Also hau doch mal paar Infos raus. Far Cry 5 is up next. In Anbetracht deines vorhandenen Monitors reicht die Vega völlig und du sparst damit Kohlen. Compare Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 & AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8GB Crossfire graphics card Gaming performance vs system requirement comparison Hallo welche der genannten grafikkarten ist besser mit begründung bitte. Läuft die RTX2070 genau so gut , wie die Vega 56 mit dem Ryzen 5 2600X, wegen Amd/Nvidia ? Vega-56 9600K.OC Source. Handys Laptops Tablets Länder. For cards with lower quality PCBs, VRMs, and VRM cooling, it is feasible that the VRM could sustain long-term damage from significantly increased power throughput. Nvidia vs AMD AMD’s Vega (56, 64) and Navi (5000) series GPUs deliver great performance in specific games with specific hardware/software configurations. TEST YOUR GPU. Nvidia vs AMD AMD’s Vega (56, 64) and Navi (5000) series GPUs deliver great performance in specific games with specific hardware/software configurations. NVIDIA VS AMD BOTTLENECK Game EFps +9% Watch Gameplay CSGO Dust 2 1080p Max: 251 EFps : Slightly Better CSGO EFps. If you want to do this yourself, be advised that long-term damage is a possibility for which we cannot account. For reference, the Vega 64 Strix ran at 96FPS AVG. We are also testing most games at all three popular resolutions – at least, we are for the high-end. This includes 4K, 1440p, and 1080p, which allows us to determine GPU scalability across multiple monitor types. vs. Gigabyte Aorus GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Xtreme 11G. In order to better optimize our time available and test “smarter” (rather than “more,” which was one of our previous goals), we have selected games based upon the following criteria: Game graphics settings are defined in their respective charts. vs. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56. vs. AMD Radeon Pro W5700. Tracking: Wir und unsere Partner verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten, indem wir mit auf Ihrem Gerät gespeicherten Informationen (z. He recalls his first difficult decision with GN's direction: "I didn't know whether or not I wanted 'Gamers' to have a possessive apostrophe -- I mean, grammatically it should, but I didn't like it in the name. vs. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070. vs. Gigabyte Radeon RX 570. vs. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56. vs. AMD Radeon Pro W5700. The RTX 2070 FE vs. the Liquid-cooled RX Vega 64 Overclocking Showdown with 39 Games. und die gesparten 200€ steckste mit in nen gescheiten Freeync-Monitor. Finde heraus welches besser ist und dessen gesamt Leistung in der Grafikkarte-Bestenliste. Uma maior velocidade de clock pode proporcionar melhor desempenho a jogos e outros aplicativos. Based on 383,728 user benchmarks for the AMD RX Vega-64 and the Nvidia RTX 2070, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 651 GPUs. The RTX 2070 ends up at 84FPS AVG, and is just barely beaten by our modded Vega 56. On the other hand GeForce GTX 1070 uses Pascal GPU architecturethat is used in GeForce 10 series graphics cards. Gebraucht kaufen: $289.86. 12.6 TFLOPS vs 9.062 TFLOPS The RTX 2070 clearly has a power consumption advantage when stock or overclocked, with the overclocked version drawing slightly less power than Vega 56 – although it is largely insignificant here, at 397W peak versus 357W peak total system draw. Verarbeitungszwecke: Genaue Standortdaten und Abfrage von Geräteeigenschaften zur Identifikation, Informationen auf einem Gerät speichern und/oder abrufen, Personalisierte Anzeigen und Inhalte, Anzeigen- und Inhaltsmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen und Produktentwicklungen. We’ve minimally managed to match the RTX 2070 with Vega 56, the latter of which costs about $370 to $400. Changing to 1440p, we see the same performance stack. Benchmark your GPU here. Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. First world problems, Steve. Produkt … Unreal Engine), we can ensure that we are representing a wide sweep of games that just use the built-in engine-level optimizations, API: We have chosen a select group of DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 API integrations, as these are the most prevalent at this time. For our Vega 56 card, priced at between $370 and $400, depending on sales, we will be shoving an extra 200W+ of power into the core to attempt to match the RTX 2070’s stock performance. F1 2018 is up next. The other side of the story, illustrated in some of these charts, is that the less-liked Vega variant – 64 – is able to compete with the 2070 when both are in stock configurations. And also once again, if you’re willing to mod Vega 56, you’re probably willing to do a simple OC on the 2070. Danke im Voraus^^ ...komplette Frage anzeigen. Warum ist AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 besser als KFA2 GeForce RTX 2070 Super EX 1-Click OC? Popularity: Is it something people actually play? Nvidia vs AMD AMD’s Vega (56, 64) and Navi (5000) series GPUs deliver great performance in specific games with specific hardware/software configurations. 