Die Studierenden wählen aus dem Angebot der Studienprogrammleitung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Universität Wien entsprechend angekündigte Lehrveranstaltungen nach persönlicher Präferenz. 2 December 2020. Das Studium umfasst vier Semester. Die Bewerbung für das Sommersemester 2021 ist vom 15. Info . 11 December 2020 | Internal. Oktober 2020 - 15. The number of … Thank you very much for your support! Internationalität und Sprachenkompetenz ist bei fast allen Passauer Masterstudiengängen ein Markenzeichen. The Master Freshmen Weekend is designed to help you with these first steps and also to forget about them sometimes. Students who have completed their bachelor's studies or an additional master's program in another country than their home country. English; Languages. In offering this program, the School of Business and Economics draws on numerous international contacts, offering the knowledge and experience of the G… Das Masterstudium Betriebswirtschaft bietet die Möglichkeit, Spezialisierungen im Ausmaß von 80 ECTS zu unterschiedlichen Themenbereichen zu wählen und so das Studium an die individuellen Bedürfnisse und die persönlichen Berufswünsche anzupassen. NWO awards first ‘Stairway to Impact’ prize to Dr. Kateřina Staňková . While we cannot directly arrange an internship for you, we provide a wide range of support services. It was the perfect opportunity to put my theoretical knowledge into practice, develop my own ideas and discuss possible solutions with the team. Photo: UHH/Schell. While the master’s degree is a good start for any professional career, it can also be a step towards pursuing an academic career, because Ph.D. programs generally require master’s degrees. Marmara Üniversitesi . Due to the current situation, there may be changes in the individual course offers. Online application portal for Master's study programmes: Archaeology of coinage, money and the economy in the ancient world: Master of Arts: SuSe/WS: German: SuSe 28.02. Universität Hamburg’s Master of Science in Economics responds effectively to these developments. The program, which is taught entirely in English, attaches great importance to quantitative skills and emphasizes state-of-the-art methods in empirical research. , Master student, Management & Technology, talking about her experience in the project studies module My project gave me detailed insights into the logistics operations at a leading brewery. We define home country by the place of birth AND the place secondary education was completed. Oral and written exams, assignments and presentations, Mandatory, short-term, international experience (minimum 60 days). Sie sind nach ihrem Abschluss in der Lage, selbstständig Managementprobleme zu lösen und ihre erlernten Methodenkompetenzen zur Lösung wirtschaftlicher Problemstellungen einzusetzen. Studierende des Masterstudiums Betriebswirtschaft erlernen Methoden und Instrumente betriebswirtschaftlicher Fachgebiete. Januar 2021 möglich. Regardless of whether you already have an interdisciplinary background gained through a degree combining management and technology or if you are rooted in pure management studies, you will be equally prepared to reach the same goal: to become a skilled business leader with a profound understanding of technical knowledge. Weitere Informationen . BASF and UM combine innovation power for healthy and sustainable vegetable growing. ... BWL der Universität Stuttgart punktet beim CHE-Ranking +-Welche Interessen und Fähigkeiten sollte ich mitbringen? Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München Executive Master of Insurance Economic Foundations and Insurance Management; Insurer Finance, ... BWL 2,6. In your fourth semester, you will write your Master's thesis. Bei inhaltlichen Fragen zum Studium wenden Sie sich bitte an: ssc-wiwi@univie.ac.atservice@i-bw.at, Bei organisatorischen Fragen zum Studium wenden Sie sich bitte an: ssc-wiwi@univie.ac.at, Sitemap | Impressum | Barrierefreiheit | Datenschutz­erklärung | Druckversion, Um diese Webseite zu optimieren verwenden wir Cookies. WS 30.06. You will learn the fundamentals in international business administration and can also choose a speciality area. Master of Science Betriebswirtschaftslehre. EU policy on AI and Innovation. Furthermore you will complete the Advanced International Experience module. Depending on the specialisation in technology, the Master's programme in Management & Technology (TUM-BWL) can be studied up to 100% in English. Studienkennzahl: 066 915Studienform: MasterstudiumStudiendauer: 4 SemesterArbeitsaufwand: 120 ECTS-PunkteAbschluss: Master of Science (MSc)Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch/EnglischZulassungsvoraussetzungen: Siehe hierAufnahmeverfahren: nein. Die Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft der Universität Hamburg ist eine forschungsstarke Fakultät mit sehr gut gemanagten und nachgefragten Studiengängen. This will only take a few minutes, Your DAAD Team. Internships are optional. Wahl von Majors (= Große Spezialisierung mit jeweils 40 ECTS) und Minors (= Kleine Spezialisierung mit jeweils 20 ECTS). Die Studierenden wählen aus dem Angebot der Vertiefungsblöcke nach Maßgabe des Angebots entweder: ● 1 Major und 2 Minors (40 ECTS + 2 x 20 ECTS = 80 ECTS). Abschluss: Master of Science (MSc) Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch/Englisch Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Siehe hier Aufnahmeverfahren: nein. The same goes for the area of technology: depending on your previously gained knowledge, you can choose from six different specialisation options. Sprechstunde: Mo und Mi 12.30-15.30 Uhr Di und Do 8.30-11.30 Uhr Besucheradresse: Goethe-Universität Die Studierenden können zwei oder drei … LMU Master in Business Administration. When writing your thesis, which is completed over a period of 90 days and should amount to about 100,000 - 120,000 characters without spaces (roughly 60 pages of text without appendices), you independently apply the scientific methodological skills you have aquired in order to … The Technische Universität München (TUM) supports students and staff in their search for accommodation, providing personal advice, in-house listings and useful information to ensure that you can quickly find a place to call your own. Bewerbung BWL-Master. The Mannheim Master in Management The most flexible Business Administration Master's Program in Germany The Mannheim Master in Management - in short: MMM - is the most flexible Master's program in business administration in Germany. The world is changing very quickly – globalization, driven by rapid economic and technical developments and itself the driver of constant social and cultural evolution, requires us constantly to study and adapt ourselves to the changing environment. