Alan immediately sued for custody of the baby, but thanks to an impassioned plea by Josh, it was denied. Meanwhile, the pressure that Nate had been putting on Jonathan finally became too much to bear, and Jonathan unloaded months of pent-up aggression on Tammy. Her New York Times bestselling Outlander novels have earned the praise of critics and captured the hearts of millions of fans. Jetzt Episode 9 Staffel 1 von Outlander & weitere Folgen komplett in bester HD Qualität online als Stream. It didn't take long for everyone to realize Jonathan had the money, and Nate tried to pressure Jonathan to give him the money by pushing a water-phobic Jonathan into the water. An angry Jonathan found Lizzie at the church and Father Ray had to keep him back when he lunged at Lizzie. Thinking that Reva might never get the chance to meet her grandchild, he took off -- but not before finding Billy in the hospital to fill him in on Reva's condition. Frank Randall, ein Historiker und Ehemann von Claire Beauchamp Randall im 20. Jonathan confessed to setting the fire, but stressed that he was alone. Although things were looking bleak for Jonathan, he was unexpectedly saved from prosecution when Sandy testified to accidentally setting the fire himself. Matthew Randall's Company for Rhode Island service and in 1780 for the same in Capt Pratt's company. Though tempted to stay with Tammy, Jonathan returned home. Nachdem der Mann gegangen ist, fragt Roger Randall, ob er mit ihm beten möchte und obwohl er misstrauisch ist, stimmt er zu. Shortly after, Sandy found Jonathan holed up in a hotel just out of Springfield and asked him to help Tammy. Randall trifft die Frau einige Wochen später wieder, als Dougal MacKenzie sie nach Fort William bringt und sie als Mistress Claire Beauchamp vorstellt. Jonathan, fed up with fighting with Alan, proposed, for the sake of Lizzie and the baby, to move his new family into the Spaulding mansion. Aber das gehört wohl auch einfach dazu. However, it didn't take long for Tammy to figure out that Lizzie was faking. Though Ava begged him to keep it a secret, Jonathan went right to Tammy. Claire Beauchamp Randall/Fraser Frank Randall James "Jamie" MacKenzie Fraser Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall. Meanwhile, Jonathan was rattled to learn that his adoptive mother, Marissa, had died in a boating accident. Meanwhile, Jonathan got a call from Billy telling him that Reva had taken a turn for the worse and was in need of bone marrow. Jack Randall ähnelt sehr stark seinem Nachkommen Frank Randall. Olivia then put him unde… Horrified that he put events in motion that led to her killing Sandy, Tammy railed against Jonathan and left. In the meantime, the situation between Cassie and Edmund was growing worse, with Edmund suspecting Cassie had something to hide. He got his chance when the police informed him that a witness had seen a dark-haired man and a blonde-haired woman running from the scene. Die Geschichte hat viel Humor, besitzt aber auch viele grausame Erzählungen. That night, Jonathan confronted Alan at the mansion about his part in Tammy's death. Jahrhundert zum Ritter geschlagen und von König George I. mit einem Baronettum ausgezeichnet. Dort sucht der Historiker Frank nach Informationen über einen seiner Vorfahren, Jonathan Randall, der im 18. Afterwards, Jonathan had an emotional moment and Lizzie, who had accidentally learned of Reva's cancer earlier, held him and comforted him. Jonathan lied and told a devastated Lizzie that Sarah was dead. Although Cassie gave Tammy a choice between her family or Jonathan, Tammy chose Jonathan. Desperate to save her son, Reva blurted out that he did, and stated that Beth's baby was his, not Rick's. