• Accomodation Service • ... Das Besondere an der Karlshochschule ist für mich, dass mir viele verschiedenen Perspektiven auf ein Thema oder eine Kultur gezeigt werden. • Qualität der Karlshochschule Services ... genauso wie die anderen Angebote und Veranstaltungen der Karlshochschule auch. Virtual Karls. They can be accessed by all at all times. Sie ist vom Wissenschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg anerkannt und wird von der Karlshochschule gGmbH betrieben. You can find a book's location by searching through the library's catalogue under "Signatur". Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder e.V. Areas of Specialization: Brand | Creativity & Innovation | Cultural Change & Society | Human Resources & Diversity | New Media | Sustainability, We discuss politics, economics, culture and science. Once you have found an article that interests you and the title of the periodical it is in, you can first check to see if the full text is accessible via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). Books and copies can be requested. • Accomodation Service • ... Karlshochschule is number 2 out of all 424 universities and universities of applied science in Germany when it comes to ERASMUS+ funded study/internship abroad mobilities (statistics winter semester 2018/2019, DAAD ERASMUS+ annual report 2019, p. 117). Daher wollen wir dich, deine Talente und Fähigkeiten in unserem Auswahlverfahren kennenlernen. To do this, kindly register the medium and leave your student card at one of the desks. In order to do so, please contact us either via an E-mail to bibl(at)karlshochschule.de or by filling out the following form: Purchase Suggestion. Dokumente & Downloads. FAQ 1 – Databases, The database only provided me with a reference to an article, not the full text – what do I do now? Any duplication is forbidden. We take great care of the delivery and return of interlibrary loans. Nach der Akkreditierung durch den Wissenschaftsrat sowie der staatlichen Anerkennung durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg nahm die private Fachhochschule zum Wintersemester 2005/06 den … Herzlich Willkommen auf campus.karlshochschule.de . For borrowing, you take out the empty case of the desired film and bring it to the library desk where the DVD will be handed out. Dein Weg an die Karlshochschule beginnt mit deiner schriftlichen Online-Bewerbung. Logg Dich jetzt ein, um das ganze Profil … I imagine there is a University that's open and transparent. Praktikantin in Programming & Planning. Currently more than 4.000 libraries in Germany and Austria catalogue serial titles and local holdings information in the ZDB. Informationen und Tipps zur Studienfinanzierung; AFS Stipendium; Stipendium der Jugendpresse Deutschland; Stipendium für ehemalige Freiwillige des FSJ Kultur; Weltwärts Stipendium; Werner Stober Stipendium; Gut zu wissen. Access to Statista can be obtained via the Database Information System (DBIS) or directly via www.statista.com. Virtual Karls. Electronic journals can be searched for through the Electronic Journals Library – EZB. Here you will find articles (in German and English) and debates on society, economy, culture or science. The possibility to get one of the numerous scholarships creates for me ways to make the experience abroad a unique and unforgettable experience. You can search through this database when you are looking for a particular serial title and would like to know which library in Germany can provide it. more, Let‘s Rethink Management and Society. External visitors can use the library during the opening hours between 8am and 5pm. Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe. Books of which several copies are at hand can be kept for a duration of two weeks. Journal Rankings. Our books are organized categorically. Bitte benutzen Sie die Funktion "Passwort vergessen", wenn Sie sich zum ersten Mal hier auf campus.karlshochschule.de anmelden. Courses@Karlshochschule. Customer Communication. Study Program PPE - Social TransFormation M.A. By the end of every online order you need to enter in exactly one TAN which becomes void after your order is accepted. The periodicals in the library are listed in the Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB). The aim of this initiative is to guarantee scientists, students and scientifically interested individuals free access to databases, digital compendiums, and electronic journals. Study Program Globalization, Governance and Law B.A. The International Office offers precisely the assistance to professors, lecturers, and staff as well. Our inventory comprises about 13,000 tomes and around 70 continuous print journals. Renewals are not possible when the medium is reserved or the limit of maximum extension (5) is reached. Quelle: Karlshochschule 2017. A prolongation of this time is possible as long as no other reservation has been made for the book in question. As such, they are able to simultaneously comb through a majority of different scientific libraries in Germany. In relation to the number of enrolled students, Karlshochschule is number 2 out of all 424 universities and universities of applied science in Germany when it comes to ERASMUS+ funded study/internship abroad mobilities (statistics winter semester 2018/2019, DAAD ERASMUS+ annual report 2019, p. 117). Electronic journals are listed in the Electronic Journal Library (EZB), which offers access to full texts of over 30,000 eJournals. 