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Zusätzlich werden sie mit verwandten Fachbereichen, wie beispielsweise Wirtschaftsrecht, Wirtschaftssoziologie, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Volkswirtschaftslehre und Statistik vertraut gemacht. Having knowledge of how technical development and production processes are designed enables managers to assess the situation and make sound decisions accordingly. FAQ on the coronavirus and its impact on Universität Hamburg. More opportunities for startups in healthcare. Events. 2009 – 2013. Master of Science in Management and Technology Teaching language. Das Studium ist vollständig modularisiert und den ECTS-Richtlinien angepasst. However, as a foreign student, you are required to provide proof of basic German language proficiency (comparable to A1 level) by the end of the second semester. These programs represent an in-depth academic supplement to the bachelor’s degree. The core of the programme lies within the two areas of management and technology. Dear students and all interested parties. Im Master-Studium werden die Studien aus dem „Bachelor of Education“ weitergeführt und mit einem Fach (Unterrichtsfach) kombiniert. Besides your individually selected core modules in the areas of management and technology, you have additional electives that allow you to shape your personal profile even further. It encourages applied work and relates it to policy and also prepares students for real-world economic situations and challenges. 80333 München, In order to give you a better service our website uses cookies. WS 31.08. We offer a range of support services to help students along this path, for example: Arcisstraße 21 An online job board, which provides details of current openings at companies - full-time jobs as well as internships, working student jobs, project studies, student assistant jobs at the faculty/school, or other part-time jobs (known as "minijobs" in Germany). 2 Dec 2020. Vorlesungsverzeichnis – Stöbern … However, if you don't have any previous knowledge in engineering and/or natural sciences, the programme allows you to gain basic skills in your selected engineering and/or natural sciences option (minor). Bitte nutzen Sie eine andere Email-Adresse. SuSe/WS: German: SuSe 15.01. Master & International Admissions ssc-master@uni-frankfurt.de. Drucken; Sie sind hier: Startseite › Studienangebot › Master. Durch das Anklicken des OK-Buttons erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden. As an obligatory requirement for the acceptance of the master thesis, at least 12 credits must be earned in the advanced modules in the field of Technology and Innovation Management. Zusätzlich werden sie mit verwandten Fachbereichen, wie beispielsweise Wirtschaftsrecht, Wirtschaftssoziologie, Currently, only Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering are completely feasible in English.Â, 31 May for the following winter semester (national and international applicants) Career coaches that may provide useful hints and advice on applying for jobs in Germany. Programme duration Check our website for detailed application requirements. In the area of management, you can specialise in: The individualisation does not stop here. Informationen zur Zulassung finden sich auf der Seite des StudienServiceCenters. During the Master of Business Administration studies, various modules must be taken. Please also apply via TUMonline starting 1 April for the following winter semester or 1 November for the following summer semester. Master; Professional; PhD; News. TUM School of Management wants all of its students to enjoy a successful and fulfilling career, which starts from the first semester onwards. Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften bietet seit dem Wintersemester 2008/2009 innerhalb ihres Studienangebots einen „Master of Science“-Studiengang in Betriebswirtschaftslehre an. Studienbeginn: Wintersemester Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester Unterrichtssprache: deutsch. Frequent career events with TUM School of Management's corporate partner companies, during which students can get in touch with Germany's leading employers. At the beginning of your studies, you select one out of seven specialisations currently offered in the management area. To complement our lectures, we offer a great deal of video-recorded courses and lectures on Lecturio. Students with an existing technical understanding from their acquired Bachelor's degree can deepen their knowledge in this area (major). In order to apply at TUM, you need to open a TUMonline account. Both include different specialisation options to choose from. Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) is the largest and most prestigious university in Portugal and is one of Europe’s leading universities. Studierende wählen ein Masterarbeitskonversatorium aus dem Angebot der Fakultät. Master-Studium BWL. The programme's unique combination empowers you to drive innovation and perform tasks at the interface of management and technology - and thus prepares you for your future professional life. Of course there will be also some time spend on drinking alcohol. 30 November for the following summer semester (national and international applicants). Excellence Strategy. Our application wizard will guide you step by step through the online application procedure. but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. Applicants must also be able to prove that they are proficient in the English language at the time of application. Please note that it is not necessary to prove any knowledge in the German language at the time of application. Structure The Master’s programme at the Faculty of Business Administration is a consecutive two-year programme. News. Master’s. The programme is designed to meet you at your current academic stage. 