This has now been extended until 30 April 2020. Kalimbassieris Maritime , Elias Marine Consultants Ltd, EMCO Group, Inchcape Shipping Services, GAC Cyprus, Hull Blyth Araouzos Ltd. From 4 May there has been a gradual relaxation of COVID 19 restrictions. Activities which involved more than fifteen (15) people simultaneously. The COVID-19 Lockdown / Sanitary Curfew in Mauritius has been extended until 3 May 2020. The notice informs mariners of expired certificates and steps to be taken for their renewal. establish a S$1 million Singapore Shipping Tripartite Alliance Resilience (SG-STAR) Fund, Emergency Powers (COVID 19) (NO. Vessels are also required to report on their onboard health status to Port Control at their first point of contact. All international passenger transportation was stopped from 17 March 2020, but special voyages required for repatriation of the residents from abroad are performed. Pilot must be equipped with FFP2 mask and gloves when meeting the Master and crew who should also wear protection equipment; The agent is the unique interface with the Master. For over 100 years, Reed has sought to provide the finest educational program in the country, offering students an extraordinary environment in which to discover their passions and pursue them with depth and determination. Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, ports of the Azores Islands remain open for the following purpose of calls, to be authorised on a case-by-case basis: MedPandi, Indeco, Aiyon Abogados, JL Bastos, Wilhelmsen. No official tariff has been announced. Agents will board the vessels with masks and/or protectives suits. No person may enter the country, this restriction also counts for the residents of Aruba. Any medical assistance should seek boarding of medical team from the Fujairah Port Medical Centre. There are several greys areas regarding its interpretation and practical implementation, including with regard to potential delivery of cargo without surrender of the original bill of lading. After inward clearance formalities the vessel is allowed to perform cargo operations. Stevedores and personnel attending on board vessels shall continue to take basic precaution such as the use of masks and keep a safety distance of 1.5 mts from each person in contact. of Shipping Instruction to Ports and Ships. The crew list clearly stressing the date and port where each crew member boarded the vessel. We are monitoring the situation with COVID-19. In case of any member of crew presents fever, then Harbor Master will contact specialized medical Centre who will instruct isolation measures to be taken. All vessels should follow this guideline closely. Byron Center, MI 49315 This one cam assembled and tested. The lowering of gangways is not permitted,  the crew are not permitted to physically come into contact with terminal staff or disembark the vessel. All flights of all airline companies (commercial or privately held) from and to Italy and Spain are suspended, with exception of diplomatic and armed forces, mail and cargoes, as well as humanitarian or medical, Road, railroad and river transportation suspended on Portuguese borders between Portugal and Spain to remain under constricted control. These PoE are: Ministry of Communications advise that agents are required to provide in addition the usually required documentation before arrival: a copy of the ships’ logbook for the last 30 working days – in English Flow-Rite Controls (USA) 960 74th Street S.W. Le Havre: A “sanitary watch” has been ordered by the Harbour Master’s office, consisting in the obligation for Masters of vessels calling in port to notify immediately their Agent and fill in a “Déclaration Maritime de Santé” (DMS – health maritime declaration form) in case of any signs of pathology amongst the crew. For your convenience, below are some references and resources for your consideration. All rights reserved. Please inspect any unit before renting. Ports will continue to be operating, loading and discharge of goods are on-going. The government has now declared the whole of Metro Manila under a state of community quarantine starting 15 March 2020 until 14 April 2020. there is no human interaction between crew members and operators during loading of bunker and spares. All the checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, including Russian ports of Black Sea established the following for arriving vessels:Vessels with absence of risks are the vessels, arriving from epidemiologically safe countries or such are treated as safe after 14 days even arriving from risky countries: Italy, Spain, USA, Republic of Korea, Islamic Republic of Iran, China after 14 days from the date of departure from these countries. The US Coast Guard issued an updated marine safety bulletin concerning the COVID-19, focusing on the efficient implementation of port and facility operations. While the agencies of the government are expected to provide guidelines on the implementation of the community quarantine, the situation will be assessed on a day-to-day basis. All port departments and buildings will be sprayed and sterilized. For the time being, Vietnamese authorities haven't issued an official statement; Yet, North's correspondents report that: Port Authority of Thailand requires the Master to complete and submit information 24 hours prior to the vessel’s arrival: A notice has been issued by the Port of Douala that advises of following measures to be taken: It provides information on the widely reported outbreak of novel coronavirus. All cruise vessel calls to Georgian ports have been halted. Share them here on RPubs. If a vessel is granted