2 Tracks. Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V. Study Program International Relations B.A. Contact: Karlshochschule International University Library Karlstraße 36 - 38 76133 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 48095 318library(at)karlshochschule.de, see our "Library Usage Guidelines Winter Semester 2020/21" in the information. Areas of Specialization: Marketing | Responsible Business | Intercultural Management, Areas of Specialization: Marketing | Event | Arts & Entertainment | Media Communication. The centrally located library forms the heart of the University, and spaces for reading and studying can be found throughout the entire campus, and are available to all students and visitors. Karlshochschule International University - Bachelor und I imagine Karlshochschule is exactly like this. Business Source Premier comprises full texts concerning all economy fields, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accountancy, finance and business. The library's inventory can be looked up via the following link: das Karlsruher Bibliotheksportal. Alles einklappen. Als Wissenschaftler wünsche ich mir eine Hochschule ohne Scheuklappen, an der sich Kollegen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen offen austauschen und inspirieren. Fehler. For incoming students, it helps with their applications, organizes for them to attend intensive language courses, and arranges intercultural days, so they can feel at home in Karlsruhe as a visitor and allows them to represent their culture and university back home. site news überspringen. Here you can click on the desired subject area and then sort the databases according to their "database type". It does not contain contents, i.e. The databases are organized by topic and can be sorted by database type. The library has a number of print journals. The latest version of the library classification system can be seen here: Mastermodules Library classification. For titles which are not available in the EZB, the ZDB will tell you which library can lend you the print issue. Study Program Citizenship and Civic Engagement B.A. The portal offers four  languages:  the  German  plat-form   focuses   on   content   about   DACH-countries;  the  international  platform   incorporates   international data. The copyright for all originals of the attached pictures, plans or the like is held solely by the author of the respective thesis. You can then add all the information we need to consider your application. Course categories. You can get a TAN in the library during our office hours or order it via mail under the subject "TAN-Request". With so many international students, visiting lecturers and professors, the International Office has an important role to play, because it handles all the organization and coordination of international relations. Copies of each Bachelor's and Master's thesis until 2018, which has been rated accordingly very good are available in the library for viewing. 5 Monate, Feb. 2017 - Juni 2017. Students of the Karlshochschule can also use one of the approx. 6:53. Students, staff and lecturers are writing here. The library offers a range of electronic resources (databases, e-Journals). The Karlshochschule International University is a state approved private owned University of Applied Sciences and Nonprofit organization in the City of Karlsruhe, Germany.It focuses on international markets and intercultural collaboration in Business. Thus, books dealing with mutual subjects are placed side by side. Telefon: +49 721 48095 318 library(at)karlshochschule.de. For this, kindly leave your student card at one of the desks. €1,50 are charged for the order of interlibrary loans. Study Program Politics, Philosophy and Economics B.A. The essay databases can be accessed through the Datenbank-Informationssystem (DBIS). An IF is determined by the number of times the corresponding paper is cited in other journals. The database can be openly accessed throughout the University, access outside of the university via VPN admissions (Virtual Private Network), access details can be obtained either via the DBIS or directly via www.jstor.org. Through ERASMUS + alone, around € 130,000 in funding is available exclusively for semester abroad and internships for the project period from 2020 to 2021/22. However, you will not immediately find their full texts. Die Karlshochschule ist gesetzlich dazu berechtigt, die angegebenen Daten zum Anlegen des Bewerberprofils zu nutzen und zu speichern. Study Program PPE - Social TransFormation M.A. The database info system Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS), as mentioned above, provides you with access to all open scientific databases, as well to such which are solely licensed by