Objects 1. Azgaar's Generator 129. If you pick "Constructed Language," the generator will create a language for you. The map position is calculated based on two inputs: Map size and Latitudes. With Latitudes equal to 0 the map North edge will be at the North pole, with 100 - South edge will be on the South pole, with 50 - the world equator will lie through the center of the map. The map is auto-generated, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot control the generation. Generator settings are getting applied immediately on change. Your map will not be affected in any way, but the conversion process can be lengthy and may even fail, depending on the power of your computer and the size and complexity of your map. Namebases 78. Click the image for a larger version. сlick the arrow button for options. Nature 45. So please use this mode only if you really need to. Random AFMG Map I recently discovered Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator which creates a random landmass following your instructions. By default the map shows the world’s political situation, but it’s not the only available preset. The only way you can do it is to make the upper layer partially transparent. Overland Maps 0. they're used to log you in. Double click on the map to zoom into the clicked area. Links: Generator, GitHub, Reddit community, Discord channel, blog, devboard, email. You can just use auto-generated maps or create your own world from scratch. Toggle off layers you are not working on. Press Ctrl + J to open the browser's downloads journal (in Chrome and Firefox). To illustrate this, I made a map using this generator as a planning ground and I then fine tuned that map in an editing program to get a more natural looking map. After playing around with it for a few days, it was updated to version 0.8b which is not compatible with the older.map files. Especially take care of the, If you have a wide screen, open the Generator in a separate browser window, make it. The arrow in the upper left has a lot of options for tweaking the map. It’s free and you can use created maps for any purposes including commercial. I think Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator really fits the bill. Templates 10. Open the Tools tab in the menu and click on Heightmap. The same operations can be performed using keyboard. There are number of presets available by default: political, cultural, religions, provinces and biomes map, heightmap, places of interest and the pure landmass view. List of Medieval Occupations. A place to discuss Fantasy Map Generator (FMG) and maps created with its help. Your browser does not support the