permission to enter Maltese Ports, interaction with surveyors is only permitted if  both Maltese Governmental departments (being Port Heath and Port Operations) consent. As things stand, the health state of emergency is in force until 10 July, therefore time limits due to expire between 12 March and 10 August are extended until 10 October. Specifically, the guidance is particularly relevant to shipbuilders, equipment suppliers, shipowners, surveyors and service engineers. Once vessels arrive in Djibouti waters they remain at Anchorage until all crews on board are tested for COVID-19 by local health officers, and free pratique granted by same quarantine officers, after which the vessel is allowed to berth subject to berths availability. Djibouti currently is under a total lockdown with exceptions for essential services. Sri Lankan Airlines resumed limited operations to selected destinations (London, Tokyo, Melbourne and Hong Kong). Shore leave is prohibited. If suspected infected crew members on board then measures are to be done at the outer road or sanitary berth. For vessels that have called at a high risk area and have crew showing symptoms of COVID 19, the Master is to report this to Taiwan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) via the local Agent immediately. In most cases the analyses are taken from the crew. All vessels calling at Derince Safi Terminal must be disinfected. No more seaman or business visa application are being accepted by the Immigration Department till further notice. Der Wissenschafts- und Schulbuchverlag mit Standorten in Göttingen, Wien, Köln und Weimar. Exception is made to Portuguese Citizens living in Portugal wishing to debark at our ports. Similar to previous Ordinances, art 4 establishes that the restrictions do not apply to: Art. Chinese crew cannot issue coastal passes by port authorities and does not grant landing permits to all Taiwan ports. No shore leave allowed. A health clearance and report of any seafarer who became sick on board the ship and who has to be disembarked within a period of 15 days before arrival of the ship at the port of Nouakchott. Public Storage is the leading provider of storage units for your personal, business and vehicle needs with thousands of locations nationwide. The cost of sterilization should not exceed a maximum of 500 JD, despite the high prices of sterilization materials from their source. Borders with neighbour countries are closed and flight from/to France are extremely restricted to medical/urgent work/family emergency. Borders are closed to foreign nationals until at least 12 April. At present moment there aren’t ports/terminals closed or restricted, At present moment NO vessel calling under commercial calls has been refused to enter or berth in Portugal. Depending on the findings of the Ministry’s representatives, measures are decided on a case-by-case basis. © 2020 Public Storage. Individual Health Declaration form & questionnaires form. Post hoc analysis of Turkey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) for the significant variables was also carried out. The crew will be refused to enter the country, e.g. Places to be sterilized, where there is direct contact between ship’s crew and related staff whose work requires entry to the places of subsistence and boarding on board, will be identified and inventoried to reduce the time to as little as possible to ensure no delay in handling of cargo. On 9 March, the following was sent by the Authorities in Malta to all service providers, ship agents and bunkering operators at Malta in respect of services provided outside Maltese territorial waters: It is added that "Clearance outwards will only be granted following a written authorisation by Port health.". If close contacts develop signs and symptoms, they must be referred to designated health facility. Djibouti ports are opened and operate as usual, however the activities within ports have reduced. A nightly curfew is in effect from 18:00 to 06:00, and a weekend curfew from 18:00 on Friday to 06:00 on Monday. Cargo operations will continue in all ports. In Vung Ang port located in Vung Ang Economic Freezone and Qui Nhon Port checks and restrictions have reportedly been put in place which mirror those in China. All ships must pass sanitary inspections before Turkish Straits passages and required to send MDOH and last 10 ports of call list and crew temperature list to the related sanitary office while entering territorial waters. In case of medical emergency incident regarding passenger or crew member on board vessel, either at anchorage area or in the port, shipping agents exceptionally and only due to the medical incident will be eligible to proceed to the appropriate arrangements only following consultation with Medical Services that will take over the transportation and treatment of patient. Bayonne: Agents have been asked to display and hand out to all incoming vessels the “TRAVELLERS’ ADVICE” flyers issued by the French Ministry of Health. On a case by case basis, and upon advice of Health Maritime Authority, Local Port Captaincy may authorized it to enter and carry on provisions, fresh water and other supplies, as well as to perform bunkering operations. The curfew has been amended to between 19:00  to 05:00 (17:00  to 05:00 Sundays). Following operations continue to be suspended until the State of Emergency is lifted: Terminals, stevedores and logistic activities are operating under strict rules and safety conditions to safeguard all operators, stevedores and crew members from potential exposure. Foreign crew changes are not allowed in Indonesian Ports, but during the outbreak of