Karlshochschule. Please return the books within the circulation times at the library or service desk, or use the return box at front of the library. Courses@Karlshochschule. Zugang für externe Nutzer während der Service-Zeiten von 8 bis 17 Uhr. The reference library includes media that is available to all users at all times and can't be borrowed except in certain cases (see "Loan"). In order to apply for our degree courses please register in the first step and set up a nonbinding user profile. The journals must be returned no later than 5pm at the service desk. Germany > Karlshochschule International University web ranking & review including accreditation, study areas, degree levels, tuition range, admission policy, facilities, services … JSTOR is an interdisciplinary archive of scientific journals. You need to enter the TAN, together with your name and email address, into the order form. How to avoid death By PowerPoint | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholmSalon - Duration: … Journals and Bachelor Thesis are exempt from loan. 23 Followers. Kontakt: Bibliothek der Karlshochschule Karlstraße 36-38 76133 Karlsruhe. Im Rahmen einer Hochschul-Evolution beauftragte die Karlshochschule Emotion Effects zunächst für den Relaunch der Website, der gleichzeitig die konzeptionelle Idee für alle weiteren Kommunikations-Vorhaben legte. Get step by step tutorial for setting up the OpenVPN on Windows and Mac Computers via Infopool. A short-term loan is possible only on campus. The loan period amounts to 2 weeks, renewals are possible, provided that there are no pending reservations. Citavi 6 Short Introduction – Getting started, Research Basics: an open academic research skills course, Media Center - Every Tutorial, Every Tool, Faculty "Business Economics & Management". Site news (Keine Ankündigungen im Forum) kursbereiche überspringen. Sky Deutschland GmbH. There are different ways of constructing such a ranking, an important criterion being the Impact Factor (IF) of a journal. The condition for an interlibrary loan is that the requested publication belongs to the providing library. On  each  platform,  users have  access  to  statistics  on  more  than 80,000 topics from over 18,000 individual sources  covering roughly 170 different industry  sectors. Welcome to the online application at Karlshochschule. Site news (Aucune annonce n'a encore été publiée) Passer catégories de cours. You can borrow the movie for up to 2 weeks, extensions are possible. 2 Karlshochschule International University office photos. Renewals are only possible with a student card that is still valid for a minimum of 2 weeks. Altigi GmbH - New Moon Production. In order to borrow a library book, you will require your Karlshochschule student ID card. Reservation Preregistration for loaned media can be requested via email bibl(at)karlshochschule.de , phone +49 721 48095-318, or asked about at the library desk. 2019. Inizia una discussione on line su karlshochschule.de e scrivere una recensione These reserve shelves are located in the front section of the library. Students of the Karlshochschule can also use one of the approx. Sie bekommen dann eine … Praktikantin. You can find the Business Source Premier database via the Datenbank-Informationssystem (DBIS) or on EBSCO. Karlshochschule stock currently contains more than 13,000 volumes and 70 ongoing print journals. The ZDB currently contains more than 1,8 million title records, of these are e.g. Karlshochschule International University - Profil mit Stellenangeboten, 2 Mitwirkenden, Produktionen, News Theapolis You can find these via the Database Information System (DBIS). The Literature Module for the Master's Program is arranged separately by semesters and modules. This lists all the article databases for that particular subject area and you can search within them for articles. Within the entire University, the database can be openly accessed, access outside of the university via VPN admissions (Virtual Private Network). Should you be unable to find a certain book, feel free to ask us. The Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB)is one of the world’s largest databases for journals, newspapers, yearbooks, monographic series and other serial publications, everything that was and is being published periodically in printed or electronic form  from all countries, in all languages, without time restrictions, in printed, electronic or digitised form. A reserve shelf for a semester contains documents and media put together by lecturers, all relevant to their courses. Dear applicant, We appreciate your interest in studying at Karlshochschule International University. Pâtisserie Ludwig. You will find some news and stories from our study program, student life, our research or didactics. : +49 721 1303-500 Fax: +49 721 1303-300 E-Mail: info@karlshochschule.de Karlshochschule International University Staatlich anerkannte Fachhochschule Karlsruhe der MAI Privathochschulen … Read more The medium should be returned no later than 5pm at the service desk. Study Program Citizenship and Civic Engagement B.A. Karlshochschule International University. Skip site news. The library comprises more than 13,000 books as well as approximately 70 journals and is generally open to all interested parties. 