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. Later, Reva visited Jonathan at his hideout -- the Bauer Cabin -- and warned him to stop harassing Alan and leave town. Antagonist beziehungsweise Bösewicht der Serie Outlander ist der brutale und wahnsinnige Jonathan Randall, ein Vorfahre.. Outlander-Fans zogen aus Casting-Meldungen häufig Rückschlüsse auf die Handlung. Developed by Ronald D. Moore, the show premiered on August 9, 2014, on Starz. On Thanksgiving, Lizzie's water finally broke. Schließlich gab sie nach, und einer der Soldaten schlug Jamie bewusstlos und band ihn in den Wagen. However, Jonathan quickly realized something was wrong when he couldn't get a hold of Sarah, and dropped everything to storm over to the day care facility. Meanwhile, Bill approached Jonathan offering to help him get Sarah back, so that Bill could have Lizzie all to himself after Jonathan and Sarah left town. Im Schottland des Jahres 1739 wird Captain Jonathan Randall nach Fort William übertragen und löst so Captain Buncombe ab. Explore historical records and family tree profiles about Jonathan Randall on MyHeritage, the world's family history network. Later, there was more talk of babies when he discovered Tammy had been doing some research on genetics. Later, Jeffrey convinced Assistant DA Doris Wolfe to drop the charges against Tammy. Schurken Wiki ist eine Fandom-Lifestyle-Community. After driving away without him, she got a restraining order against Jonathan. The limo driver struggled to lose him but Jonathan stayed on his tail. When Tammy spoke up that she was there, she was arrested as well. As he was about to be arrested, Lizzie arrived and ordered the guards to let Jonathan go. Tobias Menzies in seiner Doppelrolle als Frank Randall und Jonathan Randall zieht ganz gerne mal blank – bei ihm bleibt sogar keine Spekulation mehr über gewisse männliche Tatsachen offen. A few weeks later, someone mysteriously set up a meeting between Jonathan and Tammy at the Lighthouse. When Lizzie attempted to drive off with Sarah, Jonathan jumped on her car and railed that she was worse than Alan. They also came armed with a restraining order forbidding Alan to come near his great-granddaughter. The heat between Tammy and Jonathan was undeniable, however, and though she tried to fight it, they begin to kiss. Luckily for her, Jonathan intervened and knocked her out of the way. At her trial, things looked bleak for Lizzie when Tammy testified that Lizzie admitted to deliberately shooting Alan, and it looked like Alan would win the case. Luckily, Dinah informed Cassie of what Edmund knew and Cassie stopped Edmund before he was able to do too much harm. View the profiles of professionals named "Jonathan Randall" on LinkedIn. At the same time, in celebration of what they thought would be the end of Cassie and Edmund's marriage, Dinah and Jonathan became lovers. Alfred ha taken to calling himself Nate, and was working at a bar in Springfield. Feeling alone and confused, Jonathan quit his job at Lewis and later trashed pictures of Reva in the Lewis house. Although Reva was quick to accept his story, Cassie didn't believe it and was angered that Reva so readily believed Jonathan. Like Josh, Shayne immediately distrusted Jonathan and when he overheard Jonathan having a clandestine phone call, he immediately suspected that he was working with Edmund. Geschichte Persönliche Geschichte. Er fragt Roger, was sie sind und Roger sagt ihnen, dass es ein Zauber ist, um die Seele zu bewahren. Her job was made easier when Jonathan, in an effort to save Tammy, stated in court that Tammy had nothing to do with the fire. Upon learning that the woman in charge let Lizzie take Sarah, Jonathan became enraged and angrily confronted the woman. To make sure Sandy remained unconscious, a devious Jonathan fed him morphine. Not long after, Jonathan was faced with an angry Tammy who figured out his set-up of Sandy. That same night, with Sarah, Jonathan got into his car and started following Alan's limo menacingly. Jonathan Randall is a fictional character on the CBS daytime soap opera Guiding Light. In distress and unsure if anything had happened, Cassie considered standing up Edmund at the altar. With Jonathan and Lizzie being watched, Jonathan was forced to sneak around with Tammy. That same day, Jonathan told his mother that Lizzie was having a girl. Later, when Tammy pleaded with Jonathan to return the money, he just lashed out at her and warned her to stay away from him. Jonathan became sedated instead and when he awoke, Sarah was gone. Jonathan was more convinced than ever that Alan was a threat to Sarah, and Lizzie came up with a solution. Olivia then put him