Am 15.11.2011 jährt sich der Bezug des Gebäudes der heutigen Fakultät für Gestaltung zum 100sten Mal. Master of Arts in Creative Direction Building on their existing capabilities as designers, students who earn a Master of Arts in Creative Direction develop leadership qualities that go far beyond the competence of merely developing forms. A unique focus of the education at the Pforzheim School of Design lies in the integration of fundamental studies in the fine arts. As hands-on, collaborative seminar and studio classes provide transferable skillsets, students are encouraged to participate in interdisciplinary activities and collaborations with internal and external partners. Graduates are able to connect their innovative concepts and individuality with artisanal quality, awareness of problems and technical […] Pforzheim (German pronunciation: [ˈpfɔʁtshaɪm] ()) is a city of over 125,000 inhabitants in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, in the southwest of Germany.It is known for its jewelry and watch-making industry, and as such has gained the nickname "Goldstadt" ("Golden City"). Design Thinking, Design Strategy, Economic Systems and other methods are the fields of research and application that enable our graduates to perform tasks which are essential for the future. Inter- and trans-disciplinary ventures, collaborative projects, crossover activities allow totally integrated units of study to extend design and fashion challenges. Transportation Design / Hochschule Pforzheim, Pforzheim. Dialling codes: 07231, 07234, 07041: Vehicle registration: PF: Website: Extended research and investigation exploration of original ideas, will be contextualised and integrated into design strategies on different key levels: visually, materially, spatially, and textually. School of Design; School of Engineering; Business School; Apply now; Contact Engineering. A focus on in-depth research pushing the boundaries of state-of-the-art digital and traditional technologies and materials, artistic sensibility and critical thinking, fosters new positions between craftsmanship, technology and society. Thereby, Pforzheim University will be acknowledged for its positive contribution to human togetherness and progress in an ever-changing world. Through the structure of the curriculum and the integration of theoretical and practical instruction (project-related alignment of the course contents), the degree programme caters specifically to these demands. School of Design, Pforzheim University, DesignPF, Faculty, Design Department, Fakultät Gestaltung, DesignPf, Hochschule, Pforzheim Pforzheim with children. Studies. Vision: Leadership by changing perspectives Our vision expresses our desire to focus on the change in perspective as the main aim of our achievable reality. This leads to the creation of new design idioms and impulses that are relevant to changing values, to new concepts of usage and that reveal innovative perspectives. ℹ️ Offizielle Site der Hochschule für Gestaltung, Technik und Wirtschaft mit umfangreichen Infos zu Studium, Forschung, Verwaltung und Einrichtungen. This will be delivered to management through remarkable social skills, versatility, and professionalized communication tools as well as through the capacity to connect at speed. The coursework focuses on topics such as social and cultural influences on accessories and fashions as well as on aesthetics, composition and colour theory, which are incorporated into project concepts and their practical implementation. 51 likes. In-depth investigations across multiple disciplines provide a critical insight into different design approaches and offer a thorough understanding of process-related principles and their applications. With an eye toward the future, these individuals contribute to the ongoing digital transformation by devising new concepts for usage, marketing and manufacturing. Embarking from a variety of pertinent readings, students are encouraged to reflect, evaluate and critique classical theorems and controversial issues as conflicting hypotheses. By applying conceptual design thinking methods as well as experimental knowledge, students are trained to think holistically, to act critically and to collaborate interdependently. Login; Schools. Students are also regularly sought to serve as cooperating partners for the industry and cultural institutions: these young people support businesses in projects or contribute their works to enrich extramural exhibitions. Each meeting has a thematic focus. Pforzheim is one of the small but illustrious set of German cities that can trace its history back to Roman times, when it went by the name Portus. PF, Facts and Figures, Projects Creative After Work Regularly creative people from Pforzheim and the region meet for an open network meeting at the EMMA. Arguably the vectors of fashion, cultural movements, market shifts as well as clothing and garment production are fundamental to be reviewed and critically realigned during the creative stages. Students are encouraged to question the known and explore the unfamiliar. By applying experimental methods, studio teaching and collaborative units stress the cultivation of critical and creative engagement, of working within limitations and interconnecting creativity and commerce. The course underpins a technical expertise, it covers a wide range of key skill sets, excellence, craftmanship, traditional manufacturing, up to contemporary