Ask anyone with a background in privacy issues. Virtually every local rider on my Strava friends came about from Flybys. If you’re heading out on a long ride, you can use the beacon to share your location with someone. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by! Correlations over 30% are considered bug/development? For me, this was one of the most useful features of Strava. Same here, only for running. First though, a quick explainer on what Strava Flyby is. “However, that does/did require that users have both their activity set to ‘Public’. Hope they fix it or I’ll be gone. Some reviews are over 60 pages long when printed out, with hundreds of photos! The feature is basically useless now. Also as you mentioned in your article I happened to watch ends of races using the flyby feature, which is pretty fun. I’m certainly not renewing and am about to explore the possibility of a cancellation and refund. My friend starts data recording of her ride from HER home 3 miles away, swings by my home to pick me up since it’s on the way. I really liked this feature. I think it would also be a good idea to re-enable it by default on all activities marked as “Race”. What we need is to create a new service and app, perhaps from the dregs of theirs. Tbh Strava is becoming more and more irrelevant. But no sense in giving all that work away for free to Strava. An activity travelling the same course will Plus, I’d argue if a person is that determined to sit by their computer for years waiting for privacy zones to update to triangulate the exact spot of someone within that few hundred meter radius, it would seem a heck of a lot better option to simply just go sit outside the routes they ran/biked and see where they ended up. I didn’t get the link to see flyby’s back either after I enabled flyby again. So I thought I’d try to be part of the solution by deleting nearly all my created segments. I mean, during a run, my friend I bumped into a couple having *fun* in the wood. I travel a fair bit, both for work and for fun. On the basis that segments are expensive I’ve deleted a butt load, but that’s a drop in the ocean. A (✓) means that this activity was a flyby with Anyway, I decided to cancel after paying this wonderful service for 3 years. So, here’s some quick insight on what I do in terms of privacy and Strava: A) All my activities are private by default, then I manually enable them to public: The reason for this is more DCR-specific than normal, in that I’m often testing devices and don’t want people’s feeds flooded with half a dozen test files in an hour…all day long. While a ride may be “public”, it is relatively difficult to identify a random person you see on a ride without Flyby. Est. My Photography Gear: The Cameras and Equipment I Use Daily, DC Rainmaker 2019 swim, bike, run, and general gear list. p.s. Where do you see (or not) the Flyby activity ? Since I’m not supportive of that kind of FB, Strava, or GC use I have ignored the rest of the postings in those threads. They also have the advantage that they know when they saw you and have their own track recorded so from a privacy perspective FlyBy is considerably worse than just a public activity. If that’s the case (but certainly not saying my choices aren’t good for women), and you just want to see a different gear junkies “picks”, check out The Girl’s 2018 Gear Guide too. I really liked the flyby feature. when the flybys first appeared you had to opt in to them on stravelabs and you could see all your flybys, it was probably over 6months before Strava turned the option on for everybody. That would make it absolutely useful, and wouldn’t violate anyone’s privacy. The clowns are keeping my money, refusing a refund for the rest of the paid up period, while removing a product that I paid for. Athletes use this Strava Labs feature to play back activities and see who they flew by on the road or trail. It seemed to appeal to new runners who are just so darn excited about their new hobby and want to tell everyone about it. Yeah, so I tell my friends to turn it back on…not the same – as we already know when we pass each other. behind. So what’s the point of Strava? After that I used flyby to see every person that went past the virtual me, was very useful. Strava made it No One for everybody. I got the paid membership in May to get back the segment results they removed from the free product. I end it shortly after, just long enough for Strava Flyby to work. Photograph: PR The first Strava user was David Belden, a cyclist from California. (Don’t use Strava. This is a social medium! It’s amazing seeing the blazé attitude towards privacy in a lot of the comments here. Yes, it’s a completely useless feature now. They’re clueless how to or lack the minerals to monitise the service. appears as a flat black line. It’s illegal in the EU for very good reason, and GDPR has been debated by world experts in privacy to ensure the right balance between making data available and keeping people safe and most importantly so that joe public doesn’t have to become an expert to stay safe. Most people won’t bother going into settings to turn it on. Really useful article. I’d prefer Strava quietly regenerate these circles every month for fun, but they don’t do that to my understanding. nuke it immediately. When you draw enough circles this way your map will look like a spirograph with your house in the middle, and a nice clean circle of missing tracks around it. Glad I found this. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Thanks for the complete update. I used this to see how many people used a cycle path near me. Go figure, a lot of their customers are not happy? Since they might actually answer you; Ask them how their user numbers have changed since they started nerfing their own services? Picture search is nowhere near as reliable as you think it is. After checking the FlyBy to see where my friend was during the workout, it happens that the dude was recording his track on shared it on Strava, so it happened I knew his name… Not very cool for him, loads of fun though. The next moment they split their service into different tariffs and shortly after make it a single price. She then continues to her own home, and stops her data recording. Anyway, see also the below comment as well. This year I joined the local running club. He (Mark) got here the same way I did. So in efforts to combat the amount of emails I need to sort through on a daily basis, I’ve complied this “My Photography Gear” post for your curious minds! my weekly podcast - with GPLAMA, which is packed with both gadget and non-gadget goodness! Developers are encouraged to experiment with Strava’s APIs and rich dataset to identify future full-fledged features. We’ll see how they make up for this in the news days and weeks, but at this point, it’s looking like I’ll not be renewing my Strava subscription. Connect with Strava to bring in your free data (25 activities, 10 routes and 250 segments) then try out all of the features VeloViewer has to offer using the same tools that have helped pro teams win the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia and Vuelta a España. I also made a lot of friends through flyby. So here’s the thing: I don’t actually disagree with Strava’s disabling it per se. I’ve never felt so lonely, a whole week of running and not one flyby! Flybys are only useful/fun if a significant number of users have the feature enabled. 