. Tempo Mage #144 Legend – GojiFox June 22, 2021. Nerf: Dieses Deck wurde seit der Abschwächung einer enthaltenen Karte nicht aktualisiert. Midrange Paladin #20 Legend – cartofu April 22, 2021. The goal of this Hearthstone challenge deck is to build a deck with only cards that contain some depiction of BOOBA! There are a ton of Legendaries released, and if you are unlucky you may have not received much in the way of playable cards. Neue Themen. Herzlich Willkommen zur zwölften Ausgabe “Top of the Decks – Die besten Hearthstone Decks”! Personally, I wish that the effect of the card had been nerfed as well — only giving you spells cost (2) more instead of (3) more, for instance, with the spell cost increased to 3 instead of 4. Odd Demon Hunter. 3 Bladestorm 2. Choose your rank and get the best decks to level up with. Hearthstone Top Decks of the Week #117 (19.07 – 25.07) – July 19, 2021 at 12:22PM. 27, 2021. If you want to stay on top these are the best decks for 2021. Our OTK Leoroxx Hunter deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 85 of Hearthstone (April 2021). Balance update was released this Tuesday and…. Apr 01 2021. Contribute Send Feedback Submit Deck Decks Top Decks; Budget Decks; Demon Hunter; Druid ; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Fresh Decks Budget Decks for Darkmoon Faire July 2021 Standard. 2 Weapons. Khaar, vor 4 Tage, 1 Stunde. Mai 2021. Standard. 27. Decks Hot Standard Decks Hot Wild Decks Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards Pack Opener Deckbuilder Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Ewige Flamme-Paket … Our Clown Druid guide also contains Mulligan advice, card combos and strategy tips. This Week’s Tavern Brawl is “Battle of the Bans” June 16, 2021; Hearthstone 20.4.2 Patch Notes: First Wild Ban & Battlegrounds Update June 16, 2021; Forged in the Barrens. Hearthstone has changed a lot over the years. Cleanliness-1484. 4. I am making this guide mostly because I could not … Rush Warrior #8 Legend – ryvius_hs . 2021 Eva, vor 3 Tage, 10 Stunden. Hero Tower Mage deck. Hearthstone decks june 2021. There aren't any certain dates as of right now, but at least the post-patch meta has been roughly figured out and there are some neat additions … Nerfs targeted Paladin, Mage and Rogue… but it looks like Paladin, Mage and Rogue are still good. Heute findet der erste Nozdormu-Tag statt – Alle Infos zum Event. META DECKS. Toggle navigation Hearthstone Meta Stats. May 5, 2021 4:58 pm 2021-05-05T16:58:57-05:00. Unofficial Fan Site of Hearthstone Streamer Jeffrey "TrumpSC" Shih. Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. Now that the Hearthstone meta has had time to settle and figure out where the power lies, it’s time to look at the absolute best decks for June 2021! ZOOLOCK Updated Jul 18, 2021. Karten NEU A YuGiOh Structure Small Soft Sleeves . Ich freue mich auf die Zeit. Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. Support now! Herzlich Willkommen zur achten Ausgabe “Top of the Decks – Die besten Hearthstone Decks”! Vereint in Sturmwind: Vorverkaufs-Pakete jetzt … Hunter Decks for Hearthstone (Forged in the Barrens) Last updated on Jun 06, 2021 at 13:00 by Kat Here you can find our latest Hunter decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Forged in … In extremely long games, the incremental value you gain from the Paladin Hero Power can be a big advantage. As of right now, it’s absolutely dominated by two classes – Paladin and Mage. C'Thun Celestial Druid deck. You need the best Hearthstone deck if … Druid. Rush Warrior. You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos, but we will continue to add much more for Watch Post Rogue over time. Dust Needed: ?? 18. [April 2021 - Beat the Lich King, Warrior Deck] So, none of the other decks in here or anywhere else did the trick, and so I combined the most recent cards (Watch Tower, Frenzy, and Rush minions) and 2 Wild cards (2 x Platebreaker) THIS … Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. 