techniques, smart technologies including 3D-processing and –printing. Pforzheim barrier-free. The coursework encompasses the design of fashion and clothing programs ranging from unique pieces through to large-scale production. Alongside the exhibition of works, the School of Design also offers a platform for lectures and workshops: academics, scientists and designers from around the world come to Pforzheim to offer insights into their work and to provide intellectual stimulation for design-related activities. The coursework focuses on themes such as social and cultural influences on fashion as well as aesthetics, composition and colour theory; these themes are incorporated into project concepts and their practical execution. Thereby, Pforzheim University will be acknowledged for its positive contribution to human togetherness and progress in an ever-changing world 2. The students cultivate skills in the areas of painting, drawing, sculpture and still and moving images. Offering a glimpse at a remarkable future, these beautiful and sometimes otherworldly concepts are well worth taking better look at. These subjects serve to hone the students’ perceptive skills, i.e. 2. Some short facts about the School of Design: The highly diverse program content offers at its core a broad in-depth experience of fashion disciplines including menswear, womenswear, textiles and knitwear that combined, provide a transferable and holistically formed expertise. “Designers in Residence” addresses to young designers working in the fields of jewellery, fashion, accessory and industrial design. from left to right: Vice-Deans Prof. Sibylle Klose, Prof. Dr. Jan Of, Prof. Thomas Gerlach and the Dean of the School of Design Prof. Johann Stockhammer. The link between mechanical engineering and design makes this master's course unique. Bachelor of Arts in Jewellery Jewellery is symbolic function and emotion through material and form in respect to the body. The multifaceted perspectives are informed by semiotics, aesthetics, theories of creativity, theories of perception, cultural studies, sociological principles, art and design history, costume history and fashion theory. Thanks to the many options, students have a great influence on their individual studies and can thus specialize in an area. April 2016 von 9.30 bis 14 Uhr ihre Türen und lädt ein: Dort erhaltet ihr Informationen über die Zugangsvoraussetzungen zu einem Design-Studium und die Inhalte unserer Studiengänge Accessoire Design, … Weiterlesen → Furthermore, interdisciplinary projects also provide the opportunity for cooperation with other design fields such as jewellery and transportation design. Business. Explore ABTEILUNG SKULPTUR_DESIGN PF_HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM's photos on Flickr. Master of Arts in Transportation Design Having gained specialised skills and knowledge, including further development of their personal design identity, graduates of the course are able to instigate and direct projects, advanced or production with a high level of intellectual and creative rigor, as well as managing design teams and product presentation on a professional level. Since 2016 the city of Pforzheim invites in cooperation with Pforzheim University and the Design Center Baden-Württemberg three designers for a three-months working phase to EMMA Creative Centre in Pforzheim. Master of Arts in Design & Future Making Through their passion and their striving for perfection, people who have earned the Master’s degree in MADFM ensure the excellent quality of products, integrate cultural aspects, and emphasize a high degree of originality. Excellent graduates who have earned Bachelor’s degrees in the disciplines of visual communication, product, fashion, accessories, jewellery or media design deep-en and enhance their individual design-related skills, conduct experiments, develop new design idioms and discover innovative solutions. This is complimented by cultural studies in art and design, such as the history of design, art analysis, aesthetics, semiotics and the sociology of cultural processes. It occupies circa 3,000 square meters, is staged in as many as four different venues and presents projects and works from the various departments. ), you will need about 500-800 EUR per month. A unique range of art-related core classes are offered to all students challenging their elastic and creative minds and fostering a design engagement of intellectual, experimental and tacit rigor. A dorm room here costs about 180 EUR per month, a meal in the students' cafeteria about 3 EUR. DesignPF education provides a transferable and holistically formed expertise. The School of Design in Pforzheim – DesignPF – is a vibrant institution with both, a strong vision for speculative futures and future making and deep historical roots in craft and industrialisation. The workshop, lead by Sibylle Klose (Pforzheim University – Design PF) and Katarina Rimarcikova (LCF) and project brief was officially presented and the most important component – materials – introduced. The degree course fosters inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations with both international institutes and design-studios as well as with recognized industry partners. The curriculum provides a broaden survey and understanding of its field and offers – at an advanced stage - specifications: various electives allows students to take an intense focus on specific areas of Communication Design.