282,689 User … On average, it is closer to a 330W peak draw. For well-cooled cards with a good VRM, this is a non-issue and not a concern. Dadurch möchten wir Ihnen einen objektiven Vergleich der beiden GPUs ermöglichen. That’s not bad, but does show that we’re running into other limitations at 1080p for Vega 56. The Vega 56 mod pushes up to about 600W total system draw during this stressing part of the benchmark, while the stock Vega 56 card peaks at around 400W total system power draw. The stock RTX 2070 ends up at 136FPS AVG, and the massively overpowered RX 56 Red Dragon ends up at 134FPS AVG. ComputerBase Pro ist die werbefreie, schnelle, flexible und zugleich faire Variante von ComputerBase. This mod absolutely loses in the power consumption department, but that was never really a question. Dann lieber gleich ne RTX2080/Radeon VII wenn man mehr will..aber eigentlich lohnt sich das auch nur, wenn man ein wenig 4k will. Vergleichende Analyse von NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q und AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 Mobile Videokarten für alle bekannten Merkmale in den folgenden Kategorien: Essenzielles, Technische Info, Videoausgänge und Anschlüsse, Kompatibilität, Abmessungen und Anforderungen, API-Unterstützung, Speicher. Power modding Vega 56 gets us to 120FPS AVG, a remarkable climb of just over 20%. At 4K and Ultra-High, this one places the reference Vega 56 at 49FPS AVG when stock, compared to the stock RTX 2070 at 60FPS AVG. Further mods, like to BIOS, might gain us additional overhead and again equalize the score. That’s a marked lead, but one which we can take away. 1070 1070-Ti 1080 1080-Ti. For this reason, we don’t necessarily recommend this mod. GTA V is less exciting: At 4K, the Red Dragon 56 card ran at 35FPS AVG, with the RTX 2070 at 48FPS AVG. Die Karten haben eine geringere Speicherspannung als die 64er und Frontiere, daher steigen viele bei unter 1 GHz aus. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56. If we know that performance boosts harder at 4K than 1080p, we might be able to call this indicative of a ROPs advantage, for instance. Because this card is so power limited at all times, including only a 14% power offset on the $500 model we’re testing, the maximum power draw on the OC test never exceeds 357W. 1,1 GHz Speichertakt sind bei 56er-Karten viel mehr Glück denn Regel. Nutze ComputerBase ohne Werbebanner, Video-Ads und Werbetracking schon für 3,90 €/Monat oder 35 €/Jahr. für Tetris in 640x480 sind beide totaler overkill. At 4K and Ultra-High, this one places the reference Vega 56 at 49FPS AVG when stock, compared to the stock RTX 2070 at 60FPS AVG. It’s not difficult to install the powerplay tables mod (grab the registry files on or somewhere similar), but it is potentially dangerous. Buy all of our hardware from mainstream shops: no golden "free" samples here. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q vs AMD Radeon Pro Vega 56. Dust 2 1080p Max. It is possible that such power input could kill the card early, but we simply don’t know without any endurance testing sample data to pull from. The RTX 2070 does outperform Vega 56 when both are overclocked, to be fair, reaching a new height of 68FPS AVG – but this gap is significantly smaller than the stock-to-stock gap of the RTX 2070 and Vega 56 cards. NVIDIA VS AMD BOTTLENECK VS. YouTube *NEW* About 116 2,591 BUY • $436 Release date: Q3 2017. Preis/Leistung ist Vega 56 aktuell das Maß der Dinge, aber bei den Vega Karten verspielt man sehr viel Potential, wenn man die nicht durch Undervolting etc. Diese Frage hindert mich noch am kauf einer Vega 56 /edit : Jetziges System CPU i5 4460 (c.a 35w vollast) Vega 56 vs RTX 2060 Model BSP : 8GB Sapphire Radeon RX Vega 56 Pulse Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16 (Full Retail) - Radeon | Und habe was von "undervolting" gehört, oder so ähnlich. