The first institution to offer degrees in PPE was the University of Oxford in the 1920s. As Witten/Herdecke University does not have a student dormitory, all exchange students are responsible for securing their own living accommodations in Witten themselves. Facebook-Seite von . PPE/PEP/P&E; Photo: Martin Lukas Kim. After having positively assessed your submitted and complete application during pre-selection, we invite you to an admission seminar. Classes are kept small and teaching is interactive to the core, fostering discussion and avoiding a ‘chalk and talk’ frontal teaching style. Please note: The earlier you start with your apartment search, the easier it is to find a place that suits your needs! ). Prof. Dr. Thomas Kroedel. Study safely at UW/H: Information for prospective students. The student then works independently on the agreed-upon research questions. Studienberatung: Medizin, Psychologie, Auslandsstudium! It is this potpourri of ideas and people that makes Witten/Herdecke a great place and actually the university of the future. Current offers (rooms, apartments) are best found online using websites like Youtube Videos zum Studium . The School of Economics and Social Sciences at Universität Hamburg offers a two-year, English-language master’s program in politics, economics, and philosophy commencing in the winter semester of each year. Private Hochschulen haben ein ebenso qualifiziertes Lehrprogramm. Are “Wutbürger” (enraged citizens) a political side issue or do we need more direct democracy? There are currently no scholarships offered by Witten/Herdecke University. ), optional but recommended, big network of partner organizations, No application fee for the winter semester 2020/21, This is a fee-based study programme; various, Climate change and the global society of tomorrow. PPE und IBS (international business management) sieht und wie sinnvoll ein vergleich hinsichtlich der Studienentscheidung wäre. Many students are active in NGOs and extracurricular initiatives. In addition to the option of studying management, which focuses on sustainability and responsibility, prospective students may also study a degree at the interface of politics, philosophy and economics. In the MA-PPE, courses are kept to a size of about 10 participants on average. Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) Prof. Dr. Thomas Kroedel. Überblick Private Hochschulen in Hamburg Ein Studium in Hamburg ist für viele ein Traum. Small groups do not only have the advantage of being small: Instead of a 'chalk and talk' atmosphere, small groups foster an intensive exchange on topics, as well as a culture of debate and speech. If due to reasons beyond your control you manage to apply on short notice only, we will always do our very best to find an individual solution for you. The Hochschulwerk e.V. Both students and instructors benefit from these small-group dynamics. The language courses are free of charge. It thereby provides the physical, organisational, mental and intellectual space to experience and develop oneself in a comprehensive way. The goal is to build further competences and to support the career path of each individual. Alle Rechte vorbehalten,, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Fakultät für Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft, Büro für die Belange von Studierenden mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Krankheiten, Exzellenzcluster Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburger Zentrum für Universitäres Lehren und Lernen (HUL), Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN), Team M.Sc. Benefit from the intellectual infrastructure of the harbor metropolis. are the first point of contact for personal issues and discrimination at the university. If you are an EU national and plan to start studying at UW/H in a particular year, the deadline for submitting your application is 31 July of that year. Die PPE-Methode ist konzipiert worden, um schnell und unkompliziert einen Überblick über die Soft Skills einer Person zu erhalten. Ordnungsamt – Ausländerbehörde Rathaus/Town Hall Witten, basement Markstraße 16, 58449 Witten Tel: (+49) (0)2302 / 5813379 PPE und IBS (international business management) sieht und wie sinnvoll ein vergleich hinsichtlich der Studienentscheidung wäre. Witten/Herdecke University teaches you that there is always more than one possible explanation. Each programme is slightly different but for a Masters degree you will have around 12 hours contact time in the form of seminars, per week. Do I need health insurance when studying in Germany? Detailed information is provided at the beginning of each semester. If you would like to pursue a career in Germany, our career service is happy to help. Office hours. The perfect combination, in my view. Completion is scheduled for summer 2021, Studium fundamentale course "Enjoy conversation", Cook together and get to know fellow students at the "Running Dinner". Contact & help: If you need any assistance in finding housing, please contact the Erasmus Student Network Witten or Study and Examination Regulations PPE M.A. However, studying in Witten is not a question of money! Professor of Philosophy of Science. The local public transport includes city and regional buses, subways, trams, and regional trains of the Deutsche Bahn, except the fast IC/ICE trains. The degree programme starts each year in the winter semester (1 October). Dein Studium beendest du in den meisten Fällen damit, dass du eine Abschlussarbeit schreibst: die Bachelor-, Master- oder Diplomarbeit. If this is you, then Witten/Herdecke University offers perfect professional and personal development opportunities. Hence, as a student of PPE in Witten, you will interact with exceptionally talented, involved, committed and sociable people. Die Kosten kannst du besser anlegen. Whether it’s a matter of more civic involvement in politics, or of decision-making in flat or steep corporate hierarchies, or of international treaties that call for shared decision-making, every decision is a critical juncture affecting the subsequent course. Twice a year, various companies present their job offers and career opportunities on campus, aiming to meet potential employees on a personal level. The SG offers three ways to pay for your studies at UW/H: All international students who enrol at Witten/Herdecke University must have proof of health insurance that covers their study time in Germany. Dein Studium beendest du in den meisten Fällen damit, dass du eine Abschlussarbeit schreibst: die Bachelor-, Master- oder Diplomarbeit. Raphael Landua, Alumnus PPE - Research associate, office of a Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin. BACHELOR AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Bachelor BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) - Central