Contrary to other industries, the founders and their families had little influence on the top-level decision-making of the leading German chemical firms, which was in the hands of professional salaried managers. Il abrita jusqu’à la chute du Mur de Berlin le quartier général des forces américaines en Allemagne. La première cible d'IG Farben, la Centrale des Matières Colorantes S.A., un cartel de producteurs de colorants dominé par les Etablissements Kuhlmann et leurs filiales, représentait à la veille de la guerre environ 2,5% des employés et 3% des ventes de l'industrie chimique française30. The patients were suffering from, and in many cases had been deliberately infected with, typhoid, tuberculosis, diphtheria and other diseases, then were given preparations named Rutenol, Periston, B-1012, B-1034, B-1036, 3582 and P-111. [16] By 1951 all had been released by the American high commissioner for Germany, John J. Orientierung im IG-Farben-Haus. 41 et Document de Défense Schnitzler 54, Pièce de dossier de Schnitzler, 16- 19. "the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression and invasions of other countries; "committing war crimes and crimes against humanity through the plunder and spoliation of public and private property in countries and territories that came under German occupation; "committing war crimes and crimes against humanity through participating in the enslavement and deportation for slave labor of civilians from German-occupied territories and of German nationals; "participation in a common plan or conspiracy to commit crimes against peace". Eines ist aber Fakt: Die Mütter … Mit den Worten “Wir sind gerettet, aber nicht befreit” brachte Norbert Wollheim das Gefühl vieler Verfolgter des … Farbenindustrie AG in Liquidation).[66]. Borkin, Joseph: Die unheilige Allianz der I.G. La victoire des Alliés sur l'Allemagne s'est aussi conclue par le déclin d'IG Farben[8]. Pour satisfaire à la demande grandissante de main-d'œuvre, la société exploita aussi des travailleurs forcés dans plusieurs camps de travail. Polémique. Le siège de la nouvelle société est établi à Francfort-sur-le-Main. During a trip to the United States in the spring of 1903, he had visited several of the large American trusts such as Standard Oil, U.S. Steel, International Paper and Alcoa. Nach Liquidation der IG-Farben 1952 lautete der neue Firmenname „Farbwerke Hoechst AG vorm.Meister, Lucius & Brüning“ und als kreisförmiges Logo wurde erstmals die symbolische Darstellung der Brücke verwendet (Nirosan).. Bereits 1947 gestaltete der Frankfurter Dozent Richard Lisker für den Konzern ein Logo aus Turm und Brücke, einer stilisierten Darstellung des heute … In the United Kingdom Brunner Mond, Nobel Industries, United Alkali Company and British Dyestuffs merged to form Imperial Chemical Industries in September 1926. Archived from the original on 19 April 2017. [8] The company ended up being the "largest single contribution" to the successful Nazi election campaign of 1933;[32] there is also evidence of "secret contributions" to the party in 1931 and 1932. This page was last edited on 4 December 2020, at 00:25. Jahrhunderts: Hier war der einst weltgrößte Chemiekonzern… Erfahren Sie mehr » « Vorherige Veranstaltungen; Weitere Veranstaltungen. Hitler used Zyklon B gas in the gas … Erstmals nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war gegen ein deutsches Unternehmen geklagt … De plus, dès 1942, Farben fait transférer des « groupes entiers (y compris chimistes et contremaîtres) » des usines Francolor (filiale du groupe) dans ses usines de Ludwigshafen et Oppau pour ne pas avoir à produire aussi à l'ouest[12] semble-t-il aussi pour limiter les risques de voir son savoir-faire passer à l'étranger, ce qu'il payera après la libération car cet hégémonisme a encouragé les Alliés à casser l'outil de production d'IG Farben en 1945. VI. Held from 1947 to 1948 as one of the subsequent Nuremberg trials, the IG Farben trial saw 23 IG Farben directors tried for war crimes and 13 convicted. Aktuelle Nachrichten, Berichte, Interviews, Videos und Kommentare zum Thema IG-FARBEN für Sie zusammengetragen. "IG Farben-Haus, Geschichte und Gegenwart" (in German). *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Le 27 mars 1941, les SS du camp d'Auschwitz s'accordent avec les dirigeants d’IG Farben sur le fait que la journée de travail des prisonniers serait de 10-11 heures en été et de 9 heures en hiver, pour une location de 4 marks par jour pour des ouvriers qualifiés et de 1,5 mark/jour pour les ouvriers non qualifiés ; ce prix augmentera à partir de mai 1943 (jusqu’à 6 marks/jour pour un ouvrier qualifié prisonnier