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q vs AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 Mobile. That’s a tremendous jump of 28.5% over the stock Vega 56 card, or 20% over the Red Dragon stock card, possible only through this mod. is Owned, Operated, & Maintained by GamersNexus, LLC. Dispositivos com entrada HDMI ou mini HDMI podem transferir vídeo e áudio em alta resolução para um display. Sniper Elite 4 is one of the best modern API implementations and leverages asynchronous compute command queuing to use hardware more efficiently without getting stuck waiting for as many synchronous instructions. We moderate comments on a ~24~48 hour cycle. +19%: 236 EFps : GTAV Franklin & Lamar 1080p Max: 128 EFps : Much Better GTAV EFps. Once again, we’ve managed to minimally tie, or marginally outpace the RTX 2070 with a modded Vega 56. Pushing Vega 56 with our powerplay tables mod resulted in a framerate that again surpassed the RTX 2070 card. Vega56 hat mit Abstand das bessere Leistungsverhältnis aber ja, nimm die Arez von Asus, die ist gerade im Angebot für 279 bei Mindfactory, wie zuvor schon erwähnt. The price difference is about $370-$400 vs. $500-$550, depending on where you buy your parts. Asus Radeon RX Vega 64 Rog Strix OC 8gb. We’re pushing about 200W more with the power offset in the mod. What we are unsure of is how much the Vega GPU can take for a long period of time. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56. This allows the PowerColor card to reach GTX 1070 Ti levels of performance, although its low frametime performance is measurably better. Editorial, testing: Steve Burke Video: Andrew Coleman, Steve started GamersNexus back when it was just a cool name, and now it's grown into an expansive website with an overwhelming amount of features. This was done with the help of Buildzoid last year. Granted, power is way over 2070 usage, but we’ll look at that after the game benchmarks. UserBenchmark USA-User . +6%: 236 EFps : GTAV Franklin & Lamar … 2060 2070 2080-Ti 2080. 3.54 TFLOPS höhere Gleitkomma-Performance? Modded with the power offset, the Vega 56 card surpasses the ASUS Vega 64’s 46FPS AVG by a couple FPS, landing at 49FPS AVG on the Red Dragon. For the test bench proper, we are now using the following components: Often the company that makes the card, but sometimes us (see article). It is fun, though, and it’s definitely possible to minimally match or marginally outmatch the RTX 2070 stock performance. Unfortunately, following the initial surge in sales fueled by AMD's marketing masterclass, many users discovered that they also exhibit widespread stability and compatibility issues (blue/black screens and driver resets). At 1080p, Far Cry 5 becomes CPU-bound at the absolute high-end, but dodges this complication with the parts we’re testing today. We will include more Vulkan API testing as more games ship with Vulkan. Preisvergleich. Home > Grafikkarte Vergleich > Galax GeForce RTX 2070 Super vs PowerColor … That’s a remarkable feat for a card that costs around $270 to $400, considering the RTX 2070 costs $500 to $600. Copyright © 2020 GamersNexus, LLC. An example might be some of the caps in the Vcore capacitor bank, where it would be possible to exceed 85-105C (depending on capacitor spec) on lower-end coolers, resulting in earlier deaths of those caps. The RTX 2070 costs about $500 to $600. Longevity: Regardless of popularity, how long can we reasonably expect that a game will go without updates? It was ugly. Da reicht die Performance wieder einigermaßen. vs. Zotac Gaming GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Triple Fan. At 1440p, the stock PowerColor Vega 56 Red Dragon landed at 88.5FPS AVG, a marked gain over the stock Vega 56 reference card. Nvidia ja per PowerTarget einen Hardlock eingebaut hat in ihre neueren GPUs. Based on 431,363 user benchmarks for the AMD RX Vega-56 and the Nvidia RTX 2070S (Super), we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 652 GPUs. Last modified on October 24, 2018 at 7:19 pm, HW News - AMD CPU Surge in Steam Survey, SAM for Z490, Intel Rocket Lake, HW News - NZXT "Safety Issue," GPU Availability, AMD MI100 GPU , NVIDIA A100 80GB, HW News - NVIDIA Adds 'Smart Access Memory' Counter, Zen 3 Delid, Intel Add-in GPU, HW News - NVIDIA MSRP Allegedly Not Realistic, Ryzen 5000 Supply, PCIe 6.0 Spec, Game Engine: Most games run on the same group of popular engines. 