1 turn it off I want it specifically to find people who I’m not following but who run/ride in the same areas as me. Which…people do occasionally. I was trying to find flybys for yesterday’s activity… couldn’t find anything until I hit google searches. . The feature still exists, but for all practical purposes its utility has been completely eliminated. I’m just amazed this took 5 years, it’s pretty much always been illegal in the UK! The really good thing about Strava was the social aspect. If you only allow followers that you approve (“Request to Follow”), only those people can see your non-private rides. But you can opt out by either setting activities to private/friends or opting out spcifically from flybys”, I’m kind of shocked people are upset about the changing of the Fly-Bys default privacy settings. I thought it was something I’d done, but it turns out not. You'll support the site, and get ad-free DCR! For example, seeing another individual on your ride and then wondering later who they were and finding their information relatively easily using Flyby could be a concern. Wanna create comparison chart graphs just like I do for GPS, heart rate, power meters and more? The absolute richest part of this is that the Twitter warrior works for Experian. Nice of the to (not) tell anyone. Strava really know how to p*** off their users. If your activities are public, they can be opened by anyone, if they have a link! I had just noticed Flybys was gone and didn´t have any idea why. After yesterday’s ghost-town of users in Flyby, I am seeing some people re-enabling it now – so those older activities are coming back again. I found out accidentally when I checked mine is not showing anyone then googled and found out that they turned it off. My friend list on Strava is made up of people I know in real life and want to share my training with. To be remotely price competitive to Garmin Strava would need to include a GPS device ever 4 years. My friend list on Strava is made up of people I know in real life and want to share my training with. Answer, none! Flyby is a Strava Labs tool that lets you playback your activity, as well as those near you, on a map and timeline. : And I love that feature of segments, since that is the way how I discover new MTB trails in my area: see who’s fastest on my favorites that week, and see where else they rode… and no need for FlyBy there…. Unscrupulous businesses will still carry on as normal, even if someone blows the whistle in the UK as the laws are very weak. That was an awesome feature to look at after a race. Thanks again for your article, very useful as always! The more I think about it the worse it gets. Flyby is a Strava feature that lets cyclists and runners playback their recorded activity and see others near them on a map and timeline. Strava has removed so many features this year it’s hardly worth using it anymore. It depends on what an individual considers to be malicious. *I should mention I work in IT security/governance/data so my brain is wired to dream up these scenarios for customers, I’m not just paranoid . Later I (privacy public activities but Friends only to follow) had a comment on my Strava activity saying had I lost a camera! This! link to I am in wait and see on how many people open this back up if the flybys will be useful anymore . But I think the point here is to add a layer of privacy, and not mitigate to perfection. In the UK/EU/Australia/New Zealand? A list of other Strava Athletes you crossed paths with (+ the main activity). You don’t find people complaining about the pros of being attractive, so they should just suck up the con and up their privacy settings. Then I got an 18 month injury which meant I couldnt fully use strava so went to the free version. Turning it on for Races would be a good idea for my main use but it wouldn’t reunite cameras and owners! I eventually found it. Without them consenting and sometimes without them knowing. This was by far my favorite Strava feature; if I’d known I wouldn’t have renewed for another year… Most people only the app and are not even aware of the feature. I have always loved the Flyby feature. So now Flybys will be virtually useless. (And I think that’s mostly a good thing). I assume most Strava Users don’t read D C Rainmaker and aren’t going to check the settings. ‘Today’ is listed along with ‘all time’ and ‘this year’. Mikey- it looks like you’ve done everything correctly. Private activities were/are not shown in Flyby.”. Bingo. DC Rainmaker saves the day again. As said above, for me it is more about finding new tracks to ride…. We’re currently experiencing a much higher than anticipated number of support requests and responses may be delayed. at the bottom right click on “Downgrade to the free plan”. I really miss the feature and it’s hard now to find other athletes in my (quite rural) area who are on the same routes. Hi I don’t know about “dead”, but I think they are treading water looking for an exit strategy. personally I would be happy with an anoymized flyby feature! That notification doesn’t explain what Flyby is, or why people might want it on or off. Which was quite often a bummer but now the feature is really useless. Maybe they could have made the default option that it shares the activity to Flyby only if you’ve marked the activity as a Race. I’ve made a lot of “Strava Friends” with fly-by. They should obviously know how many of their users click through the FlyBys – I know I look at it for every activity I post. When I look for it in my Strava Desktop I cannot see where it is. The only option is to go private. I’m from out of the country and will be visiting the US, what’s the best triathlon shop in city XYZ? Plus, you'll be more awesome. You can set you profile page to “followers only” and still have all activities public. Just because I run/cycle, and you run/cycle, doesn’t mean we have anything in common. “Strava Flyby” is a Strava Labs feature that shows you who was doing an activity near to you at the same time. activities. Next, under “Membership” scroll down to “Downgrade to the free plan” and click that. And the core of some of these concerns around privacy are valid. Strava has taken away most of the features that made it great. On the next page, click on “My Account” (on the left side). Previously I had nearly all activities’ visibility set to “Followers Only.” Even then, I could still see the Flybys link on the activity and could view the flybys on my activity and see the routes of others on the flyby map. Seems that all Strava can muster these days is removing functionality. Also have to say — if races were still a thing, there’d be a much bigger outcry about this. 13,720 posts.