14,100. Use these decks to quickly climb the ranked ladder. Deck Import Mit folgender Zeichenkette kannst du dieses Deck in deinem Hearthstone-Client übernehmen: ... Meta Report vom 16.06.2021: Die besten Hearthstone-Decks der aktuellen Meta! Many players have picked up on this deck, and it has been seeing quite a lot of success on ladder. Class Decks. The Clown Druid deck has been coined after the Carnival Clown minion, which is a nine-mana cost creature with 4/4 stats, capable of summoning two copies of himself on board. Rush Warrior is well and truly back. Dust Needed: ?? You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos, but we will continue to add much more for OTK Leoroxx Hunter over time. You did not sign-in to Hearthstone for the past 120 days starting on April 1, 2020. Nearly every Collectible Card Game out there offers their players the ability to purchase a full, ready-to-play deck. Crafting Cost: 8040. 3 Playmaker 2. 27 Apr. Paladin Decks for Hearthstone (Forged in the Barrens) Here you can find our latest Paladin decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Forged in the Barrens. Support us on Patreon get Benefits. Karten-Preisvergleich » Hearthstone Karten kaufen. Crafting Cost: 4480. Alongside the release of the Forged in the Barrens expansion to Hearthstone comes a ream of new decks. Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Best Deck Lists for Standard Ladder - Forged in the Barrens (July 2021) … OTK Warrior. Players are getting a new "Monthly" Quest (it's really a Daily that you get once a month) that asks them to play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in their deck. Edit in Deck Builder. Compare winrates and find the deck for you! Classic Handlock Deck 7 spells, 23 minions full-guide control. We actually see quite a bit more diversity than before the patch, which is always welcome. Hearthstone Budget Decks (Forged in the Barrens) – Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone! N’Zoth Frenzy Rush Warrior #5 Legend – MeatiHS . By Phil Xavier @redXvr . Created: 6/14/2021 (Wailing Caverns Set) View in Deck … Contribute Send Feedback Submit Deck Decks Top Decks; Budget Decks; Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Fresh Decks Demonhunter Decks July 2021 Standard. Deck Type: Ranked Deck. META DECKS. Our Watch Post Rogue deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 85 of Hearthstone (April 2021). 1 deck, 2-4 Legendaries. Elemental Shaman deck. 57.0% Winrate 0.7% Popularity Avg. 4 Rancor 2. Enrage Warrior; Zoo Warlock; Pure Paladin; Silas Control Warrior; Bomb Warrior 4 Kargath Bladefist 1. Check out our spoiler-free post for all the details, including the top decks of the event. * So long as you’ve been away for 120 days, you’ll be prompted with the deck grant right after you log in! Clown Druid is a deck based around the card Carnival Clown. Top of the Decks – Die besten Hearthstone Decks für den Juli 2020 Herzlich Willkommen zur zehnten Ausgabe “Top of the Decks – Die besten Hearthstone Decks”! The results are in for week 4 of the first season of Hearthstone Grandmasters 2021! 5982 - Low. N'Zoth Warrior. Some of the concepts we wrote about a week or two ago are actually around! Druid. Deck code: AAECAf0GCM/SA5XeA/zeA87hA/bjA/LtA6iKBIWgBAusywPM0gPN0gOO1APG3gPm4QP14wP44wOS5AODoATnoAQA If you're sick of losing to Mage and Paladin, consider starving them of their best tools with Gul'dan's unforgiving Control Warlock. 4 Dual Elimination groups with top 2 players advancing (only Decider matches streamed on Fridays). In our weekly Report, which we post (almost) every Sunday, we share with you Decks played in Top 500 Legend and Top Duels Decks. Hearthstone. edited 2m. Contribute Send Feedback Submit Deck Decks Top Decks; Budget Decks; Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Fresh Decks Warrior Decks July 2021 Standard.

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