3 December 2020. The Master’s Program in Economics and Management Science (MEMS) is designed to give students the knowledge, skills and methods necessary for critical and successful future involvement in the worlds of economics and business. Jean Monnet Round Table. One of the most outstanding features of the LMU Master’s programme is the freedom of choice offered within the five competency fields covered by the faculty. Die Universität Passau bietet Ihnen hierzu eine große Auswahl an Masterstudiengängen, die insbesondere auf den Kernkompetenzen in Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Jura, Kulturwissenschaft und Informatik aufbauen. Furthermore, the strict separation of different departments within a company is dissolving. we are re-designing our website and want to include you in the process. We proudly present the following courses at Master level: Module Type ECTS Language ; Asset Pricing Theory/Capital Market Theory. Please fill out a short questionnaire. Diplomstudien mit wirtschaftlichem Schwerpunkt, die sich im Bereich der Betriebswirtschaftslehre vertiefen wollen. You will spend the whole weekend with around 85 first-year students from different origins and will have a lot of opportunities of getting to know them in your free time and common activities. Depending on the specialisation in technology, the Master's programme in Management & Technology (TUM-BWL) can be studied up to 100% in English. Master. Further information. Alle rechtlichen Bestimmungen und eine detaillierte Beschreibung des Aufbaus entnehmen Sie bitte dem Curriculum. Ebenso werden die Studierenden anwendungsorientiert ausgebildet, um auf die Begebenheiten des Arbeitsmarktes vorbereitet zu sein. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The globally focused bilingual master's programme in global business will prepare you for the international working environment in the global economy. 2 December 2020. Example: If you moved to another country at the age of 6, completed secondary and tertiary education in this country, this does not count as studies abroad. Furthermore, our students can find a lot of relevant learning materials on the Moodle online learning platform. In addition to accepted English language proficiency certificates across TUM study programmes, applicants can prove their English language knowledge with a previous university degree that was taught and assessed in English entirely or at least 12 ECTS thereof, including your final thesis. Das Masterstudium Betriebswirtschaft richtet sich an Studierende, die bereits ein Bachelor- oder Diplomstudium im Bereich der Wirtschafts- und Managementwissenschaften absolviert haben, jedoch ebenso an Absolvent*innen von anderen Bachelor- bzw. Sie sollten Grundkenntnisse in betriebswirtschaftlichem Wissen und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fertigkeiten aus Ihrem … Alternatively, students may participate in a project phase (18ECTS) in cooperation with the working group.The prior participation in a (master) seminar of the research group is highly recommended. The master's thesis marks the conclusion of the programme and is an independent academic undertaking. A solid understanding of how your colleagues in distinctive fields work and think will be key to successful leadership and performance on the job. Im Zuge dieses Konversatoriums wird die Masterarbeit konzipiert, begleitet und in einem Zwischenstatus präsentiert. Die Technische Universität Darmstadt bietet für das Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen Abschlüsse im zweistufigen Bachelor-Master-System an. The University of St.Gallen offers 11 Master’s programmes allowing students to develop a clear academic profile. Whether you want to follow your passion for science and technology while fostering your career in management or top your business studies with education in technology or the natural sciences, the Master's programme in Management & Technology is the right choice. Studierende des Masterstudiums Betriebswirtschaft erlernen Methoden und Instrumente  betriebswirtschaftlicher Fachgebiete. Researchers. Das Bewerbungsverfahren für den Master-Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Bayreuth ist zweistufig aufgebaut. Nach oben. They include the master’s programs in Economics, Political Science, Sociology, and Business Informatics as well as the Mannheim Master in Data Science, the Mannheim Master in Management, and the Master of Comparative Business Law programs. Mehr Infos in unserer. Currently, only Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering are completely feasible in English. Absolvent*innen des Masterstudiums Betriebswirtschaft sind in der Lage, Leitungsagenden in Unternehmen zu übernehmen oder als spezialisierte Fachkräfte in entsprechenden betriebswirtschaftlichen Abteilungen eines Unternehmens zu arbeiten (Marketing, Produktion, Logistik, Einkauf/Vertrieb, Rechnungswesen, Controlling, etc.). Young researchers . Bewerbungsverfahren Einklappen. 4 Dec. RELAY Kick … The international orientation of our program gives students the understanding necessary for engagement on an international level. If you did not obtain your first degree (usually a Bachelor’s degree) in a country within the European Union (as well as Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein), you have to apply via uni-assist in addition to TUMonline. The master’s programme in Public Policy and Human Development emphasises the connection between public policy and decision-making processes, or in other words, the effectiveness and efficiency of governance. Studienziele . Online application portal for Master's study programmes: Art History: Master of Arts. A detailed description of the contents and requirements can be found in the respective module descriptions.

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