et 4 marks/jour pour un ouvrier non qualifié, soit deux fois moins qu'un salaire d'ouvrier libre (1 mark valait alors environ 2 euros) ; ces ouvriers mouraient généralement d'épuisement en 6 mois environ[13]. Die Geschichte der IG Farben BAYER, BASF und HOECHST. Joined the board and supervisory council of WASAG Chemie-AG and Mitteldeutsche Sprengstoff-Werke GmbH. ig farben. The French followed suit in the areas they controlled. Offene Führung: IG Farben-Haus und Norbert Wollheim Memorial Das IG Farben-Haus, heute Sitz der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, bezeugt die verschiedenen Etappen des 20. This prompted Duisberg and Heinrich von Brunck, chairman of BASF, to accelerate their negotiations. American IG Chemical Corporation debenture (cropped).png 1,072 × 665; 1.39 MB. (1947–1948), also known as the IG Farben trial, was the sixth of 12 trials for war crimes the U.S. authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany (Nuremberg) against leading industrialists of Nazi Germany. Juli wird es … [34] The company is perhaps best known for its role in producing the poison gas Zyklon B. L'abréviation IG Farben désigne la société allemande fondée le 1er janvier 1925 sous le nom de IG-Farbenindustrie AGnote 1. IG-Farben IG-Farbenindustrie AG Interessen-Gemeinschaft-Farbenindustrie AG Interessengemeinschaft-Farbenindustrie-Aktiengesellschaft: Documents sur IG-Farbenindustrie-Aktiengesellschaft (12 ressources dans Livres (11) Carl Duisberg 1861-1935 (2016) Bminharwt ʾAšmdaʾy (2015) Au coeur de l'IG Farben (2010) Histoire de l'IG-Farben, 1905-1952 (2008) Inside IG Farben … The judges were Curtis Grover Shake (presiding), James Morris, Paul M. Hebert, and Clarence F. Merrell as an alternate judge. The United States of America vs. Carl Krauch, et al. [68] The heaviest sentences went to those involved with Auschwitz,[69] which was IG Farben's Upper Rhine group. Die Geschichte der IG Farben, Bayer, BASF und Hoechst ist eine Pflichtlektüre und hochaktuell. Hermann Schmitz (en), le directeur financier, lui succède jusqu’en 1945. Eine Interessengemeinschaft im Dritten Reich. [6] Gerhard Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". Stock, Raum 152. BASF engagiert Historiker 1924 schlossen sich die BASF, BAYER und HOECHST zur IG FARBEN zusammen, die später das Zyklon B für Hitlers Gaskammern liefern sollte. Farbenindustrie A.G. und die Gründung der Nachfolgegesellschaften", List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust, Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law, Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal,, Conglomerate companies disestablished in 1951, Conglomerate companies established in 1925, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2018, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from December 2020, All Wikipedia articles needing clarification, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2018, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Percentage of production ordered by Auschwitz, Joined supervisory board of the Bunawerke Hüls GmbH, Supervisory board member, manager of IG Farben Auschwitz, Supervisory board member, head of fuel sector at IG Farben Auschwitz, Board member for Deutsche Gasolin AG, Feldmühle, and Papier- und Zellstoffwerke AG; consultant and board member for Ruhrchemie AG Oberhausen, President, Deutsch-Ibero-Amerikanische Gesellschaft, Chair of the board of a chemistry firm in, Board member, head of IG Farben's Upper Rhine Business Group, IG Farben board chair and led the reestablishment of. [5] Several IG Farben scientists were awarded a Nobel Prize. [64], In the Western occupation zone, the idea of destroying the company was abandoned as the policy of denazification evolved,[10] in part because of a need for industry to support reconstruction, and in part because of the company's entanglement with American companies, notably the successors of Standard Oil. Die Geschichte der IG Farben BAYER, BASF und HOECHST. In 1913 these eight firms produced almost 90 percent of the world supply of dyestuffs and sold about 80 percent of their production abroad. En 1939, IG Farben profite de l’Anschluss pour acquérir la totalité de l'industrie chimique autrichienne. Farben, ist zahlungsunfähig. Telford Taylor was the chief counsel for the prosecution. [20] Because of this unique situation, the economic historian Alfred Chandler called the German dye companies "the world's first truly managerial industrial enterprises". Mai 1955 befand sich die "IG Farben" jahrzehntelang in Abwicklung (IG Farbenindustrie AG i. Lisez au moins l'article en anglais ça sera déjà un début...