European University (CEU) in Wien, Österreich If the cohort of the coming winter semester is already full, you will receive a place on the waiting list as well as a secure study place in the following year. Art courses such as theatre acting, singing, dancing or sculpting complement the educational concept of the Studium fundamentale, which has been honoured as being ‘groundbreaking’ by the Stiftung Mercator foundation. However, seminars are over by the end of July and exams usually take place within the first two weeks after the courses have ended. It is important to us that these interviews do not take the form of a test. Enter and design your own space for development and freedom. Die Metropole Hamburg ist seit jeher einer der wichtigsten deutschen Wirtschaftsstandorte und mit ihrer Nähe zur See, ihren Universitäten und internationalen Konzernen ein multikultureller Schmelztiegel, in dem das Leben und Studieren ganz bestimmt nie langweilig wird. E-Mail:, The Erasmus Student Network Witten/Herdecke (ESN) offers support, activities and trips for international students:, Dr. Sigrun Caspary (Ms) International Relations / ERASMUS+ Campus Room 1.231 Phone:      +49 (0)2302 926-520 E-Mail:, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs: Prof. Dr. André Schmidt International Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Jens Harbecke, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs: Prof. Dr. Claus Volkenandt International Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kettner, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs: Dr. med. The average over-all score came to 4.9 out of 5, and students gave a top score of 5 for the category on atmosphere. Seit der Jahrtausendwende haben sich ähnliche Studiengänge auch außerhalb Großbritanniens verbreitet. In Witten, I found the necessary analytical tools and the inspiration to follow my interests across the traditional boundaries of social science. The curriculum structure for each programme can be found on the programme specific page on the website. The School of Economics and Social Sciences at Universität Hamburg offers a two-year, English-language master’s program in politics, economics, and philosophy commencing in the winter semester of each year. You will need to complete the online application available on Universität Hamburg's application portal during the application period.. You can apply for any winter semester between 15 February and 31 March. In particular, each semester our students are involved in designing the curriculum of the upcoming semester. Dr. Alexander Dinges. Office hours: Monday 08.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. Tuesday 08.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. & 02.00 p.m. – 04.00 p.m. Wednesday closed Thursday 08.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Friday 08.00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Bürgerberatung Rathaus/Town Hall Witten, basement Markstraße 16, 58449 Witten Tel: (+49) (0)2302 / 581-3379 or (+49) (0)2302 / 581-1234. What is good corporate governance or how could the diesel scandal have been forestalled? Why was the Montreal Protocol on protecting the ozone layer a success and what’s the reason that the implementation of the Paris Agreement on global warming has hit a snag? Was bisher dem am nächsten kommt, was ich studieren möchte, wäre PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics) an der Uni Witten und Luzern, sowie P&E (Philosophy & Economics) in Bayreuth. Weitere Informationen zum Umgekehrten Generationenvertrag allgemein findest Du hier.In die Details zu den Zahlungsvarianten kannst Du hier Einblick nehmen. Überseering 35, Postfach 4. Its challenges and contradictions can’t be solely understood by philosophy either. E-Mail an . Die Idee von PPE ist mit kurzen Studienzeiten einfach nicht vereinbar. It’s offered in English and German. PPE - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (B.A. Im Februar 2016 stellt sich die Universität Hamburg im Rahmen des Unitags wieder einen Tag lang interessierten Schülerinnen und Schülern vor. WhatsApp Chat +49 157 535 26 147 . All students at Witten/Herdecke University will receive an e-mail regarding the language courses at the beginning of each semester. A few days after the seminar, you will receive either an offer for a study place or, in the unfortunate case, a rejection. Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Studiendekanat Bewerbungsbüro, Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Department für Philosophie, Politik und Ökonomik) Professur für Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of the Social Sciences Professor, Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Department für Philosophie, Politik und Ökonomik) Professur für Internationale Politische Ökonomie. C This article has been rated as C-Class on the project's quality scale. When are semester breaks? The fact that Witten/Herdecke offers seminars instead of lectures is important when studying PPE because this leaves more room for discussions about the complex topics and thereby trains argumentative skills. Application deadlines: Apply any time and secure your place to study at UW/H! By participating in various committees and initiatives around the university, they keep track of our development and get actively involved. Einige Universitäten bieten darüber hinaus Kurse an, in denen Du Deine Soft Skills oder Schlüsselqualifikationen wie IT- oder Fremdsprachenkenntnisse erwerben oder verbessern kannst. Both offices, Amt für Ausländerangelegenheiten and Bürgerberatung are located in the Witten town hall (address see below). This rigorous, research-oriented program concentrates on current theories and methods of political science, economics and philosophy. Once in Germany, all international students must register with the City of Witten within two weeks (Please ask your landlord for an official document, in which he/she confirms your address). Our network of partner organisations helps PPE students to pave their way to a successful career in Germany and abroad. The MA Philosophy and Economics at the University of Vienna is a two-year interdisciplinary Master’s programme jointly taught by the departments of philosophy and economics. At the Faculty, the course size is therefore limited to a maximum of 25 registered students. The rest of the time is used for independent study, preparation, reading and study groups. In order to support each individual student’s career, various mentoring programmes at UW/H promote and strengthen the students’ personal development and self-organisation. We would be happy to support you on your way to achieving your goals. Future leaders in politics and business will be successful if they have learned to reflect their strategic decisions ethically and to base them on scientific knowledge.