under the care of her sister, Marissa, and Marissa's husband, Alfred Randall. However, Reva provided an alibi stating that Jonathan was with her at the time the fire was set. The next day, Jonathan returned to Springfield and talked to Reva. Jahrhundert lebte. Jonathan agreed and even asked Josh, who had become a minister, to officiate the wedding. I love you.". Luckily, Alan arrived just in time and shot the sheriff dead. When Nate sensed Jonathan's reluctance to help him, he tore into Jonathan the way he'd always done. In der Mitte der 1730er Jahre kaufte Randall seine Provision und diente als Kapitän der Dragoner. served in the Revolutionary War. Though Jonathan wanted to call Reva to tell her that her husband was alive, Jeffrey decided he’d have a better change of nabbing Edmund if everyone thought he was dead. Randall stirbt am 16. Not long after, Jonathan finally decided it was time to get revenge against Alan, and asked Remy to get him an untraceable gun. It stars Caitriona Balfe as Claire Randall, a married former World War II nurse who in 1945 finds herself transported back to Scotland in 1743. Lizzie speculated that knowing he had a baby could take Alan's mind off Sarah. Hobby Unfortunately, her father, the local sheriff, didn't like it and called Alan. Jonathan wasn't moved by her declaration, though, and demanded that Tammy make a public choice, him or Sandy. Though deeply tempted to give in to her own feelings, she resisted and pushed him away. Scared for the life of her child, she confided in Olivia Spencer (without Richard's knowledge) and gave up her baby to keep him safe. Although Tammy admitted she would never stop loving or wanting him, she didn't like the person that loving him was turning her into. Besides, it would ruin his relationship with Tammy. About a month later, Jonathan started to receive mysterious and disturbing phone calls from a woman named Darla, who later showed up in Springfield and warned Jonathan that he'd better deliver the information about Reva he promised or he'd suffer the consequences. Later, Jonathan learned that Tammy had been expelled from college because of the arson charges, and attempted to talk the dean into letting her back in. However, neither Jonathan nor Tammy would give in to Alan's threats. The next morning, Jonathan got a shock when Tammy arrived at his door saying she'd changed her mind--she wanted to be with him. Jonathan could barely hold back the tears, but got angry when Reva admitted she was keeping it a secret from Josh. Alan was there to ensure that Jonathan stayed out of that baby's life. Thanks to Cassie, Jonathan was under arrest for arson. Jonathan charged at him, but Billy held him back and Alan promised that it would not be over until he had Sarah. Finding that the father was beating his daughter, Jonathan beat him with a shovel and thought he killed him. Just as Jonathan began to copy them down, Tammy caught him. Although she denied it at first, she admitted it was true. Name Auf der Jagd nach einer Gruppe von Highland-Viehräubern stößt Captain Jonathan Randall von den Acht Dragonern seiner Majestät auf eine Frau namens Claire Fraser, die in ihrer Unterwäsche über die Landschaft streift. His elder brother, Edward Randall, inherited the family estate in Sussex, while his younger brother, Alexander, became a curate.In the mid-1730s, Randall bought his commission and served as a captain of dragoons. Now, the clues to how he died were somewhat sketchy, but some were mentioned both in … He settled in Newtown, New York for several years. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. And, uh, I think we're going to be okay. Days later, Jonathan and Lizzie finally returned to town with the baby, whom they named Sarah. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, Tammy pulled back and ran off. A little later, after realizing that Reva asked Josh to "babysit" him, Jonathan threatened to quit, but Josh didn't take the bait and left him alone with the company bank codes. So wird Jack zum gesetzlichen Vater seines biologischen Neffen Denys Alexander Randall. Er spielte eine Rolle bei der Niederschlagung der Rebellion und wurde vom Herzog von Sandringham finanziell stark unterstützt. Roger und Buck kehren nach Fort William zurück und Roger trifft sich mit Captain Randall. Die beiden entscheiden, nach … He. Later, Jonathan and Tammy came face-to-face during a holiday party at Towers. Und er hat Jamie geliebt. Tammy denied it and then threw herself at Jonathan for a scorching kiss, announcing that she wanted a last fling to get her ex-lover out of her system. Despite his reluctance, Reva goaded him into taking the trip, only for the pair to find his adoptive parents' home abandoned. More inconvenienced than concerned, the naturally impatient Jonathan was ready to kick her out when a loan shark came into the bar searching for her. When she left, the person who set up the meeting arrived--Alan Spaulding. The message turned out to be fake and two goons grabbed Jonathan and shoved him into a car while Alan took Sarah. Later, Edmund tried to make amends to Jonathan by apologizing for all the pain he'd caused him, but Jonathan coldly rejected him. Luckily, Tammy and Remy arrived, and Tammy gave Jonathan the confidence to return and, with Tammy's help, he delivered his baby daughter. The next day, Jonathan decided to do the right thing and presented Lizzie with her daughter. Days later, after asking to see Sarah, Tammy died. Finally, the night before the wedding, Jonathan dared Tammy to admit that she really loved him, not Sandy. Later, Jonathan received another threatening message, reminding him that someone was watching him. While Alan's guard was down, Jonathan secretly whisked Lizzie and the baby out of town. As for Jeffrey, it could be assumed that all contact with Jonathan had stopped. Later, another attempt by Reva to trap Nate resulted in Tammy getting kidnapped. Sein Vater wurde im späten 17. Jonathan decided to be smart and pulled many pranks around town, leaving notes implying that Lizzie was involved. These flashbacks centered on Jonathan's death when he fell from a cliff, despite Sandy's attempt to rescue him. Later, Jonathan found Tammy struggling with Sandy and rescued her, without resorting to violence. Eine solide Geschichte, wenn auch nicht meine liebste. His second marriage was to his "cousin" Catharine Maria Randall, born about 1832,New York. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She and Jonathan would get married so they could raise Sarah as a family. Afterwards, Jonathan convinced Tammy to run away with him. Bone marrow was extracted from Lizzie and Reva and they were given tattoos to cover the scars. By the following year, Jonathan had settled into life in Springfield and had just been selected to work as a foreman for Lewis Construction. At Old Mill Road, Jonathan discovered that it was a set-up. Eager to protect Bill and avoid complications, Lizzie suggested they leave town after the wedding and Jon agreed. After warning Jonathan that he would be watching him, Alan reluctantly gave Lizzie away at her wedding. Later, as Lizzie and Jonathan were ready to toast to running off and raising Sarah together, Jonathan attempted to double-cross Lizzie by drugging her and taking off with Sarah. At that point, Frank rushed in with news that they found the car. Rich historical detail. Distraught, Tammy ran out of the church and came face-to-face with Jonathan, who whisked her away. 4 … Apparently, Edmund’s main goal was to make Reva suffer. Feeling extremely guilty, Tammy told Jonathan that she could not give in to her feelings for him and was resolved to stick by Sandy. After the procedure, Jonathan confessed to Reva that not only did he finally feel like her son, he finally wanted to be a part of his daughter's life. Jonathan told his mother that the child would be better off without him. Later, Jonathan stole Ashlee's keys to the clinic and he broke in -- only to be caught by Ashlee. In the meantime, when Jonathan bragged about how his DNA was good for making good babies and helping his mom, Reva was forced to admit that the procedure didn't work--she was still dying. von Klareworte. His elder brother, Edward Randall, inherited the family estate in Sussex, while his younger brother, Alexander, became a curate. Later, Jonathan hid in the backseat of Tammy's car to talk to her. Tammy offered to let him take a shower, but then seemingly betrayed him by telling Reva where he was. Sandy grabbed Tammy and warned Jonathan that if he took another step, they'd both be going over the cliff. Again, she tried to persuade him to acknowledge his daughter. Weeks later, Jonathan was stunned when Tammy told him she suspected Lizzie was pregnant. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Capt Jonathan Randall (17 Mar 1705–26 Mar 1791), Find a Grave Memorial no. However, thinking about Lizzie, Jonathan wasn't so sure. At that point, Dinah had told Jonathan about a fire that Edmund caused at the Jessup farm while he was attacking Jeffrey O'Neill. Jahrhundert zum Ritter geschlagen und von König George I. mit einem Baronettum ausgezeichnet. Later, Jonathan asked Tammy to marry him and she accepted. Jonathan Wolverton Randall, allgemein bekannt als Jonathan Randall, Jack Randall und "Black Jack", ist ein direkter Vorfahre von Frank Randall und der Hauptantagonist der ersten Staffel der 2014er Fernsehserie Outlander sowie der gleichnamigen historischen Zeitreise-Romanserie von Diana Gabaldon. Offizier der britischen Armee Die Antwort des Mädchens veranlasste Randall dazu, seinen Dolch gegen Jamies Hals zu drücken. In August 2009, Jonathan came across a body lying in the woods and was shocked to discover that it was Jeffrey who had been presumed dead for weeks. Outlander Despite her pleas, Jonathan sided with his father and rushed at Reva, knocking her unconscious. Alan then called for a truce, but Jonathan had doubts that Alan was sincere. Though Jonathan later arranged for Reva to meet them for a visit in a nearby town, when he spotted Lizzie following Reva, he was forced to flee. April 1746 in der Schlacht von Culloden. Als er fertig war, verspottete Randall die Schwester und forderte sie auf, ihn mit ins Haus zu nehmen, um Jamie zu schonen. Jonathan saw no choice but to toss the gun aside and help Alan deliver Beth's baby girl. When Alan suggested that Jonathan was less suited at fatherhood than he was, Jonathan agreed and stated he didn't want anything to do with Lizzie's baby. Jonathan left town again and returned to where he had been hiding--Tourmaline, CA. While, Sandy was left comatose and in need of a transplant, Reva was shocked to learn that Sandy Foster was not her biological son. Suspecting that Reva was going to try to trap Nate, thus putting herself in danger, Jonathan warned his father in an effort to get him to leave town. Jonathan spent the early days of 2006 in jail since Jeffrey, at Cassie's request, had the judge deny him bail. Knowing Lizzie was at Towers getting ready to marry Coop, Jonathan rushed there. Unfortunately, Jonathan's persuasive arguments came out as intimidation and the dean wouldn't budge- for Jonathan; Sandy had no problem getting the dean to allow Tammy back in. Sandy's death rocked Tammy to the core and, to alleviate her guilt, Jonathan finally admitted that he was the one who sabotaged Sandy's divorce and let him be arrested as a bigamist--thus all of the ensuing mess was his fault. The next day, Jonathan found Tammy at Cassie's and tried to explain. A day later, Reva arrived home to find Jonathan waiting for her. Unbekannt, vielleicht Jamie Fraser töten Throughout all of this, Jonathan was falling in love with Tammy and he finally confessed his feelings. They had at least 4 children, inclusing a Jonathan. Though Alan claimed that he was a changed man, Jonathan still didn’t trust him. Afterwards, Jonathan assured her that Sandy would never be a problem for the two of them again. Cassie freaked, assuming her nephew was attacking her daughter but was stunned when Tammy announced that it was consensual. Luckily, the pair was interrupted by Reva, who took an immediate disliking to JB. When he finally got it out of the snow, he was struck by a skidding car. Soon, she was diagnosed with postpartum depression and Jonathan decided to stay with her until she got better. Lizzie was shocked beyond belief to see Jonathan alive and asked about Sarah. Lizzie called Jonathan and asked him to meet her on Old Mill Road -- where Tammy was killed.

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