Zihan Zhu (COMP MSc in Advanced Information Systems 2020 Graduate), went to OTH Regensburg in September 2020 to start his master's degree in computer science. International orientation, master's 4/10 points Outgoing students 1.0 % Job market- and career-orientation ... Industrial Design (BA) and Building Climatology (B.Eng.) Sowohl … A year of master’s studies at OTH Regensburg will usually cost 1,000 USD per year. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. If you want to study a Master degree programme at OTH Regensburg you have to apply for a place. Design & equipment for an anteroom and 2 cement laboratories in a new laboratory building. The teaching language in all Master degree programmes at OTH Regensburg is German, including those with English titles. You have to apply for the next semester again. There is no paper to be handed in for the application. Modelica 100.0%; Branch: master. E-Mobility Library of OTH Regensburg (developed by master student Alexander Grimm) License. You cannot keep your place in the degree programme. Angewandte Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Bachelor International Relations and Management, Master Electrical and Microsystems Engineering, Teilnehmenden-Feedback & Erfahrungsberichte, Kurse der Virtuellen Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Bachelor Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Bachelor Regenerative Energietechnik und Energieeffizienz, Master Applied Research in Engineering Sciences, Bachelor Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science, Regensburg Medical Image Computing (ReMIC), Wirtschaftsinformatik, SAP und Produktionslogistik, Bachelor Produktions- und Automatisierungstechnik, Angewandte Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Bachelor Musik- und bewegungsorientierte Soziale Arbeit, Bachelor Soziale Arbeit - Soziale Dienste an Schulen, Integrierter Dezentraler Berufsbegleitender Bachelorstudiengang Soziale Arbeit, Master Soziale Arbeit - Inklusion und Exklusion, Bauliche Gegebenheiten und Erreichbarkeit, Master Leitung und Kommunikationsmanagement, Data Literacy and Applied Machine Learning, Spezifische Aspekte des Führens und Leitens, Coaching und Intervision: Business Process Management, Modulare Qualifizierung Ingenieurmathematik, Echte Durchlässigkeit durch flexibilisierte akademische Weiterbildung, Begleitforschung - Berufsbegleitende Qualifizierungsangebote für technische Absolvent/innen, Entwicklung einer zielgruppen- und hochschuladäquaten Kommunikationsstruktur in der akademischen Weiterbildung, Operative Netzwerk- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Informationspflicht nach Art. We will issue you with a preliminary review documentation, the so-called Vorpüfungsdokumentation (VPD).You are then required to submit your application with the VPD directly to the university. You can upload all the required documents directly in the portal. Therefore applicants have to proof a sufficient level of German, if they have acquired their Higher Education Entrance Qualification abroad. Human Resources Management (Master) Our Bachelor degree programme in Business Studies will prepare you for a future in management at a leading company or organisation. Please choose a date on the German version of the website "Bachelor" in the grey bar and send an e-mail to us for further information. Martin Winkler | Regensburg und Umgebung, Deutschland | lecturer (quality management systems, project management) bei OTH Regensburg | 107 Kontakte | Startseite, Profil, Aktivitäten, Artikel von … Sc.) "-link in the column "Infoblatt". You can see the required level for each field of study in the list German language skills. But you you have to pay an administrative fee for the „Studentenwerk” per semester, which includes the public transport semester ticket. Degree Programmes Bachelor Business Studies (part-time) ... Computer Science (Master) Mit den berufsbegleitenden Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen bietet die OTH Regensburg Wege zu einem akademischen Abschluss neben der regulären beruflichen Tätigkeit. Modern service facilities, an award-winning library and 120 laboratories all provide key support for successful studies at OTH Regensburg. Every Monday from 9 to 11 a.m. we offer virtual consulting hours via ZOOM for international applicants. Cooperation with industry in the region also plays a major role in teaching and research. Especially important are the information sheets to every single Master degree programme. There is no tution fee at Bavarian universities. You will get a student ID card. For instance, business students from OTH Regensburg have the opportunity to obtain a double degree from the University of the Sunshine Coast. Regensburg Medical Image Computing (ReMIC) Laboratory Software Engineering Laboratory ... OTH-Verbund INDIGO TRIO Doctorates IAFW Contact Further Education. To find them you need to switch to the German version of the site and open the respective "Bitte lesen! Fakultät Elektro- und Informationstechnik at the OTH Regensburg. Therefore applicants have to proof a sufficient level of German, if they have acquired their Higher Education Entrance Qualification abroad. Description. Information about grants and halls of residence Further information about studying in Regensburg will be found in the brochure Information for foreign students. Combined compression-flexure testing machine 300/15 kN with round panels; Humidity storage cabinet for 72 mortar prisms - desktop version; Vibrating table for three-gang moulds; Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule Regensburg is an university in Regensburg, Germany. MASTER AND MORE: OTH Regensburg in Regensburg, Regensburg, - Übersicht der Masterstudiengänge und Infos zum Masterstudium. Oth regensburg mail. Zum Vernetzen anmelden Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg), University of Applied Sciences. Master programs in Chemistry, Mathematics and Nanoscience are partly taught in English. But please note that external applicants need to submit a certified copy of their Bachelor diploma for enrolment. They only exist in German. Sie möchten sich an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule Regensburg um einen … (Exceptions are the two Master degree programmes "European Business Studies" and "Electrical and Microsystems Engineering".) In order to gain the required language level you can register at the International Office of the OTH Regensburg for a preparatory German language course. To see a list of all the Master degree programmes offered at OTH Regensburg University of Applied Sciences, please visit www.oth-regensburg.de/de/studium/studiengaenge/master. Master Elektro- und Informationstechnik Master Electrical and Microsystems Engineering Master Elektromobilität und Energienetze Master Applied Research in Engineering Sciences Master Automotive Electronics Duales Studienangebot Scope of delivery. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Betriebswirtschaft (berufsbegleitend) (WBW). Master Architecture Master Building Archaeology Course Structures, Course Descriptions and Course Schemes The AW Programme Dual cooperative study option Labs and Workshops PrintPoints VK - Lab VR / AR - Lab FAB - Lab ** Bewerbung im Rahmen der Fristverlängerung möglich, sofern die Qualifikationsvoraussetzungen zum Bewerbungszeitpunkt nachgewiesen werden können. An international officer is the contact person for visiting students. Please note: If you want to attend a preparatory German language course before starting your Master degree programme, please DO NOT apply for the Master via our online-portal. Aim of this innovative research facility is to produce “green … = noch nicht bekannt ( wird zeitnah bekannt gegeben). Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. The University offers more than 50 different technical, business, social, health, architecture and design bachelor's, master's and other postgraduate programmes in eight faculties. If you have got a place in a Master degree programme, but the proof of German knowledge is missing, you can usually switch to a preparatory German language course for the same semester. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in the German state of Bavaria. New pull request Find file. The teaching language in all Master degree programmes at OTH Regensburg is German, including those with English titles. You will be enrolled as a student of "German as a foreign language" during the preparatory semester, not as a Master student. Currently I am working as a PhD student at the OTH Regensburg together with leading companies of aviation industry and automotive supply on the development of gas and flow sensors. Startseite Universität Regensburg. E-Mobility Library of OTH Regensburg (developed by master student Alexander Grimm) modelica modelica-library award-winning 15 commits 2 branches 0 packages 0 releases Fetching contributors BSD-3-Clause Modelica. There is no conditional admission. WiSe = Wintersemester: Studienbeginn 01.10. Information about entrance requirements and the necessary documents will be found in the "Please read" (“Bitte lesen”) information sheet for each individual Master degree course at. Further measures to contain the corona pandemic Its eight faculties offer 24 Bachelor's degree programs, 13 Master's degree studies as well as five postgraduate courses. Applied Natural Sciences and Cultural Studies, Bachelor International Relations and Management, Master Electrical and Microsystems Engineering, Management of Intercultural Issues and Development Management, The AW Programme (General Studies Elective Courses), Online Courses from the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Frequently asked questions about the AW Modules, Course Structures, Course Descriptions and Course Schemes, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Bachelor Renewable Energy Engineering and Energy Efficiency, Master Electromobility and Power Networks, Master Applied Research in Engineering Sciences, Bachelor Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, Regensburg Medical Image Computing (ReMIC) Laboratory, Business Information Technology, SAP and Production Logistics Laboratory, Bachelor Production Engineering and Automation, Bachelor Music and Movement Based Social Work, Bachelor Social Work – Social Services at Schools, Master Social Work - Inclusion and Exclusion, For OTH Regensburg Students - German Buddies, Bachelor Mechatronic Systems Engineering (part-time), Master Automotive Electronics (part-time), Master Business Administration (part-time), Master of Information Technology (part-time), Master Management and Communications (part-time), www.oth-regensburg.de/de/studium/studiengaenge/master, Applying to OTH Regensburg University of Applied Sciences for a Master degree programme, www.oth-regensburg.de/de/studium/studiengaenge/master.html. Please inform yourself at the university about its special application procedure. 49.016468 12.071229. You will be guided through step by step. OTH Regensburg has about 200 partnerships with universities all over the world, including partner universities in Australia. The theory semesters include a project carried out in one of the research facilities of OTH Regensburg, plus one semester for the Master's thesis, which is usually prepared with the support of a local enterprise active in the chosen field. OTH Regensburg has affordable bachelor’s programs that cost less than 1,000 USD/year. SoSe = Sommersemester: Studienbeginn 15.03. Master in Elektrotechnik und Mikrosystemtechnik (OTH-Regensburg). and ehemaliger Technischer IT-Support-Ingenieur Regensburg, Bayern, Deutschland 117 Kontakte. OTH Regensburg. Follow the links to find out more about the study programmes. Starting in December we will support international applicants doing their online application. Note. BSD-3 (see License) Development and contribution Contact. Prüfeninger Str. area 1), while the OTH Regensburg focusses on Research and Development (corearea2). is currently housed at the Prüfening site of OTH Regensburg in a building that has been listed since 2018. Two women’s officers in the department actively support female students. international-applicants(at)oth-regensburg.de. In return, Tobias Held from OTH Regensburg is currently doing two exchange semesters in Hong Kong in order to acquire Master of Science in information technology Management. n.n.b. OTH Regensburg actively supports and promotes the diversity of all members of the university, irrespective of gender, origin, status, age, family commitments, religion and any disability/medical condition. Please contact us via e-mail for the link. 58 93049 Regensburg - Deutschland Tel: +49 941 943 02 Fax: +49 941 943 - 1422