300 tuition-waved places at partner universities (Bilateral Agreements, per year). OPUS is the online publication association of the University of Stuttgart. At the same time, I am happy that more than 85% of the incoming students at the Karlshochschule are satisfied or very satisfied with the academic and administrative support (see ERASMUS + Final Report Project 2018). and Communication, Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics. The Online Interlibrary Loan can be accessed through the link on the website itself (Interlibrary Loan Order Instruction). A printed version is also available in the library. Essay databases allow you to browse for journal articles on specific topics and consequently find a selection of papers containing said articles. It's a "one-time-password" that is valid for exactly one online inter-library loan order. FAQ 4 – Interlibrary loan. The medium should be returned no later than 5pm at the service desk. Certain books ("Präsenzbestand") can only be lent out overnight and weekend, to be returned the following work day – at the Service Desk during the lending times. Get your Citavi Campus License now. Employees and students of our university can use this high-performance program for their studies, teaching, and research at their workspaces and at home. Apply now for Summer Semester 2021 and Winter Semester 2021/22! Should the order arrive at our library, the interested party will be notified via email. How to find library material – Manual Catalogue. more, Expired Bachelor programs taught until the summer semester of 2018, Intercultural Management Probably the best thing for me to do right now, is to get to know the campus of Karlshochschule and the faces of the staff in the Office. Virtual Karls. To improve the provision of electronic information at German universities, research institutions and scientific libraries in a sustainable manner, the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" ("German Research Council") has financed their acquisition of national licenses as of 2004. Renewals are possible at least 2 days before the loan period expires. All movies can be searched for at the online catalogue. Since 2009, Karlshochschule is owned by a non-commercial foundation and the Karlsruhe Chamber of Industry and Commerce (6%). e-journals, various databases, SPSS) at home, you can connect with Karlshochschule via VPN (Virtual Private Network) and make your PC part of the campus network. Opening hours: Mo - Sun 7:00 am - 10:00 pm. Renewals are only sometimes available on request. I've never been one to fall when I can jump and at a place like the Karls you certainly learn how to jump high. The provision of theses view copys with submission from 2019 is provided password protected as a digital copy in the Infopool of the library of Karlshochschule. The strengthening of my intercultural competence, the enriching exchange with students from abroad on campus as well as the intensive support by the International Office provide an ideal preparation for my stay abroad. Since 2015, the French and Spanish platforms provide country- specific data in their respective languages. You can hand in the form at the library or send it as E-mail attachment. It also encourages and expands the international network of the Karlshochschule, either by establishing new contacts with potential partner universities, or regularly taking part in international conferences. Catégories de cours. These rankings are not uncontroversial and liable to pay costs. Then proceed to "Lizenzierte Datenbanken", where you will be presented with listings of all databases. A free inside look at Karlshochschule International University offices and culture posted anonymously by employees. 61.000 newspapers and 191.000 e-journals. Diese gehört zu 94 % von der gemeinnützigen Merkur Hochschulstiftung und zu 6 % von der Industrie- und Handelskammer Karlsruhe. Öffnungszeiten: Mo - So 7:00 - 22:00 Uhr. Ausleihzeiten während des Semesters: Mo - Fr 8:00 - 10:00 Uhr (Bibliothek) Mo - Fr 13:00 - 15:30 Uhr (Bibliothek) Mo - Fr 15:30 - … Collapse all. If any problems arise, kindly fill out the Interlibrary Loan Contract Form which should be sent via email to bibl(at)karlshochschule.de or submitted to the Library desk. journal articles, but only journal titles. Primarily and most importantly, the International Office is the point of contact for all "incoming" and "outgoing" students, which includes all exchange students and visiting students from abroad, and for all Karlshochschule students that are studying for a semester at one of the partner universities. The Library Regulations of the Karlshochschule International University document the general rules and usage rules, diligence and replacement obligations, regulate the registration and lending, it defines the admission to use and lending, the user groups and their loan periods, the handling of the various library media and the Interlibrary loan.