Covid-19 can be done at the specified anchorage area. storage units for your personal, business Licenses to go ashore also will not be granted. Public Storage, Get the latest articles from The Organized Life. Legal action will be taken against anyone who exposes others to infections and refrains from implementing any mandatory measure to prevent the virus from spreading – including failure to commit to home quarantine – and: Violators will be jailed up to three months and/or fined from BD1,000 to BD10,000 – as per Law 34 of 2018 on Public Health. We will respect the privacy of anyone affected by the coronavirus and will not discriminate based on nationality, race, geographic origin, or medical condition. shore leave will not be granted for crew of vessels that have called at China, South Asian countries and Australia. You may find the exemption arrangement under Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong Regulation here and the gazettal of the Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong Regulation and Prevention and Control of Disease (Disclosure of Information) Regulation here. Currently it takes several days to obtain the results of such analyses. Enhanced screening is not conducted on the vessel and 14 day quarantine is not required for the crew. However, in exceptional cases disembarkations may be performed if authorized by Health Authority and with direct disembark from vessel to international airport area. ABS handle. Masters of all vessels calling at Mongla Port must submit before arrival at Fairway Buoy: By April 6th: The Ministry of Industries of the Government of Bangladesh has banned the import of scrap ships In order to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus (Covid-19) – all activities of imported vessels for the purpose of recycling are to be stopped. Offshore attendance at Khor Fakkan port has been temporarily suspended until further notice due to COVID-19.Boarding on any vessel by vessel agents/owners/representatives and surveyors will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances and will be subject to prior approval from the Port Authority. The wearing of facial masks when in public is mandatory. After clearance, vessels are being permitted to berth. Subject to change. We will make every effort to keep our properties operating as usual, to the extent possible while safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our employees and customers as we comply with the directives of national, state, and local authorities. Ports (Matadi, Boma and Banana) are operational as usual with precaution against contamination of the COVID-19. Get Started Passengers ships calls are temporarily suspended. ETIC SAS, AFRICA  P&I  Services, Ivory P&I, BUDD Liberia. The port remains open but not to passenger ships. Zwischenzeitlich hat es diverse gesetzliche (Neu-)Regelungen, ... (siehe Website BIB) Gebäude 2 – Nur nach Terminvereinbarung. Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry issued a new circular, providing updates on precautions to minimize the disease's risks concerning seafarers, passengers and others onboard ships. Inspiring. The use of protective equipment to prevent COVID-19 infection (gloves and masks); it is recommended to maintain a minimum separation of 1.5 meters from another person. without any hindrances. Transit passengers without a VISA for Chinese and foreigners from China will not be allowed. Evanston Township High School (ETHS) District 202 is a four-year comprehensive high school occupying a 62-acre campus in Evanston, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago along the Lake Michigan shore. Stevedores / United Stevedoring Company’s staff, Surveyors (embarkation allowed only for conducting operations monitoring activities – administrational tasks must take place remotely), Marine declaration form (to be filled out and singed by the ship Master), Health Declaration form (to be filled out by all incoming vessels, crew or passengers from infected countries or passing through any of the infected countries as per WHO guidelines within the last 14 days). Businesses are restarting, people going back to offices. If vessel arriving directly from China or called in china, the quarantine period commences on departure China, Ras Laffan port regulation will review the departure date from China and berth if vessel completed 15 days of quarantine period before calling Qatar. All persons arriving to Portugal by sea; air or ground borders may be subject to quarantine for 14 days in hotel subject to additional requirements of Regional Health Authorities. Other measures may include requesting additional information prior to inspections to reduce the amount of time spent on a vessel and interacting with crew. It is stated that cargo ships can be operated normally. Paris MoU has developed temporary guidance for its Member Authorities during the COVID-19 crisis. Otherwise, ports, airports and cargo handling facilities continue to function normally despite the reduced workforce. Nutzer:innen mit bereits freigeschaltetem Leseausweis müssen sich vor einem Besuch der Bibliotheken nicht anmelden. A Health Declaration will be requested to Masters as part of the procedure. No personnel form the portside are allowed on board any international vessel apart from those performing statutory function and relevant stevedores who must be in PPE. Crew and safety embarked team displacement are not accepted. The Federal Government has published Ordinance 340 which extends, for a further period of 30 days, the prohibition of foreigners entering the country by air, road or water and establishes: The St. Eustatius