23 Nov '19 Driver:441.8. As expected, the 2070’s overclock allows it to re-take the lead at 93FPS AVG. Besuche ComputerBase wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking. No hope for Vega 56 to pass the 2070 in this older Dx11 title. We’re not saying this is the best approach given the insane power draw and mod we’re doing, but we are saying that it’s pretty damn cool to be able to push a cheaper card this far ahead with some tuning. Even though the RTX 2070 is able to outperform Vega 56 with an overclock, we still have to commend the performance of the Vega 56 part. I also had people who were typing apostrophes into the address bar - sigh. The graph shows lowest Fps (slowest frame) in one second buckets. That is well within our error margins, but we can still call it a victory. We’re looking at the frame-to-frame interval, or how long it takes for each frame to be drawn after the previous frame. Der Computer ist eine Lösung, auf der Suche nach Problemen. Ich würde etwas mehr ausgeben und die 2070 holen. We’re resurrecting our AMD RX Vega 56 powerplay tables mod to challenge the RTX 2070, a card that competes in an entirely different price class. It’s a lightweight versus heavyweight boxing match, except the lightweight has a gun. Ryzen 7 5800X, MSI B550-A PRO, Palit RTX 2080, 2x32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600 , SSD SP A55 1TB, 120GB Corsair Force 3, Crucial MX300 525GB, HDD 2x2TB Seagate Barracuda, 1TB Hitachi, Super Flower Leadex III Gold 850W, Nanoxia Deep Silence 3, Vega 56! … Superseded by the RTX 2070 » BUY • $330 Release date: Q2 2016. Testing methodology has completely changed from our last GPU reviews, which were probably for the GTX 1070 Ti series cards. de. NVIDIA VS AMD BOTTLENECK Effective Speed +14% Real World Speed. NVIDIA VS AMD BOTTLENECK VS. YouTube *NEW* About 116 2,591 BUY • $436 Release date: Q3 2017. There will be some delay after submitting a comment. The RTX 2070 still holds a lead at 89 FPS, though, with the overclocked 2070 at 98FPS AVG. Produkt Shop Preis; MSI Video Card Radeon RX Vega 56 Air Boo... MSI Video Card Radeon RX Vega 56 … All rights reserved. One final note: We'd be able to achieve an even bigger overclock if we put Vega under a waterblock, like we did once before, but left them to air for this one. B. eindeutige Kennungen in Cookies) ein Nutzungsprofil erstellen, um z. Eine vernünftige Antwort kann man bei deiner Fragestellung leider so nicht geben. We take total system draw instead of current clamping this, as AMD and NVIDIA have different power draw policies on the PCIe slots. Vega-56 Vega-64 Vega-64LC Radeon-VII. 2 Antworten LPPiranha 02.01.2019, 08:06. Updating games can hurt comparative data from past tests, which impacts our ability to cross-compare new data and old, as old data may no longer be comparable post-patch. It could kill VRM components if not done carefully and on good PCBs, and we don’t know what will happen to the GPU after a long period of time. 2070 9600K.OC Source. We strongly praised Vega 56 at launch for its easily modded nature, but the card has faced fierce competition from the 1070 Ti and 1070. Vega 56 schlägt RTX 2070! vs. EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC Ultra. Ich will niemanden zu nahe treten, aber die RTX2070 kann man wirklich niemanden empfehlen. Looking instead at 1440p, the Vega 56 card pushes 80FPS when modded, improved over the stock Vega 56 Red Dragon score of 70FPS AVG. B. Anzeigen zu personalisieren. Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder in gravierenden Fällen per PN auf Kulanz hoffen ;-). The PowerColor Red Dragon model operated at 52FPS AVG, closing the gap marginally already. By allowing an uncapped power target of 242% on the Vega 56 card, and by pulling down significantly more power, we outperformed the RTX 2070 by – well, it’s within margin of error. This is true for both the stock and overclocked 2070 cards. This is a let-down, and allows even Vega 64 to remain in the lead. We still like Vega 56 a lot for its “mod-ability” and overclocking potential, and still believe it is one of the better cards at its price-point when considering the kind of enthusiast fun you can have with it. At 4K and high settings, using DirectX 12, we measured the Vega 56 cards at 35FPS and 38FPS for the stock and overclocked variants, respectively. Focus on user verifiable facts and figures. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 vs. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super Auf dieser Seite haben wir versucht, möglichst umfassende Daten und Fakten über die beiden Grafikkarten AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 und NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super zusammen zu tragen. We’ve got a mixed bag for performance. For power measurements, we logged power during the entirety of our tests to plot total system power consumption during work. Ist halt nen überteuertes Mittelding. Let’s move on to the next game. Understanding why performance behaves the way it does is critical for future expansion of our own knowledge, and thus prepares our content for smarter analysis in the future. Stutters & Frame Drops. It’s the modded Vega 56 that clearly loses in all power consumption needs, unless your goals to outperform the RTX 2070 also include heating your room. Kommt ganz darauf an was du von einer Grafikkarte erwartest. At 