(21 juillet 2006 à 23:04 On one occasion they complained about the stench of the burning bodies. They paid RM 150 per woman, all of whom died as a result of the research; the camp had asked for RM 200 per person, but Bayer had said that was too high. All defendants who were sentenced to prison received early release. Two years earlier, another part of Hoechst was sold in 1997 to the chemical spin-off of Sandoz, the Muttenz (Switzerland) based Clariant. According to the historian Peter Hayes, "the killings were an open secret within Farben, and people worked at not reflecting upon what they knew."[39]. Das Unternehmen produzierte im … McCloy. The idea was that the inmates would be shaved and showered while their clothes were being fumigated. Jetzt hat der Ludwigshafener Konzern vier Historiker damit beauftragt, die Firmengeschichte von der Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1860 bis zur Gegenwart zu erforschen, wobei der IG … Les Allemands avaient besoin de ce caoutchouc synthétique, car ils ne disposaient pas de colonie riche en hévéas (comme les colonies britanniques ou françaises d’Asie). … [1] BASF was the nominal survivor; all shares were exchanged for BASF shares. Zyclon B ayant servi dans les chambres à gaz d’Auschwitz – redevint. IG Farben Produktion was established as independent entity subsequently, to be specialized in "NSBM". Na vrcholu v roce 1944 měla tato továrna 83 000 pracovních otroků (nevolníků). Insolvenz an. Peter Hayes writes that the board did not meet after 1940, and that although Mann "continued to review the monthly sales figures for Degesch, he could not necessarily have inferred from them the uses to which the Auschwitz camp was putting the product". "[42], By 1943 IG Farben was manufacturing products worth three billion marks in 334 facilities in occupied Europe; almost half its workforce of 330,000 men and women consisted of slave labour or conscripts, including 30,000 Auschwitz prisoners. November 2003 meldeten "I.G. 1. [a], In its heyday, IG Farben was the largest company in Europe and the largest chemical and pharmaceutical company in the world. Noté /5: Achetez ...und heute die ganze Welt. wird nunmehr seit mehr als 50 Jahren liquidiert. In September 1944 Fritz ter Meer, a member of IG Farben's supervisory board and future chair of Bayer's board of directors, and Ernst Struss, secretary of the company's managing board, are said to have made plans to destroy company files in Frankfurt in the event of an American invasion. IG FARBEN & HEUTE. [50], Peter Hayes (Industry and Ideology: I. G. Farben in the Nazi Era, 2001) compiled the following table showing the increase in Zyklon B ordered by Auschwitz (figures with an asterisk are incomplete). « bloc économique allant de Bordeaux à Sofia », « groupes entiers (y compris chimistes et contremaîtres) », produit à partir de chaux, d'eau et de charbon. Von Soldaten gefangen genommen und ins Rheinland verschleppt, mussten sie als BAYER-ZwangsarbeiterInnen eine unmenschliche … The indictment was filed on 3 May 1947; the trial lasted from 27 August 1947 until 30 July 1948. [citation needed], In 2001 IG Farben announced that it would formally wind up its affairs in 2003. Nachdem es 1929 durch den Vorstand der I.G. [49] The gas was first used on human beings in Auschwitz (650 Soviet POWs and 200 others) in September 1941. Far-right newspapers of the 1920s and early 1930s accused it of being an "international capitalist Jewish company". "[47], Between 1942 and 1945 a cyanide-based pesticide, Zyklon B, was used to kill over one million people, mostly Jews, in gas chambers in Europe, including in the Auschwitz II and Majdanek extermination camps in German-occupied Poland. Media in category "IG Farben" The following 68 files are in this category, out of 68 total. The Informer Part 1 (6/7) - "the big boys", BIS, I.G. Filtrer. Durant cette période de conflit, la direction de l'entreprise n'adhère pas totalement à la stratégie nazie qui envisageait notamment, une fois la guerre terminée, de délocaliser dans les pays périphériques la chimie allemande[9]. Mark am Entschädigungsfonds für ehemalige ZwangsarbeiterInnen. Jun 25, 2016 - Explore Monica SteinOlson's board "Frankfurt 1963/2014" on Pinterest. Das IG Farben-Haus, heute Sitz der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, bezeugt die verschiedenen Etappen des 20. Après leur départ, il a été entièrement rénové et transformé en un campus, celui de l'Université Johann Wolfgang Goethe. April um 19 Uhr, spricht der Historiker und Buchautor Werner Renz im Erinnerungsort über „Das Werk ‚IG Auschwitz O/S‘ und das KZ …

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