Government implemented a Travel and Quarantine Policy beginning June 15 to gradually ease travel restrictions. If a Ship, her Crew or Passengers entered the countries considered to be High Risk countries (i.e. Ports are operating with limitations: the vessels’ crew is not allowed to disembark while the vessel remains berthed at the ports; ship agents and surveyors are given access on board, always provided that they are properly protected by face masks and latex gloves. The measures established in RDC 384, in practice, will allow the assessment by ANVISA of a vessel’s sanitary condition in a documentary manner as part of the “Paperless Port System”. It provides express provisions applicable to ships: Mandatory quarantine would be applicable if there are confirmed COVID19 cases on board; or suspected cases and the quarantine ordered by the Sanitary Authorities. All ship agents must provide the following: All required paper work must be done electronically. Courts are permitting entry to their premises for urgent matters only and most hearings have been postponed. Description Size: 255mm x 95mm. Pilots must use personal safety equipment when going onboard, including mask, single use gloves and safety glasses. The country continues to implement a phased reopening. The Port of New York and New Jersey continues to operate. Special authorisation may be given in an extraordinary situation e.g. Only returning Filipino citizens including their spouse and children with permanent resident status, foreign dignitaries and diplomats are allowed to join the inbound commercial flights and they will be subjected to quarantine procedures. The Ministry of Industries of the Government of Bangladesh has banned the import of scrap ships In order to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus (Covid-19) – all activities of imported vessels for the purpose of recycling are to be stopped. This would normally affect ships calling from Brazil – and Chile at some extent (due to short transit time). 8 which has come into force, the exportation of grains, grain products and edible oils (listed as wheat, barley, oat, maize, rice, wheat flour, soybean, sunflower, seed oil, sugar, and some bakery and pastry products ) which are origin of Romania are prohibited until 16 May. The requirements will vary  depending on transit time, last port of call and crew changes. The Australian Government announced that all persons entering Australia from 0001 AEDST 16 March 2020 must undertake a precautionary self-isolation period for up to 14 days upon entry to Australia, applying to vessels, as well. During the hours of curfew, movement from one district to another has been completely banned except for essential services. Starting from 00.00 on 17.03.2020 and until further notice, disembarkation and shore leave is prohibited to crew members having arrived on the vessels from foreign ports to the ports of Murmansk and Kandalaksha in cases where these vessels had left foreign ports less than 14 calendar days before they arrived to Murmansk / Kandalaksha. The timeframe of people movement for essential purchases and other immediate needs is now from 05:00 to 17:30, while the lock-down continues from 17:30 – 05:00 and during the weekends. Strongly recommend that any ships due to call Vietnamese ports liaise closely with their appointed agents as agents will have the most recent updates on the steps being taken in the specific ports. In most of locations, the marine services providers, such as forwarders, agents and correspondents are to be included into the special list of licensed entities by the local government. The Government of St. Eustatius issued the Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 Additional Measures St. Eustatius in which it imposes a series of measures in its territory to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, which will be in force between April 3 to 14. Ban on commercial air traffic as well as restriction from other countries for travel is prolonged until 30 April 2020, including that day. Vessels are permitted to take on stores however this is to be conducted at anchor and after arrangements have been made with the ports health officials. Do not visit Food Markets in China. Cargo, repair, bunker, load/discharge calls remain possible as normal. Sanitary measure are implemented such as hands washing and temperature checking before boarding the ship.There is no lack of stevedores for the time being. If a crew change is unavoidable, a 14 day self-isolation period is required. All of above conditions exclude PR China flagged vessels and Chinese crew members. Ports in Lebanon will be closed to passengers, but cargo is still permitted entry. Border crossing (Bahrain/Saudi) on the causeway has been temporarily suspended. The above measures remain in force and a state of emergency remains in force until 2 May. In case of positive declaration of the master, the vessel will not be allowed to enter the port and must go at anchor. Hong Kong extends the permission to effect crew change to passenger/cruise ships. The protocol will continue to operate until the COVID-19 lockdown measures are lifted, unless. However, there may be delays in operations. Upon arrival of vessel into port, all crew must undergo health screening at designated facility located in ports. Passenger Cruise vessels still may call to carry out supplies, provisions, fresh water and other supplies, as well as to perform bunkering operations. Ships that have completed more than 10-day travel will berth only at 15th day from last port (to comply with corona quarantine).

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