86FPS AVG for the Vega mod, we’re looking at significant uplift over the stock performance. Kommt ganz darauf an was du von einer Grafikkarte erwartest. At 4K and High settings, we measured the RX Vega 56 Red Dragon stock card at 41FPS AVG, right around the 1070 Ti and behind the 1080 FTW. GeForce GTX 1070 has got 1920 CUDA Cores which may seem a lot less than RX Vega 56 but we cannot compare Stream Processors to CUDA … We do. 1070 1070-Ti 1080 1080-Ti. Es ist egal mit welcher GPU du AMD oder Intel Prozessoren kombinierst da gibt es keinen Unterschied. At 4K/High, we found that the stock Vega 56 Red Dragon performed at around 55FPS AVG, with the stock RTX 2070 at 64FPS AVG. When overclocking PowerColor Vega 56 card with a massive power offset of 242% maximum power, we surpassed the RTX 2070 stock card by 5.2%, reaching 62.7FPS AVG. Ich habe von AMD noch nie viel gehalten und werde es auch in Zukunft nicht. optimiert. Unfortunately, following the initial surge in sales fueled by AMD marketing, many users discovered that they also exhibit widespread stability and compatibility issues (blue/black screens and driver resets). PCIe é um padrão de interface de … Rx Vega 64 vs Rtx 2070? Une vitesse de mémoire plus rapide améliore les performances des jeux et autres applications. Vega-56 Vega-64 Vega-64LC Radeon-VII. Gebraucht kaufen: $261.22. This overclocking showdown is a follow-up to the RTX 2070 8GB Founders Edition (FE) review where we are now focusing on the performance of the liquid-cooled RX Vega 64, AMD’s current flagship. Suche. For reference, Vega 64 ended up at around 62FPS AVG when stock. NVIDIA VS AMD BOTTLENECK Game EFps +52% Watch Gameplay CSGO Dust 2 1080p Max: 282 EFps : Better CSGO EFps. This allows the PowerColor Vega 56 to beat the RTX 2070 by marginal gains, at 49FPS versus 46FPS AVG, while still maintaining tight frametime consistency. Vega 56 ties with 64, which is good for other reasons, but it does not meet the 2070. JavaScript ist deaktiviert. Our games selection is a careful one: Time is finite, and having analyzed our previous testing methodologies, we identified shortcomings where we were ultimately wasting time by testing too many games that didn’t provide meaningfully different data from our other tested titles. Remember: Lower is better, but more consistent is better than lower. It was also constantly out of stock or massively overpriced throughout the mining boom, which acted as a death knell for Vega throughout the mining months. That’s a lead of about 22%. That’s a huge amount of extra power going to the core. Finde heraus welches besser ist und dessen gesamt Leistung in der Grafikkarte-Bestenliste. Performance profile from 350,055 user samples. Kategorien. vs. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070. vs. MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. We will be working with a PowerColor RX Vega 56 Red Dragon card, a 242% power target, and matching it versus an EVGA RTX 2070 Black. Frametime consistency remains superior for the Vega cards, and somewhat noticeably so. die 2070 ist stärker und sparsamer, die Vega 56 hat das bessere P/L-verhältnis. The RTX 2070 is within margin of error, plotting 118FPS AVG. Unfortunately, following the initial surge in sales fueled by AMD's marketing masterclass, many users discovered that they also exhibit widespread stability and compatibility issues (blue/black screens and driver resets). 19 Nov '19 Driver:19.9.1. As for the RTX 2070, that’s around 300-315W total system draw during the heaviest load of the tests. You’ll notice the overall increased frametime consistency on Vega 56, represented by its lack of spikey lines, and that’s something that can be seen in gameplay. Ein Widerruf ist möglich in der Datenschutzerklärung. Nvidia. Die 2070S liegt im neuen Parcours gleichauf mit der 1080ti, kostet aber auch ca. Here we go – we’re getting into power. 8GB Asus Radeon RX Vega 56 AREZ Strix OC Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16 (Retail) für 279€ ausm Mindstar holen. Aufploppende Texturen und die Schatten flimmern. Superseded by the RTX 2070 » BUY • $350 Release date: Q4 2017. This kind of plot is far more valuable than framerate, as it gives you a truer representation of what you’re seeing. To be fair though, the RTX 2070 is equally smooth in frame throughput in this game. Klicke in dieses Feld, um es in vollständiger Größe anzuzeigen. Again, this is pretty damn impressive for the Vega 56 card. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56. vs. EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 Super Gaming. +64%: 78 EFps : … This said, power is more noticeable, and we’ll talk power soon.

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